Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 122 Hu Lai's Weakness

Latest URL: "Brother Huan is amazing!"

Hu Lai laughed so much that he lay down on the dining table, and he still didn't forget to give Zhang Qinghuan a thumbs up to show his admiration.

"You're laughing!" Zhang Qinghuan glared at him, "It's not all your fault!"

"Damn, what do you care about me?" Hu Lai was aggrieved.

"Damn, if you didn't post this sentence on the Internet, why would the Saria fans shout like that?"

"Brother Huan, you are forcing excuses. This should be Laski's fault..."

"I don't care. Did you teach him the word 'beautiful'?"

"I taught it, but I didn't make a mistake. At least I didn't replace 'beautiful' with 'stupid', otherwise Brother Huan, you should be hearing your beautiful native dialect now!"

Zhang Qinghuan raised his middle finger at Hu Lai: "Hu Lai, what the hell..."

Hu Lai, who was greeted by the middle finger, was not only not angry, but smiled even more happily.

The "China Derby" between the Madrid Pirates and Sarria is over. There is no suspense. The more powerful Madrid Pirates defeated Sarria 3:1 away.

The only goal for the home team to save face was scored by Zhang Qinghuan.

So although Sarria lost the game, Zhang Qinghuan was the player with the highest score in the team.

At this moment, his goal has quickly appeared on the Internet.

Especially on various website platforms in China.

Although Hu Lai broke the club's consecutive scoring record created by Rivero in the game, Zhang Qinghuan was the one who discussed the most.

On the one hand, his goal was beautiful, and it was a world wave scored under the close defense of the world's top midfielder Ramirez.

On the other hand, it is because scoring goals seems to be commonplace for Hu Lai, and there is nothing to make a fuss about scoring a goal. On the contrary, Zhang Qinghuan's ability to score goals is worthy of special mention.

Countless fans of Zhang Qinghuan vented their excitement online.

Many fans also asked Zhang Qinghuan after scoring a goal,

What are the Sarria home fans shouting.

Soon they knew the answer.

After knowing the truth, their reaction was the same as that of Hu Lai at this moment - laughing out loud.

"...I think it's really cool for all the fans to shout 'HUUUUU' together after Hu Lai scored a goal. It stands to reason that there is nothing wrong with saying 'Huan Ge Niubi', but with the weird pronunciation of the Spanish fans, Why is it so funny..."

"Dude, you're right, I think it's funny too!"

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard! Do you know who taught this to the Sarria fans?"

"Who else could it be? It must be Hu Lai!"

"Isn't it right? How does Hou Lai teach Sarriah fans? He and Saria have nothing to do with each other..."

"It is indeed impossible for him to teach Sarrias fans directly, but let me tell you, if you want to analyze this matter, if you put together a series of key figures, you will definitely be able to find Hou Lai in the end. Anyway, there will always be problems. He has a..."

"Sure enough, cultural output still needs to be supported by strength... As our players are getting better and better in the European arena, I believe that when we watch TV broadcasts in the future, we will be able to often hear those familiar Chinese words!"

"I've learned all about 'awesome', so why don't I have another 'stupid'?"

"'Xiongqi' should also go abroad!"


Although the topic of "Brother Huan is awesome" has passed, the smile on Hu Lai's face has not faded, and he always smiles when he says anything.

Seeing him like this, Zhang Qinghuan sighed, "Happy people..."

"That's right!" Hu Lai nodded again and again, "Being able to win Brother Huan, and being able to treat Brother Huan to guests, is full of happiness!"

Zhang Qinghuan gave him a blank look: "How was the life with Li Qingqing?"

Hu Lai was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Zhang Qinghuan to ask this, but then he laughed again: "Not bad!"

Zhang Qinghuan pointed to his smile at this moment and said: "That's what I'm talking about. I really never thought that the first one among us to get out of the order was you kid..."

"What do you mean by that? Let me tell you Brother Huan. I'm not a troublemaker. If it were me... Fuck, that's me! What's wrong, Brother Huan, do you look down on me?"

"You're lucky, you met Li Qingqing. If it were someone else, with your virtue, you may not be able to find a girlfriend at the age of thirty!"

Hu Lai sneered: "Brother Huan, you don't understand."

Hearing what Hu Lai said, Zhang Qinghuan was annoyed: "I don't understand? You just found a girlfriend, so you say I don't understand? Hu Lai, I think you are very swollen recently! Let me tell you, The road you have traveled is not as long as my routine!"

In terms of emotional experience, Zhang Qinghuan can be called a "master".

He is such a scumbag, but he can still make the woman he dumped never forget him. This is really not something ordinary people can do.

Unexpectedly, Hu Lai shook his head after hearing Zhang Qinghuan's words: "So I said you don't understand Brother Huan. If it's just for fun, of course it's 'only routines win people's hearts'. It doesn't matter if you have feelings or not. Skills are OK. But if you want to find a life partner, then I think you still have to rely on sincerity."

Zhang Qinghuan was taken aback by Hu Lai's words, and then he asked back, "Are you sincere?"

"Of course, I'm the most sincere! I exchanged my sincerity for my true feelings, and Qingqing was so moved by me!"

"Hey, you're a survivor bias!"

"What survivor bias? This is from my heart! Let me tell you, Brother Huan, it doesn't matter whether you have experience or not in terms of feelings. Who do you think said at the wedding that he has rich experience? The key is fate. Fate can be used in any way." No, it’s okay to have fate without skills..."

Zhang Qinghuan saw that Hu Lai was going to turn against customers, and started to be an emotional master. He fed him chicken soup for the soul, and quickly took a piece of meat and put it on Hu Lai's plate: "Eat meat! Eat meat! Today I am treating guests, open up and eat!"


Hu Lai had a very happy meal, and at the end, he took advantage of the opportunity to discuss the next meal with Brother Huan.

"Brother Huan, let's make another appointment the next time you Sarria come to play the pirates away."

"Okay." Zhang Qinghuan nodded in agreement without doubting him.

"That's still the old rule, whoever loses gets a treat. It's settled like this..."

Zhang Qinghuan came to his senses, and quickly raised his hand to stop him: "Wait a minute, Hu Lai. What's the old rule?"

"Just the rules of today's meal, I will follow this rule in the future, so it will save trouble..."

"No, today is the first meal, why has it become an 'old rule'?"

"Isn't this rule bad? It can significantly increase our subjective initiative..."

"That's what I said, but we Sarria are much weaker than you pirates!"

"You can't say that, brother Huan. Football is round. Will the stronger one win? Can the weaker one lose? Are princes and generals better? Brother Huan, you can't presuppose the outcome. Be timid, you must always have a 'champion heart' in pursuit of victory!"

Seeing Hu Lai speak so righteously, Zhang Qinghuan couldn't laugh or cry: "Is the 'Champion Heart' just for food?"

Hu Lai's expression was awe-inspiring: "Tsk, how can you say that, Brother Huan? You can't afford to lose!"

"Hu Lai, what the hell..."

At this moment, Hu Lai's cell phone on the table rang suddenly, it was the ringtone of a WeChat video call.

Zhang Qinghuan caught a glimpse of the other party's name:


A playful smile appeared on his face: "No, no, Hu Lai? You are so sincere and you still have to report to Li Qingqing?"

Hu Lai gave him a blank look: "What report? She knows that I have dinner with you today. She just came over the video to say hello to you."

With that said, he picked up his phone and connected the video call.

"Hello?" Zhang Qinghuan was a little surprised, Li Qingqing's face had already appeared on Hu Lai's phone.

"Brother Huan and I are almost finished eating..." After Hu Lai briefly introduced the situation, he pointed the phone screen at Zhang Qinghuan.

In the video, Li Qingqing waved to Zhang Qinghuan after seeing him: "Hello Brother Huan!"

Zhang Qinghuan quickly replied with a smile that could make all the female fans fall in love with him: "Hello, Qingqing! We ordered a lot of delicious food, and Hu Lai is full. Don't let him rest when you go back. Let him take a rest." Everything you eat is converted into muscle and energy..."

When Hu Lai heard what Zhang Qinghuan said, he couldn't help but take back his phone: "Don't listen to Brother Huan's nonsense, I didn't eat much..."

Not listening to Hu Lai's justification, Li Qingqing nodded and agreed: "Brother Huan is right, I will take you to do recovery training when you come back!"

Zhang Qinghuan went on to say: "It's a pity that Qingqing is not here, so I can't eat the special dishes here... But Hu Lai has already agreed that when I go to Madrid, he will invite me to eat Madrid delicacies, and you will come then." ..."

Hu Lai stared at Brother Huan with wide eyes: "When will I..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Qingqing said happily: "Okay, okay! We treat you to something delicious!"

When Hu Lai heard what his girlfriend said, he raised his head and looked at Zhang Qinghuan.

The latter showed him a charming smile, and at the same time, he did not forget to say to Li Qingqing: "Then it's settled, see you in March!"


"That's right, in March, in the twenty-eighth round of the league, Sarria played away against the Pirates."

"No problem, Hu Lai and I are waiting for you!"

"Ah, brother Huan and I still have something to talk about, so hang up first..."

After speaking, Hu Lai ended the video call without waiting for Li Qingqing to agree.

Then he said to Zhang Qinghuan: "What's the deal?"

Zhang Qinghuan pointed to his mobile phone: "Your girlfriend has already agreed."

"She agreed, but I didn't!"

"Hey, your girlfriend agreed, and you still need your consent? You don't have to give me face, I don't care, Hu Lai. But do you dare not give Li Qingqing face?" Zhang Qing asked back with a smile.

Hu Lai was questioned.

Seeing his deflated appearance, Zhang Qing laughed happily:

Xiaobian, fight with me?

In the past, Zhang Qinghuan had nothing to do with the shameless Hu Lai.

But it's different now, because Hu Lai has a weakness.

That is his girlfriend Li Qingqing!

If there is anything that is difficult to find Hu Lai, Li Qingqing will do.

What is Pillow Wind?

This is pillow wind!

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