
"Hey, have you heard? The whole football team has gone crazy for some reason... They even collectively went to the head coach to ask for two extra practice sessions every day before morning reading and during lunch break!"

"Yes, yes, I wanted to go to the stadium to recite words this morning, but it turned out that they were all roaring, whistles, etc. I couldn't calm down and recite words..."

"I'll go, what does the football team think? Aren't they tired?"

"It is said that their goal this time is still to enter the national competition. If you don't train hard, it may not be so easy to beat Jiaxiang High School, right?"

"Also, even if you go to the national competition, if you are not strong enough, you may not be as good as the results of the last national competition... Without Luo Kai this time, the others really have to work harder."

"Watching them train like this, I suddenly look forward to their performance in the national competition... It's a pity that the national competition is not in winter or summer vacation, otherwise I really want to go and see it..."


During the lunch break, every student of Dongchuan Middle School who was close to the playground could clearly hear the shouts and whistles coming from inside.

Everyone was surprised at first, but then gradually got used to it.

That is the football team of Dongchuan Middle School is training inside.

As for why they never practiced during the lunch break before, but now they suddenly started training. Of course, training should also be strengthened.

Since the football team of Dongchuan Middle School achieved good results in the quarter-finals in the last national competition, football has become more and more popular in Dongchuan Middle School.

Even students who don't usually watch football and don't know anything about football know that the most popular student club in Dongchuan Middle School is the football team.

Now every weekend Anton Cup matches, as long as they are played at home, the stadium is almost full of seats. There are not enough seats in the stands, and the edges of the track are full of people.

The outstanding performance of the football team has greatly enhanced the pride of the Dongchuan Middle School students and their pursuit of the school's sense of honor.

In turn, the enthusiastic support of the students also makes the players of the football team perform better in the game-children of this age group are not playing football in their own home court, but they are under pressure and cannot perform well. the problem,

They are all crazy, and the more people there are, the more excited they are.

With such support, their performance will of course be even better.

It can be said that although Dongchuan Middle School has won the honorary title of "Football Traditional Strong School" very early, in the past ten years, Dongchuan Middle School has looked like any ordinary middle school, with no special features. Even if this signboard is hanged in front of the school in a majestic manner, many people will not feel proud when they see it, but will only feel surprised-what? Our school is still a traditional football school?

But with the improvement of the Dongchuan Middle School football team, more and more ordinary students have participated in this football craze.

This middle school finally feels like a school with a football tradition. This tradition is no longer as simple as we have a team with outstanding strength, but we have the embryonic form of football culture.

Students will discuss the situation of the school football team. The players who play in the football team will become "star figures" among the students. Everyone cares about the football team's every move. Usually, when the team trains, there will be many people watching from the stands. This trend has not subsided with Luo Kai's departure.

If many people went for Luo Kai, a real big star last year, then it is still possible to guarantee such a high attendance rate in games and such a high degree of attention in training, it really only shows that football culture and Tradition has taken root in this school, Dongchuan Middle School.

So much so that now during the lunch break, if everyone has nothing to do, they will come to the stadium to watch the school team training.

For the boys who like football, and the boys and girls who like to play football, this scene really sets this campus apart from other schools.

Xia Xiaoyu, a first-year freshman who just joined the team this year, has grown in popularity very quickly. Many girls like his handsome appearance, as well as his chic and calm handling of the ball on the court.


Before Dongchuan Middle School's home game against Fu Rong Yi High, the players of Dongchuan Middle School were warming up amid the cheers of their fans.

Although the game has not yet started, there are already uniform shouts in the stands to cheer for the players - just this Friday, a new student club was established in the school: Dongchuan Middle School Fans Association.

There are no requirements for membership, as long as you like football and are willing to cheer for the Dongchuan Middle School football team, you can apply to join. During every home game of the Dongchuan Middle School football team, members of these associations will come to the school, wearing uniform uniforms, shouting uniform cheering slogans, and cheering for the school team.

If it is an away game, then if conditions permit, you can also go to the away game to cheer for the team.

"The efficiency is really high...there is a fan organization."

"Why don't you organize a cheerleading team? It's so eye-catching to dance on the sidelines..."

"You think beautifully!"

After the players of Dongchuan Middle School finished warming up, they walked off the court, and at the same time were attracted by the movement in the stands.

"Wow, Xiaoyu! You actually have female fans!" Chen Rui exclaimed, pointing to a banner in the stands.

The banner was held up by several girls, and it read: "Xiaoyu, come on!"

Seeing Chen Rui pointing it over, he excitedly shook the banner in his hand, and the words "Xiaoyu Come on" surged like ocean waves.

Xia Xiaoyu quickly explained: "That's my classmate..."

"Damn, I've scored so many goals, why don't I have a girl fan club?" Hu Lai stretched out his hand and grabbed Xia Xiaoyu's neck, "Why are the assists more popular than the goals?!"

"Uh, Deputy Hu, I'm afraid this has nothing to do with Xiaoyu..." Chen Rui spoke for his friend.

"What's the meaning!"

"That means you are not as handsome as Xiaoyu!" Meng Xi came up from behind and hugged Hu Lai.

"When did you become blind, Meng Xi?" Hu Lai rolled his eyes at him, "Can't you tell that Xiaoyu and I are both handsome young men?"

"Hu Lai, do you have any misunderstanding about the word 'beautiful features'?" Meng Xi asked back.

Hu Lai widened his eyes and tried to defend himself, but at this moment, an emotional voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Mission: From the first game to the final of this Anton Cup, every Scored goals in every game. Task reward: Points x10000, Charm Essence Lotion Trial Pack x1."

Although Hu Lai has accepted the system's incomprehension, he was still surprised by the sudden appearance of tasks and task rewards—I just expressed my envy, jealousy and hatred for Xia Xiaoyu's female fans, and the care of the system Here we go. Then why when I was drilled to death by the coach, I want you to increase the training rewards, your system is like a dead dog? How about your humanistic care!

Hu Lai has always thought that this system is a great help on his football path, and the help provided must be about football.

What the hell is this Allure Essence Lotion?

And it's a trial pack!

What does it have to do with football?

: After applying on the face, it lifts up the user's charm slightly. Valid for two hours.

Note in fine print: Available off-site as well. Trial pack, limited effect. There is a certain chance of incurring same-sex jealousy.


Doesn't that mean that I can gain female fans by using this?

Hu Lai suddenly dreamed that when he walked on campus, wherever he went, the girls would look at him with treacherous eyes, obsessed with his handsome appearance and charming temperament. The female fans looking for his autograph lined up from the gate of the class to the stadium, and then circled the 400-meter track five times...

It's such a beautiful picture...beautiful.

As for the chance of incurring same-sex jealousy... what's there to worry about? If you give up, you will get something. You only need sympathy and jealousy to get the love of the opposite sex, where can you find such a good thing!

Thinking of this, a yearning smile appeared on his face.

"Hu Lai, why are you still laughing?" Meng Xi asked strangely when he saw the smile on Hu Lai's face.

"It's nothing, you just wait to witness the 'Hu Lai Come on' all over the stands!" Hu Lai pointed at the stands, and waved his hands proudly.

"Hu Lai, are you daydreaming again?"

"Heh heh, the capable faction is so confident!"

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