Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 132 Do you still want to participate in the World Cup?

"...Although we won the game, I still want to express my apology...thought I only scored one goal in the game...yes, I know that goal is the lore, but I didn't manage to face it. Another hat-trick with Navigators in Seville...I thought it was a 'tradition' when I met Navigators...It's such a pity and I'm upset about it too...Sorry , although I scored against the navigator, but I only scored one goal..."

Li Qingqing saw the video of Hu Lai's post-match interview on the Internet, and laughed so hard that she turned her head and said to the "culprit":

"Hu Lai, you are so bad! If you say that, you are not afraid of being hated by the fans of Seville Navigator?"

Hu Lai curled his lips and spread his hands: "Isn't it that they have long held grudges in their hearts? After snatching their 'Voyager Cup'..."

Li Qingqing sighed after hearing the words: "I really envy you that you can say whatever you want. Sometimes I am obviously very upset, and I can't be so yin and yang like you..."

Hu Lai understands.

Although everyone likes her very much, this kind of love is also an invisible bondage and shackles for her.

Make it impossible for her to do things that may violate everyone's expectations.

Because that's not in her character.

This "personality" is not a "personality" deliberately created by Li Qingqing, but her own personality.

Although she sometimes feels angry when others treat her unfairly, and is also dissatisfied because her opponent violates her on the court, but she can't do things like Hu Lai, who can make the other party angry Itchy, or directly break the defense.

But if you can't do it, it doesn't mean you hate Hu Lai's approach.

Many people don't like yin and yang weirdness, thinking it is too low, which is one of the reasons why Hu Lai has "black fans".

Black fans think that Hu Lai's actions do not match his status, and to put it seriously, this is called "morality does not match". How can there be someone like him who still likes yin and yang and disgusting people after having so many honors and status in world football?

This kind of practice is only used by street gangsters and shrews. How can a big star be so despicable?

But Li Qingqing liked it quite a bit. Every time she saw Hu Lai doing this, she felt very happy.

She didn't think Hu Lai had any "low-handed tricks" in doing this,

Instead, she enjoyed Hu Lai's breaking the opponent's defense.

Maybe it's because she couldn't do it herself that she was particularly envious of Hu Lai's free and unrestrained approach - at first, when everyone didn't know Hu Lai's true face, he might deliberately cover it up.

Now since everyone knows who he is, Hu Lai has become more and more self-confident.

Anyway, everyone knows who he is, so naturally there is no need to pretend.

And this kind of free-spiritedness and freedom of self is also something that Li Qingqing admires - Hu Lai can consistently speak and do things in the way he wants, without considering other people's feelings, and without wronging himself to satisfy other people's moral cleanliness.

How wonderful!

Even if this approach will cause him to lose some business interests.

But Hu Lai never cared—if a company asks what kind of image Hu Lai wants to maintain, what he can only say in public, and what he can’t say...then he will reject this kind of commercial endorsement without hesitation contract.

But Li Qingqing couldn't be as carefree and indifferent as Hu Lai. On the one hand, she couldn't do some things, and on the other hand, everyone didn't want her to do them.

"Actually, it doesn't matter. If you really make yourself unhappy, then vent it out. If you are afraid of disappointing the people you like, don't worry about them. The most important thing is yourself. No matter what you do, if you make yourself feel uncomfortable, Then why continue like that?" Hu Lai comforted.

"But I really don't want to disappoint the person who likes me... If that happens, I will feel bad too." Li Qingqing frowned.

"So it doesn't matter. In the end, it depends on yourself. You can do whatever you want. If you think it is acceptable now, then continue like this. There are some things that are inconvenient for you to say, and I will help you. Some things are inconvenient for you to do, and I Help you do it. If you really can't bear it, you can indulge yourself... Anyway, no matter what you choose, what you do, no matter what others say, I will support you."

Hearing what Hu Lai said, a smile appeared on Li Qingqing's face, and she nodded vigorously: "Yes! I see!"

"How do you say that? You can always rely on me!"

Li Qingqing frowned: "Why does this sound so strange...Damn it?"

"Yes, shit!" Hu Lai patted his chest, "Come on!"

Li Qingqing blushed: "Rogue!"

"Oh, where do you want to go? I mean you can rely on me! Leaning on my arms, on my shoulders... you are the rascal, what do you think of leaning on... oh!"

Li Qingqing picked up the pillow and threw it on Hu Lai's head.


"Come on, honey."

At the gate of the yard, Sophia Carey leaned over and kissed her husband who was sitting in the car.

Today is very important to her husband, the day of his medical examination.

Since the injury, Carey has actually gone through several physical examinations.

After each physical examination, the hospital will issue a detailed injury recovery report, and then adjust the follow-up recovery plan based on this report.

But today's physical examination is different.

Because the results of this physical examination determine whether Maxi Carey can return to the team for recovery training.

For him, this is a milestone in this injury, which means that he is a big step closer to returning to the court.

But if he doesn't pass the medical examination, he doesn't know when he will be delayed until he returns to the training ground.

That's why the wife came out on a special trip to bid farewell with a kiss and at the same time give her husband blessings.

More than anyone else, even her husband, she hoped that he could pass the medical examination smoothly.

Facing his nervous wife, Carey just nodded and didn't say much.

Agent Jim Castian then drove the car out of the yard.

When they turned onto the highway, Castian could still see Sophia standing outside the gate watching them leave through the rearview mirror.

"Sophia is a little nervous," Castian said.

"She is a little worried about gains and losses. To me, it doesn't matter if I don't pass the physical examination."

The agent turned his head and glanced at Carey who said this: "That doesn't sound like what you said, Maxi."

"I'm just telling the truth, Jim. The current team doesn't need me. They're doing very well without me. First place in the league, fifteen rounds... no, sixteen rounds unbeaten. The Champions League is one day ahead First in the round-locked group...Since this is the case, why am I so anxious to come back? I even hope that I have not passed this physical examination, so that I can rest for a while, so that my body can recover better."

Castien glanced at him again.

Carey continued: "My current body is like a crumbling tower. How should I deal with a dangerous building like this? Of course, it should be fenced to prevent people from approaching and not increase the burden. Although the chief surgeon said that I have three months Then I can resume training, but I think maybe I should wait another three months to be safe. I don’t want to look like I’m healed, only to play and get hurt again...Jim, with my body and age, if Once you get injured, you can really think about how to write your retirement promotional draft.”

Hearing what Kaili said, Castian didn't use some scene words to comfort Kaili, because he knew that Maxi's worry was not unreasonable.

He was seriously injured before the World Cup last year. After recovering from his injury, he was full of confidence. He felt that he had completely shaken off the impact of the injury and could make a comeback.

As a result, another big one came this season. Although the injury was not in the same part, the doctor said it was still the effect of the last injury. In other words, this serious injury is actually a continuation of the last serious injury.

Anyone who has experienced two serious injuries that have been absent for more than half a year in such a short period of time will have such a psychological shadow.

"What do you think of the suggestion Parotti gave you last time?"

Shortly after Carey's surgery, Parotti came to see him and reworked his thinking.

I just hope that Kyrie will change his playing style, move his position back, and change from the previous arrow figure to an offensive role.

This would both keep Kyrie out of the more aggressive paint and free him from relying on his speed, thereby reducing the risk of re-injury.

However, although the conversation was not so bad that it broke up badly, it did not have any substantive results.

Because Carey did not agree to Parotti's proposal, he remained silent on the coach's proposal.

In the end, it was Castian who smoothed things over, saying that Maxi would seriously consider this suggestion. But he just finished the operation, and his mood is not very stable yet. And changing the way of playing is so important to Maxi, so he can't give an answer right away.

This matter is so prevaricated.

But now I can't prevaricate any longer.

Because if the medical examination passes, Carey will have to return to the team to face head coach Parotti. When Parotti brings up this matter again, can Carey keep silent?

After hearing the agent's reminder, Carey said: "This means that I have become someone else's wedding dress..."

"Whether you agree or not, Maxi. The pirates are no longer the same pirates as before, and you are not the same as you before." Castian said a little less politely, because he knew that some things were It cannot be dragged on forever.

After two consecutive serious injuries, if Carey still can't change his mentality, I'm afraid he can only be thrown further and further away by this pirate team.

And Parotti is at least willing to give Carey a chance, but it may well be his last.

Carey snorted: "Since they can play so well as they are now, why should I be necessary to them?"

"Because Parotti said that you are the most important piece of the puzzle for pirates in his mind. With your pirates, you will become stronger. You have heard his words. He said that even if you He was not injured before the World Cup, and he also planned to change his tactics, allowing you to use technology to connect the team's offense. But the injury disrupted his plan..."

"That's really sorry--" Carey dragged his voice, but still did not give his answer to the suggestion made by the head coach.

The agent didn't seem to know how to persuade Kaili anymore, and there was a moment of silence in the carriage.

After a while, Castian suddenly asked: "Maxi, do you still want to participate in the World Cup?"

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