Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 134 The Chinese Derbys

As soon as Ricardo Balia and Luo Kai stepped into the locker room, they were hugged by teammate Scott Wilson: "Aha, Ricardo, you are going back to Alvara! Maybe we can then Witness a homecoming similar to Hu's return to Leeds!"

"Thank you for your kind words, Scott." Balia smiled, but his tone was flat.

Doesn't seem to be excited about coming home.

After bidding farewell to Wilson and sitting in his seat, Barea whispered to Luo Kai beside him, "Honestly speaking, I don't think it's possible for me to be treated like Hu."

"Why? You are an important contributor to helping Alvara win the league championship for three consecutive times..." Luo Kai was a little surprised. The Balia he knew was a competitive person who wanted to be the first in everything.

Unexpectedly, he actually considered himself inferior to Hu Lai when it came to going home.

This even made Luo Kai a little unconvinced-you didn't go back, why did you admit defeat in advance?

Barea explained in a low voice: "It's different, Luo. Me and Hu have different meanings to their respective teams. Before me, Albara was the most successful club in Portugal. It's just a chapter of ... Huh? Before he came there, Leeds were nobody. He helped Leeds win their first Premier League title and their first Europa League title. So..."

He didn't continue talking, but Luo Kai had already understood.

In other words, Ricardo is one of Alvara's countless "predecessors".

And Hou Lai is Leeds City's first love.

First love is always the best and most memorable.

Just like Li Qingqing was also his first love. Although Li Qingqing has established a relationship with Hu Lai long ago, Luo Kai still feels heartbroken when he sees news of Li Qingqing occasionally, and it is difficult to really deal with it calmly.

His frantic investment in training is actually to exhaust himself and have no time to think about the fait accompli.

Seeing that Luo Kai didn't speak, Balia continued: "...I also watched the videos of Hu returning to the Flanders Stadium on the Internet. Even though I didn't want to, I had to admit that when he returned to the court and made that move , all the Leeds City fans chanted... It was really shocking. To be honest, Luo, I had goosebumps..."

Listening to Balia's whispered narration, Luo Kai was also full of thoughts.

He also watched those videos that were widely circulated on the Internet.

And I have the same feeling as Barea - when Hu Lai landed and the fans collectively chanted "HUUUUU!!!", he got goosebumps in front of the mobile phone.

He felt very unwilling, but his slightly trembling body couldn't stop no matter what.

"'s hard to do what he did. Because it's hard to have such a profound impact on a team like him... so I don't really care what I get when I go back to the Arena Lisbon Treatment. I care more about winning games and going further in the Champions League."

"I care about this too." Luo Kai said.

Barea smiled: "For you, this game is also very interesting. I know what the Chinese media call this game. 'Chinese Derby', right?"

Luo Kai shook his head: "I don't know if Xia Xiaoyu can play in the Champions League. He is just a substitute in Alvara. I don't know if I can play in the game..."

"I don't know about Alvara, but you, Ro, believe me, you can play in the Champions League. I'm on the left, you on the right, and we'll be the pair to fly back with the 'Scarlet Witch' wings!"


"I didn't expect Xiaoyu to meet Luo Kai. Come on, Xiaoyu, kill Luo Kai!"

Zhang Qinghuan @ Xia Xiaoyu in the group encouraged him.

Or arch fire.

Xia Xiaoyu came out and covered his face with a wry smile: "I don't know if I will be able to play then, Brother Huan..."

"Why not? You can! You have to have such faith!" Zhang Qinghuan kept cheering Xia Xiaoyu up for the show.

"That's right, Xiaoyu, you have to have confidence in yourself. You can definitely become the main force in Alvara!" Wang Guangwei also came out to encourage Xia Xiaoyu.

But his encouragement was pure encouragement.

Morikawa Junping is also cheering for Xia Xiaoyu.

Chen Xingyi jumped out: "You are all encouraging Xiaoyu, but I also have a 'China Derby'! We and the Madrid Pirates!"

Zhang Qinghuan: "Okay, good luck, little Xingxing..."

Chen Xingyi protested: "What the hell is wishing me good luck?! Whoever said that we will definitely lose to the Madrid Pirates! Shouldn't we say 'you can do it'?"

Hu Lai: "[Smiling]"

Chen Xingyi: "Hu Lai, what does that look on your face mean?"

"It's nothing interesting, this is to encourage you, little Xingxing, come on, let's fight!"

Zhang Qinghuan: "Little Xingxing, don't think too much, he just looks down on you, there's really no other meaning."

Xia Xiaoyu: "Cover your face"

Wang Guangwei: "Brother Huan, you are too obvious..."

Junpei Morikawa: "It's good to tear it up, let's tear it up more.jpg"

Hu Lai: "It's a pity that Brother Huan and you Sarria didn't draw with Leeds City in the Europa League. Otherwise, there will be four 'Chinese Derbys' in the European War this year."

"Hehe, young master, we are the first in the group!" Zhang Qinghuan said proudly.

It is impossible to draw the first place in the group and the third place in the Champions League group.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, otherwise Morikawa can teach Brother Huan to be a man. You are just right..."

Junpei Morikawa: "What about me? .jpg"

Chen Xingyi: "Tear it well, make it louder!"

Wang Guangwei: "..."

Xia Xiaoyu: "Cover your face"

The knockout stage of the European competition will have to wait until February and March next year, but obviously, the "Chinese Derby" has already been staged in this group in advance.


"Xing, do I really need to wear earplugs during the game? But with earplugs, I can not only hear the referee's whistle, but also the movement around me. This will affect my performance..."

Danny Drew found Chen Xingyi and said with a troubled face.

Chen Xingyi shook his head: "Of course it is impossible to compete with earplugs on."

"Then what should we do? Hu's mouth is really powerful. I saw him turn an 'iceberg' into a 'volcano' with just one mouth..."

Chen Xing said with a smile, "I'll teach you a way, Danny. When it's time for the competition, don't treat Hu as a human being."

"Don't treat him as a human...?" Drew was puzzled, "Then what do I think of him?"

"You treat him like a dog. Then everything he says to you is barking. Do you care about a dog barking?"

Drew showed an indescribable look: "Xing, you and Hu used to play in the same team, and you were teammates in the national team. But you compared him to a dog... so your teammates are really good?"

Chen Xingyi waved his hand: "You misunderstood, Danny. When I called Hu a dog, I was definitely not insulting him, but stating a fact, because he is really...a dog."

"'Very dog'?" Drew couldn't understand Chen Xingyi's strange expression.

"It doesn't matter, Danny. Anyway, you remember my words, no matter what he says to you, you not only ignore it, but don't even think about his words. Once you start thinking, you have fallen into his language Trap." Chen Xingyi put away his smile and said seriously.

Looking at the serious Chen Xingyi, although Drew didn't know if he could do it, he still nodded solemnly: "Okay, I will remember. Xing. I will automatically filter what he said into 'Wow woof'."

Chen Xingyi patted Drew on the shoulder: "Don't be too nervous. Hu doesn't 'chat' with the opponent's defender every time he confronts. You just need to play as usual. You don't have to scare yourself."

"Yeah, I see! And I'm actually looking forward to the fight with Hu. Since we last met at the best young player in Europe award ceremony, his performance has really improved by leaps and bounds... I want to compete with him!"

"Then you have to concentrate on it for 90 minutes, and don't even relax for a second, Danny." Chen Xingyi reminded him. "Fang Hu, the most important thing is not to give him any chance, and you have to make no mistakes. So it is actually very difficult."

Drew grinned: "Okay, Xing. I will use the state I used to defend against Meli in the World Cup to defend against Hu."

Hearing what Drew said, Chen Xingyi sighed in his heart.

Danny Drew is already one of the best young defenders. Everyone thinks that after playing this season in the Eredivisie, it should be impossible to continue to stay in Amsterdam. Countless giants in continental Europe are vying for him.

The media called him the backbone of the Dutch national team's defense for the next ten years.

Such a No. 1 person, when facing Hu Lai, must be like an enemy, saying that he will use the standard of defending against Melly to defend Hu Lai...

Doesn't this mean that Hu Lai is already on the same level as Mei Li?

It's not the first time Chen Xingyi has seen Hu Lai and Meli compared. Fans on the Internet often say so.

But that is what the media and fans say after all.

Now it's a player of the same high level who said so, Chen Xingyi felt very embarrassed.

Since the National High School Football Championship, that kid has been so fast, he is almost out of sight!

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