"How's the recovery going?"

At the dinner table, wife Sophia asked her husband what concerns her most.

"The coaching staff said that it is okay to evaluate the effect. They also said that I was a blessing in disguise, and the knee that had been operated on before was also fully rested. So when I resumed training, I practiced with my knee..."

Maxi Carey replied.

"That's great." Sophia was visibly relieved. "Just go on like this, I believe you can return to the court soon!"

"It's not that easy, Sophia." Carey shook his head. "I'm just starting to resume training now. According to estimates, it will take one and a half months just to resume training. After one and a half months, I can start training with the ball. As for when to practice with the team and when to play... If I can play in this If you do it before the end of the game, that’s pretty good.”

"Ah? Doesn't that mean that you basically won't be able to play this season?" The wife was a little surprised and a little disappointed.

"So I don't think about when I will come back now, just train..."

Seeing what her husband said, Sophia didn't know what to say.

At this moment, the son and daughter ran down the dining table and picked up the TV remote control on the coffee table: "We want to watch TV!"

"Cartoon! Cartoon!"

After they turned on the TV, as the screen lit up, the first thing that appeared was the voice of the newscaster:

"... Hu scored a goal in the last game of 2027, helping the Madrid Pirates beat Turias 3:2 at home. This goal increased his goal tally this year to seventy-five. It is A staggering number..."

Although the son quickly tuned the TV channel to cartoons, the news reached the ears of everyone present.

Sophia secretly took a look at her husband, as if she was afraid that he would be provoked.

During the time when her husband was injured, Sophia had already noticed that her previous arrogant husband was quite negative and depressed now.

The blow of two consecutive serious injuries is really big.

The most important thing is that when he was seriously injured one after another, his competitor Hu Lai was advancing all the way.

Such a stark contrast,

No wonder there was a "knot" in my husband's heart.

She knew very well what her husband cared about, the feeling of being needed.

With his bad temper, he was able to stay in the Madrid Pirates for so many years and get along with everyone happily because the Madrid Pirates really needed him.

He is very important to this team.

He enjoyed the feeling of being needed so much.

So he is willing to dedicate all his strength, just to not let people down.

But this injury, coupled with Hu Lai's sudden rise, made him realize that the Madrid Pirates may not need him anymore...

The blow to the husband probably outweighed the serious knee and ankle injuries.

When he feels that the team does not need him, what value does he have to continue to work hard and struggle?

Just because she knew this, Sophia was careful not to mention Hu Lai's name in front of her husband during this period of time at home, so as to avoid everything related to Hu Lai appearing in front of her husband.

And this thing has to be done very covertly, not too obvious.

Otherwise, it will anger her husband and make him think that others think he is afraid of Hu Lai...

The son moved a little slower just now, and when Hu Lai's name was heard by her husband, Sophia neither scolded her son nor reminded him. Instead, he was indifferent, as if it was a very common news, a trivial matter.

She didn't want to stimulate her husband's fragile self-esteem any longer.

But to her surprise, her husband took the initiative to mention Hu Lai to her today:

"In terms of goals, that kid is indeed close to reaching the pinnacle."

"Ah?" Sophia didn't react, why did her husband suddenly boast about this person he didn't like all this time?

"But he's still playing with instinct."

Sophia secretly breathed a sigh of relief—the husband is still the same husband.

Carey didn't know his wife's inner drama. He hummed to himself: "It's always easy to play football by instinct. It's nothing special. If I hadn't been injured, he wouldn't want to show off in front of me like this."

At the end, he said again: "If he continues to play like this, then this year will be his peak."

Sophia asked curiously, "Why do you say that?"

Carey sneered: "Because he still relies on his teammates to create opportunities for him, and he can create too few opportunities by himself. It's no wonder that good old man Parotti wants me to partner with Hu... He knows that the team's crisis is what."

"Can there be any crisis? Isn't the team leading the standings now?" Sophia saw that her husband was rarely interested in talking about Hu Lai today, so she decided to strike while the iron was hot and guide him to talk more, maybe it would ease the "knot" to some extent. Woolen cloth?

So she put on the appearance of an elementary school student with a strong desire for knowledge, and stared at her husband with wide eyes, expecting him to say more.

Carey didn't see his wife's careful thinking, and he seemed to be really excited about the conversation today. He sneered at his wife's statement: "Leading the standings? You mean we have one more game than Catalan United and are six points ahead of them. something?"

"Yeah, even though we have one more game than them, even if they catch up, we still lead by three points."

"Against an opponent like Catalan United, what's a three-point lead? In the last round, we played Catalan away. If we only lead by three points, then the last round may be overturned." Carey said while shaking his head. . "If the league championship is lost in the last round, no matter how popular Parotti is, the head coach may not be easy to do, right?"

"You're talking about the worst-case scenario, Maxi...we can't just lead by three points all the time..."

"Hehe." Carey laughed, as if amused by his wife's words, "It's really impossible, and we may fall behind Catalan United or the King of Madrid without waiting for the final round!"

Sophia didn't talk anymore, and now she doesn't need to feed her, and her husband can talk on his own. He is really very interested in talking today:

"If the team continues to rely on Hu's goals, such a crisis is inevitable. Because our offensive method is too single, relying on Hu's excellent state in the first half of the season, our ranking is indeed good. But we can't always count on Hu's state to be good Right? What if his state fluctuates? At that time, we will find that there is not even a backup plan. Hu’s scoring method is single, our offensive method is single, single plus single, double single. If our opponent is in After the first half of the season, if they still don't know how to defend, then they can all die! Are our opponents that stupid?"

Originally, she just wanted to induce her husband to talk more, but after hearing what he said, Sophia also frowned, feeling that the team was indeed facing a crisis.

So she asked sincerely: "Then how to solve this crisis?"

Carey pointed to himself: "If you want to solve the crisis, you have to wait for me to recover from injury."

"What?" Sophia was surprised again.

Carey ignored her attitude and continued: "My skills and creativity can bring the change that Parotti wants to the team's offense. But I have to retreat my position, away from the goal, and I can no longer be the team's finisher like I used to be, I have to give up the fire to Hu..."

Having said that, he suddenly fell silent again.

Sophia hesitated, and asked cautiously: "You don't want that?"

Carey nodded first, then shook his head: "Yes, I don't want to do that. But the facts tell me that if I don't do that, my career may be over..."

"No, honey. It's not that bad..."

"It won't be that bad? I can no longer show my characteristics on the court, I have no contribution to the game, and I can only be replaced in advance. Then gradually I can't even play in the starting lineup, and I become a substitute. Then even the substitute I can't squeeze in, I can only watch the stands, or sit at home and watch the game, and be gradually forgotten... After my contract with the club expires, I will leave here, and everyone can breathe a sigh of relief-this It's the future of my career."

Carey looked at his wife and said seriously.

Sophia stared at him blankly, not knowing what to say to comfort him.

At this moment, the daughter's childish complaint sounded: "Thank God, Mom and Dad, you finally stopped talking. We can't even hear what is said on TV!"

Sophia quickly piled up a smile: "Sorry, baby..."

Before she could finish speaking, she saw her husband get up suddenly, leave the living room, and walk upstairs to the bedroom.

After Sophia coaxed the child, she walked upstairs and found her husband standing in the bedroom with the lights off, looking in the direction of the neighbor's house through the window.

Seeing this, Sophia had nothing to say: "I drove past their yard today, and found that the yard was empty, with no lights, and no Christmas tree... It seems that they, the Chinese, don't celebrate Christmas?"

But the husband looked over there, obviously not thinking about this problem.

He suddenly said, "Hu should be invited to the FIFA Awards Ceremony at the end of the year..."

Sophia was taken aback. She recognized the meaning of her husband's words and understood the weight of these words.

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