Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 160 This Opponent Was Right

The cheers over the Pirates Park pitch reached a crescendo when the football sprinted into the goal.

He Feng and Yan Kang yelled: "Wow! This ball! Hu Lai, this ball is beautiful! This turn around! Absolutely!"

"He seems to be turning the ball directly with a stop... so handsome!"

It's no wonder that Peralta didn't expect Hu Lai to pass him so easily, because he really didn't know that Hu Lai could do it.

Of the videos he's studied of Hullai's previous goals, there are very few such goals...

In the minds of the majority of defenders, Hu Lai is a point-grabbing forward who faces the goal with the greatest threat.

The reason why he was able to score so many goals is mainly due to his super ability to seize opportunities and super accurate shooting skills.

But if he is prevented from turning around, his threat to the goal will plummet-it cannot be said that there is no such thing as nothing, but with his back to the attacking direction, there are indeed very few goals that Hu Lai can score.

After losing the ball, Peralta looked stunned. He spread his hands and showed a surprised expression. He couldn't believe it, and he didn't understand how he was passed by Hu Lai...

Peralta didn't know how he got passed because he was a "fan of the authorities". But the other players on the field, as well as the fans and the audience in front of the TV, can all see clearly...

When Peralta went up, Hu Lai gently knocked back with the heel of his right foot.

The football went right between Peralta's legs.

But Peralta was completely unknown at this time.

After Hu Lai knocked the football out, he didn't stop at all, and turned around directly, making a time difference. .

Before Peralta and the other Kings of Madrid players came back to their senses, they had already turned around and caught up with the football.

Everything that followed was too easy for an efficient scorer like Hu Lai.

"This is the perfect combination of skill and imagination!" Spanish commentator Sanchez was full of praise for Hou Lai's goal, "Stopping the ball and dribbling in one go! We have seen dribbles like this in the midfield area, but It is still difficult to do this in the penalty area, which requires a lot of agility and ball-handling precision... It is incredible that Hu scored his third goal of the game in this way! In the 87th minute At this time, the Madrid Pirates regained the lead!"

After scoring the goal, Hu Lai turned and ran to the corner flag area.

With the South Stand behind King Madrid's goal in the second half, he was able to perform his signature celebration in front of the most diehard Madrid Pirates fans this time around.

At the same time, all the Pirates fans in the ugly stand also stopped cheering, took a collective breath, and waited to cooperate with Hu Lai.

When he jumped up and down again, there was a deafening sound from the southern platform:


After this sound came cheers and applause.

Just like the ripples caused by the thunder just now, they spread to the entire stadium and reverberated for a long time without end.

The cheers were like thunder, and the applause was also like thunder.

Today's Pirates Park Stadium, as if in the center of a thunderstorm, is always crackling and rumbling.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Madrid derby has always been a hero's stage! Today on this stage, a brand new hero debuts! Hu-lai!"

"It was only his second Madrid derby and he scored a hat-trick! We all know that Hu is a very good striker, but he still surprises with his performance in this game... ha! too Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Hat-trick! Hu scored five goals in just two Madrid derbies! I can even think so-if anyone is most likely to break the Cerrados derby Ball record, then it must be Hu!"


"Hu Lai is awesome! Hu Lai is awesome!!"

Han Shuyu and Li Qingliang, two Chinese fans, shouted loudly while shaking their fists in the stands.

Especially Han Shuyu, his voice was hoarse, but he was still shouting hoarsely.

Seeing this scene, anyone who wants to hear that she is a fan of the King of Madrid, I'm afraid they won't believe it...

In fact, at this time, Han Shuyu has already put aside all the debates and confusions about whether she is a fan of the King of Madrid or a fan of the Madrid Pirates.

She was so excited that she couldn't think of anything, only one thing in her mind:

Oh my god, Hu Lai scored a hat-trick!

Oh my god, Hu Lai may want to kill the King of Madrid!

"I am! I am! I am..."

Han Shuyu, who was recording the fans' carnival scene with his mobile phone, kept exhaling fragrance, and naturally all of them were captured.

But at this time, she couldn't care less about her own image...

In front of such a lore goal, any language is pale, and only C language can best vent and express her inner emotions.

This has nothing to do with the level of education. In such an exciting moment, often the simplest and most direct swearing can best express the inner emotions. It is not acceptable to replace it with any more civilized words, and the effect will be greatly reduced.

So... I was right!


Looking at Hu Lai, who was hugged and slapped in the innermost part by his teammates in the TV broadcast, Li Qingqing's face was full of smiles.

She wasn't cheering loudly or bouncing around the house.

Just watching this scene with a smile on his face.

After all, the King of Madrid is her club, even if it is a men's team game, she can't really cheer for the men's team's failure.

But she was also happy for Hu Lai, because she had taught Hu Lai the brilliance just now in the "special training".

Well, her boyfriend scored in her club's goal with the trick she taught...

This is really a very complicated mood.

At this time, just smile.


Maxi Carey looked down at his teammates on the field celebrating wildly with the same mixed emotions.

Next to him, his wife Sophia asked in surprise: "Is this the result of your advice to him, Maxi?!"

Carey didn't know how to answer his wife.

This is of course the change that Hu Lai made after he suggested it to Hu Lai.

It stands to reason that this is a good thing, indicating that he helped the team.

But he wasn't that excited.

Because he didn't expect that Hu Lai could really show the results of his training so quickly in a real competition...

This speed of progress is really against the sky!

Maxi Carey considers himself a top-notch genius, and has learned everything about football since he was a child.

"I can learn it at once" is of course an exaggeration, but he does learn things faster than children of the same age. So he can quickly stand out from the kids who played football.

But even a genius like Carey, who is a quick learner, feels magical after seeing Hu Lai's progress.

From practicing his left foot when he first joined the team to practicing ball control now, he has shown a very high learning ability.

Such a speed of progress made Maxi Carey feel jealous sometimes.

The cheers of the Pirate Park stadium were thunderous, and as far as the eye could see, the stands in all directions were full of people jumping for joy.

It's especially noticeable on the South Stand side.

If it wasn't for the adequate security forces in this game, all the excited Pirates fans might have rushed out of the stands and onto the stadium.

[To be honest, I have been using Mimi to read and update books recently, switch sources, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple are fine. 】

Even Carey's two children were jumping and cheering loudly in the box.

Carey shook his head lightly, facing his confused wife, he had nothing to say.


"Maxie Carey also came to watch the game. After seeing Hu Lai's goal, Carey couldn't help shaking his head...Obviously he didn't expect that Hu Lai could play in such a situation. Make a goal..."

Seeing Kaili appearing on the TV screen, He Feng said.

Yan Kang next to him smiled and said: "In the past, if this kind of ball happened to Carey, I would not be surprised at all. But now with such a difficult turn to get rid of the defense, the person who scored again was Hu Lai. Carey estimated Didn't even think of that, ha!"

Also shaking his head was Madrid Pirates coach Parotti.

Seeing the football fly into the goal, he kept shaking his head, with a particularly complicated smile on his face, which was both happy and shocked, and a little bit incredulous.

In fact, after seeing Hu Lai's goal, the most shocking thing was actually those people who got along with him day and night, such as his teammates, and the coaches of the coaching staff.

Because they know when Hu Lai started practicing ball control.

Parotti also told his team before that don't expect Hou Lai to perform in training in the Madrid derby.

Now he was "slapped in the face" by Hu Lai.

But this kind of "slap in the face" Parotti is happy to see it succeed.

His first assistant coach, Valentine, smiled at the side: "It seems that we don't have to wait until the last round to count on it!"

Parotti, who was teased, laughed out loud, very happy.


Amidst the huge cheers, the players of the King of Madrid looked very frustrated.

Hu Lai scored a goal in the 87th minute of the game, which means that their hopes of beating their rivals in the same city in the away game have become very slim.

But it's not just the ball that frustrates them.

This is Hu Lai's third goal in this game!

He put a hat on their heads!

This is an important reason for the pain and frustration of the King Madrid players.

Few players can complete a hat-trick against the Kings, and Hou Lai did it...

They didn't just lose an ordinary game, and they didn't just lose the same city derby in an ordinary way.

Madrid derby and hat-trick, these two keywords combined to form a lethal effect.

Peralta still doesn't know how he was passed, and the big screen at the scene did not replay the scoring process.

He stood there with his hands on his hips in a daze.

Melly turned his attention to Hu Lai, who was surrounded by other pirate players, with his mouth slightly open, panting heavily.

His eyes were a little lost.

Hu Lai's figure gradually became blurred in his sight, as if he was about to merge with the boiling crowd in the stands.

But soon Melly shook his head vigorously, and his vision became clear again.

His eyes focused on Hu Lai and followed him.

He knew that his opponent had chosen the right one!

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