Fox in the Penalty Area

Happy New Year to everyone!

When I wrote the first word of this single chapter, it was eleven thirty-seven in the evening.

I don't know what time it will be after I finish writing, and whether there will be a New Year's Eve.

At this special moment, I will send a single chapter to everyone for New Year greetings, and at the same time have a brief chat with you.

I did the math, and by March of this year, the book Fox in the Restricted Zone had been published for two years.

Therefore, this book will also become my fourth book that has been written for two years. The first three books are "We Are the Champions", which was written for three years, "The Godfather of Champions", which was written for two years and two months, and I wrote "Champion Heart" for two years.

I looked through the other books, only to be a little surprised to find that each of them had been serialized for less than two years.

In the latter part of my career, when the creative enthusiasm and writing speed have declined, I am surprised that I can still be serialized for more than two years.

According to the current outline, it is definitely no problem to exceed the serialization time of "The Godfather of Champions", but it is difficult to surpass the three-year serialization time of "We Are the Champions".

On the one hand, it was because the plot could not be written for that long, and on the other hand, it was also because the writing of "We Are the Champions" was really too slow at the beginning-in many cases, I couldn't even write 60,000 words in a month. And at the time of "We Are the Champions", I still insisted on the habit of first writing with a pen on a paper notebook and then writing it on the computer, so at that time, updating two chapters almost a week was regarded as diligent. .

After I became a professional writer, I used a computer to write directly, and after the writing speed increased, it was unbelievable for me to spend three years writing a book.

Serialization is really tiring and exhausting, and it is easy for people to lose passion in continuous work.

Just like this Spring Festival, at this moment, my son is watching the Spring Festival Gala alone in the living room, and he is amused by the cross talk sketches of the Spring Festival Gala from time to time. My wife is not interested in the Spring Festival Gala and chooses to play with her mobile phone in the bedroom.

And myself? Sitting in front of the computer in the study and typing, saving more manuscripts for the Spring Festival holiday.

Even on New Year's Eve, I actually didn't spend more time with my family.

So to me, today seems like any other day. The only difference is that my son can go to bed later today.

And I...maybe go to bed earlier than usual?

Tomorrow, on the first day of the new year, in addition to going back to my parents' house for dinner, it is still code words, code words, code words.

It wasn't until the second day of the day after tomorrow that I made an appointment with my wife's relatives to stay in a hotel at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain for two days and let the children set off firecrackers.

And me? I will still bring my computer with me, trying to write something. Even writing a chapter a day is fine.

This is the daily life of a professional writer.

It is popular to complain about 996 on the Internet, but professional writers are 007—from zero to zero, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year, three hundred and sixty-five days, all year round, and the cycle repeats.

Regardless of whether you ask for leave or not, you must write: either to save the manuscript, or to keep writing.

When can I rest?

A novel is serialized.

Therefore, some authors will choose to finish the book at the end of the year, so that at least they can spend a Spring Festival with peace of mind.

I don't know if the story of "Fox in the Forbidden Area" can be written until next year's Spring Festival. But I will write it completely and perfect at my own pace.

Then came a finale that has been repeated countless times in my mind.

On that day, I will breathe a sigh of relief and relief.

Now, of course, I have to continue writing.

The zero o'clock bell is about to ring, and I'm here to wish you all a happy and prosperous Year of the Tiger, and the tiger and the tiger will be full of vigor and vitality!

In addition, by the way, I would like to remind everyone that February is also a guaranteed monthly pass for the Year of the Tiger.

Finally, let’s talk about the update arrangement during the Spring Festival—I originally started to ask for leave on the second day of the second day of junior high school, but considering that it is now a game plot, in order to prevent everyone from watching it up and down, I still maintain it twice a day. Update the rhythm of this game and update it for a few more days.

For a few more days, please see the status of my manuscript deposits at that time.

Finally, thank you for your support of "Fox of the Forbidden Zone" in the past two years, thank you for every monthly ticket, every recommendation ticket, every reward, and every chapter comment...

"Fox in the Restricted Zone" won the honor of "Top 1 Male Video Sports Category in 2021". This honor belongs to all the readers of "Fox in the Restricted Area", and it belongs to the hardworking and lovely operation officers Gargamel and Vera.

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I wish everyone good health and good luck in the Spring Festival!


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