Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 182 Good news for Carey

"...This afternoon, as Wang Guangwei arrived at the hotel where the Chinese team stayed, all the members of the current national team are here. This time, the head coach Dillon only recruited Wang Guangwei for the two top 40 matches against Malaysia and Syria. Players studying abroad in Europe were replaced by a large number of players playing domestically. Some of them were even selected for the national team for the first time. Obviously Dillon took these two games as an opportunity to test new players..."

"Hey master, you said this... our national football team can use the World Cup qualifiers to train and test new players, ha!"

"Who says it's not? If you want to put it aside, I wouldn't believe it! But now it really happened like this! How can you justify this?"

On the road in the evening rush hour, the urban ring road is blocked, and the red brake lights are connected together.

The taxi slowly crawled through the crowded river.

But neither the driver nor the passenger was restless, and the two of them even chatted happily in the car.

The content of the chat is naturally related to the national football news on the car radio just now.

The news that the Chinese team took the top 40 to inspect new players aroused everyone's desire to complain.

"In fact, it's right not to let Hu Lai and the others come back. Everyone has worked so hard. It's really useless to come back from this meaningless game that has already qualified ahead of time. Running back and forth, let's not say when the state is gone, in case of being hurt again hurt or something..."

"If you want me to say, this Dillon is awesome. He is worthy of being a famous coach in the world. They won't recruit Hu Lai if they say they can't recruit them. They don't care about the opinions of the domestic media or the Football Association. That's right. Qin Lin used to When he was playing in the Bundesliga, he was asked to come back for all kinds of messy friendly matches, which made the club coaches not willing to use Qin Lin... I really don't understand what the old men of the Football Association think!"

"What else can I think? At that time, Qin Lin was only a foreign player, and that was the achievements of the Football Association. He must use it to death. I will never give up until Qin Lin is abolished!"

"It's better now. Whether it's coaches or players, they are much better than before. Chinese football has never fought such a rich battle!"


There was a burst of cheerful laughter in the car.

After the laughter, the driver continued: "I used to watch the national football match, even if it was the top 40 match, I was worried. I was afraid that if we were not careful, we would not be able to play in the top 12 match..."

"Isn't it? In the past, we couldn't pass the top 40 games, we couldn't even participate in the top 12 games, let alone the World Cup... But now... Tsk tsk! To be honest, I thought I would be able to participate The World Cup is the pinnacle of the national football team, now...we can participate again!"

"More than just participating again? Didn't we win the right to host the 2034 World Cup? At least we can see the Chinese team in three consecutive World Cups!"

Although this is only the top 40 and has not yet reached the top 12, in the eyes of these two, the participation of the Chinese team in this World Cup is already a certainty.

Perhaps it is because in the past week, Chinese players have performed well in their respective European games, giving such ordinary Chinese fans great confidence.

In the past, it could be said that there was only Hu Lai in Chinese football.

What type of player is Hu Lai? He needs the whole team to cooperate with him.

If he is the only one who is powerful, what's the use?

Hello everyone is really good.

The current Chinese team, in addition to Hu Lai, also has Chen Xingyi, Zhang Qinghuan and others receiving training in Europe and improving.

The improvement of each of them is equal to the improvement of the overall level of the Chinese team.

Only when they become stronger can they maximize Hu Lai's strength.

Just like a car, even if it has a V12 super engine, if the gearbox pulls the hips, the wheels will still be triangular... No matter how powerful the engine is, it can't move the car.

The former Qin Lin was similar to this situation.

Qin Lin's level is top-notch in China, and it is also top-notch in Asia. The results of it? After his level surpassed other players in the national team, he failed to lead the Chinese team to the World Cup.

Because the overall strength of the Chinese team at that time was still too weak, Qin Lin alone was not enough.

Chinese football is not something that can be improved by sending a strong man from the sky. I am afraid that eleven strong men will fall from the sky.

Fortunately, with the deepening reform of Chinese football, this has become a thing of the past, and it only exists in the current complaints of old fans.

Chinese football in the new era gives hope to all those who support it.

Talking about Chinese football in the past was an annoying thing.

But now, even on the most congested evening peak circuit, talking about Chinese football can make people feel happy and laugh from the bottom of their hearts.


Hu Lai woke up from the large and soft mattress, and found that there was no one around him, he sighed faintly.

Still can't get used to it...

This is the second day when Li Qingqing is away, I miss her.

Generally speaking, the women's national team's match time and the men's national team's match day may not be together, and they will not interfere with each other.

It turned out to be a coincidence this time.

With great difficulty, he was able to participate in a week-long training camp and competition without flying back to China. If you put it in normal times, this is a beautiful day when "wives and children are hot on the kang".

As a result, this time, the time of the women's football match and the men's football match overlapped...

He stayed in Madrid, but Li Qingqing flew back to China to participate in the Olympic women's football qualifiers - Hu Lai has already confirmed that he can participate in the Olympics, but Li Qingqing still has to fight for an Olympic qualifying spot.


He suddenly wanted to serve the country a little bit, because at least he could go along with Li Qingqing anyway, how tired of it.

After tossing and turning on the bed and lingering on the faint fragrance for a while, Hu Lai turned over and got out of bed.

Then start washing alone, making breakfast alone, eating breakfast alone, washing dishes alone, and getting ready to go out after packing up everything alone.

When he was driving his Audi RS Q8 out of his yard, he happened to see a car next door, Maxi Carey driving a Volvo V90.

However, Hu Lai didn't stop to say hello to the other party, but turned onto the road, accelerated and passed in front of Kaili's car, and drove towards the direction of the Kasa training base.

Kaili drove to follow, right behind Hu Lai's car.

This scene is no stranger to Carey.

Since resuming training, he always meets Hu Lai at the door of his house.

It was as if two people had agreed to go to the training base together.

But it was actually a coincidence.

It's just that the two are too close - neighbors on the left and right - and the training time is fixed, so the chance of encountering them is relatively high.

Seeing that Hu Lai's car was driving in front of his car, driving at a moderate speed, Kaili complained in his heart:

Driving a thug in a suit and driving like a coward...was ruining a good car!

Thinking of this, Kaili found an opportunity, stepped on the accelerator, and overtook Hu Lai's black luxury car.

When overtaking, he still didn't forget to turn his head and glance at Hu Lai's car.

I saw the latter staring intently at the road ahead, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands.

Looks like a novice.

So he hit the accelerator and accelerated away.


Carey, who came to the Casa training base first, did not go to the locker room after parking the car, but went straight to head coach Parotti.

He had a medical after training yesterday, and now it's time to know the results - he doesn't want to know the medical results, or he doesn't just want to know the medical results.

In view of the recovery process after the last injury, the coaching staff of the Madrid Pirates this time is extremely cautious about Maxi Carey's recovery from injury.

A physical examination will be carried out every once in a while to check Kaili's physical condition to see how he is recovering and whether there are any hidden dangers in his body that they don't know about.

In addition to routine physical examinations, the team medical team will also let Kyrie wear a high-tech vest with various magnetic poles and sensors to monitor his physical reactions in real-time training and confrontation with the ball.

In detail, such as whether there is any imbalance in Carey's running posture, and what is the difference in power when the left foot is supported and the right foot is used to support the body...

Finally, these data are transmitted to the computer, and then the mathematical model of Carey is generated, and the data model is analyzed, and finally the result is obtained.

The results of this physical examination combined with the analysis report from the previous training will tell the members of the coaching staff a very important thing.


When Parrotti saw that the person pushing the door was Maxi Carey, he was not surprised at all. Although he didn't let Carey come to him before training, he could guess why Carey came.

So without waiting for Carey to ask, he said bluntly: "The results are out, Maxi. Whether it is the results of the physical examination or the daily training analysis report, it tells us that your body is 100% healed, and you have reached the stage of competition. standard."

Carey had just walked in, and Parotti had already finished talking about the result. He stood in front of the head coach's desk, looking at him in surprise.

The latter nodded to him with a smile on his face: "In the twenty-eighth round of the league, we played against Sarria at home. Just after Di Kunzo participated in the national team game, he needed to rest. I consider letting you play, but with your current situation Physically, it's hard to play the whole game, so I'll substitute you in the second half. What do you think, Maxi?"

Carey was stopped by the question, he froze for a moment before mechanically nodded: "I'm fine, I'll listen to you, coach..."

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