Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 137 Semifinals


When the Dongchuan Middle School players returned to the locker room after warming up, many of their sports jackets were dirty to varying degrees.

Fortunately, they were wearing jackets to warm up, and the jerseys and shorts inside were not affected much. Otherwise, everyone would have rolled in the mud before the game started, which would really affect the mood.

Although it is said that everyone will prepare two sets of jerseys during the game, one for wearing and one for spare. However, the spare set is not for replacing their jerseys after they get muddy, but for replacing the blood-stained jerseys if there is an accident that causes bleeding and the jerseys are stained with blood.

But even so, every Dongchuan Middle School player who entered the locker room still looked unhappy.

Not only because of the soiled jackets, but also because of the poor field conditions that made it difficult for them to warm up.

And the students of Jiaxiang High School who were malicious in the stands.

Every time they made a mistake such as a fall during the warm-up, laughter and applause erupted against them in the stands.

"Fuck, it's just too much!"

"Too much deceit!"

Almost every Dongchuan Middle School player who walked into the locker room would swear immediately, and some emotionally kicked over the mineral water bottle, or threw the shin guards in their hands onto the bench.

The bang bang made the atmosphere in the locker room even more depressing.

Until their head coach Li Ziqiang came in last, closed the door, and glared at the players: "What are you doing?"

Only then did the group of people quiet down, not knowing how to respond to the head coach.

"Are you angry?" Li Ziqiang asked back, "What's there to be angry about? Shouldn't you be happy?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, the opponent made a trick, which made them so embarrassed... What's so happy about this kind of thing?

Li Ziqiang sneered a little: "The majestic high school football leader in Anton Province, Jiaxiang High School, was forced by you to pour water on the field to increase their chances of winning. Don't you think this is something to be happy about? What does Jiaxiang High School's actions mean? I thought they were afraid of you! Shouldn't you be happy? Your opponents are already afraid of this, so why are you angry?"

Hearing what the head coach said,

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, then laughed.

That's right, the head coach is right, it's despicable and shameful for the opponent to do this, but think about it carefully, when Jiaxiang High School faced other teams in the past, why did they use such a method to guarantee their victory?

Regardless of the final result of the game, when Jiaxiang High School did this, they had already lost. Because they thought in their hearts that if they didn't use this kind of out-of-the-box tricks, they wouldn't be able to win against Dongchuan Middle School.

"Of course, the wet and slippery field will indeed affect our performance, because we focus on overall football and pay attention to passing and controlling running positions. Due to the limited field conditions, the football we are good at may not be able to play the best strength. So we Also make some adjustments...Shen Yulin, you have to play the role of the offensive fulcrum in the frontcourt, because the team will pass more high balls, and you have to use your height and header advantages... Of course, if you have a good chance , It’s also fine to attack the goal directly.”

Shen Yulin nodded: "Okay, coach..."

Then Li Ziqiang looked at Hu Lai again: "You have to pay attention to the distance between yourself and Shen Yulin, don't be too far away, and be ready to meet the second goal of football. Especially in the penalty area, you must grab the ball that Shen Yulin put down .”

"Don't worry, coach." Hu Lai said.

Since the start of this Anton Cup, he and Shen Yulin have cooperated in this way many times.

Shen Yulin used his body and header to help him share some of the defensive pressure, while also being able to lay down balls he couldn't reach, creating chaos in the penalty area and creating opportunities for him.

However, although he is the core of the team's offense, he is different from Luo Kai last year. It does not mean that the whole team will eventually pass the ball to his feet and let him complete the shot.

Shen Yulin, Xia Xiaoyu, Tang Yuan... Everyone can shoot as long as they are in the right position and feel confident to score.

Shen Yulin has already scored four goals in this Anton Cup, he is the team's second shooter, Xia Xiaoyu has two goals, Mao Xiao and Tang Yuan each have one goal.


"Wu Yue, you have to guard against Hu Lai in this game. But you don't have to follow him all the time, you just need to post him when he is close to the penalty area. If he withdraws, then let him go." Feng Yuanchang is in the locker room of the home team Said to the captain of the team.

In fact, these tasks have been assigned as early as a week before the game, and targeted training will be carried out during training.

But the game is about to start, and the head coach will often insist on it again, lest some players take it seriously.

Even professional players will have all kinds of self-righteous situations, let alone high school players who are not as good as professional players in all aspects.

"You can properly use your advantages in physical strength to squeeze Hu Lai's living space in the penalty area. Don't worry about fouling. Your strength has an advantage against him. The referee will definitely take this into consideration when making penalties. Factors are taken into consideration. Not every time he falls in our penalty area, the referee will call you a foul. Besides, Hu Lai has already had a yellow card before this. If he receives another yellow card, he will automatically stop. Even if they can pass our level, he will not be able to play in the final. So I think Hu Lai will not easily fall when facing physical confrontation. After all, flopping will get cards."

"Don't worry, coach, I will treat that kid well!" Wu Yue said viciously.

He has been looking forward to this day since the moment Team Wang withdrew from the team.

Feng Yuanchang then looked at the whole team and said: "This is our home court. Our goal is not just to prevent the opponent from scoring. The more important thing is to attack. We still counterattack defensively, but not rely on one or two people to counterattack defensively. When counterattacking, I ask each of you to actively participate in the attack... What if you miss the ball in the middle? Counterattack on the spot, and organize a counterattack if you can grab it back...Especially pay attention to counterattacking the opponent's counterattack, and take advantage of the counterattack. When their foothold was not stable, they launched continuous counterattacks, catching them off guard!"

Feng Yuanchang punched himself in the palm of his hand.


When Wang Guangwei was trying to enter the campus through the small gate next to the school gate, he was stopped by the uncle in the guard room: "Hey, who...register!"

He stretched out his hand from the window, holding a notebook in his hand, and was shaking it.

"Ah, I'm sorry..." Wang Guangwei hastily withdrew, preparing to go to the guard room to register honestly.

He used to be a student of Jiaxiang High School, and he never had to register to enter the school, so he forgot that there is such a rule that outsiders entering the school must be registered and leave their phone number, name and ID number.

He was anxious to watch the game just now, so he rushed in through the small gate.

"Guangwei, you run so fast, wait for me..." Just as Wang Guangwei retreated, a fat middle-aged man also chased after him panting.

The janitor poked his head out and saw Wang Guangwei, he was taken aback for a moment: "Hey, Wang Guangwei? You came to see the match against Dongchuan Middle School, right? Okay, you don't need to register."

As he spoke, he snatched the pen from Wang Guangwei's hand.

The middle-aged man followed Wang Guangwei to enter the campus, but was stopped by the guard, who put the registration book and pen in front of him: "Registration!"

"I..." The middle-aged man wanted to defend himself, but seeing that Wang Guangwei had left him and went straight to the football field, he quickly wrote down his name, phone number and identity in the notebook certificate number.

Then he threw the pen away and chased after Wang Guangwei, running towards the football field where shouts were constantly coming from.

"Brother Tao, it's not that I didn't wait for you, but the competition has already started." Wang Guangwei explained while walking quickly.

"I know, I know... Sigh, who knew the road would be so congested today..." the middle-aged man, Dai Zetao, a scout for the Shining Star football team, sighed as he followed pantingly.

"Brother Tao, I suspect that you are not from Jincheng. The weather is so good today and the sun is shining. Everyone will definitely go out to play. Isn't it normal that there are many people going west out of the city?"

Dai Zetao chuckled dryly. It was indeed his mistake today. He didn't leave enough time on the road. As a result, the game started 20 minutes before they arrived. And if it wasn't for him, Wang Guangwei would not be late, because he insisted on coming to Wang Guangwei's house to pick him up and watch the game with him...

"I hope the two sides haven't scored yet..." Dai Zetao said to himself when he finally reached the gate of the stadium.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a huge shout suddenly coming from the stadium!

His expression changed instantly.

And Wang Guangwei rushed into the gate of the stadium without saying a word.

Dai Zetao could only shake his big belly and try to keep up.

When he ran there panting, he saw Wang Guangwei standing on the sidelines, looking straight into the court.

He cast his gaze in, too—Jiaxiang High School players were running towards the corner flag.

He immediately realized what happened: "Jiaxiang High School scored a goal?!"

"Well, a goal has been scored." Wang Guangwei looked back at Dai Zetao and said with a smile on his face.

"Ha! That's really congratulations!" Dai Zetao went to the scoreboard and saw that the score was 1:0, and Jiaxiang High School, which was playing at home, was ahead.

The entire stadium was full of cheers, and they could feel the ground trembling when they stood below.

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