Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 186 A Little Lonely

"Hu Lai, let me tell you, when I found out that you were not replaced, I knew it was going to be bad!"

In the restaurant at night, Zhang Qinghuan said this to Hu Lai who was sitting opposite him.

And Hu Lai laughed out loud, very happy.

Nearly three hours had passed since the end of the game in the afternoon, but Zhang Qinghuan, who did not score all three points, was still aggrieved. .

"Whether in terms of player status or tactical arrangements, we should have won. It turned out that because of your kick in front of the goal, three points became one point! Cooked ducks can fly, really... Qingqing is here too, so I won't swear!"

Li Qingqing, who was sitting next to Hu Lai, also had a smile on her face.

It was a meal they agreed upon before the game.

However, the moods of the two parties who ate were completely different.

The last time Hou Lai was a guest in Barcelona and helped the Madrid Pirates beat Sarria, the two also had dinner together.

Even though he lost the game at that time, Zhang Qinghuan was not in the same mood when eating as he is now.

The main reason is that the Madrid Pirates showed full dominance from the very beginning in that game, and it was really difficult for Saria to win. So losing is normal.

But today is completely different.

It is really possible for Sarria to win this game, because of Hu Lai's goal, the chicken and the egg were beaten, and the win turned into a draw.

Even returning undefeated is a good result for Sarria, but Zhang Qinghuan still has a grudge.

On the contrary, a draw did not allow the Madrid Pirates to regain the leading position in the standings, but Hou Lai can still laugh now.

Because a draw is better than a loss.

One point behind King Madrid is not a good thing.

However, the competition among the three teams is so fierce, it is really difficult to guarantee that the Madrid Pirates can always maintain a one-point lead to end the league.

After all, the lead is too small, and it may be overtaken by the opponent at any time.

Just like in a marathon, it is tiring to always be the front runner, and the huge psychological burden will bring more physical energy consumption than normal.

Everyone also knows that in the competition for the league championship, it is normal to go up and down. Instead of being annoyed by the game that has been unable to change the result, it is better to quickly adjust your mentality and meet the challenges that will follow.

For the time being, give up the first position in the league to the King of Madrid, and they will regain it later.

The Madrid Pirates team believes they have this chance.

Because now the pressure on the frontrunners falls on the King of Madrid.

Zhang Qinghuan sighed again: "We really hope to win! Casas told us before the game that you will definitely replace Kyrie, but he told us not to worry about Kyrie, because Kyrie played He won't be able to perform much after that, so he really hit the mark! Sigh!"

Hu Lai was also very helpless: "No one thought that Kaili really stretched his hips. He didn't look like this at all in training."

Li Qingqing said next to him: "Consecutive serious injuries have a great psychological impact on players. Not to mention that Kyrie is 33 years old. At this age, he will care more about the impact of injuries."

"Then will Kaili sink completely?" Hu Lai turned to her and asked her.

Li Qingqing shook his head: "It's hard to say, it depends on whether he can get out of the psychological shadow. But even if he can get out, it is definitely not possible in the short term. And what's worse is that in this game, Sarria Give your opponents the right example of 'how to freeze Kyrie'. Other teams will follow suit..."

Hu Lai looked at Zhang Qinghuan: "Damn, from what you said, our next game will definitely be difficult...Why do I think you should invite Brother Huan for today's meal?"

"It's none of my business...what's the matter! I suggest you go to Kaili for reimbursement after this meal, he is the culprit!" Zhang Qinghuan wanted to be rude at first, but the words came to the point of his mouth, remembering that Li Qingqing was there, he could only forcefully Hold back.

"What's your bad idea? Do you think if I go to Kaili for reimbursement, can he care about me?"

"Then do you think I'll take care of you?"

Seeing the two people bickering, Li Qingqing covered her mouth and smiled happily beside her.


Sophia knocked lightly on the study door, and her husband's voice sounded from behind the door:

"Leave me alone, Sophia. Leave me alone for a while."

"..." Sophia said after a few seconds of silence, "Well, you can call me if you need anything."

"Go to bed, Sophia. I can handle it myself."

This time his wife didn't agree to him, but just left—it should have left, because Carey in the house heard his wife's footsteps drifting away.

When the footsteps could no longer be heard, the study returned to silence.

Carey was in the silence, sitting on a chair, looking at the night sky outside the window.

He seemed to be back in the game in the afternoon.

Seeing Hou Lai's goal, the other Madrid Pirates players rushed up, wanting to celebrate the goal crazily.

However, Hou Lai, who scored the goal, got up from the ground, drilled into the goal, grabbed the football and ran towards the center circle before Saria goalkeeper Bahong hadn't reacted.

Time was running out and they had to score another goal to win the game.

His teammates all ran back after him. They put their arms around his shoulders and patted his head...

Carey stood in the distance, looking at this scene, a thought suddenly popped up in his mind-he was no longer the person who could lead the team forward.

Although in the end the Madrid Pirates failed to score another goal in the remaining minutes and win the game.

But Hu Lai's goal allowed them to avoid the embarrassing result of losing at home.

Until now, Carey can still think of that scene.

Actually, it wasn't the first time he saw this scene.

It's just that he wouldn't have this kind of thinking in the past, because he always thought that after he recovered from injury, the treatment of the stars should be his own.

He will take back everything that belongs to him, naturally including the core position of the team.

But today's game shattered all his pride and fantasies.

Carey also knows that at this moment, in various news and on the Internet, there are countless people criticizing and laughing at him.

He played like a coward and a clown in this game.

The "Flying Dutchman" has lost its speed, can no longer fly, and is no longer the unique "MAX".

So what is left of him?


After dinner, Hu Lai and Li Qingqing saw Zhang Qinghuan off at the entrance of the restaurant.

"It's so late and you have to rush back, don't you stay overnight? Anyway, you won't train tomorrow morning." Hu Lai said.

"I'm going back now. Even if I'm tired on the road, I can still go home to rest and sleep. I don't have to run around on the road tomorrow morning. The effect of training in the afternoon will be better." Zhang Qinghuan shook his head.

"Okay. Speaking of which, Little Xingxing will come to play an away game next week. I plan to have dinner with him. Do you still want to come?"

Zhang Qinghuan was a little moved, but he shook his head and rejected the proposal: "We also have Europa League matches."

"Oh yes. I've always forgotten about this. Oh, brother Huan is also a player who has played in the European war..."

"Hu Lai, you really underestimate me, don't you?"

"No!" Hu Lai waved his hands again and again, but the smile on his face betrayed his true thoughts. "I didn't underestimate brother Huan, really, I promise I never underestimated you!"

"You don't have to repeat this matter..."

Seeing Hu Lai and Zhang Qinghuan bickering here, Li Qingqing stood beside Hu Lai and watched with a smile.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Qinghuan couldn't help but shook his head again: "Seeing the two of you together, I still feel very magical..."

"Why? Do you think I'm unworthy?"

"Yes, yes, yes. I'll match the keys here, how many do you match, Hu Lai?"

"Hehe, you are jealous, Brother Huan."

"I'm jealous of the wool, Hu Lai, let me tell you, when you were still playing in the mud, I passed what should be played!"

"I don't believe it, can you explain it in detail?"

"Hehe, you can't talk about paid content..."

"Tch!" Hu Lai snorted.

Zhang Qinghuan sighed: "The flowers are stuck on the cow dung!"

"What's wrong with cow dung? Cow dung is rich in nutrients, so it can better nourish delicate flowers!" Hu Lai puffed up his chest, looking like "I am proud of cow dung, and I provide nutrients for flowers".

Zhang Qinghuan chuckled: "All right. Then when will you have your wedding wine?"

Hu Lai was taken aback for a moment, and Li Qingqing blushed slightly.

Seeing the reaction of the two of them, Zhang Qinghuan was a little surprised: "No way, haven't you two considered this issue yet?"

Hu Lai prevaricated: "We are still young..."

"What does this have to do with being young?" Zhang Qinghuan originally wanted to say a few more words, but suddenly remembered that he was not their parents, so why did he press the marriage?

Thinking of this, he shook his head:

"Forget it, you can get married whenever you want. But you must ask me when the time comes."

"That's for sure, that's for sure!" Hu Lai quickly agreed with a smile. "If you forget, no one can forget you, Brother Huan!"

When Zhang Qinghuan saw the car he called was coming, he waved to the two of them: "Okay, my car is here, let's go back first."

"Brother Huan, be careful on the road." Li Qingqing waved to him gently.

"Brother Huan, walk slowly, next time we go to Barcelona to play Catalan United, we will make an appointment again."

Zhang Qinghuan shook his head: "I'm afraid we can't make an appointment."


"We're coming to Madrid to play King that day, I'm not in Barcelona."

It was only then that Hu Lai came to his senses: "Ah, yes..."

"See you back home." Zhang Qinghuan was cool, waved his hand, turned around and got into the car.

Sitting in the car, through the rearview mirror, Zhang Qinghuan could still see Hu Lai and Li Qingqing standing by the side of the road, watching him leave.

Although he teased Hu Lai for being unworthy, Zhang Qinghuan still felt it was natural when he saw this scene.

As if the two of them should stand side by side like this.

He didn't know how many stories there were between Hu Lai and Li Qingqing, and why Hu Lai didn't tell them.

But seeing the two of them standing side by side so naturally, Zhang Qinghuan, a seasoned lover, naturally knows that the tacit understanding between the two is far from being comparable to others.

What a match made in heaven.

Zhang Qinghuan, who watched this scene from a distance in the rearview mirror, suddenly had a different emotion in his heart.

It's kind of... well, lonely.


After watching Brother Huan's car merge into the traffic, Hu Lai said to Li Qingqing, "Shall we go home too?"

"En." Li Qingqing nodded, but stood there without moving, but turned to Hu Lai and asked, "Are we going to get married?"

"Of course."

"Marriage... always feels so far away from us." Li Qingqing sighed softly.

"So don't worry. Are you in a hurry?" Hu Lai asked.

Li Qingqing shook her head: "That's not true. I really haven't thought about getting married yet... I think it's good for us to be like this now."

"But you're going to get married after all, right?"

"Of course, we're going to get married."

Hearing this, Hu Lai patted his heart and made a look of letting out a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's okay. I was scared to death, I thought you didn't want to marry me. Let me tell you, everything that is not for the purpose of marriage All contacts are hooligans, so don't be a hooligan!"

Li Qingqing saw that he was so sluggish, so she raised her hand and patted him: "I hate it, what are you talking about!"

But her hand was grabbed by Hu Lai.

"Go, come home with me!"

Hu Lai held Li Qingqing's hand tightly, as if afraid that she would run away.

Li Qingqing didn't struggle either, but obediently let Hu Lai hold her hand.

The two walked hand in hand towards home.

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