Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 194 This Doesn't Look Like His Style

Remember [New] in a second! Luo Kai gritted his teeth and swung his arms vigorously, driving his legs to run wildly on the turf.

He is chasing the football in front of him, trying to pass it to the middle goal before the ball goes out of the baseline, creating a killing opportunity for the team.

Even if the goal is scored, it has no effect on the result of the game.

But if he can get a goal back and return to the home court in the second round, Tramed can chase one less goal...

Seeing that the football was about to roll off the bottom line, Luo Kai threw his body out. At this time, he couldn't care less about the balance of the center of gravity.

But even if he did this...he still couldn't touch the ball!

The football rolled off the baseline, and he slid with it, only to stop when it hit the billboard.


Luo Kai struggled to get up from the ground, his chest heaved violently, panting as if pulling a bellows, wheezing.

He looked from a distance and saw the goalkeeper Albertazzi of the Turin Bulls gesturing to the ball boy at home behind the billboard, signaling the ball boy to be steady and not to throw the ball to him immediately. .

Luo Kai bared his teeth - you are all leading by three goals, what time is this injury time delaying?

"...Although Ronaldo was trying to catch up, he still couldn't catch the ball...In fact, this was not Tramed's attacking opportunity at all. Wilson's long pass in the backcourt was obviously too large. It would be better to say that it was a long pass. Said it was a rescue...but Luo did not give up, anyway, the fighting spirit of this Chinese boy is still very commendable!"

When a gasping Rockette appeared in the screen to write, the narrator Matthew Cox praised it so much.

"Few of Tramed's players performed well in this game. Although Luo came off the bench, his fighting spirit is much better than those stars who are more famous than him...I appreciate this young man's point , as long as he plays, he is always full of fighting spirit and goes all out, no matter what the situation is... For example, the ball just now, whether it is an offensive opportunity or not, Luo will always strive to chase... I know he is inside Tramed Just a nobody by comparison and nowhere near his compatriot who played for the Pirates of Madrid, but I think Kevin Locke should give this scrappy young man more chances... this game He only gave Luo twenty minutes, which I think is too little!

"I'm not saying that if Ronaldo was given more playing time, or let him start, Tramed could beat the Turin Bulls away. But I think no matter what the result is, it will definitely be better than the current 0:3! "

On the live big screen and TV broadcast, the score of Turin Bulls 3:0 Tramed is very eye-catching.

In the eyes of Tramed fans,

It even counts as "dazzling".

This score means that even if Tramed returns to his home court, there is little hope of a comeback.

Essentially it was announced that Tramed was out of the Champions League.

This is of course unacceptable to Tramed fans.

It is also unacceptable to Luo Kai.

After the quarter-finals, only he and Hu Lai were left in the quarter-finals of the Champions League, who happened to be his competitors.

After the results of the quarter-final draw came out, everyone was saying that Hu Lai was recommended to the semi-finals.

How could Luo Kai be willing to be inferior to others?

He also wants to play in the semi-finals of the Champions League!

But it is a pity that football is a team sport, and it is not up to him alone to decide the result.

No matter how hard he tried, it was impossible for him to lead Tramed to eliminate the Turin Bulls and reach the semi-finals alone.

In Tramed, he is not even the unshakable and indispensable core like Hu Lai, what he can do is too limited...

Luo Kai couldn't do anything, and Tramed lost 0:3 to the Turin Bulls in the away game.

After the game, Luo Kai knew the result of another Champions League match through the Internet.

The Madrid Pirates defeated Valentia 2-0 in the away game and received the "big gift package" with a smile. It is almost no difficulty to advance to the semi-finals.

And Hu Lai scored a goal in this game.

This brings him to thirteen goals in the Champions League this season.


"...Do you want to talk to Parotti?"

When his wife Sophia, who had finally finished her bedtime maintenance, sat on the bed, she hesitated for a while before asking.

"What are you talking about?" Her husband, Carey, looked at his phone and asked without looking up.

"You didn't play in the game yesterday, and you haven't even played in the Champions League this season..."

Carey shook his head and said, "No need, when it's my turn, it will be my turn."

The wife looked back at her husband in surprise.

He was still looking down at his phone.

Last night, the Madrid Pirates defeated Valentia 2-0 away and took the lead in the two rounds of the Champions League quarter-finals. Husband's rivals Di Kunzo and Hou Lai both scored in the game, but Carey sat on the bench for 90 minutes without getting a chance to play.

Counting this game, Carey didn't even have a minute of playing time in the Champions League this season.

This is indeed quite surprising.

Sophia was worried that her husband was thinking wildly again - because this time when he came back from the game, he looked very calm, as if nothing happened.

Take Sophia's understanding of her husband. She felt that the calmer her husband was, the greater the trouble.

Like the calm before the storm, her husband must have a storm brewing inside.

She was worried that her husband would suddenly explode at an inopportune time, and would become the center of gravity of the vortex of public opinion, triggering a series of chain reactions.

So she decided to test it first.

Unexpectedly, she finally got an answer that she couldn't think of at all.

Her husband... seemed really calm.

She was very curious about why her husband did this, but she dared not ask for fear of angering him.

Regardless of whether her husband is sincere or pretending to be so, at least the superficial "peace" has not been broken, and she does not have to worry about the storm of public opinion for the time being.

In the end, Sophia just smiled: "You can think so...very good."

Upon hearing this, Carey moved his gaze away from the phone screen to his wife's face.

Sophia, who was stared at by him, asked unnaturally: "Why?"

Carey didn't speak, but laughed, put the phone aside, and put his arms around Sophia: "It's nothing, I just think you are very beautiful today..."


When Li Qingqing walked to the bed, Hu Lai, who was already lying on the bed, put his left arm straight under Li Qingqing's pillow: "Come on!"

Li Qingqing smiled sweetly, turned off the light and went to bed, put Hu Lai's arm under her head, turned over again, and was hugged by Hu Lai's arm.

With the beauty in his arms, Hu Lai asked, "Speaking of which, your King's women's team has reached the semi-finals of the Champions League ahead of schedule, right?"

Li Qingqing shook her head, her hair stroking Hu Lai's arm: "This is only the first round, we won't be sure until we finish the second round next week..."

"Hey, enchantment, this statement is a bit false! You all won the away game against Rome 8-0 in the first round, what suspense can there be in the second round?" Hu Lai complained. "I said you guys are too ruthless. You beat someone 8-0 in the away game. I don't think you guys celebrated after scoring goals..."

Li Qingqing smiled wryly: "That can't be helped, the opportunity is coming, you can't deliberately hit it flying, right? That would be a humiliation to the city of Rome..."

The quarter-finals of the Women's Champions League and the quarter-finals of the Men's Champions League are separated. Last week, the first leg of the Women's Champions League quarter-finals was played first, and this week the whistle was blown in the Men's Champions League quarter-finals. .

This arrangement can also attract attention to the women's football Champions League. Otherwise, if it is scheduled at the same time as the Men's Football Champions League, I am afraid that no one will watch it at all, and the TV ratings and discussion enthusiasm will all be taken away by the Men's Football Champions League.

However, the development level of women's football is still very uneven, even in the relatively developed European football.

Generally speaking, there are no weak teams that can reach the quarter-finals of the Men's Football Champions League.

Even if there are relatively weak players, it is difficult to score a score of 0:8 in the quarterfinals. At least the Madrid Pirates can bloodbath Valentia 8:0 in the away game...

The men's team of the city of Rome is a well-known strong team in Italy, and it is also a force that cannot be ignored in European football.

The women's team can reach the quarter-finals of the Champions League, and naturally it is not a team with a lot of fat.

But when they met the powerful Madrid King women's team, they were powerless to resist.

Li Qingqing staged a big four in this game, and she also scored ten goals in the Women's Champions League this season.

As an attacking midfielder, rather than a striker, the number of goals scored is already remarkable.

"I haven't even had the big four in the Champions League yet." Hu Lai said enviously.

"You already have thirteen balls, what are you envious of?"

"Nine of these thirteen goals were scored in the group stage, and only four were scored in the knockout stage..."

"Gege, touch your conscience, won't it hurt if you say that?" Li Qingqing seized the opportunity to complain.

Hu Lai himself was also happy: "Forget it, let's not talk about it, we are staying here in Versailles."

Li Qingqing was amused by Hu Lai's statement. If a third party heard their conversation, they would think they were showing off in disguise.

"It's not brought by you!" She patted Hu Lai's chest lightly and said angrily.

"Let's be honest. I scored four goals in three games in the knockout stage, and I scored six goals in all three group matches. The intensity of the Champions League is different from that of the league, and the intensity of the Champions League knockout stage is also different from the group stage. Entering the knockout stage, it is very difficult. It is obvious that the defensive resistance encountered is greater..." Hu Lai said. "It's getting more and more difficult to score goals. Now most of the time in the game, I am responsible for attracting firepower to my teammates and creating opportunities..."

"Speaking of which, Kyrie hasn't played in the Champions League so far. With his temper, wouldn't he make trouble?" Li Qingqing asked curiously.

Hu Lai froze for a moment.

Yes, in yesterday's game, Kyrie sat on the bench for 90 minutes and was almost forgotten.

Doesn't Carey have anything to say about this?

This is not like his style...

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