Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 197 Should have been a goal......

Remember [New] in a second! Maxi Carey only felt that the pressure in his chest was increasing rapidly, and he could feel a force that wanted to open his ribs and break through.

It was a blazing fire.

His chest was under high temperature and pressure.

It's like magma deep in the mantle, rushing and conflicting under the crust, looking for a breach that can be drilled out.

But Kyrie struggled to suppress the anger, even though the Royal Catjon players around him were as distracting as flies and gnats.

These flies and mosquitoes...

Carey thought to himself more than once, if this was before he was seriously injured, it would be impossible for him to be trapped by one or two opponents.

He only needs a simple acceleration to shake off his opponent and drive the ball towards the goal.

Let the opponent only see his "taillight".

Now suffering from serious injuries, he has lost the ability to make various sudden stops and changes of direction during high-speed running. His fragile knees and ankles can no longer bear that much pressure.

When the Dutch can't fly, they may be surrounded by flies and mosquitoes. .

Carey was annoyed by the flies and mosquitoes, and it was impossible for him to suppress the anger in his heart all the time.

How to do it?

Of course, it is a little fierce for the flies and mosquitoes of the Royal Caterhorn!


Although he played as a forward, in the actual game, Maxi Carey's position is very flexible. Instead of asking him to stay up front, Parotti told him he could go wherever he wanted and take the ball wherever he wanted.

He believes that with Kyrie's experience and talent, he must know where to appear.

It's hard for a head coach to tell a genius like Kyrie what to do.

As a coach, you just need to quietly watch him pretend... no, just watch him perform.

Now Carey dropped back to the forward line, slightly to the left.

It looked like Luka Celovic had been crowded out on the left, forcing the Croatian international to stay close to the touchline and stretch the formation very, very wide.

Joaquin Bella crosses the ball across the middle.

Real Caterjon's right back Benjamin Maldonado followed,

Even when he saw Celovich on the sideline, he didn't leave Kyrie behind to defend him.

Freezing Kyrie, targeting Kyrie, is the top priority on defense.

Almost as soon as Kyrie received the ball, he quickly pushed forward.

Carey stopped the football with the outside instep of his right foot, while leaning slightly to the left, as if to drive the ball outside and break through.

Maldonado rushed up to see this scene, and immediately slammed on the brakes, but his foot slipped and failed to stop... But Maldonado's reaction was also very fast, he did not forcefully maintain his balance, but shoveled towards the football !

He thought his move was a surprise, but he didn't expect that Kaili didn't take an unusual path at all.

When Maldonado's shovel came over, Carey's right foot slammed into the turf behind the football. With just such a light rub, or just a rub, the football that was well parked on the turf was crushed. I jumped up!

As if he had come alive, this jump jumped over Maldonado's shoveled foot!

Maldonado shoveled in an almost impossible situation... shoveled!

Carey jumped over Maldonado's legs with the football, as light as a little girl skipping rope.

"Wow! Beautiful!!"

Neither the commentator nor the Madrid Pirates fans in the stands actually saw the details of Carey's action clearly, but they saw that Carey suddenly threw away Maldonado when most people couldn't react. . So no matter how Kyrie does it, it's always right to cheer him on!

Amidst the cheers that suddenly increased, Carey dribbled the ball towards the restricted area of ​​Real Caterjon. Maldonado also quickly got up and chased back, and guarded Carey together with the central defender Jacob Tipland who came to defend. .

Under the guard of two people, after entering the penalty area, Carey has no way to get rid of it. If he continues to lead, he will lose his shooting angle.

So he forced his kick to shoot.

The football was blocked out of the baseline by Real Caterjon goalkeeper Salva Rodriguez.

"Kyrie's shot! Omg what a pity! He just got away beautifully!"

At this time, the TV broadcast showed Carey's extraordinary slow motion just now, and the commentators were shocked:

"My God! Look at the ball! Look at the ball! See how Kyrie managed to pry the football up so cleverly?"

"Football under Carey's feet is as obedient as their family's golden retriever... I can watch this pick dozens of times!"

"Didn't Maldonado stop the ball? It's okay, no one will think it's Maldonado's problem. It's normal for any defensive player to be unable to stop the ball!"

"Ah! That's right! This is the Maxi Carey we are familiar with! His delicate foot skills and imaginative way of handling the ball are really pleasing to the eye!"


The Madrid Pirates fans in the stands also saw Carey's wonderful escape just now through the big screen, and their cheers became louder.

Although the goal was not scored, if you only listen to the sound, you will definitely think that Carey scored the goal...

"This is the right thing for Kyrie to do!" Parotti slapped excitedly on the sidelines, and then shouted to Valentine, "Use his skills and talent to tear gaps in the opponent's defense and create Chance!"

Valentine still had some regrets: "It would have been better if he had chosen to pass the ball just now, and Hu has already inserted in the middle to respond..."

With a smile on his face, Parrotti shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, Jesús. If this breakthrough can make him regain a little confidence, even if he is a little independent, I can completely accept it."


While everyone was cheering for Carey's breakthrough, Maxi Carey shook his head slightly.

If the ball just now was him before the injury, after passing Maldonado, it would be impossible for him to be caught by the two opponents.

Because when he catches up with the football, he only needs to speed up and go forward to enter the penalty area. At the same time, he also sneaks between the opponent's two defensive players who are closing the door, so that the opponent can't stop him at all.

Then he can face the attacking goalkeeper alone and score easily.

But it's a pity that he doesn't dare to do so now.

He was afraid that if he accelerated, his knee would be hurt again.

So in the end, after he caught up with the football, he didn't dare to sprint. Only then was the opponent's two defensive players sticking to each other.

Carey sighed.

Everyone is cheering for his extraordinary, as if he scored the same goal.

But it should have been a goal...

Kaili looked back at the sky and noticed that Hu Lai was looking at him.

Although he didn't say anything or make gestures, Carey knew in his heart what Hu Lai's eyes meant - he shouldn't have chosen to shoot just now, but should have crossed.

It's just that Carey didn't intend to apologize to Hu Lai.

No attempt to explain why he didn't pass the ball.

Although he didn't turn a blind eye to Hu Lai on purpose, he just didn't give up just now...


When Hu Lai looked at Carey, he wasn't actually complaining about why he didn't pass the ball to him—he didn't care about thinking that at all. Shock.

He had never seen Kyrie perform this move in training, so it was definitely not a technical move that Kyrie had practiced for a long time. It was really a sudden idea, and I just kicked it casually, and the result was a wonderful extraordinary...

Moreover, the whole movement is so light, as if the weight is lifted lightly, naturally, high mountains and flowing water, silky smooth... It's hard to say that he was deceived.

When it comes to acting aggressively on the court, Hu Lai once made a celebration before the ball flew into the goal.

That was also very coercive.

He, Hu Lai, has never lost to others in his life, but now he feels that in terms of pretending to be aggressive, he is really far behind Maxi Carey.

The gap between the two in this aspect is almost like the gap between Kyrie and him in "self-protection".


Maldonado on the field may still be grateful that he has not become the background board of a classic goal.

Off the field, Real Catjon coach Jean Osvaldo kept his eyes on Maxi Carey.

Carey is still the same Carey, unchanged!

He still remembers that Kyrie scored in the first round of the league at the beginning of this season.

It stands to reason that the performance is good and the state is very good.

But in the next few games, he fought alone, and he couldn't cooperate with Hu Lai at all.

In the end, Parotti could only change him from the main force to a substitute.

If he hadn't been seriously injured in the national team game and missed half a year of the game, voluntarily ending the competition between him and Hu Lai in this way, Pirates coach Parotti would have had a headache...

Now it seems that after half a year of recuperation, Carey has no plans to change his playing style. He still prefers to do it himself rather than pass the ball to his teammates.

If it is Carey in the 2025-2026 season, Osvaldo is really afraid that he will come by himself. Carey in that season was simply a god blocking and killing a god, and the Buddha blocked and killed the Buddha, and he couldn't stop it at all.

But now Carey...

As long as he doesn't pass the football to Hu Lai, he can live as he wants!

Jean Osvaldo on the sidelines thought so.

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