Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 218 I did everything I needed to do

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Parrotti was mentally prepared when he lined up his rotation to face Valentia away.

Not to mention a draw, even if it was a loss, he could only accept it.

Who will make the next round of the Champions League semi-final against the King of Madrid?

With such a behemoth by his side, how dare Parotti be distracted from thinking about the league with Valentia?

He has to rest most of the main players.

Not losing is already considered a good result.

Although they are tied with the Kings of Madrid in terms of points, the ranking is still ahead of the Kings—because the Madrid Pirates double-killed the Kings in the league, the Pirates have the upper hand when comparing the relationship between wins and losses.

In this way, as long as the Madrid Pirates win the remaining three rounds of the league, they can still win the league championship.

At least you don't have to look at other people's faces.

This situation is already very good.

What he should consider now is the Champions League semi-final against the Kings.

Battle at the Crown Stadium!

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"Betia's performance in the league against Valentia was quite satisfactory, neither good nor bad. But this does not guarantee that he will continue to play like this in the next game-the king and Valentia brought The pressure coming is not of the same magnitude. I am worried that he will become the target of the King of Madrid..."

Before the game against the Kings, the Pirates coaching staff was making final preparations. They analyzed the current state and physical fitness of the players one by one to decide who would play and who would not.

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"But we don't have a better candidate, so we can only arrange him to start." Parotti finalized the candidate to partner with Moreno in one sentence.

"I see rumors on the Internet that the club is interested in Danny Drew of Athletic Amsterdam?" the second assistant coach Nahel asked suddenly.

Parrotti shook his head: "Only discuss the next game, transfer matters are not within the scope of today's discussion."

Valentine began to report on Kyrie's physical condition again: "Kyrie's physical fitness is still difficult to play the whole game. If he is allowed to start, I estimate that he will be replaced in less than 60 minutes this time."

Although Kyrie didn't go away with the team at all in the game against Valentia on the weekend, he was exhausted due to the game against the King of Madrid last Tuesday. Originally, his physical fitness hadn't returned to the best condition. After such a lot of consumption, it was naturally still stretched.

If 100 is used to represent the state of full physical fitness, then Carey's physical fitness before playing the King of Madrid at home may be 75. When he was replaced in the game, his physical fitness was only 5. After taking a week's rest and recovering to the present, he still only has 65 stamina at most.

The away game against the King of Madrid will definitely be more difficult to play than the first round at home, requiring more physical energy.

So Kyrie will play less minutes than he will.

At this time, Parotti needs to consider whether to let Kyrie start or let him come off the bench.

Parotti made a decision: "Let Kyrie come off the bench and Ruiz start instead of him."

In the game against Valentia, Ruiz also started the game, but was replaced after only 60 minutes, so his physical fitness is still guaranteed.

And in this Champions League semi-final with the King of Madrid, Ruiz will definitely not be able to play the whole game, so don't worry too much about his physical fitness.

Let Ruiz start because of the fact that the King of Madrid will definitely launch a fierce attack from the very beginning of this game, and the pirates will be on the defensive first.

Under such circumstances, it doesn't make much sense to let Carey play, but it will waste a lot of his physical energy needlessly.

It's better to let him rest on the bench, and then use it as a back move.

High center forward Ruiz started, and he can act as a bridgehead in the frontcourt when the team shrinks and plays defense. In this way, when the Madrid Pirates are counterattacking, they no longer need to step forward through the midfield step by step, but can directly pass from the backcourt to the frontcourt, and then let Ruiz compete for the top to control the football.

Plug in others to buy time.

This also avoids the shortcoming that Kyrie does not play and has no creativity in the offensive organization.

In addition, Ruiz can also play as a central defender in the set-piece defense to increase the air defense force.

As for other positions, there is nothing to say.

Di Kunzo was still on the right, replacing Silviglio. The Portuguese is in an unstable state. In such an important game, he really dare not open the blind box. So it's safe to use Di Kunzo. Although the Italian forward is not a winger and his speed is not very fast, it is better than nothing.

Juan Ramirez is paired with Joaquin Bella in the middle. The task of the two people is mainly to intercept and sweep. Destroy the King of Madrid's attack and protect the front of the pirate line. Don't count on them to organize offenses, or in other words, compared with organizing offenses, their defensive tasks are heavier, so naturally they can't put more energy into offense.

Ramirez had to retreat into the penalty area to help Betia defend, and the burden on Joaquin Bella's shoulders was not light at all.

What kind of attack is organized like this?

After getting the ball, he drove forward with a big foot, looking for Ruiz's head, even if he organized an attack...

On the left is Tonini. There is nothing to say, the absolute thigh of the Madrid Pirates on the left.

Skilled and fast, a typical Brazilian wide player.

There are no other changes in the back line except for Betia replacing Amantegui.

Ruiz's partner is of course Hou Lai.

Formation 44, attacking mainly on the two sides, threatening the King's goal by crossing from the side.

This is already the best solution Parotti's coaching staff can come up with under the current personnel situation.

Adjust according to the specific situation in the game.

If the score is behind, or in a stalemate, and the offense needs to be stepped up, then use Maxi Carey to open the situation with his talent and creativity and create a murderous opportunity for Hu Lai.

If you are very lucky, you will still lead in the second half. Then Kyrie can also be played, but his task after playing is to use his ball-handling ability to slow down the pace of the game and delay time.

In addition, the Madrid Pirates also focused on the offense and defense of set kicks during this week.

Parrotti puts his side in an "underdog" position, arguing that set-pieces are important if they want to progress to the final away from home.

They already have free-kick masters like Tonini and Carey, so they need to further improve their set-piece tactics and carry forward this advantage.

At the same time, we also specially practiced penalty kicks to prepare for possible penalty shootouts.

In the order of penalty kicks arranged by the coaching staff, captain Juan Ramirez was the first to play, followed by Hou Lai who played second.

His penalty ability is beyond doubt.

Parrotti's point of view is that the player with the higher penalty kick ability should be higher in the penalty shootout order.

Instead of putting the players with the best penalty kick ability at the end of the five-man list like some traditional head coaches do.

This more traditional approach is based on the consideration of letting the player with the best penalty kick ability be the finale.

Because the pressure on the fifth penalty kick is very high, it is necessary to arrange a strong player.

But the actual situation is:

Most of the time, in fact, the fifth penalty shooter may not be able to wait for the opportunity to play, and the ability to take penalty kicks is completely useless...

This is a great waste.

Therefore, many head coaches now tend to let those players with excellent penalty kick ability play as soon as possible. On the one hand, it is to establish their own advantage in the score as soon as possible, and on the other hand, it is also to put psychological pressure on the opponent.

Like another Champions League semi-final on Tuesday night.

The Stan Park Rangers dragged the Turin Bulls into a penalty shootout at home.

In the penalty shootout, although the goalkeeper Albertazzi of the Turin Bulls played well, he couldn't hold back his teammates.

He saved a penalty and forced another to bounce off the crossbar.

The Turin Bulls missed three free throws.

So much so that Caesar, who was about to take a penalty kick in the fifth round, never had a chance to play, and the Turin Bulls were defeated.

In addition to scoring the first penalty kick, the Turin Bulls had three remaining players on the field, all of which were missed.

In the final penalty shootout, Stan Park Rangers: 1 eliminated the Turin Bulls and took the lead in reaching the Champions League final.

This season's Champions League final is held in London. For the Stan Park Rangers, it can be regarded as half of the home court.

After the game, some Italian media criticized the head coach of the Turin Bulls, Matteo Zaccaroni, for not putting Caesar in the last place to take the penalty kick.

As a superstar, Caesar should play early, even if he is not allowed to play first, he must be placed in the middle.

In this way, at least when the Turin Bulls miss the second penalty kick, Caesar can use a steady penalty kick to rebuild the team's confidence.

It's not like three consecutive free throw players will collapse.

Caesar, who was the fifth player to watch, was very anxious at first, but finally he could only cover his face and sigh.

The game between the Stan Park Rangers and the Turin Bulls was a wake-up call for Parotti.

Although he is unwilling to play a penalty shootout, he must also be prepared for it.

When that time really comes, don't cause hatred because of some mistakes in tactical arrangements.

That's probably even more unsatisfactory than being eliminated.

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PS, the third update starts today, the second update at 1:00 noon, and the third update at 6:00 pm! (to be continued)

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