Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 242 Breaking the Great Defense

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The boos echoed in the crown stadium, and it lasted for a long time.

Many people even have hallucinations:

Has this booing never stopped since the Pirates scored the fourth goal, and it has continued until now?

The Madrid Pirates scored the fourth goal, and the king was almost sure to miss the league championship; because of this incident, Dudu Carlos made a catch error on the field and lost the first goal; after losing the first goal, he was restless, The thinking is not unified, the formation is out of line, and another goal is conceded in a short time...

It feels like all the unlucky things have come together.

Especially for the second goal, Zhang Qinghuan was outside the penalty area, looking like he wanted to pass in. Everyone was guarding against his cross, but unexpectedly he shot directly!

I don't know if he premeditated, or if he got in by coincidence.

The first possibility shows that Zhang Qinghuan is a bold and talented person.

The second possibility shows that the king's luck was extremely bad.

Comparing the two, King Madrid fans may be more willing to believe that Zhang Qinghuan, a Chinese player with a high skill and boldness, deliberately chose to play like this. Also unwilling to accept the second point.

Because of the second reason, King Madrid fans will feel that God has abandoned them, as if they are destined not to win the league championship this season, nor can they complete the "Triple Crown" achievement.

More unacceptable to Kings fans than "opponent is too strong" is "destiny".

But the truth of the fact may disappoint the King of Madrid fans-Zhang Qinghuan's kick was indeed a premeditated shot, so it wasn't a cross that turned into a shot. But he himself didn't expect that the goal could really be scored... He just kicked the football towards the goal, and whether he scored in the end depends on luck...

Amidst the boos, Zhang Qinghuan, who scored the goal, did not run wildly to celebrate, but stood where he was, pointing to the sky and looking up.

After scoring a goal against Catalan last season, he seems to have found the feeling of scoring against giants.

Playing Catalan United scored a goal to help Sarria tie the opponent.

Against the Madrid Pirates, he got rid of the "champion cornerstone" Juan Ramirez and scored a goal to save Saria.

Now against the Kings, he finally got his wish and scored a goal.

Regardless of the final outcome of this game. With just one goal and one assist in this game, Zhang Qinghuan's 2027-2028 season can be regarded as a successful conclusion.

So far, Zhang Qinghuan has scored four goals and assisted six times in La Liga this season, scored one goal and assisted three times in the Europa League, and had one goal and two assists in the Copa del Rey.

A total of six goals and eleven assists were scored in all competitions.

Perhaps in a wealthy team, such a performance is not very eye-catching, but in a non-rich team like Sarria, this data is a proper core of the team.


I saw Zhang Qinghuan raising his arms high, and then being surrounded by teammates swarming in the middle.

Sun Juan in front of the TV laughed happily.

Then with a smile, she raised her hand and wiped her eyes again, tears welling up in her eyes.

Because of Hu Lai's outstanding performance, Zhang Qinghuan's results may not be very impressive.

But as a fan of Zhang Qinghuan, Sun Juan is very clear about how remarkable this result is for him who has gone through detours for several years.

Tonight, perhaps everyone is paying attention to whether Hu Lai can win the La Liga championship. Their TV must be showing the match between the Madrid Pirates and the Catalan United. At the same time, I will pay attention to the game between Sarria and the King in other ways, and it is mainly because this game may help the Pirates win the championship.

When the Pirates led Catalan 4-0, many people may have turned off the live broadcast of the game between Sarria and the Kings.

Sun Juan only watched the game between Sarria and the Kings, and didn't care about the other game at all.

Because she only wants to see who she wants to see.

Sun Juan seemed a bit depressed when Saria fell behind by two goals in the first half, but she always had expectations and believed that Zhang Qinghuan would definitely perform in the game.

Before the start of the game, she had hoped that when the Madrid Pirates were in a tough fight with the Catalan United at the Sagrada Familia, it was Zhang Qinghuan's outstanding performance that helped Sarria defeat the Madrid King and escorted the Pirates to the top.

Then Hu Lai's fans all came to thank Zhang Qinghuan. Said that if there is no Brother Huan, Hu Lai will not be able to win this championship, so this military medal must be half of Brother Huan...

Although the progress of the game was different from what she had imagined, it was finally a happy result after seeing it now - Hu Lai won the championship with his own ability, while Zhang Qinghuan sent an assist and scored a goal in the game.

She can finally let go of the heart she had been hanging on before.

After unloading all the psychological burden, that kind of emotion welled up in my heart, and the tears couldn't stop streaming out like this.

Although her make-up was worn out, Sun Juan still had a bright smile on her face.

The tear stains reflected the fluorescence of the TV set, shining brightly.


Kendor Kabanka, who is watching the Catalan home game against the Madrid Pirates, has a look of lovelessness.

Because there will be the last round of the Premier League tomorrow, so after training this afternoon, Kabanka gathered and checked into the hotel with the other 17 teammates who were selected for the competition list.

Kick-off time for Catalan and Madrid Pirates coincides with dinner time at Athletic Manchester.

It is impossible for Kabangka to watch the live broadcast of the game without eating. He is also embarrassed to watch the game of his new club in front of his teammates. It is really embarrassing to his teammates...

He waited until after dinner before returning to the room alone, turned on the TV, and found a TV channel with a live game.

At this time, the game has entered the second half.

Then Kabanka had a black question mark expression on his face-did I read the score correctly? Is the Pirates leading the Catalan 3:0, not the Catalan leading the Pirates 3:0?

No, this should not be a score, but a comparison of the number of offsides between the two sides, right?

Or is it a comparison of the number of yellow cards?

In short, it should not be a score!

He finally recovered from the unbelievable shock and realized that the Madrid Pirates had indeed taken a three-goal lead in just 45 minutes away.

Cathay-Thai United was completely blown away!

So when he saw that Cathay United conceded another goal in the second half and fell behind 0:4, he didn't have any particularly intense reactions.

He didn't watch the first half of the game, so he didn't understand how Catalan United collapsed in the first half.

He only knows that the Catalan United he sees so far is not like a giant team that can compete with the King of Madrid and the Pirates of Madrid, but a lagging dog...

Seeing such a game, he suddenly understood why the Catalan club suddenly became very straightforward, satisfied all the requirements put forward by his side, and settled the personal contract as quickly as possible.

Perhaps the Catalan United themselves know that with the decline of the midfield commander Gaspar Rosas, the team's strength has a great hidden danger. If they can't sign themselves, I'm afraid they won't even be able to keep the top three in the league.

At the same time, it also made Kabanka realize that this time he might really have to go to the Catalan United to be the savior.

This team lacks a superstar who can really support the whole team.

As a good partner of Rosas, Camp Noosa is a little more low-key. Mario Salado is a genius cultivated by Catalan, but it is still too immature.

After thinking about how he would have to do more than he expected after transferring to Cathay United, Kabanka frowned slightly.

An annual salary of 20 million yuan after tax is not easy to get...

At this moment, Kabanka saw the latest battle report scrolling out from the bottom of the TV screen:

King Madrid 2:2 Saria, goal scorer: Zhang

Kabanka was stunned for a moment, remembering that it was two minutes ago that he saw this scrolling bulletin, saying that the King of Madrid 2:1 Sarria came...

So that means the King of Madrid conceded two goals in three minutes?

The original 2:0 became 2:2!


Thinking of this, Kabanka suddenly smiled, and his mood improved a lot:

Presumably at this time, Melly's expression must be very exciting, right?

Still want to win the Triple Crown?

How can you win the "Triple Crown" before me!


Meli is one of the King Madrid players staying in the frontcourt. He is going to wait for his teammates to steal the ball, and then pass the football over so that he can directly launch a counterattack.

But what he was waiting for in the frontcourt was... the sad news that a football flew into his goal!

He stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of his own goal.

Beside him, Sarriah's goalkeeper Bajon ran past cheering, joining the rest of his team-mates, rushing forward.

The Crown Stadium was booed loudly.

But the Sarria players didn't care at all, and they ran towards the figure pointing at the sky amidst the boos of the Kings fans.

Then hugged him and submerged him again.

Seeing this scene, Meili's eyes gradually became sharp again.

He raised his arms and waved them while yelling, "Kick the ball over here!!"

The game is not over yet, there are still more than 20 minutes left, and he still has to score. At least he must not surrender early at this time.

But at this time, there was no cry of "Forward, King! Never give up! Fight to the end!" over the Crown Stadium.

In response to Melly's move, there were only endless boos.

I just heard that Hu Lai's hat-trick helped the Madrid Pirates lead Catalan 4-0 in the away game. The score was 2:2...all the Kings fans broke their defenses.

What "King Spirit"?

We just want to swear now!

I don't know why, since Hu Lai transferred to the Madrid Pirates, the Kings fans have broken their defenses a little too much... The fastest update of the novel is free, please visit the mobile phone and visit:

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