The fans just behind Xie Lan still remember how the aunt in front of him found him.

She said that she is a die-hard fan of Hu Lai, can you let her hold the light sign in her hand.

He was a little surprised - this aunt seemed to be Hu Lai's mother at her age...

After he expressed his doubts, the aunt explained with a smile that she was Hu Lai's mother fan.

Out of the mentality of "respecting the elderly", this young man still handed the light board in his hand to his aunt. Anyway, it is tiring to hold it with his hands all the time...

As a result, the madness of this aunt shocked him a lot—what kind of operation was she to scream "son" when she saw Hu Lai coming out? !

Are mother fans so naked now?

Straightforward "role-playing"? !

But what surprised him even more was yet to come.

The mother fan's voice of "son" attracted a lot of attention for her, and also successfully attracted the attention of Hu Lai and Li Qingqing.

And... these two people really walked towards Auntie!

The other fans who watched were shocked—it turns out that Hu Lai likes others to call him "son"? !

Then they regretted it very much, why did this aunt get ahead of such a showy thing?

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Hu Lai walked up to Auntie first.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

The "lucky aunt" in everyone's eyes looked at Hu Lai with a bright smile on her face.

Then everyone saw that Hu Lai first took off the light board from the auntie's hand, and then said: "Mom, I'm back..."

The young man behind Xie Lan was so frightened that he could barely close his mouth——Damn it, it turned out to be a real mother!


Although the airport hall was crowded with people, Xie Lan's "Son!" was still very clear and loud.

At the same time, after this voice, I can clearly feel that the various hustle and bustle at the airport pick-up exit are much smaller.

When Hu Lai went straight up and hugged Xie Lan.

There are countless identical messages in the comment section of this video:

"True mother fan!"

See here,

Li Qingqing laughed hard.

And Xie Lan, who was driving, was still proudly asking Hu Lai: "How about it, is my idea okay? Make sure you can see me as soon as you come out!"

Hu Lai said with a straight face: "Good idea, Mom. Don't do this next time."

Li Qingqing had just finished laughing, and when she heard the conversation between the mother and son, she laughed happily again.

Xie Lan took the time to glance at the smiling girl in the rearview mirror, and laughed too, her heart was as sweet as eating honey—my unbelievable stinky boy finally got the hang of it, and this time it was justifiable to bring his wife back home. home!

When the two of them appeared together in front of Xie Lan the year before last, their relationship had not yet been established. Therefore, although Xie Lan has a lot of fantasies in his heart, he can't show it in front of other people except her husband Lao Hu.

Now she doesn't care about that anymore.

Thinking of this, she asked with concern: "Qingqing, are you tired from the journey?"

"Not tired, we are all used to it, Aunt Xie..."

"Hey—" Xie Lan dragged out her voice, "Auntie?"

Li Qingqing froze for a moment.

Xie Lan saw Li Qingqing's current appearance through the rearview mirror, so she said, "If you don't mind, you can treat me as your mother, Qingqing."

"Mom, you too..." Hu Lai felt that his mother was fast forwarding too much.

Before he finished speaking, he heard Li Qingqing who was sitting beside him call out sweetly: "Mom!"

"Hey!" Xie Lan responded loudly, and at the same time patted his thigh hard.

This action startled Hu Lai: "Mom, concentrate on driving!"

"It's okay, I'm driving assisted driving!" Xie Lan waved her hand, and then said to Li Qingqing with a smile: "From now on, I will be your mother, Qingqing. If Hu Lai dares to bully you in the future, just tell me, I'll take care of him!"

Hu Lai pouted: "How could I bully her?"

Li Qingqing also smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mom. Hu Lai is very good to me."

"Look." Hu Lai spread his hands to show his innocence.

Xie Lan snorted and said, "I don't even dare to measure you!"

Hu Lai turned to look at Li Qingqing helplessly, then lowered her hair and sent a WeChat message.

With a ding-dong sound, Li Qingqing picked up her phone to look again, and Hu Lai sent:

"My mother really likes you."

Li Qingqing raised his head and smiled back at Hu Lai.


Li Ziqiang was cleaning at home, but in fact he was basically done. He has been doing daily sanitation and cleaning, mainly cleaning out his daughter's room.

Pull off the cloth covering the furniture and send it to the washing machine for washing.

Then use a vacuum cleaner to suck off the dust and replace it with a mop to mop it up.

Finally, put a set of clean sheets and quilt covers on my daughter's bed.

After doing all this, he sat down on the sofa to rest, and then picked up his mobile phone to see where his daughter had gone.

About half an hour ago, my daughter sent a WeChat message saying that they had just got off the expressway.

Before he had time to ask his daughter where she was, he heard Sister Xie's hearty voice and the movement of dragging the suitcase from outside the gate.

He got up quickly, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw his daughter standing in the elevator room with a smile on her face, and sister Xie and her son were also there.


Seeing Li Ziqiang, Li Qingqing's eyes lit up, and he greeted him energetically.

Hu Lai, who was standing beside Li Qingqing, also greeted with a shy face: "Hello coach, hehe..."

In front of Sister Xie, Li Ziqiang didn't keep a straight face, but he was not very enthusiastic, he just nodded and thanked Xie Lan: "I'm sorry to trouble you, Sister Xie."

"Hey, why are you being polite!" Xie Lan waved her hand nonchalantly, "I have agreed with Qingqing, we will come to our house for dinner later in the evening. You two don't need to start a fire, come to our house to eat together. Don't worry, it's all commonplace, I Let Lao Hu prepare it at home..."

Li Ziqiang knew that it was useless to refuse at this time, so he simply nodded and agreed: "Okay, we will come when we pack up."

"Alright then, see you later, we'll go back first." Xie Lan opened the door with her fingerprints.

"Okay, see you later." Li Ziqiang took several big boxes from Li Qingqing and carried them all into the house.


After closing the door, Xie Lan excitedly punched his son's arm a few times, which made Hu Lai confused: "What are you doing, Mom?"

I saw my mother smiling and giving him a thumbs up: "Good job, son!"

Hu Lai was still confused.

Xie Lan grabbed him and asked in a low voice, "When are you going to get married?"

Holly's eyes widened.

Seeing his son's expression, Xie Lan's face sank: "Don't tell me you don't plan to get married."

Hu Lai quickly shook his head: "No, no, get married, definitely want to get married. But I haven't thought that far yet, I'm only twenty-four years old..."


"September only turns twenty-five..."

"nominal age!"

Facing his mother's nonsense, Hu Lai was defeated again, and he raised his hands in surrender: "Well, even if it's twenty-five, it's still too early."

"What's the matter, what's the difference between your current situation and getting married? Don't worry, son, considering the special nature of your profession and Qingqing's, I won't urge you to have children. After all, Qingqing can't do anything if she's pregnant. Playing football..."

Hu Lai really has a big head: "Mom, what are you thinking about all day long - have you thought about our child's name?"

Xie Lan shook his head: "That's not true, you have to choose the child's name yourself, and I will definitely not pass it on for you!"

"That's Yue Zu acting on his behalf, zu! pao!"

"Tsk, what word to choose, understand the spirit!"

Xie Lan raised his hand to hit him, but Hu Lai put his head in his hands and made a mouse-like scurrying.

"I said, why don't you see people coming in when you only hear someone talking at the door... What are you whispering at the door? You don't wash your hands, you don't change your shoes..." Hu Lixin, wearing an apron, came out of the kitchen and complained. .

Xie Lan gave her husband a white look: "Life is a big event!"

Then she turned to Hu Lai: "Your mother, I just want to use the law to protect your relationship."

Hu Lixin frowned: "What are you talking about..."

Hu Lai was also in a dilemma: "Mom, Li Qingqing and I really have the final say on marriage. Marriage is a matter between two families, right? Don't think Li Qingqing is with me anymore, but her father treats me very well." Opinions. I haven't told you all..."

Hu Lai couldn't help being urged by his mother, so he could only carry Li Ziqiang out.

But he wasn't making excuses randomly, because if he really wanted to marry Li Qingqing, the coach's attitude really had to be considered.


Li Qingqing opened the suitcase she brought home, took out the contents one by one, spread them on the bed, or put them on the table.

While she was doing these things, her father Li Ziqiang leaned on the door frame and watched quietly, with a faint smile on his face.

After packing up, Li Qingqing came out with a plastic bag and handed it to her father: "Dad, look!"

The tone is both showing off and reporting.

"What is this?" Li Ziqiang took it.

"Gold medals in the Champions League and Western Super League."

Li Ziqiang opened the plastic bag and saw two gold medals lying in it. He poured out the gold medals and returned them to his daughter: "Go and show your mother."

Li Qingqing walked to his father's bedroom with the gold medal in his hand, and put the two gold medals in front of his mother's photo: "Mom, I won the Western Super League and the Champions League this season. Look, this one is the champion of the Western Super League." Gold medal, this is the Champions League gold medal. The Champions League gold medal is bigger..."

Li Ziqiang didn't go in, but was in the living room, listening to his daughter and her mother talk about what happened in the past season.

From the beginning of the season to the end of the season, important things have been said, even including things like her having a boyfriend.

Then Li Ziqiang heard his daughter say in the room:

"Mom, I called another person 'Mom' today..."

He sat up from the sofa and turned to look at the bedroom door behind him.

"...I hesitated when I called her. Actually, I like her very much, but I'm a little... not used to it. I haven't called her 'Mom' outside for a long time..."

The daughter's voice became quieter, and no matter how hard Li Ziqiang tried, he couldn't hear clearly, so he looked away and sat back down again.

After a while, his daughter came out of the bedroom, Li Ziqiang turned around and looked at her: "Okay?"

"Well, it's all right." Li Qingqing nodded, looked at her father and said the words again: "Dad, on the way back today, I called Aunt Xie 'Mom'."

Li Ziqiang sighed: "I just heard..."

Li Qingqing said again: "Dad, I really like Hu Lai."

Li Ziqiang was speechless: "I know..."

Li Qingqing smiled: "Thank you, Dad."

"What did you say thank you to me?"

"Thank you for not stopping me from being with Hu Lai."

Li Ziqiang sighed again: "I said, as long as you like..."


"...That's how things are. The coach's first impression of me was not good, and then it has been bad until now. So if I want to marry Qingqing, her father's attitude is very important...I think he can agree with me It's a surprise to be with Qingqing. If you propose marriage again, it shouldn't be so easy..."

Hu Lai briefly described his "grievances" with coach Li Ziqiang.

After hearing this, Xie Lan became anxious: "Do you still have these stories between you? How about our two families sit down and have a good talk?"

Hu Lixin hurriedly grabbed her from the side, for fear that she would rush out and knock on the door next door: "What are you thinking? Let me tell you, the more you talk about it, the more impossible it will be. It's okay, let you Something happened. If Lao Li agrees that Hu Lai and Li Qingqing are together, you should be satisfied..."

"He agrees that Qingqing and our son are in a relationship, so isn't marriage a logical thing?" Xie Lan asked.

"The truth is like this... But man, even if you understand this truth, it is impossible for you to let him admit it. Just like now, he agrees with Hu Lai and Li Qingqing to be together, which means that he actually approves of Hu Lai in his heart Yes, but admitting in the heart is different from admitting with the mouth..." Hu Lixin explained earnestly.

Xie Lan snorted coldly: "I understand. It's about saving face. You men are all the same!"

Hu Lixin was full of question marks: "What does it have to do with me?"

Xie Lan ignored him, turned to Hu Lai and said, "That's fine, anyway, you and Li Qingqing are together. After a long time, Lao Li will definitely change his mind... If it doesn't work, let's cook the rice raw !"

Hu Lixin pawed at his wife: "What a bad idea!"

Hu Lai also couldn't laugh or cry: "Mom, don't worry about these things. Don't worry, Li Qingqing and I won't be separated even without the certificate."

Xie Lan first sighed, and then suddenly said: "Since we are going to get married sooner or later, shall we buy the wedding room first?"

Hu Lai, Hu Lixin:? ? ?

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