Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 259 He Said Goodnight to Me

... Audience friends, good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to today's sports news... The 34th Summer Olympic Games will be held in Los Angeles, USA. In an Olympic men's football match that ended early this morning, the Honduran Olympic team was defeated by a score before the game... This victory is for the country The Olympic team has made a good start in this Olympic Games, and then as long as the door of the ward is open for the match against Fiji, the voice of the TV news comes from inside.

It's a hospitalized patient watching the news.

The Olympic Games has not officially opened yet, but the Olympic games have already begun. Ordinary people are most concerned about the Olympic Games during this period. They watch the TV every day and lock the sports channel, even in the ward.

Let's look forward to how many gold medals and medals the Chinese delegation can win in this Olympic Games with the patients, and how the Chinese traditional advantaged items will be played this time.

Let's debate again why there are so many asthmatics among European and American athletes. Didn't it mean that exercise requires a lot of lung capacity, why can you participate in the Olympics if you can't breathe? Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality? Are European and American societies already in dire straits? I can't even find normal people, I can only find asthmatics to participate in the Olympics...

Olympic news was broadcast in the ward near the nurses' station, and the football match was one of the most watched events on the game day yesterday.

The nurses in the nurse station who have no work to do for the time being are also discussing the Olympic team's game.

"Qing Huan is so handsome!"

"Yes, yes! I feel that I should take advantage of this wave of enthusiasm and post another photo of me and Qing Huan! I have thought about everything, so I will post us! Hahaha!"

"A photo of the two of you? Let me see... Wow! So you cut us all off! Hey, I said, why did you keep pushing Qing Huan when we took a group photo together!

"Why do I keep pushing forward, Qing Huan obviously called me over!"

"Bah, shameless!"

The female nurses in the nurse's station were laughing and joking.

Sun Juan did not participate in it, she was very silent, and even looked a little indifferent...

But this instead attracted the attention of other nurses. Everyone knew that among them, Sun Juan was actually Zhang Qinghuan's fanatic fan.

After all, people are willing to use their holidays to go to Barcelona in order to chase stars. .

And others... have no such action and spirit at all.

Don't look at them shouting happily, but they are actually fans of Yun.

In the game early this morning, Zhang Qinghuan made an assist and scored a goal to help the Olympic team win a good start. He performed so well, why did Sun Juan show no sign?

This is not normal!

Very abnormal!

So someone immediately ran to Sun Juan to ask what happened: "Juan'er, did you watch the game early this morning?"

"Look." Sun Juan nodded.

"Then you...uh, why are you so calm?" The other party was even more puzzled.

Sun Juan froze for a moment, she did not expect her colleagues to discover this little strangeness of hers.

The reason why she didn't participate in everyone's discussion is because she has no interest in the topic of taking pictures together. The relationship between her and Qing Huan is not just as simple as taking pictures together...

But when everyone discussed Qing Huan, her practice of not participating beside her was really not in line with her "personality".

But could she tell them that the reason why she didn't participate in their discussion was because she had congratulated Qing Huan on WeChat immediately after the game, and got a reply from Qing Huan?

she can't.

She didn't know what she and Qing Huan looked like, but she knew very well that the fact that she and Qing Huan knew each other in private must not be known by others.

Otherwise, it will bring Qing Huan a lot of trouble...

When Sun Juan was silent, some colleagues also pointed out what was wrong with Sun Juan: "Yes, Juan'er is still distracted and in a trance today!"

Being watched by everyone, Sun Juan was quick to think, she yawned and complained: "Isn't it normal to be in a trance after staying up late watching the game and going to work normally?

I just want to sleep now, and I don't want to discuss Qing Huan's performance in the game with you..."

As she said that, she simply lay down on the table, as if she was really sleepy, and she was holding on all by one breath.

When everyone saw her pitiful appearance, they couldn't say anything.

Although they didn't stay up late to watch the ball, but they had the experience of staying up late to watch dramas before returning to work, and their spirits were indeed not much better.

Someone sighed and said, "Juaner, why are you chasing so hard? Like us, wouldn't it be nice to watch the news or match highlights the next day?"

"Won't watching the news or highlights be spoiled in advance? Maybe Juan'er enjoys the process of watching the game more?"

"Blind, it's obviously a star chaser, but it's as hardcore as a real fan, why bother?"

"All right, all right, don't disturb Juan'er's rest. Who hasn't done some crazy things to chase stars?" Sister Ma stood up and dispersed the nurses around Sun Juan.

She rescued Sun Juan, otherwise Sun Juan was really afraid that her uncontrollable laughter would be heard by her colleagues, and then "torture" what she was laughing at...

What are you laughing at?

On the one hand, she is happy for Qing Huan, not only participated in the Olympic Games for the first time, but also scored a goal in the first game.

On the other hand, she was happy for herself, and it was hard to imagine that she actually had an intersection with Qing Huan—she thought at first that after she invited Qing Huan back to the meal, the two of them would be "clear". There should be no more intersections.

The reason why she thought so was because after that meal, Qing Huan never looked for her again, nor did she talk to Qing Huan on WeChat, as if the two of them didn't exist in each other's address book.

Sun Juan even speculated whether after dinner, Qing Huan would quietly delete her from WeChat friends...but she didn't dare to try—it's not like she didn't think about it, so she sent a message.

If this message is not sent successfully, it means that she was deleted by Qing Huan.

But if the sending is really successful, she quickly withdraws it, pretending that she sent it by mistake-although it is a little embarrassing to do so, it at least shows that she is still in Qinghuan's friend list.

But she didn't dare to try, because she was afraid of the first result.

If Qing Huan really deleted her, as long as she didn't know about it, wouldn't it be possible to pretend that they still had an intersection?

After watching the game early this morning, she was so happy for Qing Huan from the bottom of her heart, she couldn't hold back her excitement, and sent a message of congratulations.

She did not see the system prompting that she is not yet the friend of the other party, please add the contact information before sending the message. There was no exclamation mark circled in red in front of her message.

Instead, it was actually sent out.

This means that Qing Huan didn't delete her!

Just this one thing is enough to make Sun Juan happy.

But then, about 20 minutes after she sent this message, she had washed, removed her makeup, turned off the live TV, and was about to go to bed, when she received Qing Huan's reply!

"Are you staying up late watching the game?"

At that time, Sun Juan held her mobile phone in a daze for a long time - she was very happy that he didn't delete herself, and now she got a reply from the other party! She suddenly thought she was dreaming, so she pinched her thigh hard, but the pain caused her to throw away her phone and rolled on the bed.

Only then did she realize that this was not a hallucination she had after staying up late watching the game.

So she immediately rushed forward again, picked up her mobile phone and replied: "Yes, yes, I'm cheering for you! Your goal is so beautiful!"

Because she was too excited, she repeatedly typed such a simple sentence several times.

This time, Zhang Qinghuan didn't wait for more than 20 minutes, and Zhang Qinghuan quickly returned her with a toothy smile: "Thank you!"

Sun Juan gradually calmed down from the initial excitement. She did not drag Qing Huan to chat endlessly, nor did she enthusiastically send out a series of heartfelt words to please the other party, but said goodbye decisively:

"I'm going to bed, today's game is really exciting, goodbye!"

Then, seeing the "Okay, good night" sent by Zhang Qinghuan, he resisted not replying, and threw the phone far away like that, then pulled up the quilt to cover his head, curled up in the quilt and kicked his legs excitedly.


He didn't delete me!


He said goodnight to me!

ah ah ah...

Okay, so it’s not entirely an excuse that Sun Juan told her colleagues that she didn’t sleep well, she really didn’t sleep well—how could she sleep well under such excited mood? Spirit.

Because the excitement has not passed yet!

It works better than how much coffee you drink!

Sun Juan was lying on the table, face down, laughing silently and wantonly from an angle that no one could see.


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