Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 279 Cutting Flesh With a Blunt Knife

The "fight of wits and courage" between Ouyangjin and Meili in front of the Chinese team was meaningless, because the football never came here at all.

When Argentina's corner kick was kicked out, Lin Zhiyuan yelled: "Mine!"

He soared into the air, stretched out his hands, and picked the football directly from the air.

After that, he didn't pretend to be aggressive, but caught a glimpse of Zhang Qinghuan quickly exiting the restricted area and running forward.

So he threw the football with his hand to Zhang Qinghuan, who withdrew from the penalty area and ran forward.

Zhang Qing welcomes the football to take a step forward, as if to take the initiative to catch the ball. .

But when the opponent rushed forward, he suddenly retreated again, passing the football and turning around at the same time!

"Zhang Qinghuan! Beautiful!"

The Chinese fans in the stands who were a little silent because of the loss of the ball all cheered loudly.

At this time, they need to seize every opportunity to boost morale!

Zhang Qinghuan, who dodged the defender, caught up with the ball and dribbled forward.

Then pass the football to Hu Lai who is running in front to respond.

Hu Lai caught the ball in a counterattack, and he didn't have his back to the attacking direction, so he didn't need to adjust much after receiving the ball.

After taking two steps, he swung his right leg and made a shot.

Argentina's central defender Monteya and midfielder Dino Souza pounced on him from two different directions at the same time.

Then they watched Hu Lai pass the football to Zhou Zijing on the side!

Zhou Zijing waded into the penalty area after receiving the ball!

Hu Lai...Beautifully delivered! "

Another Argentine central defender, Rojas, hurried over to defend Zhou Zijing.

Faced with his interference, Zhou Zijing decided to take a shot!

He successfully suppressed the football and hit a ground ball!

The goalkeeper of the Argentine Olympic team, Penalva, fell to the ground and blocked the football from the bottom line with a single palm. The Chinese Olympic team also won a corner kick.

"Well done, Zhou Zijing! The Olympic team responded quickly! They did not retreat to defend after conceding the ball, but still maintained the ability to threaten the Argentine defense! This is right. Meli's Argentina directly chooses to recover the defense, but may lose the ball under the siege of the opponent..."

He Feng was full of praise for the Olympic team's counterattack.

On the court, Hu Lai yelled at Zhou Zijing: "Look at the elbow! I am more threatening than you!"

At the same time, he raised two fingers, and one finger on the other hand: "Look, they were defending me with two people just now, while you were defending alone!"

Zhou Zijing argued: "It was a coincidence!"

Hu Lai continued to be proud: "I am certified by the opponent! Remember to run to a good position!"

Zhou Zijing gritted his teeth in disapproval. He was sure that if Zhang Qinghuan passed the ball to him just now, it must be him surrounded by two people, not Hu Lai.

But now he has to admit it even if he doesn't agree, because the fact is that just now Hu Lai helped him attract defensive attention and created a chance for him to shoot.

If he doesn't admit it, at least he has to attract many Argentine players before passing the ball to Hu Lai...

At least by then, he would be more convincing if he refuted Hu Lai's words.

※The corner kick of the Chinese team did not threaten the goal of Argentina. Although they adopted the tactic of "the goddess scattered flowers" this time, they did not hit the ball at all...

It takes good luck for this tactic to succeed.

Not every time.

In the match against the Spanish Olympic team, it was really lucky to be able to score.

This time the Olympic team still wants to copy,

just failed...

Argentine goalkeeper Penalva hit the football with both fists, and Argentina took advantage of the situation to launch a counterattack.

However, because the counterattack was too impatient, Meli didn't even catch the ball in this counterattack.

The Argentine players made a pass error themselves, and their fast break ended hastily.

Unlike Argentina who wants to increase the speed, the Chinese team tries to slow down the pace as much as possible.

Mai Zhaocheng has not forgotten the characteristics of his team. Even after conceding a goal, he did not let the team speed up. Instead, he still dealt with Argentina steadily and steadily at the rhythm the team is accustomed to.

Although Argentina just equalized the score, it looks full of momentum.

But in fact the score of the two teams is 2:2, so far it is still a draw.

Therefore, there is no need for the Olympic team to worry at all, otherwise it will be in a mess, and Argentina will be the cheapest.

X※※Olympic team slowly organized an attack and moved forward.

When advancing to the opponent's 30-meter area, Zhou Zijing was pulled out of the penalty area.

At the same time, Rojas was also brought out.

Xia Xiaoyu passed Zhang Qinghuan and passed the ball directly to Zhou Zijing.

Zhou Zijing didn't pass the football to Zhang Qinghuan or Hu Lai immediately.

Instead, he controls the ball and spins in circles, trying to get rid of Rojas.

But he didn't succeed, Rojas was stuck in the position, and he didn't let him complete the turn easily.

If you hold the ball for a while, you might be cut off.

Zhou Zijing could only pass the football to Zhang Qinghuan.

But he didn't give up, and continued to ask for the ball in another position.

This time Zhang Qinghuan chose to come by himself, and his shot from outside the penalty area was over the crossbar.

Zhou Zijing is very regretful—he adjusted his running position after passing the ball. At this time, he is facing the attacking direction. As long as Brother Huan passes the ball again, he can form a shot, even if he doesn’t shoot, he can force The Argentine defenders surrounded him so that he could pass the ball to Houlei, who was unmarked or under-marked.

Zhang Qinghuan also noticed Zhou Zijing's regret, and he made a gesture to the other party, saying "don't worry".

※※※Time is passing as the two sides are attacking back and forth, and the game has gradually fallen into a stalemate.

Argentina, who equalized the score, had a stronger offensive and a stronger desire to score.

Especially Meli, it was as if he had been beaten with chicken blood. He was active on the left, middle and right.

But no matter where he was, Ou Yangjin followed him closely like chewing gum, and couldn't shake it off.

Meli did not pay much attention to the midfielder of the Chinese team at the beginning, but as the opponent followed him all the time, and the two talked directly every time, he couldn't help but cast more eyes on each other.

The physical condition is not bad, the appearance is mediocre, no matter how you look at it, you are just a very ordinary player.

The only problem is that there are so many tricks... a lot!

Sometimes two people run side by side, and he doesn't want to catch the ball, just a very ordinary run without the ball.

Then while running, he staggered, as if he tripped over something.

But this kind of force is very slight, and it will only make him stagger. With his super conditioned reflexes and balance, he won't really fall.

Looking back, you will see the innocent expression on this person's face.

I don't know why, although there is no reason and logic, Merry just can't help but think of another annoying face...

Then his breathing became a little heavier.

Ou Yangjin noticed a sudden change in the breathing rhythm of Mei Li beside him. He gave him a warning look, and then quickly looked away, as if he hadn't noticed anything, but he was secretly happy.

He remembered the advice given by Hu Ge when he was in the room the night before the game and asked him how to defend Melly:

Merry puts it on—he just likes to carry it. This may have something to do with the fact that he has been praised by others since he was a child. He is simply a proud man who grew up in a honey pot. It's normal for this kind of person to carry it, but it doesn't mean that he is also like this in his heart. I think he still has some ruthlessness in his heart...

"To deal with a person like him, you have to 'cut the flesh with a blunt knife', grind with him, grind away his pride and arrogance, and let all the ruthlessness in his heart explode...

At that time, Ou Yangjin asked Brother Hu in surprise: "But Brother Hu, if you wear him out, then am I unlucky?"

Hu Lai answered him: "Yes, you will be under a lot of pressure, but he will also have a lot of flaws because of it."

Now thinking back to Brother Hu's words last night, and looking at Meili's performance, Ou Yangjin couldn't help feeling that Brother Hu really deserves to be Meili's deadly enemy.

Knows all about Merry!

I was right when I heard Brother Hu!

Now he regrets more and more that he cannot be proficient in Spanish like Brother Hu, otherwise he must have a good chat with Melly and deal a double blow to him physically and mentally...

Some people said that he played similarly to Brother Hu and called him "obscene", but Ou Yangjin was not angry at all. On the contrary, he was quite proud - what a high praise it was to be able to play like Brother Hu!

Through this Olympic Games, he realized more and more the importance of proficiency in multiple foreign languages.

He has been learning English before, and now he plans to strengthen his oral ability in other foreign languages ​​after returning to China, especially in the football world

"Big language".

※Meli felt the little movement from behind while receiving the ball.

He gritted his teeth and swung the football out diagonally, then accelerated to chase the ball.

The opponent immediately squeezed forward.

Meli, who was catching up with the football, stopped abruptly, turned around, and ran back again.

The midfielder of the Chinese team behind him seemed to have no idea that Meli made such a "travel for nothing" just to get rid of him. He reacted a little slower and was completely thrown away by Meli.

Then Meli dribbled the ball horizontally to the middle, and after attracting the attention of the Chinese Olympic team's defensive players, he passed the football diagonally to Cantero.

Just after he had just passed the football, he was hit from the side.

Turning his head, he saw that it was No. 6 of the Chinese team who had been thrown away by him just now!

In fact, he has already passed the football, so there is absolutely no need to rush so hard at this time...

From Meli's point of view, the No. 6's performance was very unfriendly.

It seemed that he was very upset after being thrown away by him just now, and he was making use of the problem.

But when he looked at the other party, the latter was smiling at himself again, as if expressing apology.

In fact, the opponent didn't hit hard enough to hurt him, and he didn't even make him fall, but it was this attitude that made Mellie frowned.

Does this take me for an idiot?

Think you smile at me, I don't know what your kid is thinking?

X※PS, three shifts will be delivered~!

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