Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 148 Senior Hu Lai is so handsome

On Monday morning, before Hu Lailin went to school, he slipped into the bathroom at home, and then locked the door from the inside, lest his parents push the door in and see what he was going to do next.

After confirming safety, he entered the system.

In the storage compartment of the system space, a small white plastic bag is newly added.

That was exactly what he was going to bring out.

Previously, there was a task reward for scoring a goal in every game of the Anton Cup——【Charm Essence Essence Lotion Trial Pack】.

【Charm Essence Essence Lotion Trial Pack】: After applying it on the face, it will slightly enhance the charm of the user. Valid for two hours.

Note in fine print: Available off-site as well. Trial pack, limited effect. Less likely to incur same-sex jealousy.

"Hmph, with this thing, I can have female fans!" Hu Lai was proud.

Every time Luo Kai trained, there were a group of girls screaming and cheering on the sidelines. It would be a lie to say that Hu Lai was not envious.

Which teenager doesn't want to be the center of attention in the eyes of girls?

Today, he is going to try whether the Charm Essence Lotion works.

The mission rewards he had obtained before were rarely used immediately. For example, until now, his pair of [broken giant bear leg guards] and [punched giant bear jersey] have been obediently staying in the system space.

This kind of thing belongs to the things that Hu Lai clearly knows what is useful and when it is useful, so as long as it is not needed, Hu Lai will not move.

But [Charm Essence Essence Lotion Trial Pack] Hu Lai really didn't expect it to be useful on the court.

At the same time, "charm" is also a very illusory attribute, and Hu Lai is not sure what effect it can play.

That's why I wanted to test it out.

I took out the [Charm Essence Essence Lotion Trial Pack] from the system space. This thing looks like a travel-sized shampoo in my hand. It is packed in this small plastic bag. I wash my hair once in a small bag. The jagged mouth is torn open, just squeeze it out and apply it on the head, and throw it away after use. Don't even think about taking it back.

There are only three words "Trial Pack" on the white bag, and there are no logos, words, or numbers other than that. Unremarkable, it is easy to be overlooked.

Hu Lai looked at the time. It will be effective within two hours. If he uses it now, it can last until 9:30 in the morning, which is enough for him to test the effect.

He tore open the package and squeezed out the contents.

A stream of milky slime flowed from the bag into his palm.

There is a faint fragrance, not strong, it can even be said to be faint, if there are other smells around, this fragrance will be easily eliminated.

Just like now, when Hu Lai took his palm away, the smell of fragrance, toothpaste, and soap in the toilet was mixed together, and Hu Lai could not smell the scent of the charm lotion essence at all.

Then he started to apply this essence lotion to his face.

To be honest, Holly feels weird.

Because he has never used anything other than water on his face before—as a straight man of steel, he has never used facial cleanser, soap, shower gel, baby cream...all of them.

In the winter before, my mother was worried that his face would be chapped by the cold wind, and wanted to apply something like baby cream that locks and moisturizes him, but Hu Lai was very, very resistant, saying that he couldn't even breathe after putting that on his face. dare not.

Later, when his mother looked at his face again, she gave up the idea of ​​caring for him.

So much so that until now, he himself has absolutely no experience of wiping these things on his face.

He could only rub it in his hands, and then greeted his own face, just like a cat washing its face, rubbing it randomly.

I don't know if it is evenly applied, let alone whether such application will affect the final effect.

But he really can only make it like this.

Because in the process of wiping, he always held his breath reflexively, which made him unable to apply the Charm Essence Lotion on his face carefully, otherwise he would feel that he was going to be suffocated to death...

After wiping it off, he went to the mirror and looked at it carefully, but he couldn't see any traces of wiping things on his face at all.

As for the white plastic package, it disappeared in front of Hu Lai just now.

It didn't leave any traces, as if it didn't appear in this world at all.

Hu Lai had already seen how those potion bottles disappeared directly in the trash can, so he was not used to this scene.

The system obviously doesn't want anything in it to stay in this world, which is exactly what Hu Lai meant, because he doesn't want to leave anything in this world that might cause people's suspicions, otherwise how can he treat others? Explain the existence and origin of the system?

When Hu Lai came out of the bathroom, her mother complained, "Why did you go in for so long? What are you doing?"

"Brewing shit!" Hu Lai made up a random reason.

"How did you talk!" Mom showed a disgusted expression, but she stopped asking what Hu Lai was doing in the bathroom.


Hu Lai parked his bicycle in the parking area designated by the school, then walked towards the school gate with his head held high.

Along the way, surrounded by his classmates, he could notice countless eyes cast on him.

And not only at the school gate, when he was riding to school, he also felt those strangers cast their eyes on him.

If he hadn't been wearing school uniform sweatpants, he might have wondered if his pants hadn't been zipped up...

Later, he realized that maybe it was because of the effect of using the Charm Essence Lotion?

So after using this thing, it can make people who don't care about it notice themselves?

But is that all?

Hu Lai was thinking while walking towards the school gate, but just as he stepped into the school gate, he was stopped by someone.

"Hu Lai! Awesome! Anton Cup top scorer, can you sign me?" A boy handed him an open notebook with a pen in the middle.

"Huh?" Hu Lai was a little surprised.

To put it aside, when Hu Lai heard such words, he might only feel that the other party was mocking him...

Although it wasn't the first time he was recognized on campus because of his performance in the Anton Cup, but it was the first time he was asked for an autograph...

Is this the effect of the Allure Essence Lotion?

Let people who don't know you notice yourself, let people who know you have a good impression of you, and make people who have a good impression of you feel better?

So this should have been my fan, but because of various reasons, I was embarrassed to ask myself for an autograph, but under the effect of the charm lotion essence, I broke through the psychological burden and directly stopped me on campus to ask for an autograph?

"That... Hu Lai, can you?" Seeing that Hu Lai was frozen in place without any response, the other party asked cautiously, as if he was afraid of being rejected.

Hu Lai came back to his senses, quickly took the notebook and pen, and signed his name on the notebook for the other party.

His handwriting was not pretty, but the other party didn't care at all, happily accepted it, and thanked Hu Lai.

And Hu Lai looked at the back of the other party who turned and left, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

Then he didn't go directly to the first teaching building where his class was located, even though it was close at hand, but went straight to the second teaching building and the third teaching building deep in the campus.

Anyway, the coach gave him a day off today and allowed him not to go to special training, so now he has plenty of time...


"Wow, it's Hu Lai!"

"Student Hu Lai, can you sign my name?"

"I also want to sign..."

"Haha, no problem, no problem at all! Everyone come one by one..."

When Hu Lai was standing on the campus signing autographs for his classmates, he also noticed a girl looking at him, which made him straighten up involuntarily, trying to make himself look taller.

After signing the names of these students, Hu Lai walked further into the campus.

Soon someone came up to greet Hu Lai and asked him for his autograph.

At the same time, I was also a little curious: "Hey, Hu Lai, isn't your sophomore teaching building in front? Why did you come here?"

"Hey, just go around, just go around..." Hu Lai said casually while satisfying their signature requirements.

But after turning around, Hu Lai found out that all the people who came up to him to ask for autographs were male students? Although there were girls watching and casting admiring glances at him, there was not a single girl who came to him to ask for an autograph in front of so many people...

This made Hu Lai both surprised and puzzled:

Is this charm essence lotion only effective for the same sex? !

Thinking of this possibility, Hu Lai was in no mood to continue wandering around the campus. What if a crazy same-sex fan came to hug him?

Hu Lai, who returned to his classroom, was stopped by Song Jiajia: "Hey Hu Lai, I saw you at the gate just now, why did it take you so long to come up?"

Hu Lai raised his head and said triumphantly: "Isn't it because everyone is too enthusiastic and asked me to sign autographs, so it's delayed until now..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Li Zhiqun sneer: "I'm bragging that I don't write drafts, so I asked you for an autograph! Brother Kai was in the class back then, and I didn't see anyone in the school ask him for an autograph..."

This time it was his turn to speak, and a boy shouted at the door: "Hu Lai, a girl is looking for you!"

The students who reported specifically named "girls", which immediately caused a commotion in the classroom of the second and second grades of high school.

"What?! A girl came to see Hu Lai?!"

"My God! What kind of shit luck is Hu Lai doing?!"

"The girl came to see Hu Lai? Where is it?"

A group of people flocked to the door and window of the classroom.

He saw Hu Lai standing in the corridor outside, surrounded by a few girls in front of him.

They obviously knew each other and came together.

The students in the second class of the second year of high school were very curious, why did they come to see Hu Lai?

The girls took out their notebooks and pens one after another and handed them to Hu Lai, then watched as Hu Lai took the pen and paper and wrote their names on the notebook.

"Damn it, I actually asked Hu Lai for his autograph!"

"Someone really asked Hu Lai for his autograph!"

"Uh, should we also ask Hu Lai for an autograph..."

Seeing this scene, the classroom of Class 2 and Class 2 of Senior High School exclaimed again and again.

And the few girls from other classes who came here specifically to find Hu Lai didn't seem to mind being surrounded by others. After seeing Hu Lai fulfilling their signature requirements, they clenched their fists at Hu Lai: "Come on for the national competition, Hu Lai!" Senior Lai!"

Then several girls ran past the window where Song Jiajia was seated, laughing contentedly.

When they passed by, Song Jiajia heard their excited whispers: "Senior Hu Lai is so handsome..."

Song Jiajia glared at the backs of these girls: lard is blinding my heart! Which of your eyes see that Hu Lai is handsome! ?

But when he turned around and saw that boy Li Zhiqun looking like a concubine, he immediately became proud again, raised his head, pointed his nostrils at him, and snorted forcefully: "Lai Pi Li, what did you just say?"

Li Zhiqun shrank himself in his seat without saying a word.

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