Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 312 You Can Be a Teacher

"Although Vukovic did not directly assist this time, he also played a very important role in this goal. And that's why we signed him in the first place."

After celebrating the second goal, Parotti told assistant coach Valentine.

"Indeed, Vukovic helped us solve the problem of transportation from our own penalty area to the opponent's half." Valentine nodded.

The previous Madrid Pirates were a combination of Ramirez and Joaquin Bella in the middle of the midfield.

Ramirez is only responsible for defense, while Joaquin Bella is mediocre.

So if an opportunity like this is changed to before, then whether it is Ramirez or Joaquin Bella, they have to hand over the football to Tonini on the left, or Silverio and Di Kunzo on the right.

Then they transition to the frontcourt.

In this way, adding more procedures will reduce the speed of the team's counterattack.

Now that Vukovic has replaced Joaquin Bella, the football can be passed directly to the frontcourt with him.

Because Vukovic himself is an offensive midfielder with excellent offensive organization ability, he has comprehensive skills, and he has good accuracy in long and short passes.

His delicate foot skills allow him to get rid of opponents with his skills even if he is pressing the opponent's players in the backcourt. For example, the ball just now was like this. Facing Tres, Vukovic picked the ball and passed the opponent very cleverly.

This is why Parotti believes that Vukovic can be an all-around midfielder.

Has good running ability and can support him from one restricted area to another.

Has a very delicate technique, able to control the ball and get rid of the defense in a small space.

Good big picture and vision, making sure he can spot open spaces in the distance.

Excellent passing skills, allowing him to pass the football into the gaps he found.

In addition, his physical condition allows him to have a good confrontation ability, whether in defense or offense, he will not easily lose the ball.

Vukovic, who has so many advantages, is simply a midfielder, which is indeed a waste of his talent and ability.

It's just that he was used to kicking the front midfielder before, and he played a little "lazy".

So now we have to force him to come out of his comfort zone, and he can't be the midfielder who just wants to feed Hu Lai at the front of the opponent's penalty area.

This process is very painful, and it will also affect everyone's evaluation of him.

But Parotti always believed that it was worth paying for it at all costs.

As long as Vukovic can complete the transformation according to his vision, the Madrid Pirates will have a truly world-class midfielder.

Now that the game has been played, Parotti has seen some clues.

Next, he and the coaching staff will use this game to continue to persuade Vukovic to let him voluntarily transform.

※※※In fact, there is no need for the coaching staff to find him. Vukovic on the court has realized the benefits of this change.

It doesn't mean that if he plays a central midfielder and also takes care of the defense, he won't be able to participate in the offense, or he won't be able to send an assist—the team's first goal, isn't he the one who assisted directly?

On the contrary, after the position was moved back, he almost completely controlled the team's midfield. He participated in the defense, he also participated in the offense, as well as organizing and controlling the rhythm. He was all involved.

what does that mean?

How could an excellent midfielder not desire to truly take the overall situation into his own hands?

Unless he has neither ambition nor ability.

Vukovic believes that he has this ability.

Therefore, if the position retreats a bit, it can control the entire midfield,

Why not do it?

He really enjoys this kind of overall participation in the team's offense and defense, and the sense of control that grasps every detail.

There is a strong sense of security.

Because every link is handled by him and can be controlled.

Vukovic, who ran back to his own half with his teammates, found the direction of his next efforts.

He suddenly has no interest in being a single-function midfielder.

He became more and more interested in the "blueprint" that coach Parotti once drew for him.

Although that will greatly reduce his chances of winning the "Assist King", compared with it, a true midfielder is obviously more exciting to him than the "Assist King".

※※※After the game restarted, the cheers of the Madrid Pirates fans in the stands were wave after wave, and the wave was higher than the wave.

The two-goal lead allowed them to see the hope of defeating the feud Sevilla Navigator at home.

At the same time, the performance of the team is completely different from when they stumbled before, which makes the Pirates fans happy-this is the home team they want to see!

Amidst the cheers of the Madrid Pirates fans, the morale of the home team was boosted and they continued to launch a fierce attack on the goal of the Seville Navigators.

The navigator can only squat down and hold his head.

Head coach Pierre Brent stood on the sidelines, looking at the court speechlessly.

Generally speaking, there is no major problem with his tactics, but the team did not wait for the opportunity to continue to put pressure on Vukovic, and conceded another goal.

It not only expands the advantage of the opponent's lead, but also greatly encourages the opponent.

He really didn't expect the jokes on the Internet to be true!

This Hu Lai really got involved with his team!

You really want to be a damn "star"!

※※Facing the indiscriminate bombing of the Madrid pirates, the Sevilla navigators who played away had to shrink their defense.

Although they are not reconciled to being beaten like this, at least they must avoid continuing to lose the ball before they can consider getting it back.

Of course, since it was a match between two feuds, how could it be a simple and ordinary contraction defense?

The players of the navigator made great moves when defending, and they seemed to hope to use this rough movement to deter the pirate players and make them retreat. Thereby reducing the pressure on Voyager's defense.

However, this has a side effect, that is, it will give the Madrid Pirates some opportunities to set the ball in the frontcourt.

The Madrid Pirates have two free kick masters.

In the 69th minute, Hu Lai took the ball with his back in the frontcourt.

He withdrew from the penalty area to meet his teammates, and he did not intend to play the central defender Artur behind him, but transferred the football to Kamara on the right.

But as soon as he moved the football away, he was kicked to the ground by Arthur.

After a scream, there were loud and piercing boos at Pirates Park.

Pirates fans gave Arthur the middle finger and cursed loudly.

In their view, Arthur was deliberately targeting Hu Lai, not to steal the ball at all, but to kick Hu Lai.

The players on the Pirates field were also very upset. Captain Ramirez was the first to rush up and put his head on Arthur.

Not to be outdone, Navigator's midfielder Montero came up and pushed Ramirez away.

The players from both sides were stuck together like this.

After Hu Lai got up from the ground by himself, what he saw was such a lively scene.

Kamala asked him, "Are you all right, Huh?"

Hu Lai said, "It's okay, Ismail. Protect yourself, protect yourself."

Kamala nodded in admiration: "I knew it!"

Then he looked at the lively crowd and asked Hu Lai, "Aren't you going to help?"

Hu Lai shook his head: "No, they can handle it well. You see, the captain kept his hands behind his back from the beginning to the end... Do you know what that means, Ismail?"

Kamala shook her head.

"This means that when the referee is about to make a ruling, our captain will only be given a verbal warning nine times out of ten, while Montero who pushed and Artur who fouled cannot escape at least one yellow card. Then sail The mentality of the players is completely messed up."

"Ah..." Kamala mused, "Self-protection."

Hu Lai turned to look at him strangely.

"This is also a kind of self-protection'. In a conflict, provoke the other party's anger, but keep yourself in a relatively safe environment. Although it seems that Montero pushed back a few steps, it seems to be a disadvantage, but In fact, it has the upper hand!"

Listening to Kamara's analysis, Hu Lai's eyes lit up: "Yes, Ismail! If you can infer other things from one example, you M boy can almost become a teacher!"

Kamara smiled: "After you left the team, I have been studying the things you taught me. When the Premier League opponents faced me, they really didn't dare to foul me casually."

Hu Lai patted him on the shoulder: "Very good! There is a saying in China, which is called "Live to be old, learn to be old". Even if you are a teacher, you must continue to learn and improve yourself, don't slack off!"

"Don't worry, Hu. I will continue to work hard. I found that the intensity of confrontation in La Liga is not small, and many La Liga players prefer to make the first move when defending. The action is bigger, and it is easier to cause fouls and the possibility of injury." On the contrary, it is bigger than in the Premier League... more need to use self-protection'."

Hearing this, Hu Lai was 100% sure that Kamala had really learned it, and he might be able to establish his own school and become a school of his own in the future.

He gave Kamala a thumbs up: "NEW BEE!"

Hearing this phrase that everyone in the Leeds City team knows, Kamara has a proud and proud look on his face.

Being praised by the teacher fully shows that his hard work was not in vain!

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