Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 364 No induction training

Hu Lai was putting pressure on the referee, when he heard Claudio Ray pointing at himself while stepping back and spraying:

"Hey! You! You! Okay, stop arguing. Next year's World Footballer is yours! World Footballer!

Then Hu Lai froze.

He looked first at the referee, then at Claudio Ray.

The latter seemed very proud, shrugged and spread his hands at him, and added:

"Not only the World Footballer, but also the Golden Globe Award! Okay?"

He laughed as he said it, as if he was telling a funny joke.

Especially when he saw Hu Lai in a daze, he felt like he had won a battle, and finally made Hu Lai speechless.

Those remarks about Hu Lai's sharp teeth were just exaggerations, or the people who fought against Hu Lai were too clumsy and had too little mental capacity to bear it. …

So he turned around and returned to his position arrogantly, but what he didn't expect was that he was greeted with a question from the midfielder Estrom: "What are you doing?!

Lei froze for a moment: "Nothing, I just..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Estrom: "Why are you talking to him?"

"Isn't trash talking the norm in the game?"

Lei couldn't understand that destroying Hu Lai's prestige by himself was equivalent to boosting the morale of his team, but why did his teammates still look dissatisfied with him?

"That's right, it's normal. But Hu's situation is different." Estrom said seriously.

Ray had of course heard the rumors about Hou Lai's mouth, especially the latest one about Hou Lai's mouth - Catalan goalkeeper Carlos Cordero was the victim of Hou Lai's mouth.

But he curled his lips indifferently: "Don't worry, he has nothing to deceive me. I'm just stirring up his temper and making him lose his mind because of anger. "

Seeing that the young man felt very good about himself, Estrom stopped persuading him and just sighed: "I hope you are right, kid."

Originally leading by one goal, the situation of King Madrid is generally good.

The Pirates' offense was blocked again. As long as they persisted for a while, it would be enough to make the Madrid Pirates players feel anxious. The king's chance followed suit.

But now I don't know if it's some kind of intuition. Although there is no sign or reason, Estrom just feels that the atmosphere is not right.

He glanced at the young and vigorous Claudio, and complained in his heart that this kid was messing around, making it harder for all of them to follow...

Twenty-year-old Lei became famous when he was young. He was already a highly-anticipated talent when he was in the youth training camp. When he came to the first team, everyone took good care of him.

He has a very good relationship with the captains Serrados and Melly, because they can be regarded as the same line, and there is an inheritance relationship.

It's only been his first season since he came to the first team, and he has already played 16 times in all competitions - counting this game.

Regardless of age, it is only said that in his first season in the first team, he even played more games than Meli at that time.

Of course, Meli was only sixteen years old in his first season in the first team of King Madrid. Thinking of this, Estrom felt bitter in his heart, and then he turned his eyes to Hu Lai in the distance.

I want to see how Holly will react.

Hu Lai didn't respond, or rather, he didn't have the reaction that everyone thought.

After being humiliated in this way, ordinary people will definitely find a way to scold them back, or rush forward to make trouble.

But Hu Lai did not.

Instead of arguing with Claudio Ray or complaining to the referee, he turned to his teammates.

Serenity... makes Estrom feel terrible.

If Hu Lai really yelled, Estrom might be relieved, because it proved that Hu Lai was broken by the opponent.

"Hey, he's in a hurry, he's in a hurry!"

Now it's more like the calm before the storm.

He seems to be planning something...


"Ouch shit!"

The living room of the rented room of Chu Yifan and Tang Xiuyuan was full of friends who came to see this Madrid derby.

At this time, everyone was staring at the TV screen dumbfounded, and made such voices one after another.

"This is Ray's first Madrid derby. Didn't someone from the King give him some tips on the game?"

"This kid is really strong! He even took the initiative to provoke Hu Lai! To be honest, after watching the game for so long, I still rarely see anyone actively chasing Hu Lai..."

"Guess what he said to Hu Lai?"

"No matter what he said, it's not going to end well anyway!"

The voices of the players on the field can hardly be heard in the live broadcast of the game, because the cameras are not with them, and the scene is very noisy. If you want to know what Claudio Ray said, you can only pass the interpretation of lip experts after the game.

Fortunately, Lei didn't cover his mouth with his hands when he was speaking, otherwise it would be an unsolved case...

※※※After Hu Lai understood what Claudio Lei said to him, he didn't show any anger. Instead, he ran to Maxi Carey:

"Brother, are you okay?"

Carey looked at him: "Why? It's you who suffered from him, so what's the matter with me?

Hu Lai covered his mouth and sneered: "Oh. After the game, those media reporters will happily discuss why the opponent's midfielder who is responsible for defending Maxy Carey will frequently appear next to me as a center forward. Guess they will think I can't do it. , or can't you?"

Carey fell silent.

Hu Lai stopped talking and ran back to his seat.

Behind him, Maxi Carey shifted his gaze from him to Claudio Ray, No. 33.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, pressed his tongue against the upper gum, and looked at the other party carefully.

※※※Hu Lai ran back to his seat, and this time he even took the initiative to lean towards Peralta, without any intention of avoiding him.

Then he said to Peralta: "Who's that kid?"

Peralta said in his heart: You can't see it yourself!

But he didn't say anything, but kept silent. It's really hard to say anything to Hu Lai...

After Catalan lost at home to the Madrid Pirates, the story between Cordero and Houlay spread widely.

If it was just some vague "rumors" before, then what happened to Cordero turned all the previous rumors about Hu Lai's mouth into facts.

Everyone knows that Hu Lai's mouth can talk about the dead, and the alive.

So intentionally or unintentionally, as an opponent, he would try to avoid verbal communication with Hu Lai during the game.

Who knows if he will be taken into a ditch?

Hou Lai didn't care that Peralta didn't talk to him, he was even used to such treatment in the game.

No way, the tree attracts the wind.

Now the whole of Spain knows to face him, if you can't speak, don't speak.

So he was surprised that Claudio Ray would take the initiative to provoke him.

He cheerfully asked Peralta: "Didn't you all warn him before?"

Peralta glanced at Hu Lai, but remained silent.

Hu Lai continued to laugh: "It's okay, thank him for me... Oh, forget it, let me thank him personally."

After talking about Hu Lai, he stopped talking to Peralta.

But the Argentine central defender's expression became very dignified.

Because he smelled a threat from the tone of Hu Lai's words.

There is no evidence that this is just a top mid-ranked intuition.

He was suddenly a little irritable.

That brat Claudio, you're giving us trouble!

※※※Peralta's intuition was right.

It didn't take long for him to block Hu Lai's shot with a near-limit tackle.

Although he defended successfully, there was no joy on his face.

After getting up, he reached out and pressed the base of his thigh—he felt as if he had stretched a little ligament in order to make this shoveling action just now.

If the movement is not done to the limit, he may not be able to block Hu Lai's shot...

Before the shot, Hu Lai made a fake move, then used the outside instep of his left foot to turn the ball to the outside, and then shot.

Peralta turned from the right and had to fight hard for the tackle.

"Nice job!

This sentence was not said by his teammates, but from Hu Lai, whose shot was blocked.

He gave Peralta a thumbs up, as if he was sincerely praising him.

But Peralta wasn't happy at all.

He felt that Hu Lai's words suddenly increased.

not so good...

※Claudio Ray also wants to give Peralta a thumbs up and express his admiration for him.

He also saw how extreme the tackle was just now.

Then he looked at Maxi Carey and decided to get rid of the old guy before helping Peralta.

Although the captain Serrados said that he didn't care if his record would be broken, Lei still hoped that through his own efforts, Hu Lai's consecutive scoring momentum would come to an end.

Carey noticed Ray's eyes, and he raised his eyebrows and asked, "What? You still want to award me the World Footballer of the Year?"

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