On February 10th, Saturday, the twenty-third round of the league, the Madrid Pirates challenged Samir Sports away.

Due to preparing for the first round of the UEFA Champions League quarter-finals next Tuesday, Parotti did not arrange for all the main players to go away.

But in any case, Hu Lai still has to bring it.

In the league this season, the Madrid Pirates were ranked second in the ten rounds of the league. They finally defeated the league leader Madrid King in the last round of the league and successfully promoted to the first place. Wouldn't it be too unfair to be overthrown again after just one round of the league?

So although there is no full main force to play, the Madrid Pirates also want to beat Samir Sports away.

Besides, Hu Lai has scored in 18 consecutive league rounds, how could he be excluded from the lineup at this time.

Not to mention being excluded from the big list, even the starting list cannot be without him.

Everyone wanted to see how far Hu Lai could break this record.

In this round of the league, Hu Lai, who had just set a new record, encountered a tenacious resistance from the Samir Sports team.

What the King of Madrid failed to do, let them achieve it-they really ignored the other Madrid Pirates players and focused on not letting Hou Lai score.

So under the "cover" of Hou Lai, Di Kunzo and Luka Celovic each scored a goal, and the Madrid Pirates led their opponents 2:0 in the first half.

Hu Lai himself has been unable to score a goal.

"Did they think that letting the Chinese set a new record would be shameful?"

Xie Lan, who got up in the middle of the night to watch the live broadcast of the game, was so depressed that he couldn't help but make conspiracy theories.

Hu Lixin did not refute her, but smiled wryly.

Because of this matter, he can't say for sure.

What if the other party really thought so?

The previous record belonged to Serrados, who was from Spain, and Hu Lai was an outsider...

The Spaniard does not want this La Liga record to be occupied by outsiders. If Hu Lai's consecutive goals stop at 18 rounds, then someone will be able to catch up in the future.

If there are too many scenes, it will be difficult to follow...

——If you don't guess like this, it's really hard to explain Samir Sports' tactics that don't care about their heads.

※※ ※

Seeing that Hu Lai was unable to score for a long time, the assistant coach Valentine asked the head coach Parotti: "Should I replace him?"

The reason why he asks this is because he considers that three days later, he will challenge the Stan Park Rangers to the Champions League quarter-finals away.

He was worried that Hu Lai had expended too much energy in this game, which would affect his performance in the Champions League.

But Parotti said firmly: "No,

Wait until he scores before replacing him. "

"But what if... I mean, what if he keeps failing to score?"

Parotti turned his head and glanced at him before giving his own answer: "Then let him play the whole game."

"Okay..." Valentine said that when he saw Parotti, knowing that the head coach didn't need his own advice.

He really trusts and indulges Hu Lai...

Of course, Hu Lai is also worthy of such indulgence from the head coach.

After all, he is a hardcore fighter who can score 35 goals in 22 league rounds.

If it was a striker who scored one goal in the 22nd round, he would be replaced as soon as he was said, without any hesitation.

Not even a suggestion from his assistant coach...

※※ ※

After Hu Lai ran diagonally and received the ball, he took a shot, but kicked the football away.

The football flew high into the stands behind the goal.

There was a burst of gloating cheers and laughter from Samir Sports fans.

Hu Lai himself was not very satisfied with the shot and shook his head.

He then gave the Samir Sports fans who were laughing at him a thumbs up and purposefully clapped at them.

So the laughter in the stands was gone, replaced by boos.

Hearing the familiar hiss, Hu Lai nodded in satisfaction, and with his expression, he seemed to be saying:

This is the right taste!

※※ ※

Maxi Carey, who was not on the big list but was watching live TV at home, couldn't help grinning when he saw this scene...

The wife beside him also asked curiously: "What is he doing? Is there any purpose?"

Carey said: "There is no purpose. You can understand it as a simple disgusting person..."

"A simple disgusting person?" The wife didn't quite understand. "What good does it do him?"

"No good." Carey shrugged.

"This... I thought he wanted to irritate his opponent, make him lose his composure, and give him a chance..." His wife didn't expect that Hu Lai would do such a thing that would hurt others and benefit himself, and she was also speechless.

Then she asked: "If you were on the court, wouldn't he have to work so hard?"

Carey replied very proudly and firmly: "Of course. I helped him solve most of the problems. He only needs to run to the space and kick the last kick."

"Then do you think he can still score in this game?"

This time Carey pondered for a while before shaking his head and said, "I don't know, but I find it difficult."

"So his consecutive scoring record is only eighteen rounds?"

Carey heard the meaning in his wife's tone and laughed: "Eighteen rounds is pretty good too, what are you regretting?"

"I thought he could extend the record for a few more rounds with such a good state... If it is only one more round than the original record, I always feel that his state is a bit wasted..."

The couple were chatting, and the Madrid Pirates launched another attack in the live broadcast.

Hu Lai turned his back to the attacking direction outside the penalty area and raised his hand for the ball.

He looks like he's plugged into Samir Sports' backline.

It stands to reason that he shouldn't ask for the ball with his back to the goal outside the penalty area.

Once he catches the ball, he has to play head-to-head with the opposing central defender.

But this is not the way Hu Lai is good at playing.

So seeing this, Maxi Carey shook his head slightly.

Reminiscent of his "interaction" with the Samir sports fans just now, he is almost like a child who is angry.

※※ ※

Hou Lai could feel the pressure from Samir Sports' central defender behind him.

This allows him to be sure that he has indeed pulled the opposing central defender out of the penalty area without looking back.

So he continued to run up to the football.

The central defender of Samir Sports behind him also ran up—since he followed out of the penalty area, there was no need to give up halfway.


After he catches up, there will be a space behind him, which may be used by other pirate players?

They are two goals behind, who cares about this!

Anyway, Hu Lai can't be allowed to score!

But when the central defender of Samir Sports was thinking this way, he saw Hu Lai who ran in front of him suddenly turn to the left!

At the same time, the football flew over from the right!

He stood there in a daze, not knowing whether to pounce on Hu Lai or block the ball...

In the end, he stood motionless on the spot, watching Hu Lai and the football go around his body!

He is like a huge boulder in a torrent, although he is big and looks very threatening, but it can't stop the water from rolling around him...

※※ ※

"Huh!" Sanchez yelled loudly.

When Maxi Carey saw this scene, his eyes suddenly widened.

The wife beside him also exclaimed: "This is..."

"The goal has been scored!!" Sanchez on the TV answered her loudly. "Hu! He went in!"

※※ ※

When Samir Sports' central defender turned around, what he saw was the back of Hu Lai receiving the football!

In any case, he never expected that the space left behind after he was pulled out was not used by other Madrid Pirates players, but was used by Hu Lai himself...

Hu Lai, who entered the penalty area, received the football. Because it was too sudden, the defensive players of Samir Sports had not had time to encircle him. It is too easy for Hu Lai to take the ball in such a situation!

"Hu Lai! Beautiful! Wow! This is... an opportunity!!"

With He Feng's roar, Hu Lai regained control of the ball and shot!

The football passed the fingertips of the Samir Sports goalkeeper and crashed into the goal!

"Here it comes -!! BEAUTIFUL! BEAUTIFUL!! HOLLEY! He's finally scored! Nineteenth straight league round goal! He's pushed his new record forward by one more game! His footsteps haven't come yet Stop! The journey continues!"

Xie Lan in front of the TV screamed and jumped up with his arms raised high.

The big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground...

Beside her, Hu Lixin also applauded his son's goal.

But he is not only because his son continued the new record, but also because the ball itself is really beautiful.

After Hu Lai finished his celebration, the slow motion of his goal was replayed in the TV broadcast.

From the slow-motion replay, it can be clearly seen how Hu Lai completed the turn and passed the ball - when the football rolled over, his body actually turned to the left, which is a precursor to turning from that side . But at the same time, his right foot dragged behind, and when the football rolled over, he used the toe of his right foot to pick the football behind him, and the person turned from the left.

The football that bypasses Samir Sports' central defender does not move forward in a straight line after landing, but because of its own rotation, it will change its line to the middle.

Just in time, he ran in both directions with Hu Lai who had bypassed each other, and met again in the middle.

As a non-traditional center with no physical advantage, Hu Lai's post-up singles ability is indeed not good enough, not even as good as his national team teammate Zhou Zijing.

But this does not mean that Hu Lai has no other way to play post-up singles. After all, he also trained with Li Qingqing for many nights last season...

He made full use of his flexible turning characteristics, coupled with his imaginative pick-and-roll action, and finally allowed him to successfully get rid of the Samir Sports defensive player who stuck to him for 70 minutes.

The reason why he was able to score so many goals this season is not just because of his teammates desperately feeding cakes.

Although he didn't know about his son and Li Qingqing's special training, Hu Lixin was also happy for Hu Lai from the bottom of his heart.

※※ ※

Seeing Hu Lai's goal, the assistant coach Valentin on the sidelines first let out a long breath, and then rushed out to cheer and celebrate.

After celebrating, he ran back and asked Parotti, "Can you replace him now?"

Parotti nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, let's change, let Ruiz come over."

Before Valentine could finish his sentence, he turned around and went to the bench to shake people.

It seems that I am afraid that the substitution will be slower, and Hu Lei will waste a little energy, which will affect the Champions League game next Tuesday...

Seeing his assistant's impatient look, Parotti smiled and shook his head.

He also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart - his unconditional trust in Hu Lai won the bet!

He is ready for Hu Lai to play the whole game. If Hu Lai really can't score and the record ends here, it must not be because he, the head coach, didn't give enough time.

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