Hou Lai stood in the player tunnel of Stan Park Stadium, turning his head and staring at the large photos on the wall.

Seeing this, Tonini leaned over and wanted to introduce him: "Harry Burgard. From..."

"Thanks Tonini, but I still know this guy."

Hu Lai politely rejected Tonini, and ruthlessly stopped the author's despicable attempt to use the same content to add a few hundred words.

"Ha, I think so, after all, you have played against each other in the Premier League." Tonini laughed, "Then why do you keep staring?"

"I'm just a little curious... I heard that only the retired Stan Park Rangers can be hung on the wall, but Burgard is obviously not retired yet." Hou Lai said.

"It's no secret that he's going to retire after this season, and what's the difference between what he's doing now and actually retiring?" Tonini shrugged. "Halfway through the season, he has only played 12 times. It is unimaginably low for him before."

"So I'm just kind of sad. I think back to the first time I played here, when Stan Park Rangers were unbeaten in 90 games in all competitions at this stadium. Everyone thought we were going to lose. ’” Hu Lai said.

Tonini became interested: "It happened when you were still in Leeds, right? I've heard about it too. To be honest, I would think the same way if I were you. There was indeed a huge gap between your strength and theirs at that time."

"Yeah, so in the end we won 4-3 against them. I scored three goals in that game. After the game, the media said that I was the first hat-trick in this stadium in nine years. People... Nine years, I was not even a professional player nine years ago..." Hu Lai seemed to be really sad, this stadium was a milestone in his career for him.

Because of that 4:3 victory, it helped the Leeds City team to make up their determination to win the championship, and it also gave them the confidence to win the championship. They realized that they could wrestle with the most powerful opponent in the national league, so why not Looking forward to the Premier League championship?

Before that game, Leeds City were eleven points behind Stan Park Rangers in the table.

In the thirty-sixth round of the league, Leeds City completed the overtake of the Stan Park Rangers in the standings by virtue of the away game against Tramed, and became the first place with a one-point advantage.

And maintained this one-point advantage until the end of the season, winning the Premier League championship trophy for the first time in history.

That was Hou Lai's first championship in Europe, and it was also the beginning of his rapid rise to become a heavyweight player in world football.

The hat-trick against Stan Park made him realize that he can do many things.

Nobody has been able to score a hat-trick at Stan Park in nine years,

He did it.

No Asian player can win the Premier League Golden Boot, and he did.

No Asian player has become a World Cup Golden Boot, and he did.

After that, Europa League champion, Europa League Golden Boot, La Liga champion, La Liga Golden Boot, Champions League Golden Boot, Olympic champion...

One achievement after another that no one else could have imagined before, he has achieved it all.


Hou Lai looked around the stadium corridor full of Rangers legends.

... This is the land of Longxing!

He sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"It is said that this is the idea of ​​the team's head coach Brooks. This tradition is really new. I wonder if this 'tradition' can continue after he leaves get out of class?"

Tony asked suddenly.

"Probably not." Hu Lai said, "Now they seem to have downplayed the fact that this arrangement is Brooks's idea. It should be a preparation for the future."

While the two were talking, they saw Harry Burgard, who was wearing a team jacket, walking from the direction of the home team's locker room, high-fiving his teammates on the way to encourage them.

At the same time, I will also say hello to relatively familiar pirate players.

When he saw Hu Lai, he went straight up and extended his palm to him.

Hu Lai stretched out his hand to hold it, and the two exchanged pleasantries.

"What a pity, I thought you'd be starting."

Hu Lai looked at Burgard's outfit. Although he was wearing a long-sleeved jacket like the Rangers teammates around him, his lower body was not shorts, but trousers. He was holding a shin guard in one hand, obviously Going to go straight to the bench instead of queuing up in the tunnel with the rest of my teammates.

Burgard smiled slightly: "It's a pity because I can't be your weakness, right?"

"Look at what you said, you're out of touch, big brother. How can you be the weak point? You are the boss of the Rangers!" Hu Lai waved his hands repeatedly.

"I'm afraid we won't have the chance to fight each other on the field again, Hu Lai." Burgard didn't care about Hu Lai's "flattery", he patted Hu Lai's back lightly to bid farewell to him.

Hu Lai didn't know how to pick it up, so he just nodded, and then watched Burgard continue to move forward, saying hello to the players on both sides.

At the front of the line, he stopped to chat with the captains of both sides.

Then just walked out.

There was a cheer from the stands at Stan Park as he emerged from the tunnel, with fans chanting: "Harry! Harry! Harry!"

Harry Burgard raised his hands and applauded in thanks.

He was still holding the pair of shin guards in his hands.

"What were you talking about with Bogard just now?" Ion Martinez approached Hu Lai curiously.

"There is good news, Ion. Burgard should not play in this game." Hu Lai explained.

"How do you know?" Ion didn't understand why Hu Lai was so sure.

"He told me, he said that he and I should have no chance to play against each other on the court again."

Ion spotted the blind spot and pointed out, "What if he lied to you?"

Hu Lai smiled: "Ha, he's 'Tough Harry'. He won't do that kind of despicable and shameless villain. Since he said so, it must be true."

"Since we're sure we won't be playing, why are we still on the big roster? Are there so many spots on the Stan Park Rangers' big roster?" Ion was even more puzzled.

"Maybe it's just to express an attitude, let the Rangers players on the field play well, because... Big Brother is watching you!"

Hu Lai pointed to his own eyes with two fingers, and then pointed forward.

Ion smacked his lips: "I thought he played so few games in the league to save his energy for the Champions League..."

Tonini said with emotion: "After all, it is a person with a missing meniscus. It is already very good to be able to persist until now."



Burgard sat down on the seat next to Jimmy Stokes, and immediately attracted the latter to greet him respectfully: "Captain."

Burgard nodded and said to Stokes, "Jimmy, you need to be ready to play in this game."

Stokes was a little surprised: "But the game hasn't started yet..."

The captain said these words to himself before the game started, does he think we will have any trouble in the game? Or will someone be hurt?

This doesn't seem like a good word...

Burgard didn't answer directly, but referred to what he had seen and heard in the passage just now: "I just had a chat with Hu. He was very relaxed and even interested in visiting our 'Honor Hall'."

Stokes didn't ask a question, but looked at the captain, waiting for him to continue.

"His form reminded me of that game, that's how he did his pre-match visits. Then he scored a hat-trick here... so my gut tells me we're going to have a hard time at home. If the host If the coach wants to change something, maybe you have a chance."

After listening to the captain's explanation, Stokes laughed: "Then I would rather sit on the bench for 90 minutes, because it means that we won the game smoothly."

Burgard was also amused by him, but after laughing, he still said seriously: "Although he didn't play, even if he is sitting on the bench, he must enter the game state from the first minute. Only in this way can he seize the opportunity."

Seeing the captain's expression become serious, Stokes nodded seriously: "I will, Captain."

"very good."

Burgard didn't continue to say anything to Stokes either. He sat on the bench seat and greeted and high-fived every bench player who came to sit here.

After everyone was seated, the magnificent Champions League theme song sounded on the scene.

In the sound of the music, Burgard stood up first, and the Stan Park Rangers players around him all stood up side by side, and turned their heads to look at the exit of the tunnel.

Pay attention to the players of both sides who line up to enter the field.

Matthew Cox, the England commentator on the spot commentary stand, also stood up, leaned over and looked down, and said loudly at the same time:

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Stan Park!"

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