When Sun Yiming came back from the lottery scene, he was anxious for all the players of the team immediately, and held a tactical meeting behind closed doors.

He wants to let his team know what kind of opponent they are about to face at the first time.

At this time, the value of his previous preparation work is reflected.

After all, before the lottery results came out, he didn't know who he would face. So he collected some intelligence information about the opponents he thought he might encounter in the game in advance.

This includes Dongchuan Middle School.

Including Dongchuan Middle School does not actually prove Sun Yiming's brilliance.

Because many head coaches of teams participating in national competitions like him will do this.

In fact, before the national competition started, Dongchuan Middle School had already attracted a lot of attention when it stood out from the Anton Provincial Qualifiers.

Especially those teams that regard Dongchuan Middle School as a competitor, it is impossible to sit idly by, at least they want to collect relevant information.

At this time, Dongchuan Middle School should perhaps thank them for the poor reporting level of the "Anton Cup", which they have complained about many times.

Because the Anton Cup has not been televised so far, it is basically difficult for teams from other provinces to obtain information about Dongchuan Middle School on the Andong Cup.

After looking around, the post on Tieba is the most detailed one.

For other teams, this is enough, because this is the most important game in the entire Anton Cup. It can be said that this Anton Cup is enough to watch one game.

When Dongchuan Middle School beats its rival, Jiaxiang High School, they must give their best without reservation, so just watching this game should be able to understand Dongchuan Middle School's performance in the Andong Cup.

So what can they see from this Tieba post?

Hou Lai scored three goals and completed a hat-trick.

Combined with the fact that Hu Lai finally won the top scorer in the Anton Cup, everyone knows that Dongchuan Middle School's offensive arrow is Hu Lai.

If it is linked to the performance of Dongchuan Middle School in the last national competition, this conclusion will be even more affirmed.

After all, the last national competition,

Hou Lai became the team's second scorer with three goals.

So after the top scorer Luo Kai left, it is only logical that he became the team's main scorer.


"But is that all?" Sun Yiming looked at his players and asked.

No one answered him.

Because the players' thinking is indeed like this, since Hu Lai scored the most goals, is the team's top scorer, and performed well in the game against Jiaxiang High School, then why is he not the core of the team?

"Let an opportunist be the core? I believe the head coach of Dongchuan Middle School will not be so stupid. On the contrary, he is not only not stupid, but also very smart." Sun Yiming saw that the players did not understand why, and began to explain for them.

"It seems that he is using a striker as the core, but in fact this opportunist is just a cover. The purpose is to cover up their real core. So who is the real core of Dongchuan Middle School? It is their midfield organizer , No. 10 Xia Xiaoyu."

Sun Yiming is not talking nonsense by himself. He has studied the game data of Dongchuan Middle School-although there is no video data in the Anton Cup, there are still simple battle report articles after each game, which will mark each game Lists of appearances and substitutions for both sides, as well as the names of the scorers and assisters.

"Hu Lai scored eleven goals in this qualifier and is the top scorer in the Anton Cup. And what about Xia Xiaoyu? He has sent as many as ten assists in this qualifier. You need to know Dong Chuan Middle School only scored a total of twenty goals in this qualifying round, and Xia Xiaoyu's assists alone accounted for half of this number. What does this mean?"

Sun Yiming once again asked the players questions.

Someone in the team finally raised his hand this time, and it was the team captain, midfielder Song Yu.

"Song Yu, tell me." Sun Yiming called his name.

"Although Hu Lai is the top scorer, it just means that he is the arrow figure of Dongchuan Middle School. But the real core of this team should be their No. 10. If there is no him in the midfield to continuously deliver shells It is impossible for Hu Lai to score so many goals. And as long as Xia Xiaoyu organizes in the midfield, no matter who is replaced, he can become the top scorer." Song Yu said.

"Captain, why are you being so euphemistic?" Someone in the team shouted, "You mean you can be the top scorer even if you change pigs?"

This made the players in the room burst into laughter.

Song Yu retorted helplessly: "I didn't mean that..."

Sun Yiming raised his hand to stop everyone's booing, looked at Song Yu and nodded with satisfaction: "Song Yu is right, whoever controls the midfield will win the game. With the emphasis placed on the midfield in today's football, Xia Xiaoyu, who can send out ten assists, is the true core of this team! But Xia Xiaoyu alone is not enough. Dongchuan Middle School’s forward partner has nothing to say, a high center forward, and an opportunity to cruise around him But their midfield configuration is very particular. Although Xia Xiaoyu has excellent passing ability, but his body is thin, his confrontation ability is not very good, and he is easy to be targeted, but why can he still send out ten assists?"

A group of people looked at each other, and this time Song Yu didn't raise his hand to answer the question.

Sun Yiming didn't wait for the players to answer, but gave an explanation himself: "The head coach of Dongchuan Middle School matched Xia Xiaoyu with a 'bodyguard', which is their midfielder Chen Rui. I don't understand Chen Rui. A lot. But from the only information available, it can be seen that this man is a midfielder who focuses on defense. His existence has solved Xia Xiaoyu's worries and cleared the battlefield for him... This is also the role of the midfielder. A classic pairing, an organizer with a sapper."

It has to be said that Sun Yiming is by no means incompetent when he was able to build Capital People's Middle School into a traditional strong team in the national competition.

Although I haven't watched the video of Dongchuan Middle School's football team in this year's Anton Cup, just relying on some clues, it is possible to speculate about Dongchuan Middle School's midfield operation mode.

"When we understand the real advantages of Dongchuan Middle School, there is actually nothing to worry about." Speaking of this, Sun Yiming showed a confident smile. "If you want to compete in midfield, our Renmin Middle School still has this confidence."

Sun Yiming didn't brag, the midfielder of Capital People's Middle School is their advantage.

When he said this, everyone in the team cast their attention on the four of them.

In addition to the captain Song Yu, there was also the person who just yelled that "a pig can be the best shooter", and the other two people beside him.

They are Wang Xun, Zhang Xi and Yan Zheng, and like Song Yu, they are all midfielders.

They also noticed the gazes from their teammates. Wang Xun whistled: "Don't worry, coach. Make sure that Xia Xiaoyu will never return."

The three of them and captain Song Yu were classmates, and they played football together from the first year of high school until the third year of high school.

Three years of training and competitions have given them an incomparable understanding.

And this year, these four midfielders who cooperate with each other are also the last time to participate in the national competition.

Whether it is Sun Yiming as the head coach, the players of Renmin Middle School, or the supporters of the Renmin Middle School football team, they all hope that Song Yu and his "Four Knights of the White Night" can achieve a breakthrough in this last national competition and score The finals of the national competition, and even to compete for the championship.


"'Four Knights of the White Night'?" Hu Lai was surprised when he heard this title for the first time.

"It refers to the four midfielders of Renmin Middle School. The four of them were classmates from the first year of high school to the third year of high school. They have a very good relationship. They are not the kind where brothers are better than brothers." Mao Xiao explained to Hu Lai in a low voice.

At this time, they are in the tactical meeting of Dongchuan Middle School.

Li Ziqiang also held a tactical meeting as soon as he returned from the lottery scene.

"...Song Yu is the core of their midfield. He is both offensive and defensive. His position is the midfielder, but he shoulders the heavy responsibility of organizing the offense." Li Ziqiang was introducing players from Renmin Middle School.

Unlike Sun Yiming, who has little information about Dongchuan Middle School, Renmin Middle School is a traditional strong team in the national competition, so the relevant information is easy to collect, and there are even game videos from previous national competitions.

"Song Yu is the core of Renmin Middle School. He is responsible for linking the offense and defense of the whole team in the position of the midfielder. However, in terms of statistics such as goals and assists, he is actually inconspicuous, even mediocre. But his importance It cannot be reflected by such simple data." Li Ziqiang continued. "It can be said that Renmin Middle School with him and without him are completely two teams."

"Beside Song Yu, Wang Xun is his partner in the defensive midfielder. He is tall, but he is not the kind of pure defensive engineer who only knows how to steal. Of course, this does not mean that he is not good at defense. On the contrary, he The defense is excellent. But besides defense, he can also organize the offense. In many cases, the offense of Renmin Middle School is actually not initiated by Song Yu, but from his midfielder, especially when he steals the ball in the midfield. , We can immediately send the football to the dangerous place and pass it to the right person. Therefore, after we attack and lose the ball, we must concentrate and play 12 points to prevent them from directly sending the football to our hinterland."

"In front of Song Yu and Wang Xun are Zhang Xi and Yan Zheng on the left and the right respectively. Zhang Xi on the left is good at dribbling and breaking through, and his skills are excellent. Yan Zheng on the right is good at long shots. He often He will cruise from the wing to the middle, and then receive a pass from his teammates, and shoot directly outside the penalty area. In the opening game of the last national competition, Renmin Middle School used Yan Zheng's long-range shot to open the scoring. In view of this, our middle school Special attention should be paid to the field and the back line, keep the formation compact, and must not give the opponent a chance to play unmarked and calmly at the front of the penalty area."

Hearing what the head coach said, Hu Lai remembered—the opening match of the last national competition was the match between Renmin Middle School and Huayuan High School in the host capital. As a result, in that game, Renmin Middle School defeated the opponent 3:1 in front of the elders of their hometown, which made Huayuan Middle School's national competition tour come to an end just after it started.

The painful look of the Huayuan High School players after being eliminated at that time deeply stimulated Hu Lai.

A year later, Renmin High School's opponent in the first round of competition changed from Huayuan High School to their Dongchuan Middle School, and Hu Lai was even more unwilling to be sent home early by Renmin High School.

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