Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 161 Go All Out


During the intermission, players from Shuguang High School walked into the locker room. Someone kicked away the mineral water bottle at the door and cursed.

His action drew other people's glances, but it didn't remind him that it was bad to do so, or anything.

Everyone glanced at him, and then looked away, each with their own concerns.

Chen Xingyi also walked into the locker room without saying a word.

In the first half, Shuguang High School did not play well, the score was still 1:1, but Shuguang High School bombarded around Haihe No. 3 Middle School, but was still unable to score again.

He, the defending top scorer, has also been closely marked by his opponents, and it is difficult to have room to display.

Everyone was aggrieved, and he was even more aggrieved.

Before, he boasted that he wanted to win the three consecutive national championships and the top scorer's three consecutive titles. He did not expect that he would encounter such tenacious resistance in the first game of this national competition.

The head coach Liang Yuanhao who came in after him stood at the door, looking down at the broken water bottle on the ground. There are some water marks on it.

He stepped forward, picked up the mineral water bottle, found the bottle cap, screwed it on again, and threw it into the trash can. Then he said to the players who were silently looking at him: "What? Go, what's the point of venting with a water bottle?"

The player who kicked the mineral water bottle lowered his head and dared not speak.

"Did I say before the game that because the bastard Chen Xingyi yelled out his big words in advance, we are now the target of everyone's criticism, so we will definitely encounter the opponent's tenacious resistance in the game?" Having said this, Liang Yuanhao asked Chen Xingyi took a look.

Under the watchful eyes of the head coach, Chen Xingyi smiled awkwardly—he was only pretending to be happy at the time, and he really didn't consider how much resistance his words would bring to his team...

"Even if I didn't say it, if you think about it for yourself, you won't think of this? Our opponents are all soft-footed shrimps. We are happy to see us win three consecutive championships? Everyone is young, who is not angry? Who can Willing to be looked down upon by others? So if you really want to win three consecutive championships, shouldn’t you have thought of such an opponent and match? Now that you have thought of it, why are you unconvinced? It is your opponent who should be unconvinced !" Liang Yuanhao suddenly raised the volume, which scared many players who bowed their heads so that their bodies trembled.

"He is also working hard to achieve good results in the national competition, so why should he become a stepping stone for your three consecutive championships at Shuguang High School?!"

No one answered the rhetorical question.

Liang Yuanhao didn't need anyone to speak out, he continued: "If you want to win the three consecutive championships, shouldn't you try your best in every game to defeat such an opponent? The only way to defeat this kind of opponent is to do your best. Opponents, your championship trophy will be even brighter!"

Raising the volume up to this point, Liang Yuanhao paused. He looked around at all the players in the locker room, and everyone was silent.

Some people still had their heads down, but some people had raised their heads to look at him, and something was shining in their eyes.

"Now, put away your arrogance. Seriously, go all out, show your best performance, defeat your opponent, and prove that you are indeed qualified to fight for the three consecutive championships! Otherwise, stop! Don't think about three consecutive championships,

Because you are not worthy! "


"What kind of shit did you play in the first half?!" Sun Yiming was furious at his players in the locker room. "Wei Chen, what did you do? Why did you let Hu Lai score in front of you?"

Wei Chen, the left back of Renmin Middle School who was named, didn't know how to defend himself. He was focusing on football at the time, and he really didn't expect someone to rush up suddenly.

He's there because that's his defensive position.

But how did that Hu Lai suddenly appear there? In other words, how does he know that the ball will definitely bounce back?

Seeing that Wei Chen was tongue-tied and unable to answer, Sun Yiming snorted: "Forget it, strengthen the defense against Hu Lai in the second half. After all, he is the top scorer in the qualifiers in Anton Province. Even if he is not the core of the team, don't underestimate him. Now let's talk about the offense. In the second half, we must take advantage of the opponent's unstable foothold at the beginning to launch an offensive..."


"You performed well in the first half, but you must continue to maintain it." In the locker room of Dongchuan Middle School, Li Ziqiang praised the players with a straight face. The players of Dongchuan Middle School were used to the serious look of the head coach, and it was very, very difficult to see him smile.

When the first-year high school players came to the team, they saw the head coach praising others with a straight face, and thought he was being sarcastic...

It was only later that I realized that being able to say compliments already showed that the head coach was very happy.

As for seeing him's just a luxury.

"The opponent will definitely counterattack in the second half, and you must withstand their offensive. Especially in the midfield, you cannot let them function normally. Xia Xiaoyu, you must also actively participate in defense, and even your defensive task will be more important than organizing offense."

Without further ado, Xia Xiaoyu nodded simply.

"Their Wang Xun is very interesting." Li Ziqiang continued. "As a defensive midfielder, he mainly focuses on defense, but at the same time he also has a certain ability to organize offense. Do you think that such a person has both offense and defense?"

The players of Dongchuan Middle School did not speak, because they knew that the head coach must have something to say.

Sure enough, Li Ziqiang continued: "A few times in the first half, when he got the ball, he didn't immediately pass the football to the players around him, but he always had to take control, observe more, and then pass the ball. Look It sounds like he is a supplement next to Song Yu, but in fact he has a turbulent heart. This is our opportunity, if we can block him when he has the ball and grab the ball at his feet, then we can directly launch Fight, Holly."

"Yes, coach."

"You have to retreat to participate in the defense, and sneak attack Wang Xun when he is not paying attention to you."

Hu Lai nodded again and again: "No problem, coach."

In the first half, Hu Lai's defensive task was not very heavy, it can even be said that there was almost none, but he focused on offense. But it doesn't mean that he can stay out of it, only use offense and not participate in defense.

Dongchuan Middle School uses an overall offensive and defensive tactic, even the forwards have to return to defense. Holly is no exception.

It is also because the whole team does extra physical training every day that they have the physical foundation in this area. Otherwise, after returning to defend and rushing to attack again, after going back and forth several times, I am afraid that I will lose my strength.

At that time, no matter how good the technology is, it will not be able to play.

In modern football, physical fitness is the foundation of everything.

"In order for Wang Xun to have more opportunities to organize an attack, Chen Rui, you must always bite Song Yu, and don't give him the opportunity to calmly pass and receive the ball."

Chen Rui nodded seriously and said, "Don't worry, coach, I promise to make that Song Yu feel uncomfortable!"

"Very good. After the start of the second half, first withstand their offensive, and then prevent Song Yu from successfully organizing the attack. Then Wang Xun will naturally participate in the attack more, and we can also block him. Cut off Immediately launch a counterattack after the ball, and hand the football to Shen Yulin...Shen Yulin, you have to use your physical advantage to hold the ball, and then divide the football to the side...The two full backs must boldly press up and participate in the attack at this time, don't just because I'm afraid I won't go up after a waste of time..."

Li Ziqiang wrote and drew on the white tactical board, assigning corresponding tactics to everyone.

And the players also listened attentively to their head coach's arrangements, keeping the coach's instructions firmly in their hearts.


The halftime break was coming to an end, and the players of Shuguang High School got up from their seats one after another, preparing to return to the court.

But they didn't walk out of the locker room directly, but turned their heads to look at their captain, Chen Xingyi, who was still sitting on the chair without moving.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Chen Xingyi didn't get up in a hurry, but took out his phone and unlocked the screen.

"Dongchuan Middle School 1:0 Renmin Middle School, goal scorer: Hu Lai (29)"

Chen Xingyi pouted when he saw the news.

Then he locked the phone and put it back in his bag. Then he clapped his hands on the knees of his legs, stood up from his seat, and said to all his teammates who were looking at him: "Well, since I blew the bull out, I must be responsible to the end. Let's go, man We. Haihe No. 3 Middle School has gone all out, so let's do our best too."

Afterwards, he was the first to walk out of the locker room through the passage that his teammates gave him, and the other players from Shuguang High School followed behind him and walked towards the court in a mighty manner.

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