Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 94 Peng Weijun

Peng Weijun raised his arm while advancing at high speed on the left side.

"Here! Here!"

He also yelled at his teammates.

His yelling did attract the attention of his teammates, and the teammate who got the ball passed the ball to him.

But he also attracted the attention of his opponents...

So the pass was blocked by the right back Qian Yunwei, who was wearing a blue training vest, without any suspense.

"Depend on!"

Peng Weijun turned around and saw this scene, cursed in a low voice, turned around and chased after him.

But Qian Yunwei has already passed the football forward.

"Let's rely on!"

While cursing in a low voice, Peng Weijun rushed back with his head buried.

Even though the blue team didn't go where he was, he ran back quickly.

And his defense was not in vain, because when the blue team was attacking, they still hit the ball to their right side, which is the left side where Peng Weijun was.

It was Qian Yunwei, who had just broken Peng Weijun's ball, who went forward to respond.

When he was catching the ball, Peng Weijun, who had been chasing the ball all the way, rushed to him. Taking advantage of Qian Yunwei's chance to stop the ball, he rushed forward with a stride, and snatched Qian Yunwei and the football from behind. After the separation, he regained control of the football.

Then he immediately passed the football back to the left back teammate who came up, and then turned around and ran forward.

While running, he raised his arms and asked his teammates for the ball.

But this time, the teammates did not pass the football over.

Peng Weijun made a trip for nothing.

And not only that, this attack has not yet been completed, and the blue team has switched from defense to offense.

Peng Weijun ran for nothing when he attacked, but now he has to turn around and run back.

Just like this, he sprinted back and forth on the left side, running like the wind, as if he was tireless.


Peng Weijun's tireless running still brought him rewards.

When the red team attacked, he received the ball on the left wing again.

This time he faced Qian Yunwei, who came up to defend him, without any fancy moves, and directly moved the football forward!

Then start accelerating on the spot!

With just this one move, Qian Yunwei was thrown away.

When Qian Yunwei turned around, Peng Weijun was already about two or three meters in front of him, and he couldn't catch up no matter how hard he tried...

After Peng Weijun caught up with the football, he didn't continue to dribble the ball to the bottom. Instead, he used the outer instep of his right foot to push the football to the inside, and then changed to cut in!

Yao Huasheng rushed up to stop him, but his speed was a little slower. Before he could steal the ball before Peng Weijun, Peng Weijun caught up with the football again and swung his left leg!


A powerful volley from the ribs of the restricted area!

The football rushed past Yao Huasheng, and the old captain only felt a gust of wind blowing around his face!

When he turned his head, he saw the goalkeeper Duke flying in the air, stretching out his arms, but he didn't touch the ball...

The football has flown into the goal he guards!

"Oh beautiful!"

The reporters who saw the ball on the sidelines couldn't help bursting into cheers.

Then he praised Peng Weijun who just scored a goal:

"Peng Weijun's acceleration was really fast!"

"It's just that the technology is rough, but the speed is really nothing to say..."

"Not tall, but not small in strength! The explosive power of this long-range shot... Tsk tsk, it's quite explosive!"

"I'm only eighteen years old, my future is really limitless..."

"Otherwise, why didn't the South China Tigers send him to Frankfurt White Deer in the first half of the year? Didn't it feel that White Deer's level was low and wanted to find a better club for Peng Weijun..."

"It would be great if I could practice my foot skills again..."

"I don't think it's necessary. Peng Weijun's advantages are fast speed, good explosive power, and enough skills at his feet. Although they are both left wingers, he and Chen Xingyi are not in the same way."

"But if he doesn't continue to improve his foot skills and only relies on speed, he will have too few opportunities to get in the 30-meter area... He is still young and has strong plasticity in the future.

I think it's too early to judge him..."

"Look at the thigh muscles of Peng Weijun's left leg. It is obvious that he is an explosive player. With such muscle mass, it is difficult to accurately control the ball. I think it may not be a question of whether he wants to improve his foot skills, but that he can The problem of not being able to practice well..."


Peng Weijun didn't know what the reporters on the sidelines were talking about him. Scoring this goal in the training match greatly boosted his confidence.

He doesn't pay attention to what the reporters say, he knows who he should pay attention to.

After scoring the goal, he didn't bother to celebrate, and turned his head to look at the head coach Qin Lin on the sidelines.

He saw head coach Qin Lin nodding.

There is a door!

Peng Weijun waved his fist happily again.

Sure enough, his tireless running and this goal had an effect!

Why are you fighting so hard in this training match? Isn't it just to get a chance to play in the first round of the Club World Cup?

Although it is only the chance to play in the first round, it does not mean that the entire Club World Cup can be played.

But this is like a key. Without this key, you can't even get in the door. How can you impress the coach with better performance?


"competition is over!!"

Accompanied by the referee's three whistles, there was thunderous cheers in the Lotus Stadium in Lingnan City.

"The game is over! The South China Tigers defeated Papeete Athletic 3:1 at home! They have successfully entered the second round of the Club World Cup. They will face the Cairoers, the champion team from Africa, in the second round. If If they can pass this hurdle, they will enter the semi-finals of the Club World Cup and have a chance to meet Hu Lai!"

The South China Tigers players on the bench rushed into the field to celebrate the victory.

Peng Weijun was among them.

It's just that what he celebrated was not as crazy as his teammates, but a little restrained.

Because behind every cheer, there will be faint worries in his heart.

Of course it is a good thing for the team to reach the second round of the Club World Cup, but he may not be eligible to participate in the second round.

His performance in the first round may not be enough to impress the head coach.

In fact, Peng Weijun had a good start. With his attitude and state in training, he successfully won the opportunity to represent the South China Tigers in the first round of the Club World Cup.

But he failed to seize the opportunity.

He was substituted in the 62nd minute.

It is enough to explain the problem that he left the field so early - it is very simple, Qin Lin is dissatisfied with his performance on the field.

As a left winger, although he tried to break through many times, the effect was mediocre.

Although Athletic Papeete is the champion of Oceania, they know that there is a gap in strength between themselves and the hosts. Therefore, Athletic Papeete shrank very far in this game and did not give Peng Weijun too many opportunities to display his speed.

In the 62 minutes of his playing time, most of the time, Peng Weijun interspersed up and down, sprinted back and forth, and ran in emptiness just like he did in the team training game.

Because of the lack of help to the offense, Qin Lin replaced him when the South China Tigers led Papeete Athletic 2:1.

In fact, it would be fine if he was just replaced.

However, less than ten minutes after he was substituted, the South China Tigers scored again...


With less than 20 minutes left in the game, the score almost sealed the victory for the hosts.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After the goal, Peng Weijun immediately cheered and celebrated for the team.

But after the celebration ended, while the game continued, he sat on the bench, gradually recovering from the previous carnival, and felt a chill.

When he was on the field, although the South China Tigers were in the lead, after scoring the second goal, the scene has not been dominant.

Because Papeete Athletic realized that if they didn't work hard, they would have to go to the "Club World Cup".

So during that time, the South China Tigers were under a lot of pressure. They needed to score another goal to take a two-goal lead.

As the team's left winger, Peng Weijun couldn't help the team on the offensive end, so of course he had to be replaced.

This is also normal.

But less than ten minutes after he was replaced, the South China Tigers scored.

What does this mean?

It shows that it was a wrong decision to start Peng Weijun, and it shows that he is a drag on the team's offense on the court!

Such a stark contrast made Peng Weijun realize that even if the South China Tigers could make it to the second round of the Club World Cup, he might not be able to get a chance to play...

He guessed right.

Three days later, in the second round of the Club World Cup, when the South China Tigers played against Cairo, Peng Weijun was not included in the starting list.

He was still on the bench until fifteen minutes before the end of the game.


PS, positive results were found in several communities near the community, and our community has been closed for three days since yesterday.

I used to be able to go out to buy vegetables once a day, but then I went out once every two days, and now it is closed for three days.

To be honest, being sealed at home does not have as many time code words as I first imagined.

Let’s not talk about children’s online classes and homework, just talk about the mood these days, like riding a roller coaster.

On the first day of Silence, because Silence closed at 6:00 pm, I was busy going out to grab vegetables and shop.

On the second and third day, due to system problems, it was extremely difficult to do nucleic acid. The longest time we had to queue downstairs for three and a half hours was to do nucleic acid...

On the fourth day, I anxiously waited for the news of whether to refill the cup. Of course, I waited for another three days to refill the cup.

On the fifth day, I thought there was nothing to do, so I could clean up the code words and concentrate on it, but it turned out... an earthquake!

In the past two days, I have seen my community surrounded by surrounding communities, and it would be a lie to say that I am not panicking.

Now I have to be thankful that I asked for leave a few days ago and ordered an update, otherwise I guess I will stop updating...

Thanks again for your understanding and support!

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