Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 101 In the plan

When Hu Lai made his signature celebration action at the South China Tigers Stadium, there was a small but clear "thunder" in the sky above the Lotus Stadium.

Although the South China Tigers fans accounted for three-quarters of the game, many of these fans cooperated with Hu Lai and cheered.

In their hearts, Hu Lai is still the pride and hero of Chinese football even if he wears the Madrid Pirates jersey.

Cheering for him is the self-consciousness of a Chinese fan.

This is actually not the first time that Hu Lai has scored a goal at the home court of the South China Tigers. In the Chinese Super League, he once broke the goal of the South China Tigers guarded by Lin Zhiyuan in an away game.

At that time, Hu Lai also made his signature celebration in this stadium, but the fans of the South China Tigers did not cheer for him here at that time...

After conceding the ball, the South China Tigers players looked very helpless.

Especially Liu Yan.

In this attack, he is the "first responsible person" responsible for defending Hu Lai.

That's why Yao Huasheng made a header clearance for him, just to prevent him from losing Hu Lai.

While Vukovic was shooting, Liu Yan stretched out his hand to push Hu Lai, just to prevent him from getting close to the goal.

But I didn't expect that this push would push Hu Lai to football instead...

Because after the football was saved by goalkeeper Duke, it landed at Hu Lai's feet!

If he didn't push Hu Lai away, maybe Hu Lai would have missed the football?

It's really...

Liu Yan put his hands on his hips and looked up at the sky with a painful expression on his face.

Then he swears a swear word.

That's all he can do.

As a teammate who fought side by side with Hu Lai in the Olympic team and the national team, Liu Yan certainly knew Hu Lai's advantages and disadvantages very well, so he had been keeping an eye on Hu Lai since the start of this game.

That end twisted... more than a midfielder.

Almost every few seconds, he had to turn his head to look at Hu Lai beside him. Otherwise, you have to reach out and confirm Hu Lai's position by touch. For example, when Hu Lai is behind him, he will wave his hand backwards, touching someone means that Hu Lai is still there.

If he finds nothing, he will immediately turn his head to look for it, and he will not be relieved until he finds Hu Lai.

With such a strict defense, in the end... it fell short!

He admitted that when Vukovic shot, his man-marking against Hu Lai dropped, because part of his attention was inevitably divided to Vukovic's shot.

So he made a mistake in conceding the ball. He didn't keep an eye on Hu Lai.

But he didn't expect that the game had just started for seven minutes, and he could make this mistake...

It is conceivable how people would evaluate this conceded goal after the game... No, there is no need to wait until the end of the game. Now I am afraid that many people criticize Liu Yan for being inattentive during the game and missing Hu Lai.

Liu Yan really just wants to say this:

proceed if you can!

If you don't come to defend Hu Lai once in person, you really can't understand how much pressure you are under in the game.

He shook his head, because there was nothing he could do with his national team teammates.

"This is a typical Hu Lai-style goal!" He Feng said loudly in the commentary booth at the scene.

"Turn a goal that wasn't a chance into a chance! How can you say he is so lucky that he can appear on the football landing point every time? Because it is not luck at all! This is his top sense of smell in front of the goal And the result of running without the ball!"


The assistant coach who complained that the Madrid Pirates looked down on him at the beginning of the game sighed deeply.

Qin Lin didn't seem to lose the ball by accident, and said to him: "Look, you still think people look down on us... Why do people look down on us when we can score goals so easily?"

The assistant coach said nothing.

After finally reaching the semi-finals of the Club World Cup and facing the Champions League champions, the desire to meet an all-out opponent seems to be the meaning of their reaching the semi-finals.

But now it seems that Qin Lin is right, I wish others would not go all out...

He didn't send out the full main lineup, only half of the main players and half of the substitutes, and it was so easy to score a goal.

If all the main players are really starting and going all out...I'm afraid this game will become a "tragedy" like they played against Weissedov, right?

"Hey...the strength gap is too big!"

After hearing Qin Lin's words, the assistant coach sighed.

"Fortunately, it's still within our expectations." Qin Lin said.

Before this game, Qin Lin's coaching staff made many plans.

Prepared for the players to deal with various situations.

Conceding goals is naturally within their consideration. After all, their opponent is the champion of the Champions League. Qin Lin is not arrogant enough to think that his team can not concede a goal when facing the champion of the Champions League.

Not only conceding the ball, Qin Lin also considered the situation of conceding the ball at the beginning-he assumed that his team's opening attack failed to result in a goal, so the pirates seized the opportunity to play a wave of quick counterattacks, resulting in Lose the ball.

Qin Lin remained relatively calm just because he had considered such a situation in advance.

But at this time, whether the head coach is calm or not is not the most important thing, the most important thing is whether the players on the field can hold their ground.

Qin Lin took a step forward and stood on the line in front of the coach's bench, ready to remind his players loudly at any time.

He turned his attention to the team captain Yao Huasheng on the field.

The 36-year-old Yao Huasheng is an extension of his will on the court, and Qin Lin also hopes that Yao Huasheng will join his coaching staff after retirement.

As the captain, being on the court at this time is equivalent to being a coach, and he should do what the coach should do.


Liu Yan, who was still blaming himself, was patted on the shoulder by Yao Huasheng:

"Don't think about it, that kid is like a ghost. Play well for the next game, you are a central defender, you can't think wildly."

Liu Yan nodded vigorously, Team Yao was right, the central defender can't let himself fall into negative emotions.

Then Yao Huasheng raised his voice and shouted to his frustrated teammates: "It's only one goal, and the game is not over yet! This is all within our expectations, let's continue playing in the original way!"

He not only shouted, but also ran up himself, slapped his teammates on the shoulders one by one, boosted their morale, and pulled them out of their depression.

Qin Lin, who saw this scene off the court, stepped back and stood next to his assistant coach again. He stopped talking and concentrated on watching the game.


After celebrating, Hu Lai and his teammates ran back to their own half, just in time to hear Yao Huasheng yelling.

So he cast his gaze over there.

I saw Yao Huasheng comforting and encouraging his teammates one by one.

Same as when he was in the national team.

Team Yao is still Team Yao...

After sighing with emotion, Hu Lai turned his attention to the South China Tigers players who were encouraged and comforted by Yao Huasheng.

In fact, as an opponent, Hu Lai hopes that the South China Tigers will perform better and not be defeated by the Madrid Pirates too easily.

This is his little selfishness as a Chinese player.

This Club World Cup semi-final is an excellent opportunity for the Chinese team to appear in front of fans and media all over the world.

He hopes that the South China Tigers can use their outstanding performance to show the world that Chinese football is not limited to players who have already studied abroad in Europe.

Those European media and clubs, it is best to pay more attention to the players in China.

If this can allow more Chinese players to go abroad, then this Club World Cup semi-final will not be played in vain.

Although he scored the goal early in the opening game, he also hoped that the players of the South China Tigers would not be hit by this goal...

It's time to fight!

Don't be a coward!


"...No one expected that just seven minutes into the game, the Madrid Pirates took the lead. Now the game restarts, and the South China Tigers kick off again... Coetzee passed the football back, and then ran forward. Although the loss I hope that the youngsters of the South China Tigers will not be affected by this ball, keep their minds, and play according to the original rhythm-I believe Qin Lin's coaching team will definitely take the factor of conceding the ball into consideration. After all, facing the Madrid Pirates It's impossible for such a team not to concede...then we'll see how the South China Tigers will respond!"

After the kick-off, the South China Tigers still routinely pass the football back and pass it in the backcourt to attract the Madrid Pirates players to press forward.

It was obvious that they wanted to pull out the Madrid Pirates players, tear apart the Pirates' formation, increase the gap between the Pirates players and give the South China Tigers a chance to counterattack.

The Madrid Pirates didn't take it seriously, and when they saw the South China Tigers in the backcourt, they immediately pressed up and launched a frontcourt press, hoping to threaten the South China Tigers' goal after directly stealing the ball in the frontcourt.

When the South China Tigers saw the pirates attacking aggressively, Yao Huasheng immediately raised his hand for the ball.

After he took the ball in the central defender position, he made a long pass with a big foot!

The football runs across half the pitch and flies to the frontcourt.

It is a pity that this time the football still failed to cross the top of the Madrid Pirates' central defenders - Riva Moreno and Tan Yunlong took off at the same time to compete for the landing point. In the end, Moreno was superior, relying on better position selection and Better physical fitness, first push the football away.

The South China Tiger's attack failed again...

Change to the Madrid Pirates attack.

And the Madrid Pirates offensive players who pressed forward just now don't need to retreat, they just wait in front of their teammates to pass the ball up.

After a simple pass with three feet, the football fell to Hu Lai's feet again.

Facing Liu Yan who was defending him, Hu Lai raised his foot and pretended to shoot. After Liu Yan stretched out his foot to block it, he pushed the football diagonally and sent a through kick!

After receiving the ball on the line of the penalty area, Di Kunzo, who ran diagonally, kicked and shot!

Fortunately, Yao Huasheng kept following. When he saw Di Kunzo catch the ball, he decisively shoveled and interfered.

Under his interference, Di Kunzo shot high and failed to threaten the goal of the South China Tigers.

But just for this ten-minute game, everyone can see that the Madrid Pirates have an overall advantage.

The South China Tigers have not shot a goal so far, not even the 30-meter zone of the Madrid Pirates.

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