Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 103 A Public Execution

"...Let's take a look at how Peng Weijun defended Kamala just now...At the same time that Kamala started, Peng Weijun also started immediately. This reaction is amazing! And after turning around, he didn't Any hesitation, go directly to the shovel, not afraid of fouling, very decisive! That's it! That's it! Facing the top European players, you must not think too much, because if you think too much, you may not be able to keep up with the rhythm, and you will be caught. throw off..."

During the live broadcast of the game, the memory of Peng Weijun shoveling the Kamara ball just now was replayed.

From the replay, it can be clearly seen that Peng Weijun's turning speed is very fast, and his shoveling is also very simple.

It was a beautiful defense and deserved the cheers of the audience.

With the South China Tigers conceding the ball at the start and having nothing to do with the Madrid Pirates, the Chinese fans really need a defense like Peng Weijun to boost their morale.

Peng Weijun was also clearly encouraged by this successful defense.

When the South China Tigers got a chance to attack, he actively pressed forward and raised his hands for the ball.

The teammates may also have seen that his morale is high now, so he passed the football over.

In this game, it was not the original main force Irasusta who started at the right back of the Madrid Pirates, but the Romanian player Radu Grigory.

Facing him, Peng Weijun did not slow down at all when receiving the ball.

It's a sign of his confidence - if not, he should slow down and keep the football under his feet.

Now he continues to move forward after receiving the ball, giving full play to his speed advantage.

Gregory didn't know if he didn't know enough about Peng Weijun's speed, or because he looked down on him from the bottom of his heart. In short... he was thrown away by Peng Weijun!

"Good job!"

In addition to the commentator, there are many fans in the stands chanting:

"Shoot him!"


Amidst their cheers, Peng Weijun threw the football out again. In front of his eyes, it was already flat...

But at this moment,

A figure stabbed out diagonally!

When Peng Weijun saw this figure, he was very surprised. He didn't seem to realize that there was still someone who could keep up with his full sprinting speed...

He tried to speed up again, but the other side tackled him before him!

The football is tackled off the touchline!

Peng Weijun confiscated his foot, bumped into it, and then flew forward under the action of inertia!

However, he did not fall to the ground, but rolled forward on the ground and stood up again.

After getting up, he met the eyes of the person who tackled him just now.

It was Ismail Kamara!

"...What a pity! Peng Weijun failed to break through this time... Kamara completed a timely defense with his speed..."

He Feng in the commentary seat was still regretting that Peng Weijun's breakthrough did not succeed.

Peng Weijun, who was stared at by Kamala, suddenly felt a chill run down his spine.


When Vukovic received the ball in the middle of the midfield, he swung his head left and right as usual to observe the surrounding situation.

He saw Kamara pulled to the side, not far in front of him was the left back of the South China Tigers.

Obviously, that's not a good pass target, at least not the top priority.

So Vukovic glanced over without stopping.

But helplessly, when he catches the ball, he still doesn't have a good passing target.

So he controlled the football at his feet, intending to use his dribbling breakthrough to create a gap in the opponent's defense.

At this moment, he heard Kamala shout:

"Milos!! Milos!"

Vukovic protected the football and used his arms to block the press and interference of the South China Tigers midfielder Elias. He looked up and saw Kamara who raised his arms and asked him for the ball.

That action coupled with the tone of his shouting, is beyond doubt.

Although Vukovic felt that Kamara did not run out of space, if he wanted to take the ball forward, then Kamara might indeed be more suitable than himself for breaking through.

It is also easier to break through from the side than from the middle.

So he still passed the football.

Kamara didn't wait to catch the ball on the spot.

He went up to Vukovic when he passed the football to him.

Peng Weijun looked at it from the side and posted it accordingly. He had to keep a reasonable distance from Kamala at all times. If the opponent opened up space, he might not be able to stop him.

But after he followed up, Kamara missed the ball.

When the football rolled in front of him, he stopped suddenly, let the football leak from between his legs to behind him, and then turned around to catch up!

This emergency stop and change of direction caught Peng Weijun by surprise, and his reaction was also half a beat behind.

Fortunately, his speed was fast enough, he didn't turn around and go back the same way, but went around to the restricted area behind him.

He knows very well that no matter what, if Kamara wants to threaten the goal, he still has to get into the penalty area. So I was waiting for him at the "gateway" before entering the restricted area, so I couldn't be wrong.

He was right.

When he turned around, he didn't see Kamala's back, which made him relieved.

So he accelerated and ran back to his defense zone.

At the same time, Kamara also dribbled the ball from the sideline.

The two started a 100-meter race on the sidewalk of the court.

Kamara pushed the football forward and began to sprint faster.

Peng Weijun naturally shook his arms vigorously, driving his body forward.

This is a pure speed competition, without any skill at all...

Whoever catches up with football first will have the upper hand!

The cheers and exclamations in the stands mixed together, and finally there was only shouting.

Amidst the shouts, Peng Weijun gritted his teeth and chased after him. Seeing that he was getting closer to the football, but at the same time, he could feel the sound of wind and breathing on his right side rapidly approaching him.

This put him under enormous psychological pressure, for fear that he would be passed over by Kamala again...

So he decided to take a risk and shovel the football out, just like he did!

He jumped out in a stride while running at high speed, and then threw his whole body's center of gravity out, trying to increase the distance of his leap as much as possible.

Finally he stretches his legs and slides towards the football!

But just when his foot was about to touch the ball, a foot on the right swiped across and stabbed the football away!

He made a shovel!

Then a figure passed by his eyes, easily stepping over his shoveled leg!


Swung the football out before Peng Weijun, Kamala did not slow down, and finally almost dunked the football back on the bottom line!

At this time, Peng Weijun hadn't gotten rid of his inertia, and his body continued to slide forward, unable to do anything to Kamara. Although he really wanted to get up from the ground and chase after him, he couldn't do it at all. He could only turn his head and look at the back of the other party...


Kamara, who fished the football back from the bottom line, immediately buckled his right foot to the middle, changed direction and moved laterally, increasing his angle.

Whether it was Peng Weijun's shovel or Kamara's quickness, the South China Tigers' defensive players were a little unprepared, and the defense line in the penalty area had not had time to organize.

Only Yao Huasheng rushed up to defend.

Kamara just shook his upper body and raised his right foot, making Yao Huasheng think he was going to pass the football to Hu Lai.

So he stretched his feet to be Kamara's cross.

The goalkeeper of the South China Tigers, Duke, also focused most of his attention on Hu Lai - he quickly glanced to the middle, looking for Hu Lai's position.

This is very normal, after all, Hu Lai is only one goal away from his 100th goal in history.

At this time, anyone would be sure that Kamala will pass the football to Hu Lai...

But Kamara's right foot was just a fake move. After falling, he supported his body and quickly switched to his left foot to kick the football!

He shoots!


With a muffled sound, the football flew from the left side of Yao Huasheng's body to the near corner of the goal!

Duke didn't expect Kamara to choose to shoot directly!

His attention is all on Hu Lai...

Wait until he sees the football flying towards the's too late!

Although he still made a save, it was obviously half a beat slower.

Before he could reach it, the football had already grazed the inside of the near post and flew into the goal!

"Kamala...dangerous! Oops!"

When the Madrid Pirates took the lead in the first seven minutes, He Feng cheered because it was Hu Lai's goal.

But now seeing Kamara scoring a goal, He Feng only let out a long sigh.

Before the first half ended, the South China Tigers fell behind by two goals...

Although before the game, no one was optimistic that the South China Tigers could beat the Madrid Pirates, the latter's advancement to the Club World Cup final is a certainty.

However, the Madrid Pirates lead so easily, and the huge strength gap between the two teams is still frustrating.

Originally, he hoped that the South China Tigers could face strong opponents in the Club World Cup and play like a Chinese football player.

After all, after so many years of reform and development, so many Chinese players have made their mark in Europe, which shows that the soil of Chinese football has greatly improved compared to before. Will the Chinese Super League champions born on this basis be able to break their wrists in the contest with the European champions?

People like He Feng have such longings and fantasies about this game.

Now that the first half is not over yet, the Madrid Pirates easily took a two-goal lead, making He Feng's expectations and visions seem like a joke.

What a unrealistic daydream.

Although Qu Lu, the main left back of the South China Tigers, was injured before the game, Peng Weijun, who started the game, made a temporary guest appearance.

But this does not affect the final conclusion.

That is, the South China Tigers, as the top representative of Chinese football, and the gap between the top European teams is like the geographical distance between the base camps of the two teams - there is an entire Eurasian continent in between!


Peng Weijun didn't stop until his body hit the billboard behind the bottom line, and then he struggled to get up from the ground.

But before he got up, he saw Kamara kick the football in from the near corner.

So he lay on the ground as if exhausted, beating the turf under him vigorously.

Both conceded goals were initiated from his side!

He originally thought that this semi-final of the Club World Cup was an excellent stage to show himself, but now it seems that it has become his... execution ground!


PS, Chengdu has finally fully unblocked - the important sign is the start of school!

The initial crisis of being closed at home was the lack of nucleic acid queuing and online grocery shopping, but soon these problems were no longer a problem.

The biggest problem in the later period was being locked at home with the child. The ten-year-old boy was the age that dogs would my emotions were on the verge of erupting at any time every day.

So although I said that I used this time to save manuscripts, I didn’t save many manuscripts. It’s just that I saved more manuscripts than the original three chapters. Up to now, the number of manuscripts saved is only eight chapters.

But these are no longer a problem, because school has started!

Let's celebrate!

To celebrate, double updates will be resumed starting tomorrow!

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