Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 114 Maybe it’s a better arrangement

Chen Qinghuan finally glanced at her: "It doesn't matter if I don't understand, you have to understand."

Ran Biling was very confused: "Why?"

"Brother Yun Xing doesn't play football, so you are different. You don't understand how you can communicate with Chu Jiaxu in the future?" Chen Qinghuan pointed to a figure running hard on the field, "Do you know who Chu Jiaxu plays? Position? Do you know which club Chu Jiaxu likes? Do you know who Chu Jiaxu’s favorite player is? Do you know what the number on Chu Jiaxu’s uniform means?”

Ran Biling asked, "Why should I know? He can't tell the difference between my facial cream and sunscreen!"

Chen Qinghuan gave a conclusion with a subtle expression: "Culturally, you can't communicate. Economically, you don't depend on each other. Politically, you don't interfere in each other's internal affairs. It seems that the two of you can only launch a military war."

Ran Biling was not afraid of fighting. Just as she was about to say something, she stopped her with one sentence.

"But you can't beat them, you can only be beaten unilaterally."

Ran Biling pinched her waist: "He dares to hit me! I will beat him to tears!"

As soon as he finished speaking, cheers came from the stands opposite.

Ran Biling subconsciously looked towards the green field, only to see the team members from the other school gathering together to celebrate. She turned to ask the person next to her: "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

A boy answered her angrily: "A goal was scored!"

"Oops!" Ran Biling's deep love for her alma mater was immediately aroused, "Why did you get admitted?!"

She subconsciously went to the court to search for Chu Jiaxu's figure, and saw him dribbling the ball skillfully. He looked unhurried and unhurried, as if he was not affected by the temporary lag in the score. His jersey was wet with sweat and stuck tightly to his body. On his back.

Chen Qinghuan did not forget to stimulate her: "Aren't you the one who cried and shouted to see the goal?"

Ran Biling fell silent for a moment.

Chen Qinghuan stopped clicking: "Classmate, you still have a long way to go... First, tell me about the football players you know."

Ran Biling had a much more correct attitude this time and pondered for a long time: "Beckham?"

Chen Qinghuan burst out laughing: "Beckham has quit football for many years. Is there anyone who is currently playing?"


"At least I know Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi."

"...I know too! I just didn't think of it just now!"

Within a few minutes, the dejected Ran Biling was suddenly drowned out by loud cheers.

"what happened again?"

"The score is even!"

"Who entered?"

"It seems that the sports committee of Class 2 is the captain on the field!"

Ran Biling followed his guidance and looked over. Under the sun, the fool was smiling heartily, high-fiving his teammates in celebration.

The boy next to Ran Biling who answered two of Ran Biling's questions suddenly tapped her shoulder carefully and suggested with some embarrassment: "This classmate, have you noticed that if you keep looking, you won't score, but if you don't look, you will score." , otherwise, just stop reading..."

Ran Biling stared blankly: "That's nonsense! I want to see it! I don't believe in this evil!"

After saying that, he stared at the football field without blinking. Sure enough, until the referee gave a long whistle and the game ended, neither side scored another goal.

The score on the field was 1:1. A crowd of people in the stands, which were originally crowded, immediately ran over and gathered around the sidelines to watch the penalty shootout.

After running for more than ninety minutes, both team members looked exhausted. The weather was too hot, I was sweating profusely, and I felt a little embarrassed. But Chu Jiaxu still looked polite. After taking a big drink of water, he wiped the sweat on his face and neck with a towel, breathing heavily, his slightly white lips pressed tightly, looking a little nervous.

After a short break, the coach called the players to gather in a circle to discuss the players and order of the penalty shootout.

Ran Biling also became nervous and asked Chen Qinghuan in a low voice: "Our school won't lose, right?"

Chen Qinghuan looked at her with a smile: "Do you love our school so much?"

"You said if you lose,

That fool won't cry, right? "

Chen Qinghuan also imitated her, covering his lips with his right hand and replied softly: "He can only be beaten to tears by you."


Ran Biling was unable to refute.

At this point in the game, it is basically time to test physical strength, will, psychology, technology, and tactics. Sometimes victory or defeat is just a matter of thoughts.

Chu Jiaxu and the captain of the No. 13 Middle School team were called over by the referee.

Ran Biling stared at Chu Jiaxu the whole time, tilted her head and asked Chen Qinghuan: "What are they doing?"

Chen Qinghuan still understands the rules to some extent: "Guess the coin to decide who kicks first."

Ran Biling stopped looking at Chu Jiaxu and turned to look at her: "Does it matter whether it comes after another?"

Chen Qinghuan rubbed his chin and analyzed it for her: "From a mathematical point of view, it is better to take the penalty first. It is said that someone has done a survey and found that the team that takes the penalty first has a 60% chance of winning. The team that takes the penalty later will be under great psychological pressure. Fluctuations will affect performance. There was a question in a math competition one year, which was to establish a mathematical model based on the fluctuations in goal rate with changes in score and psychological pressure. To put it simply, if you score four goals in five rounds, you will basically not lose. If you don’t score four goals in five rounds, you basically lose.”

Probably Chu Jiaxu lost the coin guessing game, so Thirteenth Middle School kicked first.

Ran Biling was so angry that she stamped her feet: "Why is he so stupid! What should I do? Is the opponent's probability of winning greater than ours? It's all Chu Jiaxu's fault!"

Chen Qinghuan looked at her helplessly: "It's his fault too... Chu Jiaxu is really not unjust at all!"

The penalty shootout began quickly under the spotlight.

Both sides made it in the first round.

In the second round, the opponent scored, but the Affiliated High School missed the free throw.

Then in the third round, the opponent kicked the ball away, and the Affiliated Middle School scored a penalty despite the pressure.

In the fourth round, the opponent's ball was saved by the goalkeeper, and the Affiliated High School scored another goal, temporarily leading 3-4.

In the last round, the opponent's captain came on to score a goal, and Chu Jiaxu happened to score the last goal in the Affiliated Middle School.

Ran Biling nervously held Chen Qinghuan's arm and refused to let go.

Chen Qinghuan sighed slowly: "Chu Jiaxu is under great pressure."

Chu Jiaxu was under a lot of pressure on the last key goal. As long as this goal was scored, they would win. If he failed to score, he would continue to take free throws. He turned to look at his teammates behind him. Their energy had reached the upper limit...

He held the football and placed it on the tee point, with his head slightly lowered, making simple preparations.

When the whistle sounded, he raised his head. When everyone thought he was going to kick, he suddenly glanced in the direction of Ran Biling, then quickly looked away, jogged a few steps, raised his left foot, and kicked , the ball hit the net with a sound, the angle was tricky, the action was clean, and the opponent's goalkeeper was powerless.

After a few seconds of silence, there was thunderous cheering.

Only then did he grin. Instead of celebrating with his teammates, he turned around and ran to the sidelines and hugged Ran Biling without warning. It only took a few seconds, and he quickly let go. The force was unprecedentedly strong, with a trace of nervousness and caution. .

Ran Biling was smiling and talking to Chen Qinghuan at that time. She was pulled into his arms by a force without warning. When she reacted, it was too late. She glared at him: "Why are you hugging me? You're crazy!" After that, he raised his leg and kicked. Kicked him!

Chu Jiaxu didn't say anything, and he didn't dare to look at her. They both walked away with blushing faces.

Ran Biling dragged Chen Qinghuan forward. After a few steps, Chen Qinghuan, an onlooker, gave an objective and rational answer: "He may be addicted."

Ran Biling was stunned: "What?"

Chen Qinghuan blinked his big eyes and explained seriously: "Didn't you ask him why he hugged you? As the saying goes, once you are alive, the second time you are familiar, isn't it just an addiction?"


Now Ran Biling's neck was red, and it lasted intermittently throughout the afternoon, and she didn't recover until school was over.

On the way home from school, Xiao Yunxing asked Chen Qinghuan if the afternoon game was good.

Chen Qinghuan tilted her head and thought for a moment: "Chu Jiaxu looks good holding Ran Biling."

Xiao Yunxing didn't understand: "Huh?"

Chen Qinghuan suddenly stopped, opened his hands and rushed towards him. Due to the height difference, he could only hold half of his body: "That's it." After saying that, she leaned on him and couldn't get up, and her head fell on his chest, still She nuzzled into his arms.

Xiao Yunxing smiled helplessly and stroked her back.

Xiang Pei passed by the two of them on his bicycle, whistled, and shouted with a playful smile: "Brother Yun, you are being hugged by a bear!" After that, he speeded up and fled the scene quickly.

Chen Qinghuan immediately let go and stood up straight, shouting unconvincingly at his figure: "You are the bear!"

Xiao Yunxing smiled, suddenly remembering that this was the second time she heard the boy's name from her mouth, and raised her eyebrows slightly: "He likes Ran Biling?"

Chen Qinghuan nodded vigorously: "Well, Ran Biling likes him too!"

Although the two were not in a definite relationship, and Ran Biling had never admitted it, anyone with eyes could tell that she liked him.

Chen Qinghuan suddenly remembered something, "The school football team seems to have changed its new uniforms recently. The numbers on the new uniforms Chu Jiaxu wore today are different from the previous ones. They are Ran Biling's student number, but she didn't see it. She always They say Chu Jiaxu is a fool, but let me see, she is the big fool."

Xiao Yunxing didn't care about this, as long as the boy didn't like Chen Qinghuan.

Chen Qinghuan didn't expect that she said this too early. Chen Qinghuan, Ran Biling, Chu Jiaxu, Xiao Yun, and Xiao Yunxing declare: The opinions in this article represent only the author's own. Sohu is an information publishing platform, and Sohu only provides information storage space services.

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