Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 123 The Accusation of the Sufferer

Latest website: After the training, Reynaldo Lima was caught by reporters outside the training ground. They surrounded him and put various radio equipment to his mouth.

Then he rushed to ask: "Lima, this is your first time participating in the La Liga match between Catalonia United and Madrid Pirates. What are your prospects?"

"What do you think about having the opportunity to avenge Hu in the league so soon, Lima?"

"After losing to Hu in the Club World Cup, did it make you more motivated in this game?"

"Does winning in the Super Cup give you confidence that you can beat Pirates of Madrid again?"

Lima couldn't help but take a step back because the reporters almost put the microphone in his mouth...

He was definitely not a "country bumpkin" who had never seen much of the world, but the behavior of these reporters still made him a little scared.

At this time, he remembered what Kabangka had told him before.

Then he coughed:

"I have to focus on the game before the game, so I'm sorry, I can't be interviewed by reporters. I don't want outside voices to distract me."

This statement made reporters, especially Brazilian reporters, look at each other.

Because they know that Renaldo Lima was not like this in Brazil.

The young and frivolous young genius Lima often made wild remarks in front of the media.

How come you have been cured of this problem just one month after coming to Europe?

Lima saw that the reporters were all stunned, and no one continued to surround him with a microphone. He quickly squeezed out of the crowd and quickly escaped.

When the reporters came to their senses, where could they find Lima?

They stood there feeling melancholy.

In a few days, it will be the 22nd round of the league, Catalonia United vs. Madrid Pirates at home.

Unlike the previous two seasons, when these two teams always met at the last moment, this time they met early, the impact on the ownership of the league championship was naturally not as great as in the previous two seasons.

But both Madrid Pirates and Catalonia United must play this game well.

After all, Catalan United is only three points ahead of Madrid Pirates. If Madrid Pirates beat them on the road, Catalan United's lead will be gone.

In the case of the same points, Catalonia United will be squeezed into second place due to the disadvantage of not having an advantage over each other.

In turn, if Catalonia United can defeat Madrid Pirates at home, it will widen the point difference between the two teams to six points. In the battle for the league title, this is a huge lead.

For such an important game, both sides were very quiet before the game.

To be precise, the Catalan side is quiet - the Madrid Pirates side, they have always been winners in recent years, there is no big hatred, and naturally there is no need to shout loudly before the game to embolden themselves.

You must know that although these two teams are not mortal enemies like El Clasico, their relationship is not really good.

And there have been many stories between the two teams in the past two years, which are all worth talking about.

For example, Hulay performed well every time he visited the Sagrada Familia Stadium, so much so that he gained several more titles, such as "Cathay United Star", "Sagrada Familia VIP", etc.

There is also the "story" between Hulay and Catalonia's former main goalkeeper Carlos Cordero last season.

Another example is that there are rumors that Hulay was very eager to join Catalan United. The evidence is that he can master "Catalan", which is not a popular language in continental Europe. In the end, his heart fell in love with the moon, but the moon shined. Unfortunately, Catalonia did not bid for Hulay at all, which led to Hulay having no choice but to choose the newly promoted Premier League team, the little-known Leeds City.

He also hates because of love. Every time he sees Catalan United, he is particularly excited because he hopes to use his goals to tell Catalan United: It is your biggest fault if you miss me!

These rumors were told with a sense of purpose, as if the narrator was lying under the bed of Hu Lai's house and eavesdropped on the conversation of the parties involved.

But before this game, the "big sufferer" and "big wronged" Catalan United had no voice.

The media was very hyped, but the Catalan United team was very low-key.

This is normal, because when the two teams met in the third round of this season, Catalonia United was also very quiet and low-key.

There’s neither Kabangka challenging Julei, nor Rosas describing how Julei tricked Cordero into passing the football to Kamara last season…

But in the previous Spanish Super Cup, Catalonia had just defeated Madrid Pirates.

The media originally thought that the victory in this game would make the Catalan United players bolder and able to find out some breaking news. But the Catalan United team remained silent and low-key.

Without the cooperation of players, media hype is like water without a source, and it will quickly lose attention.

So the reporters came to find Renaldo Lima, who had just joined the team, and wanted him to talk about his views on the game and what he wanted to say to Hulay.

The reason why he chose Lima is, on the one hand, because he had just lost to Hulay in the Club World Cup final, and he should be very angry and wanted to take revenge on Hulay.

On the other hand, Lima is only eighteen years old. He is young and inexperienced. He does not know the dangers of the world. Some words come out of his mouth without going through his mind at all.

And they also know that with Lima's character, it is easy to arouse emotions. When the time comes, he will say everything that should be said and what should not be said, which is enough for the media to keep hyping it until the game starts.

But things went counterproductive.

The eighteen-year-old boy turned into a diplomat and had a very strict tone.

Fortunately, their counterparts in the UK soon brought them good news:

Former Catalan United goalkeeper Carlos Cordero, who was loaned to Wijston by Catalan United, faced British reporters and strongly accused Hulay of the inhumane and unsportsmanlike persecution of him!

"...That's right! At that time, Hu imitated the accent of my teammate and asked me to pass the football to the left. I heard it in Catalan, so I didn't doubt it at all, so I just Passed the football... When I finished passing the ball, I realized that the person waiting there was not my teammate Calderon at all, but their winger Kamara!"

"Yes, I did make a mistake, and I'm not excusing myself. But is this my problem alone? Who will always be wary of the opponent's forward pretending to be his teammate during the game? I have to guard against the opponent's When shooting, do you have to guard against the opponent's ventriloquism performance?!"

"The most disgusting thing is that Hu even thanked me specifically after scoring a goal. I think this is a naked provocation and humiliation! There should not be such completely unsporting behavior in football matches! People always cheer for Hu because he scores more goals. , but I want to say that no matter how many goals he scores, he cannot conceal his lack of respect for the sport of football! He should not receive so much cheers and respect!"

This is not the first time that Carlos Cordero has accused the media of how Jule cheated him during the game.

But this was the most intense one.

Maybe it's because he was still in Catalonia before, but now he has been "relegated" to the mid-tier Premier League team Wijston.

Although he can also play the main role in Wijston, playing the main role in a team that is not even qualified to participate in the Europa League is far different from playing the main role in the wealthy Catalan United.

This huge gap made Cordero particularly angry and unwilling.

He blamed all of his tragic fate on Hu Lai's "sneak attack."

Now he saw that the "culprit's" career was prospering and getting better and better, while his own career was going downhill.

It is difficult for anyone to maintain a normal mind.

To be pitiful, Cordero is really pitiful.

Before Julay joined Madrid Pirates, he firmly held the position of the main goalkeeper in Catalonia, and was also the second goalkeeper in the Spanish national team after Rodriguez Backer.

Bakker is six years older than him. He can definitely defeat Bakker in the national team and become the number one goalkeeper of the national team.

You must know that he is not yet twenty-nine years old. As a goalkeeper, he can even be regarded as "in the prime of life."

The future is bright.

As a result, when Hu Lai came, everything was fucked.

The so-called bright future is gone.

Now, not only has he been kicked out of Catalonia, but he has also lost his place in the Spanish national team. Seeing that the local World Cup is approaching, he has not been selected for the Spanish national team for half a year.

Since he left for Widgerstown, it seemed as if his international career was over.

Not being able to participate in the World Cup held on home soil is almost a certainty.

This is a huge tragedy for Cordero.

Cordero has such an experience, no matter what bad words he utters against Hu Lai, it is actually normal, and there must be many supporters who sympathize with him.

Therefore, Cordello's remarks were widely circulated and sparked a heated discussion on the Internet.

Supporters who sympathized with Cordero, as well as other fans who disliked Hulay, rallied around and used this as an example to accuse Hulay of being unworthy.

The fans who support Hu Lai gathered together to fight against those fans, saying that football matches are inherently games of wits and courage. Who can you control if Cordero is stupid and easily fooled?

Others said that at least Hu Lai had more sportsmanship than those "butchers" who intentionally fouled and maliciously hurt others. Hu Lai's actions were completely blameless.

The two sides argued endlessly over this matter, and the focus of media reports was naturally on this.

As for what Cordero said at the end of the interview, it was more or less ignored.

He said:

"I hope and believe that my former teammates will definitely defeat Pirates of Madrid at home and avenge me! Just like they eliminated Pirates in the Super Cup!"


PS, please give me a monthly pass during the double monthly pass period!

To be continued

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