Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 125 So handsome

Latest website: Renaldo Lima sat on the bench and looked towards the court.

The sky above the Holy Family Stadium was full of boos.

The boos were all directed at one man, and they only subsided slightly after he passed the football.

But soon the football was passed back to his feet, and the boos started again.

He followed up with a kick and shot the football towards the goal!

Catalan United goalkeeper Toney Schulman held up the bottom line with a single palm!

The boos in the stands instantly turned into exclamations, followed by applause for Schulman.

The No. 14 player of Madrid Pirates dominated the mood of Catalan United fans in this way, making them sometimes angry and sometimes nervous.

To be honest, Lima was a little envious.

He also longs to be the center of attention like Hu Cai.

At home, he hopes to hear the home team fans cheering and singing wildly for him.

On the road, he hopes that every time he takes the ball, he can scare the opponent's fans into screaming.

Being booed?

He never cared about being booed.

He even thinks that being booed is a reward for him and the best promotion of his threatening ability.

But unfortunately, now he can only sit on the bench and watch Hu Cai's performance.

Kabangka told him to be ready even if he was on the bench.

But he didn't know how to be ready.

He can only sit on the bench and watch like a spectator, and the viewing angle is not as good as that of ordinary spectators - from the perspective of watching the game, although his position is closest to the stadium, it is not the best viewing angle. Location.

The best position is at the top, where you can see more comprehensively.

Catalan United's bench is sunken - the players' seats are in the sinking pit under the turf, so you can sit on the chairs and look over.

In fact, their line of sight is almost at the same level as the calves of the players on the field. If they want to see more clearly, they have to stand up from their seats.

Therefore, head coach Reilly Vicente stood outside in the command area most of the time after the game started. At any rate, he could see more clearly than sitting in the pit. It was easier for him to know what was happening on the field, and it was also easier for him to direct the game.

Twenty-three minutes into the game, the score is still 0:0.

Although playing at home, Catalonia's advantage is not that big.

Perhaps it’s because the Madrid Pirates are not afraid to challenge Catalonia United on the road now, or maybe it’s because in the previous two seasons, the Madrid Pirates’ winning rate against Catalonia United on the road was higher than when they returned to home...

In short, the Madrid Pirates did not shrink their defense just because they were playing away games.

Facing Catalonia, the master of "passing and controlling football", the Madrid Pirates' response was to press high and fly together on both wings.

Although Catalonia also has fast horses like Kabangca and Mario Salado, their overall football style is not based on speed.

When the Madrid Pirates play a two-wing tactic, the overall advancement speed is very fast, requiring all players involved in the offense to run wildly, as if they are participating in a track and field competition.

That's it now.

Camara races down the right wing with Catalonia left-back Francisco Calderon.

But in fact, there is no football in front of them - at this time, the football is still at the feet of Vukovich in the middle.

Kamara started early and inserted into the space in front.

Of course, Calderon didn't dare to let him go just like that, so he could only follow him.

So the two people started a real "race" on the wing.

Calderon moved his body closer to Kamara while running, and his right hand was entangled with the opponent's left arm, trying to interfere with Kamara getting the ball.

Even though Kamara was entangled by Calderon, Vukovic still chose to pass the football because he believed in Kamara's ability.

However, due to Calderon's unscrupulous defense and small moves, Kamara's ball failed to speed up.

The two of them ran to the landing point of the football at the same time. Kamara freed her hands from Calderon's arms, then raised her right leg and padded the flying football directly towards the center!

The football flew over Calderon's head, and Kamara himself stopped suddenly and cut inside!

Calderon did not expect that Kamara could control the ball so exquisitely despite his high-speed running and his interference, and was caught off guard by Kamara.

It was too late for him to turn around and pounce back...

Camara, who cut inside, took his foot and moved the football towards the center, barely avoiding the Catalan United center back Paul Fortune who rushed to steal the ball.

But when he tried to control the ball again, he was knocked to the ground by Catalan United midfielder Victor van der Stern.

Although Vanderstern raised his hands and made a movement to retract his feet when he knocked down Kamara, his body still failed to stop the car and knocked Kamara to the ground.

So the referee whistled for a foul and gave the Madrid Pirates a free kick in the middle of the penalty area, about 32 meters from the goal.

Catalan United fans booed violently in the stands to protest the referee's decision.

Everyone knows that Madrid Pirates has a top free kick master Tonini, and thirty-two meters is just within the shooting range for him.

He can directly threaten the Catalan United goal.

Sure enough, amidst huge boos, Tonini ran up and started placing the football himself.

As he placed the football, the Catalan United players nervously built a human wall.

Kabangka is also in the human wall.

But he didn't let all his teammates form a wall - he pushed Vanderstern out of the wall: "Go and stare at Hu!"

The original human wall of six people became five.

Vanderstern obediently ran to find Hu Cai.

Seeing him coming, Hulay smiled and said in Dutch: "Don't listen to him, your human wall is not high enough now, but it is very dangerous."

Van der Stern is 1.88 meters tall. He is as tall as the main peak of a mountain range in the human wall.

It can also effectively increase the air defense capability of the wall.

Vanderstern ignored Hu Lai and answered with practical actions - he stood silently beside Hu Lai.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Hu Cai continued in a familiar manner: "Should you say it or not, brother, I still want to persuade you. Don't foul this area next time. It's too dangerous. What if I lose it? Ball, aren't you a sinner? Brother Tan, why did you come to Catalonia? Isn't it nice to win the Bundesliga title with the Blue and White Munich? Or is it that the price offered to you by Catalonia is particularly high? Brother Tan, your annual salary is How much is it? If your annual salary is not doubled compared to your salary in Munich, then coming to Catalonia would be a disgrace, right?"

Vanderstern didn't expect that he would ignore it, and this person would be so shameless.

He couldn't help rolling his eyes, but he still ignored Hu Cai.

At this point both players were ready.

Tonini and Vukovich both stood behind the football. In the opinion of many people, Vukovich should be accompanying the attacker and providing cover for Tonini.

Sure enough, after the referee blew the whistle, Vukovic ran towards the football first and then stepped over it.

After jumping over the football, he immediately pulled away laterally and ran towards the left side.

Immediately behind him, Tonini started his run-up and kicked the football to the left!

He didn't shoot directly, but passed it to Vukovich who was pulling away!

This makes those Catalan United players who are trying to jump up the wall look a bit...silly.

Those players on the wall who did not take off quickly rushed towards Vukovich, trying to block Vukovich's shot with their bodies.

Even Vanderstern couldn't help but be distracted. He turned his head to look at Vukovich, completely unaware that Hu Lai behind him had actually pulled away.

Vukovich did not stop the ball. He grabbed his left leg during the horizontal pull and seemed to really want to shoot directly.

But when the Catalan United players pounced on him, he rubbed the football with his left foot and passed it backwards!

"Vukovic... pass to the back!

Vanderstern watched the football flying toward him before he realized the problem.

He quickly turned around and looked behind him, and saw Hu Cai, who had been pulled behind him, jump into the air as the football flew towards him, and then grabbed his right leg!

Faced with this scene, Vanderstern only had time to reach out to Hu Lai, but of course he couldn't touch him at all...

He could only watch as Hu Lai volleyed the ball with his right foot from behind...


Goalkeeper Toney Schulman jumped up in front of Hu Cai, spread his arms and legs, forming a "big" character, blocking Hu Cai's shooting angle as much as possible.

From the front to the back, his reaction speed is fast enough...

But the football still slipped through the gap between his left arm and body!



Spanish commentator Sanchez raised his arms and shouted in the commentary box.

"Oh beautiful! Hu Cai! Beautiful! In the 25th minute, Hu Cai opened the scoring for Madrid Pirates! He once again... once again scored at the Sagrada Familia Stadium! It seems that the rumors on the Internet may have It makes sense, in this stadium, he can always find the feeling of scoring goals!"

He Feng and Yan Kang in the studio behind also laughed.

Amid their hearty laughter, Hu Cai got up from the ground after landing, turned around and called on his teammates to follow him, and rushed towards the corner flag area.

Then, amid the storm of boos from the home team fans, he jumped high and then landed firmly.

Then he stood like that in the corner flag area, with his arms spread out, his back turned to the angry Catalan United fans, letting them point their middle fingers at him and roar...

Renaldo Lima on the bench was stunned - he actually thought this scene was so cool!

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Chapter 125: So Handsome. Read it for free.

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