Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 129 Blitz Pirates

Latest website: Haiwel was soaring in the air, almost using his fingertips to knock the football that Kabangka shot out of the baseline.

The narrator cheers him on:

"Haywell made a wonderful save! The game has just started and Catalonia threatened the Madrid Pirates goal! But with Hywell here, the Pirates' goal is safe!"

The television broadcast gave Hywell a close-up shot.

In the camera, Haywell stood up from the ground and pointed to the corner flag area, asking everyone to quickly set up in front of the goal to defend the corner kick.

Kabangka ran to the corner flag area.

But in fact, Rosas was already in the corner flag area at this time, preparing to take a corner kick.

In the past, Catalonia United's corner kicks were all taken by Rosas. As the team's core midfielder, he has good long-pass accuracy and is very suitable for such frontcourt set-pieces.

Kabangka went over and said to Rosas: "Captain, let's cooperate."

Rosas agreed simply: "Okay."

Although he is the captain, the current Catalan United is obviously running with Kabangca as the core.

He also has to cooperate with Kabangka.

"I will take this corner kick, and then I will pass the ball to you. After you attract their wing defense, I will go around from behind you to the corner of the penalty area, and then you will pass the ball to me."

Kabangka said to Rosas with a sullen mouth.

"No problem." Rosas also closed his mouth and agreed.

Then they both changed positions.

Kabangka walked into the corner flag area and Rosas came out.

"Huh? Catalan United's corner kick has changed. It looks like it should be a short corner kick..."

In response to this situation, the Madrid Pirates immediately responded by pushing Kamara out of the penalty area and to the front.

But he did not stick directly to Rosas because according to the rules, he had to be 9.15 meters away from the football.

At this time, Rosas was standing right next to Kabangka. If he really stuck up, he might be less than half a meter away from the football, which is against the rules.

He was going to pounce directly on Rosas after he got the ball.

As soon as the whistle blew, Kabangka passed the football to Rosas.

At the same time, Kamala pounced on the latter.

After passing the ball, Kabangka quickly ran towards the corner of the penalty area.

Rosas did not pass the ball to Kabangka immediately. Instead, after Kamara pounced, he used his best turn to protect the football and block Kamara behind his body.

After firmly attracting Kamara, he passed the football to Kabangka.

After the Brazilian received the ball, he made a move to pass directly with his right foot.

After Joaquin Vela, who was tricked into defending him, jumped up and stretched out his foot to block the ball, he used the outside instep of his right foot to move the football laterally.

Just shook off Joaquin Bella.

Then he grabbed his right foot again in the corner of the penalty area.

But this time it's not a cross. When he hits the football, his leg swing speed is obviously faster!

The football made an arc and went straight to the upper back corner of the goal!

Hywell was still guarding Kabangka's cross, and after discovering that he had shot, he jumped into the air, but his arms were a little short of length. He watched the football pass in front of his fingertips and continued to fly toward the goal. Go ahead and dive in again!

"GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL——!!! Kabangka——!!! World Wave——!!!"

Sanchez, the on-site commentator, roared amidst the deafening cheers.

"God! Oh my God! Catalonia scored just three minutes into the second half! They led Madrid Pirates 2:1! Such an incredible start! They caught Madrid Pirates off guard!"


The Madrid Pirates players literally stood there, stunned.

They really didn't expect that they would concede a goal just at the beginning of the second half...

Under their dull gazes, Kabangka stood there after scoring the goal and waved his fist vigorously.

He wasn't even as excited as his teammates who jumped on him, nor was he as excited as Lima off the court.

After Renaldo Lima saw the football flying into the goal, he jumped up from the seat with his hands raised: "Ahhhhh!! Awesome!! Kendall! Amazing!!"

After the initial excitement, Lima, who had calmed down a little, remembered the conversation between him and Kabangka in the corner a few minutes ago.

So it's true.

Only by maintaining a normal mind can you show your true strength!

Even if he talks to Hu, Kabangka can still score goals!



Hu Cai cursed.

He guessed that the second half would be difficult, but he didn't expect that the opponent would score in the opening game...

Then he turned his attention to the celebrating Catalan United players.

I found Kabangka who was already surrounded by his teammates.

He could feel that Kabangka was also changing with the confrontation with him.

Kabangka now makes him feel... more and more calm.

Before the start of the second half, he originally wanted to get into Kabangka's mentality.

As a result, Kabangka didn't take it to heart at all. This goal was enough to prove that his "teasing" to Kabangka failed.

Oh, sure enough, some methods don't work for everyone.

He's obviously Brazilian, but he's so Buddhist... You should learn from Meili, he'll explode when you tease him!

Complaints are complaints, Hu Lai also knows the significance of Kabangka's goal - Kabangka's state and mentality are very good. As the backbone of Kabangka, if he is good, the Catalan United team will be the best. good.

Now that Catalonia has overtaken the score, they are encouraged to continue their efforts and strive to continue scoring goals.

This time is very dangerous for the Madrid Pirates.

"cheer up!"

Just when Hu Cai was thinking this, he heard the shout of captain Juan Ramirez.

"We're behind, which is really bad news! But the good news is we have enough time to come back!"

He was slapping his hands hard to remind his teammates.

Yes, we have a captain, what is there to worry about?

Looking at Ramirez's figure, Hu Lai said in his heart.


The Catalan United players ended their celebration and ran back to their own half.

The Sagrada Familia Stadium was still erupting with cheers, and the Catalan United fans still had not recovered from the joy of Kabangka's goal.

There is a reason why they are so crazy:

Since Hu Cai joined Madrid Pirates, this is the first time that Catalonia has led Madrid Pirates in a league match!

It sounds incredible.

The mighty Catalan United have actually failed to lead Madrid Pirates in five league games for three consecutive seasons...

It seems unbelievable that it seems like a gimmick made up by a clickbait, but it is indeed true.

After Hu Cai joined Madrid Pirates, his first confrontation with Catalonia was a 0:0 draw at home.

For the second time at the Sagrada Familia, Hu Cai helped Madrid Pirates defeat Catalonia 4:1.

The third time was still at the Sagrada Familia Stadium, with exactly the same score, 4:1, and Madrid Pirates won.

Returning to Madrid Pirates' home court for the fourth time, Madrid Pirates defeated Catalan United 5:3. Although Catalan United scored three goals in the game, they never led the Madrid Pirates in the game.

The fifth time was the third round of the league this season. Madrid Pirates defeated Catalan United 3:2. Both Catalan United goals were equalizers. They performed very tenaciously, but Madrid Pirates was even better. Every time, they score first, leaving Catalonia to be the bitter pursuer.

It was only in the sixth meeting between the two sides that Catalonia finally led the Madrid Pirates in the score for the first time!

Playing at home, leading by score.

The Catalan United fans were so inspired that they vented their emotions with songs and cheers, and at the same time cheered for the team. They hope that the team can continue to work hard, not only to lead the Madrid Pirates in the game, but also to defeat the Madrid Pirates at the end of the game!

To hell with the damn "Hulayphobia"!

After today's game, Hu Cai's "jokes" at the Holy Family Stadium will disappear with the wind!

The Catalan United players who ran back to their own half with Kabangka were still very excited. They kept shaking their fists into the stands in response to the enthusiastic cheers of the fans. Kabangka himself just had a smile on his face, as if he was taking a walk with his teammates.

"Kabonca has already sent an assist and scored a goal in this game. He is the backbone of Catalonia. Since this season, his performance is obviously better than before. It can be seen that under the new coach Wesson He was like a duck to water under the special team. The ball he just hit was really decisive and imaginative. In such a remote place, most players would choose to send the football to the goal, but Kabangka shot it directly in an understatement! Personally His ability is really strong!"

He Feng said with emotion.

"Vicente was right to completely liberate Kabangka. For a player as versatile as Kabangka, it would be a waste of his ability to fix him in one position...Now Kabangka Having helped Catalonia take the lead, how should Madrid Pirates respond?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the TV broadcast gave Parotti a shot.

The Italian in the camera is standing on the sidelines and making gestures.

Judging from his actions, he seems to want to recycle the team's formation.

Are we going to put a bus in front of the door?

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