Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 135 A wonderful story

Catalan United's frontcourt throw-in this time did not result in an attack.

Under the defense of Madrid Pirates, they returned in vain.

However, this did not affect Catalonia's subsequent offensive. Instead, they were led by Madrid Pirates at home, which greatly stimulated them.

Some teams will suffer from low morale and faltering after falling behind.

But Catalonia did not in this game.

They have allowed Hulay to complete four consecutive hat-tricks at their own home court. Are they going to let Madrid Pirates defeat them four consecutive times at the Sagrada Familia Stadium?

During this period, the lagging Catalan United attacked more fiercely.

Parotti had to ask the team to shrink its defense and first withstand Catalonia's fierce offensive.

This time he is really going to set up a bus...

During this period of Catalan United's offensive, Lima, who had just played, was very active.

He frequently used his off-ball movement and quick start to cause trouble for the Madrid Pirates.

"Lima...shot! It's so dangerous!"

With commentator He Feng exclaiming, Lima completed a high-quality shot in the penalty area, and the ball was knocked out of the baseline by Hywell.

"Hewer made a wonderful save! At the critical moment, we still have to look at the Belgian goalkeeper!"

When the corner kick was taken, Catalonia did not kick it directly in front of the goal, but took a tactical corner kick to reorganize the attack.

What Catalonia is best at is controlling the ball. In this case, there is no need for them to drive directly to the goal and make a one-shot deal when they need to score.

He still controls the football at his feet and uses interspersed movement and short passing penetration to create opportunities.

They controlled the football and moved it repeatedly, looking for opportunities during the transfer process.

The Madrid Pirates parked a bus in front of their own goal and did not give Catalonia an opportunity.

Upon seeing this, Catalonia passed the football back to the feet of its goalkeeper Schulman.

At this time, Schulman was out of the penalty area.

Not like a goalkeeper, more like a "doorkeeper"

As the forward at the front, Hu Lai couldn't just watch the opponent back and forth in the backcourt. He had to put pressure on the opponent's defense, so he rushed forward.

As he ran towards Schulman, he shouted in Dutch: "Quick pass!"

He hoped that by doing this, Schulman would panic and make a mistake.

However, the Dutch goalkeeper's psychological quality is obviously better than that of his predecessor, and he was not in a hurry when faced with Hu Lai's pressing. When Hu Lai was almost approaching him, he passed the football to center back Paul Fortune who was retreating to meet him.

Fortune passed the football forward again.

After successfully stretching the Madrid Pirates' formation, Catalonia suddenly accelerated. Kabangka and Lima played a one-two in front of the penalty area, and finally Kabangka completed the shot himself.

However, due to interference from Ramirez, Kabangka's shot went slightly over the crossbar.

The Catalan United fans in the stands first sighed with regret, and then burst into warm applause to cheer for their team.

Their team has not given up yet, and of course they have to be the steadfast "twelfth man" behind the team.


"Catalan United's offensive has been very fierce during this period... Madrid Pirates' goal is under tremendous pressure. Catalan United has lost to Madrid Pirates three times in a row at home, and has lost consecutively in the league. Five games...Only in the Spanish Super Cup some time ago did they win against Madrid Pirates. But that time it was because the Pirates rotated and the players were absent-minded, which gave Catalonia a chance. ...At that time, some people said that the victory in that game did not mean that the balance of victory between the two teams had changed... It was indeed the case! When the Madrid Pirates went all out, Catalonia United wanted to win It’s not easy to win the ball, especially at your own home court. Maybe it will be easier at the home court of Madrid Pirates, ha!”

He Feng's last words were simply "killing people and killing people," and he said that on purpose.

Catalan United's offensive was too fierce during this period, and the Madrid Pirates could only shrink their defense. There will definitely be many Chinese fans in front of the TV worried about the Pirates, worried that they will be equalized by Catalan United at the last moment of the game.

So He Feng hopes to ease the tension of Chinese fans in front of the TV through jokes.

Of course, he may also be criticized by Catalonia fans in China for this, thinking that he did not abide by the professional ethics of being objective and neutral as a commentator...

But He Feng didn't care. In games without Chinese players, he is objective and neutral, which is no problem.

But as long as there are Chinese players participating in the game, he will definitely sit on the side of the Chinese players. He has repeatedly reiterated this on Weibo.

There are no Chinese players in Catalonia. Is it a happy thing for them to draw or even defeat Julay's Madrid Pirates?

Before this game, the two teams were exactly three points apart in the league standings.

If the Madrid Pirates can defeat Catalonia United away from home, they will not only be able to equalize the points gap, but also have a complete advantage in the relationship between victory and defeat.

In this way, with the same points, Madrid Pirates will be able to overtake Catalonia United and take the top spot in the league standings.

In turn, if Catalonia can defeat Madrid Pirates, it can extend its three-point lead to six points and tie with Madrid Pirates in terms of outcome.

In this way, even if they are tied with Madrid Pirates in the final sprint of the league, they will not panic.

And even if we can't win, if we can draw, we can still maintain a three-point lead...

For this goal, Catalonia United will definitely try its best in the next game. It is really difficult to say whether the Madrid Pirates can hold on to this one-goal lead.


Parotti raised his wrist and looked at the time. There were still fifteen minutes left before the end of the game.

So he readjusted.

Instead of letting the team continue to set up the bus, they appropriately increased the intensity of their counterattack.

A one-goal lead is not safe, so why not turn the lead into two goals?

Leading by two goals is definitely safer than leading by one goal. Doesn't this solve the problem of pressure on the back line?

So if we really set up a bus, we can't hold it.

After withstanding Catalonia's fiercest offensive, they still have to look for offensive opportunities.


After Danny Drew intercepted the ball in the backcourt, he did not hand the football to Vukovic, but chose to do it himself.

He made a long pass and passed the football forward.

Hu Lai retreated to respond.

While physically confronting Paul Fortune, he still grabbed the spot and handed the football to Tonini who came up to meet him.

After landing, he turned around and ran forward.

Paul Fortune also turned around and chased back, but he was not flexible enough. Fortunately, his teammate Joel Jimenez came from the side to help him defend.

Seeing the Madrid Pirates get a chance to counterattack, the Catalan United fans in the stands booed desperately.

They don't want Hulay to complete his "fourth victory" at the Holy Family Stadium!

Chinese commentator He Feng was very excited: "The Pirates' counterattack! Hu Lai's chance! He has completed a hat trick! Can he continue to score goals now?!"

Hu Lai raised his arms high while sprinting forward, asking for the ball from his teammates.

His running figure was like a soaring flame in the dark night, extremely eye-catching and impossible to ignore.

As he quickly ran to the line of the penalty area, Tonini passed the football over.

Joel Jimenez stepped forward and stuck to Hulay's inside line, preventing him from having a chance to develop towards the center.

At the same time, he can also use his physical strength advantage to interfere with Hu Lai's catch.

Paul Fortune was behind Hu Lai, waiting for the opportunity.

With two against one, they are confident that they can defend against the Madrid Pirates' attack!

But Hu Lai didn't stop the ball at all!

He jumped up and rushed towards the football, then stepped on the football with the soles of his feet and rubbed it backwards!

The football was passed into the space behind him.

There, Camara rushed in and used his speed to get the ball into the penalty area before another Catalan United defender Coderon could tackle it!

Joel Jimenez looked back and saw this scene, and wanted to turn around, but suddenly he lost his balance... and fell directly to the ground!

After Kamara put the ball into the penalty area, he did not pass the football back to Hulay - he had been completely left open, and passing the ball again delayed the opportunity.

So he decisively took a shot!

Near the penalty spot, the football shot by Kamara ran towards the far corner of the goal against the turf!

Although goalkeeper Schulman made a save, he failed to touch the ball!

The football just jumped into the goal!

"GOO0000000000000000000000OL!!! Kamara!! Ismail Kamara! In the 81st minute, Kamara expanded the lead for Madrid Pirates! 4:2! Madrid Pirates almost sealed the victory!"

"Kamara scored! An assist from Hulay! Hulay's assist was a miracle! It was the finishing touch in Madrid Pirates' counterattack! After attracting two central defenders, he stepped on the football. Kamara...and he didn't even look back before passing the ball, this is the tacit understanding developed from Leeds City all the way to Madrid Pirates!"


Hulay looked back and saw Kamara scoring a goal. He ran backwards, opened his arms and shouted to Kamara: "Well done!"

Kamala ran towards him laughing.

Then the two hugged each other amidst the crazy and desperate boos of the Catalan fans.

Joel Jimenez and Paul Fortune looked at each other, neither of them expected that Hulay would actually give Kamara the chance to score.

Fortune even heard what Hu Lai had said to him before echoing in his ears again:

"...I'm telling you, although I don't have many assists, it doesn't mean I won't assist..."

He really assisted, and it was a great assist!

To be continued

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