Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 150 The Fork of the World Line

"Pass the ball! Pass the ball!"


"Here! Here!"

"Beautiful! That's it!"

Getafe 1326's training ground is undergoing an intra-team match open to the media.

There are many media reporters outside the training ground, and most of them are Korean reporters.

On the training field, just after Park Guixian scored a goal, the Korean reporters outside the field cheered excitedly.

After the cheers, someone said excitedly: "Gui Xian is in very good condition! I wonder if there is a chance to score in the game against the Pirates?"

He seemed to want to use this question to spark a lively discussion, but he didn't expect that after he said it, the scene became silent.

After a few seconds of embarrassing silence, someone said: "Now is not the time to talk about this..."

"I just said that casually..." The person who asked the question first also started to make excuses for himself. Error-free update @

Then there was another silence among the people.

Until someone sighed faintly:

"It's really hard to imagine that Gui Xian was considered to be able to succeed Park Sun Tae at the beginning...

When Park Gui-hyun emerged in South Korea, it was when Park Chun-tae played the main force in Seville Navigator. Everyone is very optimistic that Park Guixian will fight side by side with Park Suntae in the future, and together lead Korean football to achieve another success in the World Cup.

Some people even imagined that the two of them could lead the South Korean team beyond the fourth place in the 2002 World Cup on their home soil.

At that time, Park Guixian really lived up to everyone's expectations.

He was once selected by the European media as one of the most anticipated fifty young players under the age of 21.

Although there are fifty people, there are very few people in Asia who can be selected for this list.

In addition to Pu Chuntai, Japan is Sugiyama Tatsuya.

As for China?

There is no one in China.

At that time, the Korean media really looked down on Chinese football. They also wrote articles on their own platforms to analyze the reasons why Chinese football lagged behind.

What I call analysis is actually ridicule.

The reason why Park Guixian is famous in South Korea is not only because of his good performance on the court, but also because of his participation in the "Kirin Cup" youth football invitational tournament held in China.

The South Korean team won the championship without accident. After winning the award, Park Guixian stepped on the trophy and asked his teammates to take pictures.

This incident aroused the anger of Chinese fans, but won the love and support of Korean fans for Park Guixian. That is when did people start to regard Park Guixian as Park Suntae's successor.

Although the two have completely different playing styles and personalities...

But they think that such Park Guixian can take over the Korean football banner in the hands of Park Chuntai.

At that time, Chinese football could not hold its head up in front of Korean football.

Even if Park Guixian stepped on the trophy to celebrate, they could only shout and protest.

On the court, he still can't get rid of his "Korea-phobia" problem.

If the normal development continues, Park Guixian should at least be the main player in a strong European team now, right?

not at all.

Park Chun-tae left London Bridge, but no one can continue to carry the banner of Korean football.

Now Park Guixian can play the main force in the middle and lower reaches of La Liga like Getafe 1326, which has already made Korean reporters happy.

The world line seems to be bifurcated at the East Asian Cup in 2023...

That East Asian Cup was held in South Korea, and was considered by the Korean media and fans to be the East Asian Cup crowned by Park Guixian.

Before the game, Park Guixian was also full of confidence, not only to lead the South Korean team to win the East Asian Cup, but also to become the top scorer.

Tatsuya Sugiyama of the Japanese team is his only opponent.

He didn't pay attention to the Chinese team, the opponent in the first game of the East Asian Cup, at all.

Not to mention Park Gui-hyun, at that time all Korean media,

Few of them regard the Chinese team as a threat.

The Chinese Olympic team at that time, even. (This chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 150 The Fork of the World Line

Their number one star Guan Xinyan didn't come, so what kind of threat could there be?

Although even if Guan Xinyan comes, the Chinese team will not be able to pose a threat to the Korean team...

As a result... who would have thought that there was an extra young man named "Hu Lai" in that game.

He used a hat-trick to become a blockbuster in the entire East Asian football world.

Defeated South Korea, drew with Japan, and just won the East Asian Cup and the Golden Boot trophy under the eyes of the Koreans.

Achieved his goal for Park Guixian.

Next, all Korean fans and media witnessed how this young man named "Hu Lai" conquered the world step by step.

Hat-tricks in the Olympics, hat-tricks in the Premier League, hat-tricks in the World Cup, La Liga, Champions League, Europa League...all the games he has participated in have his hat-trick records.

Champions, one champion after another.

Golden boots, golden boots, still golden boots.

When Hu Lai went to play in the Premier League at the beginning, the Korean media was still keen to discuss the comparison between Hu Lai and Park Chuntai.

Now Korean media don't do this anymore.

Because it is meaningless, it can only bring shame on itself.

They didn't even want to mention Hu Lai's name.

Hu Lai will be reported only when it is absolutely unavoidable.

For example, he scored 40 consecutive league rounds, 60 league goals in a single season, 23 goals in the Champions League in a single season, the fastest hat-trick in the history of the Champions League, 105 goals in a natural year, and won the European Ballon d'Or And World Footballer...

These honors and records that are enough to be written into the memorabilia of the world football process, the Korean media had to report.

In addition, even if Getafe 1326 is about to face the Madrid Pirates at home, they don't want to mention the opponent's name.

"Don't mention this matter, what other people do has nothing to do with us. We are Korean reporters, and we report on Korean players."

Among the reporters was an elderly reporter who set the tone for the matter.

Everyone stopped discussing topics related to Hu Lai.

But this is actually deceiving themselves, because all of them know that after the game starts, Hu Lai will still be a name they can't get around.

They can only pray that Hu Lai will not score in the game, so as to avoid embarrassment after the game. is this possible?

When the two sides played against each other for the first time this season, the Madrid Pirates defeated Getafe 1326 4:1, and Hou Lai scored twice in that game.

At that time, Park Guixian had just gone to Getafe 1326 and was still in the adaptation period, and he was not able to play in the game.

So he didn't even make the squad for this game.

The South Korean media also escaped a catastrophe and avoided embarrassment.

They had a cold treatment after the game, and few mentioned the game.

Not to mention that Hu Lai only scored twice, even if it was a hat-trick, they could turn a blind eye.

But this time... I'm afraid it will be impossible to deal with it coldly.

Because Park Guixian is definitely going to play.

They can't even report Park Guixian's own game in order to avoid embarrassment, can they?


Park Guixian ran forward with all his strength, chasing the football.

The football was rolling in front of him, not far away from him, but he seemed unable to catch up...

Sure enough, just as he stretched out his foot and was about to touch the ball, the football was poked away first.

Instead of kicking the ball, he kicked the interceptor down.

A harsh whistle sounded on the field.

"Oops! Just a little bit! Park Gye-hyun fouled... what a pity!"

The commentator of Korean TV station held his head in regret and yelled.

Park Guixian gasped and looked at Vukovic who fell on the ground. As an organizational midfielder, he returned to the penalty area of ​​the Madrid Pirates and cut off the ball passed to him by his teammates...

It's hard to tell whether the ball passed to him by his teammates is too big, or he is running slowly.

In short, facing a team like the Madrid Pirates, in. (This chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 150 The Fork of the World Line

The space available near the penalty area is so small that a slight mistake may lose the ball.

Park Guixian used to disdain Hu Lai very much, thinking that he is a leak-seeking striker who can only eat cakes.

But after he came to Europe to play football, he gradually realized how difficult it is to be as efficient as Hu Lai.

He has scored five goals in Getafe 1326 this season, which is already a new high in his overseas career.

But compared with Hu Lai, it's not as good as other people's fraction - before this game, Hu Lai has scored 36 league goals.

There must be a reason and reason why people can score so many goals, and it is definitely not explained by simple "good luck".

Park Guixian was in a daze, and didn't even try to justify his actions just now.

He didn't actually mean it.

But foul play is a fact.


It's the twenty-seventh minute of Getafe 1326's home game against Madrid Pirates.

The score on the field was still 0:0, Park Guixian didn't score, and Hu Lai didn't score either.

So far so good, but every Getafe 1326 fan is not feeling at ease.

In this game, the Madrid Pirates did not send the strongest lineup, because they just played in the Champions League, so Parotti made some rotation adjustments to the team's @starting lineup.

Despite this, the Madrid Pirates also firmly hold the upper hand when facing Getafe 1326.

Just because you haven't scored now, doesn't mean you won't score in the future.

As long as the Madrid Pirates play Hou Lai, it will be a matter of time before they score.

This is almost the consensus now.

Hou Lai did not disappoint those who thought so.

In the 40th minute, Madrid Pirates left-back Olaf Brynjörsson assisted and killed the 30-meter area and crossed the football to the goal.

Hu Lai, who was running behind the defensive player, suddenly changed direction, passed by the Getafe 1326 player, squeezed in front of him, and then shot!

Although the Getafe 1326 goalkeeper made a save, he was still slow before Hu Lai's shot.

He just touched the ball, but failed to block the football.

The football went into the goal from the edge of his palm!


The Madrid Pirates, who played half of the main force, took the lead in the away game!

It was his thirty-seventh goal in the league!

His crazy and terrifying goal momentum continues!

to be continued

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Chapter 150 The Fork of the World Line


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