Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 171 The Satisfactory

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Chinese players who were selected for the national team left their clubs and flew to China to participate in the "China Cup".

Qin Qi also left Frankfurt, but instead of returning to China, he went to Marseille, France, to participate in an international youth football invitational tournament held there.

As the absolute main force and captain of China's current U21 team, Qin Qi certainly cannot be absent.

In China, both professional media and popular fans regard him as the representative figure of Chinese football after Hu Lai and his generation.

Although he has yet to play in the first team of Frankfurt White Hart.

But even training with the Frankfurt White Hart first team and participating in the reserve league has benefited him a lot.

Qin Qi met Peng Weijun in the U21 national team.

As soon as the two met, Qin Qi asked him: "Have you really changed to playing full-back?"

Peng Weijun nodded; "Yes, I even changed my number to No. 6!"

In this International Youth Football Invitational Tournament, Peng Weijun registered as a left back, and his registration number was that of a full back.

One number 6.

"I thought you would be struggling for a while..." Qin Qi said with a smile.

"Actually, I was really confused." Peng Weijun said, "It's such a big thing. After practicing for more than ten years as an offensive player, he suddenly became a defensive player... How could I not be confused? I have to say that Hu Ge is awesome. Forced."

"Because he suggested that you should play at left-back and you agreed?"

"No. He suggested that I practice free kicks."

Of course Qin Qi knew that Brother Hu suggested that Peng Weijun practice free kicks. He had heard about it from his father.

But he still doesn't understand how Brother Hu could tell that Peng Weijun has a talent for free kicks.

And his father told him that Peng Weijun did have two skills...

"He suggested that I practice free kicks. Then I found out that I can really practice free kicks... I thought if I could practice free kicks well, even if I was playing

Guards also have scoring methods. Then I won't worry about it anymore. "Peng Weijun said.

"How's your free kick practice going?"

"It's still early. Occasionally, it can cause a world wave."

Peng Weijun shook his head. "But I feel that after moving to the full-back position, I did perform better than when I played as a winger before."

"It's better to move the dead than to move the living." Qin Qi was happy for him.

"If you do this, you will definitely be able to join the national team in the future."

"Shit, it's still early." Peng Weijun waved his hand, then changed the question, and chatted with Director Qin alone for a long time. There are rumors outside that Coach Qin may be taken to the World Cup by Dillon. Do you know about this? "

"Going to the World Cup?"

Qin Qi's reaction surprised Peng Weijun: "You don't know? Director Qin didn't tell you?"

"It's not like he told me everything." Qin Qi shook his head.

"Hey, I still want to get the inside story from you." Peng Weijun was disappointed.

"What's there to ask about?"

"If Director Qin can really join the World Cup coaching staff, then you will also have a chance to go to the World Cup!"

"I think too much. If my dad can really go, that is, he is a Chinese coach, how can he decide the World Cup roster? There are only 23 places, and I don’t know how many people are trying to squeeze in. How can I rely on myself? Dad just went in?"

Qin Qi kept shaking his head.

"Don't think about the World Cup. If we want to participate, we can only wait another four years. Let's win the invitational tournament right now. Or, in the longer term, we can at most think about the Olympic Games two years later..."

"It would be good to be able to participate in four years' time. It will be the local World Cup." Peng Weijun is still looking forward to it, imagining the picture of that beautiful future. "But I was only 23 years old at that time. Even if I could participate in the World Cup, I should be a substitute... Being able to be a substitute is not bad, as long as I can participate in the World Cup!"

"Hey, tell me, is Brother Lin really able to participate in this World Cup as a coach?"

"I feel the possibility is very high. Otherwise, why would Dillon go to Brother Lin specifically?

There were rumors before that the Football Association hoped that Dillon could lead

Should our local coach go to the World Cup to experience it? "

"That's great. If Brother Lin can really go to the World Cup, it will be considered as fulfilling his biggest wish, right?"

"His biggest wish is to participate in the World Cup as a player, right?"

In the conference room where the Chinese team is stationed, the international players gathered together chatted with each other and discussed a recent domestic gossip.

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