Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 185 Know Yourself and Your Enemy

"...Chen Xingyi dribbled the ball from the wing, extraordinary! Beautiful!"

The commentator's excited voice came from the TV.

Chen Xingyi on the screen did indeed make a beautiful extraordinary move - he first pretended to continue to go down, and his body leaned forward, but suddenly he braked suddenly, and stepped out with his right foot, but only from the football Swipe up and feint a shot.

Then the outer instep of his left foot gently pushed the football to the inside, and before the second defensive player from Daming Middle School stretched out his foot to destroy it, the inside of his left foot slammed the football forward again, letting the opponent miss.

At the same time, Chen Xingyi jumped up and dodged the Daming Middle School full-backs who were defending in front, then turned around to avoid the second Daming Middle School player rushing up, then caught up with the football, and dribbled the ball towards the penalty area!

Loud cheers came from the TV speakers, and screams could be clearly heard mixed in with them.

After passing two Daming Middle School defenders, Chen Xingyi dribbled the ball into the penalty area.

Facing the third Daming Middle School player who came up to defend him, he raised his left foot as if to shoot, tricking the opponent to turn around and use his body to block. But when his left foot landed, it was not a shot, but a slight horizontal flick of the football with the outside of his foot, dodging the opponent.

Then, before the fourth Daming Middle School defensive player rushed up to block him, he shot decisively!

The football made an arc, bypassing the goalkeeper of Daming Middle School, and flew into the goal from the inside of the far post!

"Oh! Beautiful! Chen Xingyi scored his second goal of the game!"

Amidst the loud cheers, even if the narrator was hoarse, his voice was almost drowned out.

"I'll go, this ball is really beautiful..."

"The brainless fans of Chen Xingyi are really annoying, but Chen Xingyi's ability is really outstanding..."

In front of the TV, the players of Chongwen Middle School were also impressed by Chen Xingyi's goal.

Such a performance, even the opponent can't fault it.

"It seems that there is no suspense for Shuguang High School to reach the final of this year's national competition. This time, we must succeed in revenge!"

"Don't think about the finals, we still have the semi-finals with Dongchuan Middle School." Marin, who had been silent in the room, said suddenly.

His teammates wanted to say something, but as soon as they opened their mouths, they thought of what the head coach Xu Fengjiang said during training yesterday afternoon, and immediately closed their mouths again.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the room, and the person who went to open the door quickly called out: "Coach?"

The other Chongwen Middle School players who were crowded in the room to watch the game got up from the bed, chairs, and carpet immediately after hearing the words, and turned their eyes to the door.

Sure enough, they saw the head coach Xu Fengjiang standing at the door. His eyes swept around the room; they landed on the TV. On the screen, the players of Suguang High School were celebrating a goal, and the commentator's voice came from the speaker. Voice: "...At the fifty-seventh minute of the game, Shuguang High School led Daming Middle School by two goals, and the situation was very good..."

Hearing what the commentator said, the Chongwen Middle School players in the room were a little embarrassed. After all, during training yesterday afternoon, the head coach criticized them for only caring about Shuguang High School and not caring about their opponents in the semifinals.

But this time, Xu Fengjiang did not criticize the players, but said: "Don't watch the game, come to the conference room for a meeting."

After speaking, he didn't stay any longer, but turned and left. At the same time, the voice of the assistant coach knocking on the door of other people's rooms sounded in the corridor outside: "It's a meeting, it's a meeting! Gather in the conference room!"

The Chongwen Middle School players in the room all looked at the captain Marin, and Marin picked up the remote control and turned off the TV: "Let's go to the meeting!"


In this small conference room, the players from Chongwen Middle School were packed to the brim. In order to accommodate more people, everyone even moved the tables and chairs to make everyone stand.

Only in this way can they be regarded as crammed into the entire team of Chongwen Middle School.

Everyone standing now is looking at the projection screen in front of them. It is the video of the Dongchuan Middle School game edited by the coaching staff of Chongwen Middle School.

From the first game against the last Fourth People's Middle School, to the second round against Qinchuan Middle School, and finally a 5:2 victory over Qingyang No. 1 High School in the quarter-finals.

Head coach Xu Fengjiang was the only one sitting, sitting at a desk, working on a laptop.

Combined with the video of each game, I will explain why Dongchuan Middle School can win and why their opponents will lose.

"The mistake made by Renmin Middle School was to underestimate Hu Lai. To be honest, this mistake was very stupid. No matter how you say it, Hu Lai is also the top scorer in this Anton provincial qualifier. However, considering that Sun Yiming, the head coach of Renmin Middle School, is A supporter of the theory of 'winning in midfield' is not incomprehensible. He paid the price because he underestimated Hu Lai too much. If they can pay more attention to the defense of Hu Lai, the final result may be different..."

"There is only one reason why Qinchuan Middle School lost the game, and that is that it is not as strong as Dongchuan Middle School. If Dongchuan Middle School wasn't very excited about this game, the score would definitely not be 2:1. As for Qingyang Yigao... it is a This is a very stupid example, you should take it as a warning, this is the result of free play of any player regardless. Although the game was fierce, the players at Cheongyang No. 1 High School were all fools. Changes in the rhythm of the game, blindly accelerating, and attacking the opponent, thinking that you can win the game with blood? It's ridiculous!"

When Xu Fengjiang said this, he snorted disdainfully.

Among Dongchuan Middle School's three opponents, Xu Fengjiang had the lowest evaluation of Qingyang Yigao, even though the highlights of this game after the game were the most popular and watched the most on the "Goal" website.

Fans like goal wars, but for the coach, such a goal war means the coach's negligence.

"Of course, everyone has seen the consequences of doing this. Qingyang made Hu Lai score five goals alone. If Hu Lai really won the top scorer of this national competition in the end, then he is the best What should be thanked is the stupid Qingyang Yigao. Because the goal difference he got on this opponent is enough to make him the top scorer..."

There was a burst of laughter in the conference room.

"Okay, let's go back to the game between us and Dongchuan Middle School. Hu Lai is the top scorer of Dongchuan Middle School, so he definitely needs to focus on marking. But it is not enough to just keep an eye on Hu Lai. When Dongchuan Middle School is attacking As a whole, everyone will be involved, from the full-backs to the full-backs, to the central midfielders, and finally to the strikers. If we only defend Hu Lai or Xia Xiaoyu, it will be useless.” Xu Fengjiang said with a serious expression.

Listening to the head coach talking about business, the laughter in the conference room gradually disappeared, and everyone listened intently to the head coach's speech.

"So to deal with them, we have to give full play to our overall advantages, not against them in certain positions, but against them as a whole. For example, in view of the characteristics of their two full-backs who like to insert assists, we Just hit their flanks, and whichever full-back comes up to assist, we only play the space behind him. On the one hand, we can easily create offensive opportunities. On the other hand, it can also force their full-backs not to press up and attack. It is equivalent to reducing our defensive pressure in a disguised form..."


"Chongwen Middle School is characterized by its strong overall comprehensive strength."

In the conference room, Li Ziqiang was introducing his players to their semi-final opponents.

There are many small meeting rooms like this in the Asian Games Village this time. It is no longer necessary to make an appointment in advance to use the meeting room like the last national competition, and then queue up to use it.

"In terms of overall strength, there is no doubt that this team ranks first among all participating teams. Especially this time, their players are more mature. Judging from this competition, their captain and goalkeeper Ma Lin's performance is much more stable than that of the last national competition. So far, the zero goal conceded in the sports battle is very telling. They don't have a star player like Chen Xingyi on the three lines, but relying on their strong overall strength, They can always easily control the rhythm of the game and lead their opponents by the nose. This can be seen from their defeat of Changtan Foreign Language High School in the quarter-finals. There is another evidence..."

Li Ziqiang operated the laptop mouse, and the names of several players appeared on the projection screen.

"These are all the players who scored goals from Chongwen Middle School in this competition. There are six players in total. And their team scored eleven goals in total. Among these six players are forwards, midfielders, and defenders. There are set kicks and direct goals. , There are also set-pieces to grab points and score, as well as normal sports goals... It can be said that both the scorer and the way of scoring are very scattered and even."

The players of Dongchuan Middle School looked up at the names and numbers, eleven goals, six players, two of them scored the most goals, both scored three goals, one scored two goals, scored one There are three people on the ball.

"Although we also have an overall offense and defense, Chongwen Middle School has a more mature and complete overall offense and defense. They attack and defend as one. When attacking, the full backs are required to press up. When defending, both forwards must retreat to their own 30-meter zone to participate in the defense. There are no loopholes to catch in a game against such a team, and it is impossible to expect them to be confused like Qingyang Yigao and attack us like Qingyang Yigao."

"In addition, Chongwen Middle School is very good at controlling the ball. They are good at controlling the ball with short passes. Even the goalkeeper Marin rarely drives the football directly to the frontcourt, but chooses to pass it to the defender or the retreating midfielder. Players, and then transition to the frontcourt through passing..."

When Hu Lai heard this, he almost blurted out: Isn't this Barcelona?

But he refrained, otherwise the focus in the conference room would have shifted to him, because everyone would ask him "Which team is Barcelona?"

How will he answer then?

Although Hu Lai quickly closed his mouth, Li Ziqiang, who had been paying attention to him, noticed his small gesture, so he called Hu Lai's name: "Hu Lai, what do you want to say?"

Now Hu Lai still became the focus of attention in the conference room...

"No, no, coach, I have nothing to say..." Hu Lai waved his hands repeatedly.

"No, you have something to say." Li Ziqiang stared at Hu Lai.

"Uh..." Hu Lai knew that he couldn't escape today, but it was impossible for him to express the true thoughts in his mind just now. Fortunately, he was quick-witted and pretended to be embarrassed and said: "Actually, I just heard what you said, coach, about their goalkeeper's short pass, so I thought of something. Can Shen Yulin and I press their goalkeeper in the game and force him to pass?" Ball error..."

Hearing Hu Lai's words, Li Ziqiang's surprised expression flashed across his face - he really wanted to make use of the topic to get everyone to correct their attitudes by calling on Hu Lai's name.

Unexpectedly, Hu Lai actually thought of something instead of talking nonsense.

This kid can think of something useful after thinking wildly all day long?

Many teammates' eyes lit up when they heard what Hu Lai said, and Shen Yulin puffed up his chest and looked at the head coach.

But Li Ziqiang shook his head: "The idea is good, but it is very difficult to realize. If you and Shen Yulin interfere, it will be useless. Because the opponent doesn't only have one or two shots, but they are in the backcourt. There are a lot of points, you press Marin from the middle, and Marin can quickly transfer the football to the side. If you press Marin from the side, he can pass the football to the center. Even if you and Shen Yulin can control two players Chongwen Middle School also has more ball spots to choose from.”

"What if we press forward as a whole?" Hu Lai asked.

"Then our back is empty. The opponent can use their skillful passing and cutting to quickly pass the football to the space behind us. They must be better than us in this regard, and we may face inconsistencies in thinking and pressure. The timing of the game was not grasped well. To put it bluntly, we did not conduct targeted training before, and now we want to change our style of play temporarily, which is not easy to achieve."

"Oh, well..." Hu Lai originally brought up such a topic to deal with the head coach's questioning. Since the head coach rejected his proposal, he didn't bother.

However, in Li Ziqiang's eyes, he might have been misunderstood instead.

Li Ziqiang thought that he was a little disappointed because his proposal was not adopted, so he rarely praised and comforted him as encouragement: "However, it is not easy for you to think of this. If the situation permits in the game, you You can also try to force Marin."

Hu Lai nodded: "Okay, coach."


The cheers in the stadium were like thunder, and Chen Xingyi rushed to the corner flag area amidst the thunderous shouts, and then he slid and kneeled handsomely, causing his female fans in the stands to scream.

Chen Hantang immediately jumped up from his seat, waved his fists towards the field, and cheered loudly: "Good job, son!"

When he sat back on his seat, Xue Chaoyu, who was sitting next to him, smiled and congratulated Chen Hantang: "The hat-trick in the semi-finals of the national competition is indeed a hero! Mr. Chen, you have raised an excellent son!" "

Chen Hantang tried his best to be as humble as possible: "Where is it, he is still capable, I did nothing, just brought him into the football gate..."

Hearing this, Xue Chaoyu laughed loudly: "Mr. Chen, don't be modest. I am really looking forward to Chen Xingyi's future in our Golden Arrow!"

"I look forward to it too, Manager Xue!"

Both middle-aged men set their sights on the figure surrounded by teammates in the center of the crowd.

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