Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 178 “Madrid Massacre”

"Janus, this is a good opportunity. You can show off your abilities in front of the King of Madrid, and then take the initiative when negotiating with the King. You see, after the King and Vesuvius finished fighting, Kao immediately came The king's interest list, this is the role of face-to-face sales..."

Janus Edman turned to look at John Sett who said this, a little strange: "I remember this time last year you told me not to go to the King..."

"It's one moment and another," John Settle said with a smile. "Who would have thought that you would make such great progress in just one year?"

Edelman did not continue speaking and just looked out the plane window.

The plane has already arrived over the Iberian Peninsula. The plane's announcement just reminded everyone to put away the tray tables and straighten the seat backs. The plane will arrive in Madrid in half an hour.

Through the porthole he could see the flat Meseta plateau beneath thin clouds.

Madrid, the capital of Spain, is located on this plateau and is almost the geographical center of the country.

After the Madrid Kings lost the second El Clasico and almost missed the league title, rumors about the Madrid Kings wanting to pursue Janus Edman became rampant again.

The Madrid Kings Club also realized that after losing the versatile forward Cerrados, relying on Melly's scoring points alone was not enough to drive the behemoth of the Kings.

They need a strong forward to help Melly.

So they once again considered bringing in Janus Edman.

In fact, after last season, they wanted to introduce Edman.

However, Ruhrlein was determined not to let him go at that time, and Edman did not show a very strong desire to transfer, so the matter eventually fell through.

Moreover, the Madrid Kings Club still had great confidence in Melli, believing that even without Cerrados, Melli alone, coupled with the King's deep foundation, would be enough to compete with Madrid Pirates and Catalonia United.

Of course they don't think so now that they have been educated by reality.

No matter how strong Merry is, he still needs help.

Janus Edman, who has performed extremely well this season, is naturally the most suitable forward for the Madrid King and Melli.

He has already surpassed Mark Becker with 21 goals in the Bundesliga with 23 goals.

Occupy the top scorer list in the league.

He also scored eight goals in the Champions League. Although he is not as good as Hu Lai, considering his age, this performance is enough to attract the money from European giants.

Not only the Kings of Madrid, but all the giants in Europe who need scorers are interested in Edman.

Such as the Bull of Turin.

Caesar is aging, and the other forwards they introduced before have not performed well. Now they are also eyeing Janus Edman, who is efficient in scoring goals and has outstanding physical conditions.

Of course Ruhrlein does not want to let go, but if the player wants to leave, based on their club's business philosophy, they will not force him to stay, but will sell him out at a sky-high price.

The key still depends on the players' wishes.

It depends on whether Janus Edelman wants to leave.

Looking at the vast land below the plane, Edman shook his head: "I probably won't go to the King, John. You're right, there's Merry there. I went there just to be Merry's helper...Merry, of course. You are very strong, and you have to be very strong to be his helper. But why can’t I become the second Hu?”

"It's okay if you don't go to the Kings. As long as you perform well against the Kings, you can go wherever you want. The Kings are the 'richest among the rich' and the 'touchstone' of the top and best quality." John Sett smiled.

He still hasn't told Edelman that the Madrid king is also interested in him.

Because he doesn't want his own affairs to affect Edman's judgment on his future.

In the second round of the Champions League quarter-finals, Ruhrlein challenged the King of Madrid away. It was not just Edman who used the King as a touchstone, he also wanted to show his ability to the King.


John Seth took the ball in the middle of the midfield. He looked up and looked ahead, and then made a move to take the football to the left.

This made the Madrid Kings midfielder Mohamed Osei in front of him hesitate and move his steps slightly in that direction.

Seeing him giving up his position in the middle, Set suddenly accelerated the ball and took the football between Osei and Albin Eström!

He pushed forward resolutely and decisively, disrupting the King's defense.

Seeing him break through with the ball, Nuno Sequeiros quickly stepped forward to block the defense.

Just as he was grabbing the ball, Set pushed the football straight forward and passed it into the space behind Sequeiros.

There, Janus Edman made a diagonal run and inserted himself into space.

Then he raised his right leg, trying to shoot directly!

Another Madrid Kings center back, Sergi Peralta, caught up and bumped into Edman.

Then he was knocked to the ground and sat down on the turf.

As for Edelman?

Without even shaking his body, his shot was just a feint. After shaking the Madrid Kings goalkeeper Baccar to lose his center of gravity, he took another shot!

In the corner of the small penalty area, the football he kicked out was like a cannonball, roaring and flying towards the near corner of the goal!

Then it missed the near post and flew into the goal!

"Wow! Edman! Edman! It's Edman again! Beautiful! He scored twice in this game. This is a goal that almost sealed the victory! Ruhrlein led the Madrid Kings 3:1 in the away game , the total score is 4:2! There are less than ten minutes left in the game, and there is not much time left for the king!"

After scoring the goal, Edman turned around and ran towards the Ruhrlein coaching bench.

Behind him were other Ruerrhein players who were equally excited. They chased Edman and ran to the coaching bench and bench.

Peralta was still sitting on the ground, staring dumbfoundedly at Edman's bull-like back as he walked away.

He didn't understand why he was the one who bumped into Edman, but in the end it was him who lost his balance and fell to the ground...

The entire Crown Stadium booed loudly, and the home team fans waved their white handkerchiefs.

From the players to the fans, everyone seems to realize...their time is approaching!

Mellie Banega stood there in a daze with her hands on her hips.

Meili didn't know how many times he had seen his opponents celebrate like this this season.

Against Madrid Pirates, against Catalonia United, now against Ruhr Rhein...

If Madrid Pirates and Catalonia are both opponents and mortal enemies recognized by the King of Madrid, then who do Ruhr Rhein count?

When will Ruhrlein be on par with the Kings of Madrid?

They can't even beat Blue and White Munich in Germany.

But now, this is a team that the Kings looked down upon in the past, but they cheer and celebrate their goals at the Kings' home court.

And three times!


Looking at the close-up of Meili on the screen, Zhang Qinghuan couldn't help but complain: "Okay, Meili is going to be scolded bloody again."

Sun Juan was a little surprised: "Didn't he score a goal in the game? He was also very hard-working and active. Why is he still being scolded?"

In fact, Melli's performance in this game was not bad. Not long after the game started, Edman scored to help Ruhrlein take the lead.

But soon Melli used his own way to help the Madrid Kings equalize the score.

But he was alone.

Ruerrhein's John Setter's long-range shot gave the team the lead again.

Then came the current goal, and Edman extended Ruhrlein's lead to two goals.

With Ruerrhein's outstanding performance, Melli's performance was naturally not so impressive...

"Because the team lost." Zhang Qinghuan explained. "As long as the Kings lose, whether it is Melli's responsibility or not, he will definitely be scolded. Some of the people scolding him are Kings fans, and some are not even Kings fans. They just want to see Melli's jokes."

"Isn't Merry very pitiful?"

"It doesn't count. This is the responsibility that the top star should bear." Zhang Qinghuan slowly shook his head. "If Madrid Pirates are eliminated by Manchester United in an away game, the one who gets scolded the most might be Hulay."

"Isn't it? Well, I mean it's not like being eliminated, is it? They won the first round 2:0."

"What's impossible? If the Madrid Pirates underestimate the enemy..."

"They know that underestimating the enemy will cause problems, but they still underestimate the enemy? The Pirates players can't be that stupid, right?"

"That's impossible to say." Zhang Qinghuan shook his head. "If everyone could avoid making mistakes, the world would be peaceful."


"'Madrid Massacre'! The Kings of Madrid, who played 1:1 in the first round, lost to Ruerrhein 1:3 after returning to their home court and were eliminated with a total score of 2:4! This is simply such a shame! The previous two games The Madrid Kings, who have reached the Champions League finals every season, did not even reach the semi-finals of the Champions League this season!"

"Whether Madrid Kings fans agree or not, their dynasty is over! I didn't expect that the Kings dynasty ended in the first season after retiring in Cerrados. Last season everyone thought that Melli was the leader of the team. The number one contributor to reaching the Champions League finals for two consecutive years, Cerrados should have made way for Melli a long time ago. After Cerrados retired, some people still said, 'Who needs Cerrados?' But now... it has really receded. Later, we found out who was swimming naked!”

"...Melli's fans should stop saying nonsense like 'he has tried his best'. If he really tried his best but couldn't even defeat Ruhr Rhein at home, it only means that he is too capable. It’s not enough to be the leader who can lead the Madrid Kings forward, so why is he considered to be able to succeed Igovara and become the next ‘ball king’? Is it all because of the mouths of Melli fans?”

"Hands on hips and head lowered have become the fixed impression that Melly Banega has left on people this season. Melly, who was high-spirited a season ago, has now become synonymous with 'loser'. This season's league He missed the chance to compete for the championship, was double-killed by his mortal enemy, and was eliminated in the quarter-finals of the Champions League... Of course the head coach Tavares should be responsible, so he was fired by the club. Then Tavares is the core of the tactics and enjoys the only privilege of the team. Should Melly Banega also be held responsible? The head coach is responsible, so the head coach is fired. What if the players are responsible? Can the Kings Club still sell Melly?"

"...I don't mean to irritate Melli's fans. But look at Hu's performance in Madrid Pirates, and then look at Melli. When the Turin Bulls were eliminated before, weren't there Melli fans who used Caesar to get angry Hu? What's the use of scoring more goals? Sooner or later this number will be surpassed after you retire. You can never become the best in history if you only score goals... What? You can win history in the Champions League quarter-finals Best?"

"...In another second leg of the Champions League quarter-finals, Sporting Amsterdam defeated Tramed 2:1 at home in the first leg, but failed to hold on to the lead in the away game. Tramed passed Ricardo ·Barea's goal equalized the total score. The game was eventually dragged into a penalty shootout, and Tramed eliminated Atletico Amsterdam 4:3 in the penalty shootout..."


After Sylvia came out of the bathroom, she found that Mellie was not in the bedroom.

She searched strangely and finally found the living room following the sound.

Her boyfriend was sitting on the sofa, intently watching Pirates of Madrid's Champions League quarter-final second leg away to Manchester Athletic.

"...Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the shuttle field in Manchester! Tune in to this game! Madrid Pirates will continue to attack their title defense goal..."

Sylvia was a little surprised when she first saw this scene.

She originally thought that having just been eliminated from the Champions League and being scolded by the media and fans, Melli should avoid anything related to the Champions League, but she never thought that he would actively choose to watch his rival Hu Lai's game.

This puzzled her.

But she soon realized that maybe Meili wanted Hu Lai to be eliminated as well?

Or see Hu Lai's poor performance as a way to gain comfort...

After all, he cares so much about Hu Lai, sometimes even more than he cares about his girlfriend...

Thinking of this, Sylvia sat down next to Mellie.

She had just taken a bath and used various shower gels and skin care products. Her body exuded a complex aroma. When she sat down next to Mellie, a gust of fragrant wind blew by.

But Melly remained unmoved, still staring at the TV screen.

Above that is a close-up of Hulay in the tunnel.


PS, I forgot to set up automatic updates, sorry!

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