Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 181 A heavy punch in the face

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Fox in the Forbidden Zone Chapter 181: A heavy punch in the face

"...In the second leg of the Champions League quarter-finals that ended last night, the defending champion Madrid Pirates lost 1:2 to Manchester United in the away game, but they eliminated their opponents with a total score of 3:2 and reached the top spot. The semi-finals of the Champions League. This was originally a good thing, but a piece of news after the game made all Madrid Pirates fans, even Spanish fans, secretly sad..."

"...According to the official announcement of the Madrid Pirates Club, their captain Juan Ramirez sprained his knee during the game. Not only will he miss the next league match against Sporting Biscay, he will also miss the Champions League semi-finals and even the season. All the remaining games... In other words, Ramirez is out for the season!"

"...It is said that Ramirez sprained his knee when defensive tackle Cantero was dribbling the ball. However, at that time, the Madrid Pirates had used up all the substitution places, so Ramirez did not take the initiative to signal to the audience. He persisted in playing the rest of the game. Now let's look at the game video. It is completely unimaginable that Ramirez, who played excellent defense many times in the last few minutes of the game, was playing with an injured leg... It was simply 'Green Green' Tough guy'! But that could also aggravate his knee injury..."

"Ramirez is not only the captain of Madrid Pirates, but also the captain of the Spanish national team after Cerrados retired. His injury is a heavy blow to Madrid Pirates and the Spanish national team. After joining Catalonia, At the critical moment of competing for the league championship, Ramirez's injury will add variables to the league championship. In addition, it will also cast a shadow over Spain's World Cup journey..."

"As the 'championship cornerstone', Juan Ramirez's importance to the Spanish national team is self-evident. The reason why they were able to win the World Cup four years ago was, in addition to Cerrados' goal, Ramirez Reis goes from one penalty area to another, and his tireless running and coverage are also very important... But now Ramirez's injury has added a lot of uncertainty to the Spanish national team's journey to defend the title..."

"... Juan Ramirez said in an interview that he will work hard to recover for the World Cup, so he is unwilling to say now whether he will miss the World Cup... We all hope that he can catch up with the World Cup. But According to official news from the Madrid Pirates Club, his injury may require him to miss six to eight weeks. If we look at the eight-week absence, Ramirez will definitely miss the opening game of the World Cup against the Chinese team. For Chinese fans , this may be good news. But considering that Ramirez's absence will make the Madrid Pirates have no results this season, this may not be good news..."

"The news of Juan Ramirez's injury hit the headlines of major media in Spain today. Not only the fans of Madrid Pirates are concerned about this matter, but also the Spanish fans. After Cerrados retired, Ramirez is the "single point" of this Spanish national team. His performance in recent seasons has also been very outstanding and stable. The Madrid Pirates were able to win the La Liga championship for two consecutive years and became the Triple Crown last season, and Rami Reis's stable performance is inseparable..."

"Another famous player who has been 'cursed' by the World Cup has appeared! Juan Ramirez, the captain of Madrid Pirates, the main defensive midfielder, and the world's top defensive midfielder, was injured in the Champions League match against Manchester United and may be reimbursed for the season. Missed the World Cup..."

"Let's not consider the World Cup and let's take a look at the dilemma that the Madrid Pirates are facing now. Juan Ramirez is really the world's top defensive midfielder. If we just talk about defensive ability, he can definitely be called 'The best midfielder in the world'. He has excellent physical conditions, top-level physical fitness, and strong running ability. Whether it is man-to-man or zone defense, he is world-class. In the past ten years, he has been an unbeatable member of the Madrid Pirates team. The main force. In the past three seasons, he has been almost full attendance, and is the player with the most appearances on the team except goalkeeper Hewel. The success of Madrid Pirates is inseparable from his stable performance...

"But Ramirez succeeds and loses. Ramirez's stable and top-level performance makes the Madrid Pirates no need for a defensive midfielder substitute. As a result, now that Ramirez is injured, Parotti has to Faced with such an embarrassing situation: he could not find a defensive midfielder who could replace Ramirez. Perhaps he could only ask Joaquin Vela to replace him, but Joaquin Vela is a comprehensive and balanced midfielder. In terms of defensive quality, there is a big gap between him and Ramirez.

"The only thing Parotti can be gratified about is that last season he transformed Vukovic from an attacking midfielder to a central midfielder, allowing him to retreat and enhance the defensive capabilities of the Serbian midfielder. So he may arrange for Vukovic and Joaquin Vela plays as a defensive midfielder together, and the two of them together can be used as half Ramirez...With a bad waist, the Madrid Pirates may be in danger of defending the league title or the Champions League this season..."

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