"When Madrid Pirates won the Triple Crown last season, everyone was praising Hu and thinking that he was the biggest contributor to the team's win. Some people even thought he was the only contributor. But there is a saying that 'Only Only when the tide goes out can we know who is swimming naked. Juan Ramirez's injury absence finally answered the previous question correctly: Who is the biggest contributor to the "Triple Crown"? It's not Hu, it's the cornerstone of the championship. Without Ramirez, there would be no championship! "

This was the comment posted by Ettore Garcia, deputy editor-in-chief of AS, on his social media account after the Madrid Pirates lost 0:2 to Ruerrhein.

His remarks quickly spread online and in the media.

There is even a trending topic on Twitter: "Who is swimming naked when the tide goes out?"

Then some fans gave Hu Lai the nickname "Naked Swimmer." Used to ridicule Hu Lai's poor performance in the last two games.

There are basically fans of the Madrid Kings, or fans of Melli, Catalan United fans, Sevilla Navigators fans, Real Catajon fans... and other fans of teams that have been defeated by Hulay.

A group of "lost dogs" finally waited for the opportunity to vent their evil spirits. But there are also a very small number of Madrid Pirates fans who vented their anger on Hulay for their disappointment in the team's recent performance.

Football is, after all, a competitive sport that emphasizes the winner and the loser. When you perform well, you win everyone's praise and adulation. As the team's number one star, if the team loses and you don't score, you will naturally have to bear a lot of infamy.

This topic also extends to other topics.

For example, the debate over who is better between Julay and Melli has reappeared - this season, due to the ups and downs of Melli's performance before, the King of Madrid also lost his dominance, so Melli's fans have been holding their tail between their legs for a long time. .

Now that they were finally allowed to wait until Hu Lai stumbled, they could naturally take the opportunity to feel proud.

Some people say that the defeat of Madrid Pirates in these two games once again proved that pure shooters like Hulay have limited historical status and achievements-they automatically regarded the game where Madrid Pirates was tied 0:0 by Valero at home as a failure. In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. For the Madrid Pirates, whether they are tied by Valero or lose to Valero, the result is the same, they will lose the first place in the league, and may also lose the league championship.

The argument for these Melli fans is Hulay's performance in the last two games. When the entire Madrid Pirates team has problems, one Hulay alone cannot solve the battle. Without his teammates to deliver cannonballs to him, no matter how good his off-the-ball movement and shooting skills are, there is no room for him to show off.

So Hu Lai can be regarded as an "icing on the cake" player at best.

It just requires a good foundation for the team. This team has a strong lineup, and with a Hu Lai, it can break through the sky.

But Hu Lai himself does not have the ability to change his fate against the will of heaven.

Melly is different.

A player like Melli can perform outstandingly no matter what level of team he is in, because he can burst and dribble, pass and shoot, and can not only provide assists, but also score goals himself. Such a player is the core no matter what team or tactical system he is on.

He can directly improve the team he plays for.

When his team encounters difficulties, he can at least extend the team's life by himself.

However, Melli fans who said this were quickly criticized by Hu Lai fans. If you say this, then why is the Madrid king now lagging behind its local rivals in the league standings? Let Melli use his magic power and save the Madrid king.

"No matter how Hu Lai performs, it is not the turn of Melli's fans to come out to make their presence felt at this time. Even if Hu Lai did not score in these two games, he has already scored 57 league goals and 15 Champions League goals. Ball. Where is Merry?"

What these fans of Melli do is actually a "wrong demonstration". They should not directly compare Melli and Hu Lai. It is because Melli's performance this season is not convincing. He has flaws in himself and can easily be fooled by Hu Lai. of fans attack O

Some people are smarter and use Maxi Carey to attack Hulay. What to say "sea"

The true core thief is actually Kyrie. Now that the team has offensive problems, it is obvious that without Kyrie as an offensive organizer, relying on Vukovich alone will not help at all. The reason why Hu was able to score so many goals last season was all because he had Kyrie by his side."

The smart thing about this is... Maxi Carey has been really good this season.

After the early adaptation period, he indeed shouldered the burden of Leeds City's offensive playmaker.

Thanks to his outstanding performance, Leeds City is now ranked fourth in the Premier League. Although it is not stable, there are only three rounds left in the league. If nothing happens, Leeds City can return to the Champions League after three seasons. .

Carey has scored ten goals and provided seventeen assists in all competitions for Leeds City.

Looking at the data alone, it is definitely not comparable to when he was in Madrid Pirates, but considering Leeds City's current results, he must have contributed a lot.

Moreover, simple goals and assists data such as Kyrie's role cannot be reflected.

Tony Clark also obviously uses Kyrie as the core to formulate offensive tactics. Carey uses his skill and imagination to add a lot of variables to Leeds City's attack.

With his help, both Zhou Zijing and Lasky's goals have increased, and the team's performance is naturally getting better and better.

He and Leeds City, a team that holds high the banner of offensive football, complement each other perfectly.

Using Carey's "OK" to contrast Hu Lai's "No" will make it difficult for Hu Lai's fans to speak up when defending. At the same time, it will also make it difficult for many Madrid Pirates fans to refute, because Maxi Carey He is a legendary figure in the history of the Pirates Club. Naturally, they are not willing to speak ill of Carey...

So there is also such an argument on the Internet:

It was Maxi Carey who made Hulay, but the Pirates club forced the Dutchman away in order to promote Hulay, the "Mr. Billion Dollar", and make him the new core of the team. Therefore, the Madrid Pirates will have nothing to gain this season. Only in this way can the world know the truth about how they won the "Triple Crown" last season - who is the true and indispensable core of the Madrid Pirates?


"Dad, are you really the biggest contributor to last season's Triple Crown? Did Hu achieve it too?"

At the dinner table, the eldest son Jodi asked his father.

Carey said, "I am one of the biggest contributors, but not the only one. As for Hu...didn't you watch all the games last season? Why do you still have such a problem?"

"It's just because I've seen it all that I'm surprised. Aren't the facts obvious? But looking at the way they swear, I wonder if I remembered it wrong..." Jody was very confused.

Kaili smiled slightly, "Those people just want to attack Hu, and I am just their tool. Among those who use me to attack Hu now, maybe many of them are the same people who shouted "Who needs Maxi anymore?" Woolen cloth."

"Then dad, why don't you come forward to clarify?"

"Because no matter what I say at this time, it is meaningless. Some people will directly ignore me, and some people will deliberately misinterpret my meaning. So it is better not to say anything." Kyrie shook his head, "And Jodi, you know football What’s the most important thing?”

"It's...what?" Jodi looked confused.

"It's action. When someone criticizes you, the best thing to do is not to argue with him, but to prove him wrong with outstanding performance. So Hu's current problem can only be solved by himself, as long as he scores a goal, All those unpleasant sounds will disappear. We don’t have to worry about him. Besides, do you think these sounds can disturb Hu?"

Jodi thought for a moment, then shook his head, "Hu has a big heart."

Kaili spread his hands and said, "So let's eat, Jody." His son obediently buried his head and continued eating.


Xie Lan threw the phone aside irritably: "If you don't read it anymore, you will have high blood pressure if you look at it again."

Hu Lixin advised her: "I have also vaccinated you..."

After the Madrid Pirates lost the game yesterday morning, Hu Lixin told Xie Lan that it was best to change it temporarily

The habit of reading comments online after the game.

Because he had a premonition that his son would be set on fire this time.

But his wife still couldn't hold it in after waiting for a day, or she thought that after a day, everyone's mood had eased.

The result is like trying to avoid congestion by going out later but hitting the morning rush hour head-on.

On the Chinese Internet, it happened to be the time when people were translating the comments from outside the Internet and moving them into the country. Some people agreed with and others strongly opposed the comments from abroad. Everyone was "discussing" extremely lively.

So Xie Lan saw all kinds of weird comments online.

There are still a majority of people in China who support Hu Lai. After all, those who blackmail Hu Lai are just "a small group of people with ulterior motives." In this way, her "hypotension" can be cured quickly.

"This battle is really more exaggerated than when Merry was eliminated..." Xie Lan sighed, feeling helpless and heartbroken.

Two seasons ago, the Madrid Pirates were eliminated by the Madrid Kings in the Champions League semi-finals. After that defeat, the intensity of online violence Hulay suffered was not as intense as it is now.

Now, strictly speaking, the Madrid Pirates have not yet been eliminated from the Champions League.

"The situation is different." Hu Lixin explained. "At that time, our son had not really become the number one star and core of the Pirates. At least Kyrie helped him share the criticism. This time he has become the team's top star through his performance in these two seasons, and Kyrie is gone. He is the well-deserved number one star. When the team encounters difficulties, if he cannot step forward and turn the tide, of course he will be scolded by everyone. In the final analysis, it is his previous performance that has raised everyone's expectations for him. Then as long as the performance is not satisfactory, it is normal to be scolded. The higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment..."

"Then you can't tell lies with your eyes open. You said things like "without Kyrie, Hu Lai is a piece of shit." Our son went, and Kyrie played a healthy season. In the first season, there was no "Kyrie, didn't our son still help win the league championship?" Xie Lan was still very angry.

"What are you talking about with those people... They are just venting their emotions. Just like Caesar was scolded some time ago, aren't there still people who say that Caesar's achievements and reputation are all marketing? They also say that Caesar can become one of the "Big Four" The King of Kings "is the biggest scam in the history of football... Isn't this nonsense? But at that time, many people said this, and some people actually believed it. Who told Caesar to perform poorly?"

Hu Lixin shook his head and continued to comfort:

"Let me tell you, as our son becomes more and more famous, there will be more times like this in the future. He can never guarantee that he will never lose and will always score goals, so relax and don't fight with those people. General knowledge."

But Xie Lan was not only not comforted, but also became even more irritated.

"Why do you still have so much?"


"This Ettore Garcia is a famous die-hard Madrid King fan." Li Qingqing said, pointing to the photo of Ettore Garcia on the news.

"Shit, what they said makes sense. It's just the wrong name, not the wrong nickname. Our captain, after all, is the "cornerstone of the championship." Since it can be called the "cornerstone of the championship," he must have the ability to decide who will win the championship. Well……"

Hu Lai shook his head and said, and then was interrupted by Li Qingqing, "I'm not a reporter, you don't have to say that."

"Ah, I didn't..." "Do you really think so?, Hu Lai"

"Uh..." Hu Lai was a little surprised when he saw Li Qingqing suddenly becoming serious. He didn't understand what was wrong with her and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Li Qingqing frowned and said bluntly, "I think your idea is very problematic, Hu Lai."

Hu Lai looked at Li Qingqing with wide eyes, "What's the problem?"

"You are now the number one star of Madrid Pirates, right?"

As soon as Hu Lai opened his mouth to speak, Li Qingqing pointed at him and said, "Don't be falsely modest.

So he closed his mouth first, then raised his chest and nodded, saying, "He is the number one star to me."

Li Qingqing was a little satisfied with Hu Lai's performance. She nodded in approval and said, "That's right, being the number one star is not something to be ashamed of.

Why do you have to be so timid about admitting it? You are not insignificant. 「

Hu Lai nodded like a fool and answered more confidently and decisively, "Yes, yes, I'm not obscene."

Seeing Hu Lai's confidence, Li Qingqing continued, "So, as the team's number one star, shouldn't you have such confidence?"

As he spoke, Li Qingqing raised his head slightly, pointed his chin at Hu Lai, and said with a leer in his eyes:

"What is the cornerstone of a championship?" I am the one who can decide the championship.

Hu Lai was stunned. When he saw the look in Li Qingqing's eyes, he clearly realized that this was not something Li Qingqing was pretending to do, but came from deep within her and came out naturally.

When these words come out of her mouth, the audience can't help but believe them.

Li Qingqing's state quickly disappeared. She put away her eyes and lowered her chin again, but her expression was still serious and she said to Hu Lai, "You must have such an idea. I don't mean to disrespect your captain if you think so." No, but as the number one star of your team, you must have this consciousness. If you lose the "championship foundation"

"It's natural that he can't win the championship, so how can he reflect the value of the number one star?"

Hu Lai looked straight at Li Qingqing. After a few seconds, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Li Qingqing's hands.

This action scared Li Qingqing, "Hey, what are you doing..."

"It's my greatest luck to meet you, Qingqing." Hu Lai looked at Li Qingqing affectionately and said to her.

"Why suddenly..."

"I really used to think that way most of the time. My success comes from the support and help of my teammates. Without them, I am nothing..."

After Li Qingqing understood what Hu Lai wanted to express, he laughed, "How could you be nothing? When no one believed in you, didn't you still insist on training in the secret base?"

"Yes." Hu Lai nodded, "Then I remembered the game when I put on the Chinese team jersey for the first time..."

"It's the East Asian Cup with South Korea, right?"

"Yeah. Before that game, weren't there a lot of people who mocked me and questioned me?" "I remember you said that before the game, head coach Shi Guidance and Team Leader Ran were looking for you specifically.

"Yes. I guess you want to see my reaction and then decide whether to let me continue @

Would I have been as successful as I am today?

What system?


That only appeared after meeting Li Qingqing!

Even the system was brought to me by Li Qingqing.

Hu Lai's eyes quickly returned to clarity. He grabbed Li Qingqing's hands again, stared into her eyes, and said in a very affirmative tone:

"So, after losing the "championship cornerstone," we can still win the championship. But if I hadn't met you, then I would really be nothing."

Li Qingqing's mouth was slightly open, unable to speak.

Her eyes were firmly attracted by Hu Lai's eyes, who looked at her affectionately

There is no shyness, no false modesty, and it is not pretended, but comes from deep within and comes out naturally.

Polyester moisturizing

PS, double updates will be resumed starting today

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