Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 187 Why not?

"The past half week can be said to be the 'darkest moment' for Chinese football. First, Hu Lai's Madrid Pirates were tied by Valero in the league, giving up the first place in the league, and then Zhang Qinghuan's Sarria lost 0:1 at home to Sevilla Navigator in the league last weekend, almost forcing themselves into the desperate situation of relegation. In the middle of the week, Hu Lai and Luo Kai were in the Champions League semi-finals respectively. Losing the ball, facing the fate of being eliminated...

"Next is the thirty-seventh round of the league. Madrid Pirates is away to challenge Turias, a team that can fight any team to avoid relegation. Saria is away to challenge Catalonia United. This is the 'Barcelona Derby' …”


"Did Hu Lai promise to treat you to dinner and let you defeat Catalonia United?"

Sun Juan asked him while massaging Zhang Qinghuan's muscles lying on the bed.

"No. He shouldn't care about the league now, right?" Zhang Qinghuan shook his head slightly. "The media focus is on the Champions League match next Wednesday."

"Compared with the Champions League, the league is more promising, right?"

"Then it depends on the result of our game against Catalonia... Oh, and Real Huelva."

Real Huelva is Catalonia's opponent in the last round of the league, and they will challenge this team away from home.

But at the same time, Real Huelva is also Saria's relegation rival.

Saria is now in 16th place with 37 points, and Real Huelva is in 17th place with 36 points.

Both of their teams are not yet in the relegation zone.

However, they are only one step away from the relegation zone - the 18th-ranked Sporting Oviedo and the 19th-ranked Getafe have 35 points.

The difference is very small.

In this round of the league, Sarria is away to challenge Catalonia United, and Real Huelva is away to challenge Sevilla Navigator. Neither opponent is easy to deal with.

Atletico Oviedo will have a direct dialogue with 19th-placed Getafe 1326.

If Saria and Real Huelva both lose, and Sporting Oviedo and Getafe 132, then the league ranking will change.

There will be a team in the relegation zone that temporarily escapes and escapes from the sea of ​​misery.

Real Huelva will drop to 18th place.

Sarria would also drop to 17th place.

In this way, in the last round of the league, if Real Huelva defeats Catalonia United, then the Madrid Pirates have a chance to return to the top of the league and become the champion. But at the same time Real Huelva could also overtake Sarria in the league standings...

Sun Juan also understood the reason. She sighed: "Wouldn't that mean Hu Lai loses the league championship?"

"There's no need. First we have to look at the result of our game against Catalan United. If we win... No, we don't need to win, as long as we can draw with Catalan United. If Hu Lai wins again, they will We can tie Catalan United in points, and then return to the first place in the league based on the mutual victory. There is no need to look at other people's faces in the last round. Even if Catalan United beats Real Huelva, it will not affect their championship."

"Is it possible? That's the home court of Catalonia United..." Sun Juan was a little worried.

Hearing this, Zhang Qinghuan laughed. He propped up his body, turned around and looked back at his girlfriend: "Don't you know it's a Barcelona derby?"

"I know. But it was a draw when you played Catalonia United at home in the first half of the season. Can it be a draw if it's Catalonia United's home game this time?" After saying this, Sun Juan patted Zhang Qinghuan hard on the back. For a moment, "Lie back down!"

Zhang Qinghuan obediently lay back and explained: "Football is not calculated like this. It is not a card game. Whoever has more good cards will definitely win. In that case, what's the point? If we lose this city derby , then it might really be relegated. Coupled with the city derby and the relegation battle, we will definitely have to fight Catalonia in this game."

Then he heard Sun Juan's laughter from behind him.

He asked curiously: "Why are you laughing?"

"I remembered what happened last season."

"what's up?"

"It was also the last moment of the season when the Pirates and Kings competed for the league championship. At that time, the Pirates played Catalonia away from home and you played against Kings away from home. Before the game, I imagined that Hu Lai won the championship with your goal in the end, and then Hu Lai did it. Fans came over to thank you..."

"Ha, you're talking about this? Before that game, Hu Lai was still looking for me on WeChat and used aggressive tactics on me... In fact, he didn't need my help at all at that time, as long as the Pirates could defeat Canada in the away game. Thai United, it doesn’t matter how we play against the King.”

"But you still worked hard to draw with the Kings..." At this point, Sun Juan whispered, "Ah, I suddenly have confidence in your game against Catalonia! It was also your away game, since you can We tied with the Kings on the road, so why not draw with Catalonia on the road? Or just... win?"

Zhang Qinghuan lay on the bed, enjoying the massage from his girlfriend, squinting his eyes comfortably, and murmured: "Yeah, why not?"


"...Before this round of the league, there were some voices on the Internet saying that whether Hu Lai can win the La Liga championship depends on whether Brother Huan is good. I think this is nonsense. Putting Hu Lai's hope of winning the championship on Huan This in itself is unfair to Brother Huan. In fact, Brother Huan is already under great pressure to avoid relegation. Let’s stop acting as if Hu Lai’s failure to win the championship is also Brother Huan’s responsibility..."

"That's right! Those people who cheer for Brother Huan have ulterior motives! Let me tell you, even if Saria loses to Catalonia United in this round of the league, it won't be a problem. As long as they can win in the last round. Because in the last round , Real Huelva still has to play Catalan United. If Catalan United can defeat Real Huelva, then as long as Sarria can beat Aijer, he can also surpass Real Huelva in points and successfully land... So Now those people who are clamoring for Brother Huan to fight to the death with the Catalan United are simply selfish ghosts who want Brother Huan to sacrifice himself for the sake of the random championship!"

"That's right! Whether Hu Lai can win the championship is Hu Lai's business. If Hu Lai loses the championship in the end, it is Hu Lai's own responsibility. He did not perform well in the last round of the league and did not help the Pirates win. He pulled his hips. Why do you still have the nerve to ask our Qing Huan for help? Please respect yourself as a fan of Hu Lai and stop taking advantage of our Qing Huan no matter what! You really don’t know her well, okay!"

"You are a scumbag upstairs, pretending to be a fan of Brother Huan. If you dare to say that Brother Huan and Brother Huan are not familiar with each other, I will beat the hell out of you! Don't bring the tricks of the rice circle to Hu Lai and Brother Huan." Come on! Get away as far as I can!"

"Oh, the defense has been broken, the defense has been broken, Hu Lai's fans have broken the defense! Why don't we let people complain about his poor performance? Oh, when your Hu Lai scored a goal, everyone was praised to the sky. Now the state is not good, no He scores a goal, but he can’t even scold him. What? Your misbehavior is like a tiger’s butt—can’t touch it? A group of idiot fans scold Meli, Becker, and Kabangka on the Internet every day. Your mischief is the most awesome. Now You can't stand being scolded? Is this what you can bear? Let me tell you, stop asking for happiness for our family here. It has nothing to do with you how the Barcelona derby goes. You should first pray that Hu Lai can win the picture below. Rias, it would be really embarrassing if you can’t even win the last place!”

As the weekend league game is about to begin, the discussion on whether Hu Lai and Luo Kai can make a comeback at home has temporarily subsided on the hot football topic list in China.

The most watched one right now is the Barcelona derby between Catalonia United and Saria.

This game is not only related to Saria's relegation prospects, but also whether the Madrid Pirates can win the championship.

Many Hu Lai fans hope that Zhang Qinghuan can help Saria draw or even defeat Catalonia United. In this way, as long as the Madrid Pirates can defeat Turias away from home, they can return to the top spot in the league.

As a result, a large number of Hu Lai fans expressed their hope on the Internet that Brother Huan could help hold down Catalan United. Their behavior attracted ridicule from those who were already unhappy with Hu Lai because of Hu Lai's fans.

The two sides started arguing online.

But no matter how much we argue, it can't change the facts.

The truth is what some people say:

According to the schedule, Catalonia’s home game against Saria is the last game of this round of La Liga.

Regardless of the result of Saria's away game against Catalonia United in Barcelona's city derby, the Madrid Pirates must win against Turias first, otherwise everything will be over.


ps, sorry, I forgot to set up automatic updates again...

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