Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 289 The first boot that fell

England's series of attacks successfully produced Peter Williams' shot on the post.

It was like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of Chinese fans.

When they saw the football hitting the goalpost, many Chinese fans before the broadcast couldn't help but lean back. Some people sat down on the sofa, while others almost fell to the ground with their chairs.

Jiang Yin covered her heart with her hand, feeling the violent heartbeat coming from there.

The shock made her palms ache.

Yan Yan noticed something strange about his colleagues and turned to look over.

He happened to meet Jiang Yin's frightened eyes. So he smiled and comforted: "Don't worry."

"Will we concede the ball first?" Jiang Yin leaned her head and asked in a low voice, "Would it be bad if we conceded the ball first?"

Yan Yan shook his head like a drum: "I don't know whether we will lose the ball first, but even if we lose the ball first, we will definitely be able to get it back!"

"Why are you so sure?" Jiang Yin's eyes widened, as if she were a curious baby. Then she suddenly remembered Yan Yan's nickname in the company and suddenly realized, "Is it because of Hu Lai?"

Unexpectedly, Yan Yan shook his head: "It's because we don't just have Hu Lai." Just as he said that, his friends around him suddenly cheered loudly. So Yan Yan and Jiang Yin also turned their attention to the live broadcast of the game.

I saw the England team, which had been attacking just now, suddenly began to retreat. On the left side of the court, Chen Xingyi just dribbled the ball across the center line. The person stuck in front of him was England full-back Johnson Law.

He was quickly returning to defense and was slightly half a body ahead of Chen Xingyi.

"China's counterattack opportunity!"

In the TV broadcast, the excited voice of the live commentator He Feng was transmitted to the country through satellite signals, which was slightly distorted.

Chen Xingyi, who was dribbling the ball from the wing, faced Johnson Law who was half a body ahead of him. He did not hesitate or try to shake his opponent away with fake moves.

He just hits the ball in a straight line!

When approaching Johnson Law, he pushed the football away from his body, and at the same time began to accelerate, cutting diagonally into Law's running route!

I'll have a blast!

Johnson Law, on the other hand, tried to repeat the same trick and used his physical advantage to force Chen Xingyi not to accelerate.

When the two were close to each other, Lao raised his arms and pushed Chen Xingyi to the outside.

But this time, Chen Xingyi resisted the force he exerted, and with his advantage in speed, he forced his way in, and passed in front of Johnson Law!

Just as he was about to rush into the penalty area, Johnson Law made a last-ditch effort - he made a tackle with his feet!

It was a risky move, but he had no choice now! He scooped the ball, but before it could be scooped out, Chen Xingyi's foot took it away again!

"Chen Xingyi! Rape! He's in! And more!" The cheers of the Chinese fans in the stands suddenly increased, while the English fans booed.

Because at this time, Chen Xingyi has already formed a single-handed attack! There was only goalkeeper Tom Walker in front of him! The football was pushed toward the bottom line by Chen Xingyi just now.

Tom Walker also attacked from the goal and rushed to the baseline!

In fact, in order to avoid Johnson Law, Chen Xingyi's kick was a bit too big. The football went straight to the bottom line and seemed to go out of bounds.

However, Chen Xingyi relied on his outstanding explosive power and speed to sweep the football back to the center before it went out of the baseline and before Tom Walker got it!

It's just that it's not easy for him to catch up with the football, and it's even harder for him to pass the football back.

So there is no way to ask for more in terms of passing accuracy. Although he passed the football back, it did not reach Hu Lai's feet.

Instead, he was intercepted first by England center back George Birx, who had been following Hulay.

Hu Lai was stuck in Birx's position and could only watch as Chen Xingyi passed the ball to the opponent.

But he didn't complain that Chen Xingyi didn't pass the ball

Okay, but I gave Chen Xingyi the first like of this game.

"Oops!!" Yan Yan and his friends felt regretful that the Chinese team's counterattack did not hit Hu Lai's feet in the end, and they all shouted with their heads held in their hands. But soon they praised again: "Good shot! Good shot! This ball is beautiful!"

"That's it, hit him! Lao's speed is not as fast as before!" "Chen Xingyi's shot is really awesome! Such speed! Such breakthrough!" For a while, no one cared that the Chinese team's counterattack did not result in a shot... …


England's shot hit the goal post, and the Chinese team almost hit an empty goal with a quick counterattack.

The two sides went back and forth like this, and the fight was very lively. Although the game lasted nearly twenty minutes and neither team scored a goal, there were many exciting scenes.

Because they both tend to attack, the two teams did not position very deep when defending, and there were many gaps in the defense.

This makes it appear that there are many opportunities when attacking each other. It is also the source of the beauty of the game.

The neutral fans were enjoying themselves, but the fans of both teams were on a roller coaster, feeling both excited and nervous.

The game is so open, no one knows when the first boot will drop...


In the 21st minute of the match, England took possession of the ball and launched an attack.

The ball was quickly passed to the feet of their playmaker Pete Williams.

After receiving the ball, Peter faced the defense of two Chinese team players. Xia Xiaoyu intercepted him from the front, while Zhang Qinghuan rushed over from the side.

The two formed a double-team on him.

Faced with this situation, Pete Williams took advantage of the fact that the circle of two people had not completely closed, suddenly started to accelerate, and got through between the two people.

Xia Xiaoyu lost the opportunity and turned around a little too slowly. He could only reach out and pull at the same time, but he failed.

Zhang Qinghuan caught up from behind and stopped his feet because he was afraid of fouling, but he still hit him.

Although Peter was hit from behind and staggered slightly,

But he quickly regained his balance and continued to dribble the ball forward.

Upon seeing this, left center back Cai Shuyi immediately stepped forward and intercepted Pitt who was rushing forward with the ball.

Seeing him rushing towards him, Peter did not continue to dribble, but made a pass with his right foot!

He passed the football to Marvin Stones on the left side of the penalty area! This is not a high and floating cross in the traditional sense, but a quick and sudden low pass.

The football crossed the distance between him and Stones at extremely fast speed and flew into the open space!

"Nice pass! Peter! He found the gap in the Chinese team's defense!"

Stones, who pushed forward, was indeed in the gap in the Chinese team's defense. Because he had already run behind Liu Yan... Wang Guangwei quickly moved from the center to defend him in the ribs. Liu Yan also quickly turned around and chased back.

But Stones did not catch the ball. Faced with the cross, which was about his waist height, he dived, but instead of rushing to the top, he turned his head and swung the flying football towards the center!

"Header ferry! Danger!"

He Feng, who was sitting high in the commentary box, saw the scene in the penalty area of ​​the Chinese team and exclaimed.

Matthew Cox raised his arms and shouted: "Nice pass! Greg——!"

Yan Kangzai exclaimed: "The middle lane is empty!" Yes, the middle lane is empty!

When Cai Shuyi went to attack Pete Williams, and Wang Guangwei and Liu Yan both went to attack Stones, there was no one left in the huge Chinese team penalty area...

Carl Gregg, who was originally on the left, inserted diagonally into the middle and ran into the space. He was faced with the ball that Stones ferried over with his head!

Although Chen Xingyi desperately chased back, he chased him into the penalty area. Although goalkeeper Lin Zhiyuan also quickly abandoned the goal and attacked. But this time, they let Greg touch the ball first. The last time Lin Zhiyuan abandoned the goal and blocked Greg's shot, this time Greg's low shot went under his arm!

Then he flew lightly into the empty door! First

The boot finally... fell down!

When the football flew into the goal, the England fans in the stands cheered collectively.

This cheer is the highest climax of this game so far! Completely suppressed the momentum of Chinese fans!

"Carl Gregg!!" Amid huge cheers, Matthew Cox raised his arms and shouted, "A beautiful goal! The England team made a wonderful collaboration in the frontcourt and penetrated the Chinese team's defense! In the end, Gray The goal was scored! This time, Lin couldn't stop him! We led 1:0! "

He Feng sighed regretfully: " careful! Oops! Alas—!"

He was really depressed.

Everyone plays so openly and has a chance to score, so why can't it be our Chinese team who scores first?

"Twenty-two minutes into the game, the England team took the lead..." Yan Kang next to him said for He Feng.

"England's attack was very smooth and fast. From the time the football was pushed into the Chinese half to the final goal by Greg, there were only three passes. It was efficient and direct. This is the football that England is good at today. . This kind of football is completely different from Spain and Italy. The Chinese team’s defense is not very adaptable yet..."


"Ouch!" "Ah——!"

After the Chinese team lost the ball, everyone in the living room held their heads and sighed.

Jiang Yin was among them. She exclaimed and covered her mouth.

Disappointment spread in the living room, only Yan Yan continued to rise.

Phew, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! Let them alone! If they can score goals, so can we! There's no problem with tactics, just play like this, compete to score goals, who is afraid of whom!"

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