Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 293 Midfield Substitution

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1:1, we tied with them, and it seemed like everything was back to normal, but in fact 1:1 and 0:0 were still different, and they were very different. "

In the Chinese team's locker room, Yu Jintao was interpreting Dillon's words to the players in an emotional and emotional manner, matching his body movements that were highly synchronized with Dillon's.

"0:0 means complete unknown, we don't know what will happen next and what we can do. But 1:1 means we know what we can do... We can score their goals! We can If you score one goal for them, you can score more goals for them! It’s hard to go from zero to one, but it’s not that hard to go from one to ten!”

Dilong's own tone was impassioned, and Yu Jintao followed suit.

The Chinese team players in the locker room seemed to be watching a translated film with out-of-sync audio and video.

But this did not affect the effect of Dillon's words.

Almost everyone couldn't help but get excited after hearing what the head coach said.


Our performance in the first half was not inferior to the world-class strong team England. If we can score one goal for them, we can score more goals for them!

1:1 will definitely not be the final score of this game!

In fact, the Chinese team has already played against world-class teams such as Spain and Italy in this World Cup.

But compared with the aging Spain and Italy, the current England team is still younger and more energetic. The pressure that can be created on the court is also greater.

Being able to tie with a world-class team at the peak of their form, and having back and forth, really boosted the confidence of the Chinese team players.

In a football match, confidence is even more important than the correctness of tactics.

After all, a football game is a sport where the coach arranges the tactics and then the eleven players on the field execute them.

No matter what tactics, good or bad, they need specific people to execute them.

If people can't do it, then they really can't do it.

But can humans do it?

It's a very complex issue. It stands to reason that players who can be selected for the national team and participate in the World Cup cannot be incompetent in terms of personal ability.

However, in the World Cup, some people performed very poorly, even quite amateurishly, completely different from their usual performance in the club.

This may be due to injuries, state, or confidence.

The abilities of professional players do not guarantee that they can perform to their true level in every game. Confidence is a very important factor.

It is also recognized that players who are confident tend to perform better. Take forwards as an example, why do everyone care so much about various goal statistics? How many consecutive games have goals been scored? How many minutes does it take to score a goal on average? What is the conversion rate of shooting goals...

Isn't it because these data can reflect a forward's confidence?

A forward who can score goals in consecutive games and has a very high scoring efficiency will be very confident during this period and will easily perform well in the game.

And a forward who continuously misses good opportunities and falls into a scoring drought will also fall into a vicious cycle because of losing confidence, unless there is some external force to help him break this "dead cycle."

Dillon is an experienced old coach, and he naturally knows that in a game like the World Cup knockout match, where the outcome is determined by a single game, improving the confidence of the players can greatly affect the final result of the game.

He continued to strengthen the confidence of the Chinese team players through his performance in the first half, repeatedly telling them that they were very strong and fully capable of competing with world-class teams.

This is of course because the Chinese team's players performed really well in the first half.

Otherwise, if he allows three goals in the first half, all he does now will only make him look like a clown...

After fully mobilizing the players' confidence, Dillon began to arrange specific tactics.

Generally speaking

, the biggest tactical adjustment in the second half was to replace Luo Kai.

Strengthen the Chinese team's offensive on the right wing.

When Luo Kai didn't play before, the Chinese team, which was supposed to fly with both wings, actually always walked with a limp, and its offense relied more on Chen Xingyi on the left.

Cui Zexu can avoid making mistakes, but he doesn't dare to take risks. The defense needs to make no mistakes, but the offense needs to take risks. Therefore, the Chinese team's right-side attack is basically useless. This offensive tendency was so obvious that England consciously strengthened its defense against Chen Xingyi when defending.

Don't look at Chen Xingyi's speed advantage when facing Johnson Law.

But apart from those two counterattacks in the first half, he didn't have much room to play.

It's because the entire England's defensive focus has shifted to the right.

With Luo Kai's appearance in the second half, this situation will improve.

Of course, this is not to say that Chen Xingyi's performance in the first half was not good. On the contrary, under the circumstances of being taken care of by the England team, Chen Xingyi could still have those two highlight performances and create two murderous opportunities. This is already considered a success. Very powerful.

So when Dillon arranged specific tasks, he did not blame Chen Xingyi for spending most of the first half competing with England's defensive system. Instead, he followed the previous approach of building players' confidence and praised Chen Xingyi. Xingyi, in particular, mentioned his speed advantage over Johnson Law:

"Johnson Law still had speed when he was young, but in recent years, as he grows older and suffers more injuries, his speed has begun to decline. In the first half, you have proved this unreasonable behavior with actual actions. Breaking through speed is useful, and in the second half, you have to take advantage of this to the extreme. To deal with him, you don’t have to go through so many twists and turns.”

When translating Dilong's words, Yu Jintao used a term that was more in line with the way Chinese people understand it.

Chen Xingyi nodded, indicating that he completely understood.


Ryan Jackson is also arranging adjustments and responses for the second half. He made his own arrangements for the biggest problem in the first half:

"Brad, you have to go back more in the second half to help with defense." Brad Pate, the team's right midfielder, nodded: "Okay, boss."

Johnson Law, who was sitting in his seat, couldn't help clenching his fists.

Although the head coach did not criticize his performance in the first half, the arrangement said it all.

He was not satisfied with the fact that he was forced to break through twice with speed by Chen Xingyi in the first half, and was worried.

That's why Brad Pate needs to be arranged to strengthen his return defense. This is helping him, but also distrusting him.

Thirty-three-year-old Johnson Law feels that he is not very old yet, but he has been tortured by many minor injuries and illnesses in the past two years and has gradually lost his speed.

Now that he is in the club, he is using his rich experience to defend. It often happens that he cannot come back after joining the attack, so he gradually stops participating in the attack. But to know

The former Johnson Law was versatile both offensively and defensively.

Caesar can still score goals in the World Cup until he is 38 years old, but Law must admit that he does not have as long a career as Caesar.

So even if he was dissatisfied with the head coach's arrangement, Johnson Law didn't say anything and behaved... even a little well-behaved.

He knows he is old, but he still wants to prove to the coach in the second half that he is not that old yet.

He knows very well that in football, actions speak louder than words.

Ryan Jackson is still arranging tasks, and the main adjustments he has made all come from defense.

On the one hand, it is because the team's offensive tactics are very mature and the specific performance is not bad - he scored a goal - he has nothing to say. On the other hand, he also feels the offensive pressure from the Chinese team.

At the end of the first half, he saw Luo Kai walking into the tunnel with Dillon.

What does that mean, as a qualified head coach, if you look at

If you don't come out, you can resign where you are.

Luo Kai is indeed the player he pays more attention to.

Because he is playing in Tramed in the Premier League and his performance last season was also good.

If such a player doesn't pay more attention, then Ryan Jackson can resign where he is.

In fact, when he saw that @Luo Kai was not in the starting lineup of the Chinese team, but he was on the roster, Ryan Jackson was wary of Dillon, an old fox, replacing Luo Kai in the middle of the game.

But he himself didn't expect that Dillon would be so decisive and would have to be replaced at halftime.

Originally, he thought that Dillon would replace Luo Kai with twenty or thirty minutes left in the game, depending on the situation, for a last-ditch effort or something.

Now it seems that Dillon was thinking about winning from the beginning! This old man...

Ryan Jackson sighed in his heart.

When he left Europe in despair to coach in China, countless people laughed at him for retiring.

In the end, who would have thought that after going around in a circle, they would lead the Chinese team back and kill their own country in the World Cup with their own hands.

The Chinese team, Hu Lai...he really picked it up! Where is this from going to China to teach? Is this a treasure hunt in the far east?

Although it was inappropriate, Jackson still thought a little sourly.

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