Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 15 Going to Madrid

"Fox in the Forbidden Zone"

"...The latest news is that the Madrid King failed to reach an agreement with Hu on the transfer... The Madrid King officially refused to disclose the reason for the failure to reach an agreement... It is currently unknown whether the Madrid King Club will re-submit an offer to Leeds City... "

When Mellie Banega in the car heard such a voice coming from the radio, a smile appeared on her face.

If he wanted, Julay rejected the King of Madrid - the news would not say so, but Melly knew that it must be Julay who rejected the King of Madrid, rather than the two parties failing to agree on personal treatment.

After suddenly receiving a call from Hu Lai, Meili had a vague hunch that Hu Lai might not come.

Sure enough, he didn't come!

This was really the best news that Melly had heard recently, and it also made his heart drop to the ground.

No matter where Hu Lai goes next, at least they can continue to be opponents, and he also has a chance to defeat Hu Lai.

After getting off the car and leaving, Melly entered the locker room of the team's training base and heard the team's last player, Rafael Fonseca, talking loudly.

"If I were Hu, I wouldn't come. After all, the previous incident was hyped by the media, which has made many Kings fans dissatisfied. If he wants to show off, he shouldn't come..."

"I don't think so, Rafael. The so-called fans' opinions are just excuses. If you really want to transfer, this will not constitute any resistance at all." Fonseca's Brazilian national team teammate Dudu Carlos has a different opinion . "The failure to reach an agreement could only be due to personal treatment issues."

Carlos' words won the approval of many people.

After all, this is the King of Madrid. Apart from personal treatment issues, it is really hard to imagine any other reason to prevent a player from joining.

Unless Hulay is an "anti-king" - this is a general term for those who do not like the King of Madrid and oppose the hegemony of the King of Madrid.

But judging from the photo of Hulay and Francis, he should not be an "anti-king element."

So it can only be the salary issue that ultimately led to the failure to reach an agreement.

Melly glanced at Cerrados, who was changing clothes with an expressionless face and had no intention of participating in the discussion.

Indeed, with his sensitive status, how could he participate?

Everyone knows that if Hu Lai comes, the one most threatened is Alexandra Cerrados.

How do you want him to comment on this matter?

Moreover, many Madrid Kings players don't quite understand the club's thinking. Cerrados has just won the World Cup and reached the peak of his career. There is absolutely no need to buy Hu Lai now to replace Cerrados.

But if Hu Lai is not bought to replace Cerrados, then it is also a huge waste for Hu Lai.

He did a good job as the core in Leeds City, but he went to Madrid to play as a substitute?

Of course, there is no such precedent. But this kind of thing seems impossible for Hu Lai...

Now that Hulay has rejected the King of Madrid, it is good news for Cerrados.

It shows that his status in the team is still unshakable-at least within two seasons. Two seasons later, the 35-year-old Cerrados' career has come to an end, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to hold on to his position in the Madrid Kings.

Either retire directly and become one of the few players who can retire with the Madrid Kings.

If he is unwilling to retire, he is likely to leave the Madrid Kings as a free agent. Anyway, the King of Madrid should not renew the contract with Cerrados easily.

Melly looked back and walked to her cabinet as usual and started to change clothes.

He didn't dare to reveal his inner joy, otherwise it would attract everyone's attention.

I have to break the casserole and get to the bottom of it.

He just kept praying to God in his heart, let Hulay go to Catalan United or Madrid Pirates!

Catalonia is the best, and Madrid Pirates are also excellent.

※※ ※

"Catalan United, Turin Bulls and Madrid Pirates, these are the three teams currently shortlisted for the finals. Let us first exclude the Catalan United that you don't want to go to, then only the Turin Bulls and Madrid Pirates are left. They The conditions offered are similar, which one do you want to go to? Both of them are good."

Song Jiajia called and asked Hu Lai.

Hu Lai replied: "Since they are almost the same, I will choose Madrid."

Song Jiajia laughed: "I knew it! Is it because of Qingqing?"

"Her reason is involved, but it is not the decisive factor. If you go to Madrid Pirates, you can play against Madrid Kings and Catalan United in the league. If you go to Turin Bulls, you can only wait until the Champions League, but the Champions League is not always Being able to meet the Kings of Madrid and Catalonia depends on luck. It’s not satisfying.”

Hulay added: "And among these giants, only Madrid Pirates has won the least Champions League. They have reached the finals four times and only won two Champions Leagues. This was fifteen years ago. If I can win the Champions League at Madrid Pirates Isn’t it more difficult and more interesting to win the Champions League than to go to Madrid and win the Champions League?”

"Okay." Song Jiajia nodded in agreement. "And the treatment offered by Madrid Pirates is also good. The annual salary after tax is 9 million, not counting various bonuses."

Looking at the numbers alone, nine million is not much higher than Hulay’s annual salary in Leeds City:

Last summer, Leeds City renewed Hulay's contract. In order to retain Hulay for a long time, they gave Hulay an annual salary of 6.76 million pounds, which is approximately 7.9 million euros. This is the figure for the first year, and will increase by 5% each year based on the previous year.

That contract made Hulay Leeds City's top-paid player.

However, it should be noted that this annual salary figure for Leeds City is before tax.

The UK levies a 45% tax on the wealthy. The actual annual salary Hu Lai can get is actually about 3.72 million pounds, which is about 4.35 million euros.

From this point, it can also be seen that Leeds City is indeed far away from the giants. The after-tax annual salary offered to players by the Premier League giants is probably similar to Hu Lai's pre-tax annual salary - and it is not the annual salary level of the team's top players.

Although the injection of Chinese capital has given Leeds City the confidence to spend heavily in the transfer market. However, compared with the one-time transfer fee expenditure, the annual salary of the team players that has to be paid every year is the largest part. Therefore, Leeds City still has to carefully control the team's salary structure to avoid a financial crisis.

The Pirates of Madrid are a real giant, although their name is not as famous as their rivals in the same city, the Kings of Madrid.

But after all, they are one of the thirteen super wealthy families in Europe.

The treatment offered to Hu Lai is 9 million euros after tax.

The tax rate in Spain is similar to that in the UK, both at 45%. The annual salary after tax of 9 million means that Hu Lai's annual salary before tax is 16.36 million euros.

This number not only makes Hu Lai the highest-paid Chinese player, but also the highest-paid Asian player.

The Madrid Pirates also have the second-highest annual salary after top star Maxi Carey.

In terms of image rights, unlike when he was in Leeds City, it belonged to Hulay 100%. If he wanted to transfer to Madrid Pirates, he would need to transfer 50% to the club and only keep 50% for himself - which is not bad. If you go to Madrid Kings, you have to give 100% of your image rights to the club.

In addition to his fixed annual salary and image rights income, Hu Lai also has various bonuses.

The goal award is a fixed bonus item and must be available.

Hulay can earn 70,000 euros for every goal he scores.

In addition to the goal award, Hulay also has an appearance fee this time. Every time he plays - whether he starts or comes off the bench - he can receive 50,000 euros. If there was an appearance fee when he was in Leeds City, Hu Lai would have received 4.8 million euros for this alone...

In addition, if Hulay wins the La Liga Golden Boot, he will also receive an additional bonus of two million euros and the Champions League Golden Boot three million.

If the Madrid Pirates win the La Liga title, Hulay can get another three million. As for the Champions League winner, there is a bonus of four million euros.

Regarding the terms of the team winning the championship and individual players receiving bonuses, Hu Lai's agency specifically proposed it. Because I had this clause when I was in Leeds City, there is no reason to give up if I change teams.

The Madrid Pirates Club did not object, they just bargained on the specific amount - the Champions League bonus of 5 million was cut to 4 million.

After all, they signed Hu Lai hoping to win the championship, especially the Champions League.

The Madrid Pirates have no shortage of league championships - they have won a total of 20 La Liga championships in history, and the number of championships is second only to the Kings of Madrid and Catalonia. Just four seasons ago, in the 20222023 season, the Madrid Pirates also won the La Liga championship. . But the Champions League championship is what Madrid Pirates has been pursuing. Fifteen years have passed since they last won the championship. The Madrid Pirates Club hopes to relive their old dream and win the Champions League championship again.

Since the player takes the initiative to offer the championship bonus, he must pay more and try his best to help the team win the championship.

Once the championship is won, the benefits the club can gain are far greater than the bonus they gave Hu Lai.

In addition, there is a bonus, a special goal bonus: when Hulay reaches 40 goals in various club competitions, he will receive a bonus of 1.5 million euros. If this number is If it is achieved in one season, an additional 500,000 yuan will be awarded.

These bonuses are completely tailored to Hu Lai's characteristics of being good at scoring goals. For example, other offensive players will ask for assist awards, but Hu Lai does not have them here.

Assume that Hulay scored forty goals in his first season with Madrid Pirates and won the La Liga Golden Boot and the Champions League Golden Boot. In fact, if he wanted to win the La Liga Golden Boot and the Champions League Golden Boot at the same time, forty goals might still be enough. Not enough, but for the sake of calculation let’s say only forty goals were scored.

At the same time, he helped Madrid Pirates win the La Liga championship and the Champions League championship, and played 38 league rounds and 13 Champions League games, then he will receive an after-tax income of 19.64 million euros.

This does not include the sharing of image rights.

Through this transfer, Hulay's income has increased significantly compared with his previous work in Leeds City.

Although money is not Hu Lai's primary consideration in transfer, it does not mean that he can accept a salary cut to play football.

"Then it's settled. I'll reply to Madrid Pirates and sign a contract with them."

"Okay, you figure it out. Once everything is done, just notify me for a physical examination." Hu Lai was relieved and left everything to Song Jiajia.

After all, in this world, if even Fatty Song couldn't trust him, then who else could he trust?

"There's one more thing..." Song Jiajia hesitated.

"Let's talk about it together."

"Since you have decided to go to Madrid Pirates, and you and Qingqing are both in the same city, should you two consider...buying a house directly in Madrid?"

Hu Lai was stunned for a moment. He really didn't expect this just now.

He just wanted to live with Li Qingqing and rent a house.

As a result, now that I think about it, it seems that I can really buy a house.

Anyway, with his annual income of more than 10 million euros, buying a house is not a big pressure.

The key is that this will be the home he and Li Qingqing share - in the traditional and simple thinking of the Chinese people, a rented house cannot be regarded as a "home", only a house bought belongs to oneself.

"Buy, buy, buy! You decide, let's do it together!" Hu Lai waved his hand and delegated power to Song Jiajia.

"Fuck, I'm your sports agent, not your real estate agent!"

"Oh, those who are capable should work harder. Who told you to do it, Fatty? The most important thing is that I believe in your aesthetic taste, Fatty. The house you choose must be something we all like!"

Song Jiajia was very proud of what she said: "Nonsense, I don't even know who your brother is..."

So everything was decided.

Whether it's a move to Pirates of Madrid or buying a house in Madrid.

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