Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 21 I’m glad he said that

"Fox in the Forbidden Zone"

The Corsair Park stadium, which can accommodate 80,000 people, is a magnificent building located in the south of Madrid.

Unlike many teams whose home stadiums are located in open suburban areas, Pirates Park is located in a residential area.

The gray exterior wall makes the building look like a huge factory.

It blends perfectly with the rust-colored brick walls of the surrounding houses. Although it is large, it is not obtrusive at all.

However, because this stadium is built in a residential area, there is a serious shortage of parking spaces in the surrounding area.

Therefore, if Pirates fans want to watch the game live, the best mode of transportation is definitely not to drive by yourself, but to take public transportation, such as buses and subways.

Or park your car in several parking lots about two kilometers away from the stadium, then walk through the residential area and finally reach the stadium.

Every time there is a game, the dozen or so streets radiating out from Pirates Park Stadium as the center will be overcrowded and blocked by Pirates fans wearing blue jerseys.

Today is not a game day, and there are also a large number of Pirates fans on the road outside Pirates Park.

There are also people carrying the five-star red flag, which is particularly conspicuous among the blue crowd and can be seen from a distance.

These people all went to Pirates Park to attend Hu Lai's joining ceremony.

The stadium that can usually accommodate 80,000 people actually looks empty even if 20,000 people crowd in.

But in the eyes of Song Jiajia and Hu Lai, this was already a very nice scene.

At least it was much better than when Hu Lai went to Leeds City and only 200 people came to welcome him.

Hu Lai, who was in the lounge and saw the situation outside through the TV broadcast, said to Song Jiajia: "It's really weird. I have never interacted with the Madrid Pirates before. Why do they seem to like me?"

He pointed to a Spaniard in the close-up shot. This unshaven Spanish uncle, wearing a Madrid Pirates jersey, held up a piece of cardboard with a sentence handwritten on it with a marker: "To Hulay from socialist China." pay tribute!"

"Look, fat man, good guy, even this is here..."

Song Jiajia smiled and said, "Do you know where the Madrid Pirates team comes from?"

"I know, it's a workers' team. But football itself is a sport of the working class. Isn't it because the UK was the first country to complete the industrial revolution that modern football was born in the UK? Football is the most popular sport among workers..." Hu Rai said. "But after more than a hundred years, who still mentions the history of that year? Aren't the Madrid Pirates also a wealthy family now?"

"Determining whether to be a wealthy club has a lot to do with performance. Madrid Pirates have always been a very combative team in history, so they have been able to win many championships... The working class is very combative." Song Jiajia said. "Most of their fans are workers in Madrid. Maybe this uncle is a Spanish Communist?"

"So that's why they welcome me?"

Song Jiajia shook his head: "Definitely not, there are still a few such people. More Madrid Pirates fans welcome you just because they heard that you rejected the King of Madrid twice in a row. They and the King of Madrid are mortal enemies, and the enemy of an enemy is a friend. So you are one of our own in the eyes of many Madrid Pirates fans."

"Oh..." Hu Lai sighed. "I didn't expect that I would have such an easy start. I thought what awaited me would be another hellish start where the fans didn't accept it, the coach didn't like it, and my teammates disliked it..."

When he transferred to Leeds City before, he was implicated because of the grievances between the fans and the club's top management, and was not welcomed by the vast majority of Leeds City fans.

Song Jiajia smiled and said: "These are the treatments you are talking about for the protagonists of novels. How can you meet them again and again?"

Hu Lai heard this: "Hey, fat man, if you want to say that,

Doesn't it mean that the elbow spirit is the protagonist? "

Song Jiajia was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

He knew why Hu Lai said that - just yesterday, a British reporter interviewed Zhou Zijing and wanted to hear what he thought about Hu Lai leaving the team. Unexpectedly, Zhou Zijing didn't know what was wrong at the time. Speak your heart out:

"I will try my best to make Leeds City fans forget Hu Lai!"

Good guy, it's like poking a hornet's nest. Many Leeds City fans on the Internet are already furious.

If Leeds City hadn't returned to Leeds yet, I'm afraid Zhou Zijing would have been scolded by Leeds City fans at the entrance of the training base...

Before even making his debut at Flanders Stadium, Zhou Zijing has already been classified as "unpopular" by many Leeds City fans.

This start is truly hellish, more difficult than Hu Lai's start.

After laughing, Song Jiajia said to Hu Lai: "Should you come out and express your opinion on this matter? Don't make things too tense. After all, you are partners in the national team. Save your face so that we can meet each other later..."

Hu Lai nodded: "How can there be a stalemate? I support that kid."

"Eh?" Song Jiajia was a little surprised.

"He is right. We have to work hard to make Leeds City forget about me. Otherwise, how could he succeed in Leeds City? I still want to compete for the World Cup. If I am surrounded by a partner who dare not even step on my shadow, I will What a crap World Cup!" Hu Lai said to Song Jiajia.

Song Jiajia was already stunned.


"...This afternoon, Hu made his official debut for Madrid Pirates in the presence of 20,000 fans at Pirates Park Stadium. His transfer set a record for the transfer fee of a player sold by Leeds City Club, and also set a record for a player transferred by Madrid Pirates Club. Record transfer fee... He wore the blue jersey of Madrid Pirates and showed his number to 20,000 fans..."

The cheers of the fans at the scene came from the TV.

David Miller was feeling sour in front of the TV.

"Only 20,000 people? Look at this empty stadium. Are Madrid Pirates fans so insincere?" he snorted. "You still have the nerve to say that you are from a wealthy family!"

His son Matthew, who was sitting in the distance, complained: "Dad, when he came to our place, fans in their early 200s came to welcome him!"

David Miller was speechless.

He could only give his son a fierce look: "It's as if you went there too!"

Unexpectedly, his son said: "I went! I even got a football signed by Hu!"

David Miller realized that this really happened. The football still sits on his son's desk, cherished by him...

"Damn it!" he cursed.

But he soon found another target for his anger.

"Tomorrow I'm going to scold that Zhou outside the training base! Who does he think he is? He just came to the team and has done nothing, yet he dares to look down on Hu! What else does he say to make us forget about Hu... Be his day Big dream! We will never forget Hu! He will always be the hero of Leeds City! The Flanders Stadium will sing "Hu's Song" over and over again!"

Today the Leeds City team has finished their training camp and warm-up match in Germany, and they all took a flight back to Leeds City in the evening.

All players will go to the training base tomorrow.

This naturally includes Zhou Zijing, who has newly joined the team.

Little Matthew didn't complain about his father this time, because deep down he was a little unhappy with what Zhou Zijing said at the beginning.

He has feelings for Hu Lai, but because Zhou Zijing and Hu Lai are both Chinese, he does not have feelings for Zhou Zijing.

For all Leeds City fans, Zhou Zijing wearing a Leeds City jersey is no different from an outsider. However, Hu Lai, who has already transferred and left, still looks like a member of Leeds City...

Little Matthew disapproved of his father running to scold the players, but he would not stop him.

After all... what does Zhou Zijing have to do with him?

At this moment, the scene on the TV news changed and showed Hu Lai attending a press conference before attending the welcome ceremony.

The newscaster continued: "At the meeting, a reporter from England asked Hu what he thought of Zhou's remarks..."

People in front of the TV suddenly became quiet and pricked up their ears.

Then there was the original sound of the scene. A reporter asked Hu Lai in English: "Zhou said that he will try hard to make Leeds City fans forget you. What do you think of his words?"


"Fuck, British paparazzi, British paparazzi, it's really a dog!"

Zhou Shenghai looked at the news on his phone and cursed.

He was drawn in by the news headlines:

"Zhou Zijing uttered wild words, and Hu Lai actually said this!"

say what?

Why did you write it for me in the title?

I clicked on the news and saw that it was video news. Then I clicked on the video. My phone reminded me that I need to open another app to watch the video news. If it is not installed, I need to download it...

If it weren't for the fact that he really wanted to know how Hu Lai would react to his son's words, Zhou Shenghai would have really wanted to click "cancel".

But he still jumped to the video app and watched this video news.

Soon he heard the British reporter's question:

"Zhou said that he would try hard to make Leeds City fans forget you. What do you think of his words?"

Zhou Shenghai cursed loudly.

This British reporter is nothing!

This is clearly an attempt to sow discord, add fuel to the flames, and just watch the fun without taking it too seriously!

Ever since his idiot son said those words, Zhou Shenghai now hopes that public opinion will completely forget about this matter and not have any discussion.

Whether in China or in the UK, his son has become the target of many people's attacks. If it continues to ferment, he is afraid that the situation will get out of control and eventually turn into huge pressure and completely crush his son.

He personally spent a lot of energy and asked a lot of favors to get some domestic sports reporters to say a few good words for his son in the media and on the Internet.

For example, "Zhou Zijing's words were taken out of context by unscrupulous Western reporters. What he really meant was that he hoped that he could perform as well as Hu Lai."

However, this explanation was still rejected by Hu Lai's fans.

They mocked: "As good? As good as Hu Lai? Okay, then let Zhou Zijing lead Leeds City to win the Premier League championship and the Europa League championship!"

This really left Zhou Shenghai speechless.

His son knows that if the Premier League championship and the Europa League championship are so easy to win, he might as well win it himself!

What do you think this is?

Zhou Shenghai could only beat his chest and scold his son.

From high school to the professional stage, I have always been with my son. As a result, this time, my son went to Germany to train with the team, but he didn’t follow him, and he actually did such a stupid thing...

Alas, the family is in trouble!

Zhou Shenghai, who was scolding in his mind, still stared at the phone screen, wanting to hear what Hu Lai had to say.

To be honest, no matter what Hu Lai said, he accepted it. Who told Zhou Zijing to initiate this matter?

It is reasonable for people to scold or complain...

In the picture, Hu Lai faced the reporter who asked the question with a smile on his face: "When I was saying goodbye to my Leeds City teammates, I told Zhou Zijing that he could stay in my house in Leeds. I left a special room for him. Give him the cupboard with the best wine in the show, and I hope he can fill it up.”

He first told such a story that no one else knew, and then changed the topic: "As everyone knows, I am a player who can do nothing but score goals, which means I am highly dependent on my teammates. So I am very happy. He can say that. Zhou Zijing is my national team teammate. I hope that my teammates will become stronger and stronger, because only in this way can I be stronger, ha..."

Zhou Shenghai was stunned.


"Um, Morikawa..." Zhou Zijing looked at the roommate next to him who he would spend time with day and night, and decided that it would be better to explain some things clearly. "You and Hu Lai are good friends, will you be upset if I say that?"

Morikawa Junpei glanced at him and shook his head: "Do you know my attitude towards Hu Lai at the beginning?"

Zhou Zijing shook his head: Who knows, you didn’t tell me!

He looked at Morikawa Junpei, wanting to hear his answer.

But the latter remained silent and just took out the key and opened the door.

The two of them walked into this small foreign-style building together.

They have ended their training camp in Frankfurt today and returned to Leeds.

As soon as he entered the door, all Zhou Zijing's attention was attracted by the two cabinets placed against the wall, and he forgot about wanting to know the answer to Junpei Morikawa.

Both cupboards were empty.

I guess this is the cabinet Hu Lai was talking about...

Seeing these two cabinets, Zhou Zijing had a headache.

He boasted that the cupboard was full in one season, but now he had two cupboards in front of him... This is simply impossible!

But he really didn't want to give in.

At this moment, he saw Junpei Morikawa walking to one of the cabinets and said, "After I saw that Hu Lai had this cabinet, I also wanted to buy a cabinet to store the best wine in the show. He and I both knew a It's not easy for a purely defensive midfielder to win the best of the game, but he didn't laugh at me or stop me, so I bought a cabinet and put it next to his cabinet..."

Zhou Zijing suddenly realized that not all of the two cabinets belonged to Hu Lai, but one belonged to Morikawa Junpei.

so far so good……

Junpei Morikawa looked back at Zhou Zijing: "Hu Sang won't be upset because you want to defeat him. Neither will I. Because I started working hard with the goal of defeating him, and it is still the case today."

Zhou Zijing looked at the two empty cabinets behind Junpei Morikawa and said after a while of silence: "Anyway, I really want to replace his position in the hearts of Leeds City fans..."

Junpei Morikawa nodded: "Then take this as your goal and risk everything to work hard."

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