Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 42 The Storm and Beyond

"Fox in the Forbidden Zone"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhang Qinghuan was half-lying on the sofa, pointing at the reporter who was speaking incoherently on the TV, and kept laughing.

Yong Jun, who was sitting next to him, smiled bitterly and shook his head.

They had just watched the post-match live interview, and they all knew what Hu Lai said.

"Hu Lai's bad mouth..." Yong Jun sighed helplessly, "It will definitely be on the headlines tomorrow."

"Ha, Uncle Yong, you don't have to wait for tomorrow, his words will be popular all over the Internet in a short while!" Zhang Qing laughed and rubbed his belly.

During the game, the commentator also said "Welcome to La Liga" to Hu Lai, but in Zhang Qinghuan's view, it had to be the other way around.

Whether it's a hat trick or this interview after the game, La Liga should get to know Hu Lai!

He is definitely not just the Premier League Golden Boot, World Cup Golden Boot and Europa League Golden Boot that you have seen, but his random name also represents a lot of things... Take your time to understand it!

When the Sevilla Navigators fans were mocking Hulay in the stands, Zhang Qinghuan was waiting for Hulay's counterattack.

He thought that the hat trick was Hu Lai's most powerful reply to these Navigators fans, but he didn't expect that he would be waiting here for the post-game interview!

This kind of yin and yang is really Hu Lai's style.

I believe that the Navigators fans will have an explosive mentality after the game.

If this was the world in the movie "Kingsman", I'm afraid the whole city of Seville should set off "fireworks"...


Zhang Qinghuan expected it to be good.

There was no need to wait until tomorrow. Just after Hu Lai was interviewed, this video was intercepted by enthusiastic netizens and posted online.

At first, because the video was in Spanish, its spread was limited to Spanish-speaking areas, such as Spain, South America and Mexico.

Later, Leeds City fans who had been following Hu Lai added English subtitles to this video, which broke through the language restrictions in many regions and spread widely in a very short period of time.

It also inspired the enthusiasm of the majority of netizens for secondary creation.

Someone marked the key points for everyone and silenced all the "junk information" in the first paragraph of Hu Lai's interview, leaving only what Hu Lai really wanted to express. After eliminating the essentials, everyone immediately knew that Hu Lai What did Lai have to say:

"...We ended up winning the game...I just played against them in the Europa League...I also scored a hat-trick...We beat them...In the end it was us who won...Navigator is still a opponent I...can defeat..."

In short: Although Navigator is very powerful, I can always win, and I can't win at all.

There are also people who made a ghost video by changing the voice and arranging a large paragraph of Hu Lai's words.

As the saying goes, "What is said is not as good as what is sung", so now Hu Lai's words in the interview have become a song, "sung" by himself.

Spread faster and wider, completely out of the circle...

Even those who don't usually follow football have seen this video through various channels.

This is Hulay's first game in La Liga, but in terms of influence and communication, he has become the biggest traffic star.

It even surpassed the limelight of many top La Liga stars such as Melli and Cerrados.

Of course, this kind of traffic has brought him enough attention, but there are also mixed reviews for his approach.

Some people criticized Hu Lai's behavior as being ungentlemanly. As a winner, he would taunt his opponent in a weird way after winning the ball, which was very ungraceful.

But some people said that Hulay was really serious. After all, it was the fans of Sevilla Navigator who committed the offense first, and he was just "legitimate defense" in a sense.

There are still talented people who don't care about this. They think Hu Lai has an interesting voice, an interesting personality, and can score goals, so they support him no matter what he says.

Especially Madrid Pirates fans.

I already had a good impression of Hu Lai, and now my favorable impression is overwhelming.

Since announcing his joining the Pirates, Hulay has added a lot of fans to his social network, most of them are fans of the Madrid Pirates.

Now that the first round of the league has been played, the number of fans has increased dramatically.

Obviously, everyone was attracted by Hu Lai's various performances in this game and became a fan of him.

In terms of football ability, he completed a hat trick in just half a game, becoming the first Madrid Pirates player to score a hat trick in his debut in 63 years.

In terms of talking skills, he was able to make the fans of Sevilla Navigators explode when he was interviewed after the game.

For every Madrid Pirates fan, it is a double joy to beat the Sevilla Navigators fans on and off the field.

For this reason, no matter what Hu Lai does, they have no brains to support him.

Madrid Pirates fans are known for their fanaticism, and when they fall in love with someone, they can love with all their heart and soul, completely unconditionally.

Not to mention that Hu Lai has given them too many reasons to love him now.

When Sevilla Navigators fans ran under the news reports about the game to attack Jule, Madrid Pirates fans spontaneously went to fight with them to defend their hero.

Fans from both sides fought fiercely in every corner of the online world, and smoke was everywhere.

In the end, Madrid Pirates fans also learned Hulay's trick.

No matter what the Navigators fans yelled at, they only replied: "But Hu completed the hat trick!"

It can be called a classic example of "you fight yours and I'll fight mine".

These words hit the Sevilla Navigator fans hard, and almost all of them broke their defense.

As long as the Pirates fans say this, the Navigators fans will immediately curse below.

There are also Madrid Pirates fans who are deeply inspired and feel that instead of fighting back one by one, it is better to make a video and release it to form a firepower coverage, carpet bombing and devastating blow to the Navigators fans.

He included a clip of Navigators fans chanting "Where's Ho?" at the beginning of the video.

"Where is Hu?!"

"Where is Hu?!"

"Where is Hu?!"

After three shouts, the screen switched to the scene of Hu Lai's volley.

And accompanied by Sanchez's passionate roar: "Irazusta is inserting...Irazusta directly breaks through the bottom...cross!...Hu!!! goooooooooooooooooooooooool!!! gol! gol! gol!" gol!!!”

The screen changed again, Di Kunzo's cross passed, Hulay broke out from between Montero and Arthur, pushed the ball, and the football rolled into the goal again.

"Hu! Hu!! Scored twice! Madrid Pirates leads Sevilla Navigators 3:1 in the away game!!"

The screen continues to switch.

Tonini's elevator ball was hit by Sevilla Navigator goalkeeper Duric and hit the crossbar. Hulay then appeared in front of the goal and scored with a stab!

"Oh my God! Hu! He scored again! He is still not satisfied after scoring two goals. This is his third goal! It is also his second time against Sevilla Navigators. hat trick!"

The Navigators fans shouted three times, in exchange for three goals from Hu Lai.

The Madrid Pirates fan who made the video also added a naughty subtitle at the end of the video:

"Hu heard the cry of Navigators fans and he didn't let them down! :p"

This video was posted online, and it was like dropping a nuclear bomb on the Sevilla Navigators fan base...

On the one hand, it explains clearly the grudge between the two to those neutral fans who don’t understand why Hu Lai is so ungrateful to the Navigators fans. On the other hand, it also tells everyone that it was the Navigators fans who provoked first, but was slapped in the face by Hu Lai later. , it is completely "shooting a stone and hitting yourself in the foot", as embarrassing as you want.


There was a conflict at the last moment of the game between Sevilla Navigator and Madrid Pirates. Normally this would be the biggest news breakout of the game.

But nowadays, almost no one mentions this matter.

There are too many points that can be promoted in this game, and the conflict on the court is really not worth mentioning.

Maxi Carey scored his first goal after a serious knee injury in this game and staged a "Return of the King" show.

But his hard-working performance was just to pave the way for the legendary story that followed.

As if it's not worth mentioning.

After the game, the entire Madrid Pirates team returned to Madrid overnight, and the players went home one after another.

Maxi Carey met his wife Sophia who was still waiting for him at home.

Facing Kaili, who was a little depressed about being robbed of the limelight, Sophia gave him a warm hug.

"Congratulations, my dear. You have finally overcome your injury!"

She didn't care how many goals Hu Lai scored, she only knew that her husband scored a goal in this game.

This was his first goal after a year-long scoring drought due to a knee injury.

Kaili hugged his childhood sweetheart wife, full of complaints and depression, which finally turned into a passionate kiss.


Hu Lai used his fingerprint to open the door of his house, and the lights lit up one after another in the originally dark room.

It is bright from the entrance to the living room and even the dining room.

In front of the huge floor-to-ceiling glass window, the originally opened curtains were closing automatically, and the low hum of the motor was the only sound in the room.

A smart house does not require you to press the light switches one by one, nor does it require you to go to the window to draw the curtains.

Just set up the scene called "Go home at night".

It is automatically triggered when you unlock the door.

Turn on the lights and draw the curtains, just like the drawbridge on the castle moat being pulled up, turning your home into a strong and safe castle, making those inside feel at ease.

But Hu Lai doesn't think there's anything good about it now.

Because he was the only one in this huge room.

Li Qingqing went to a closed training camp with the Madrid Kings women's team yesterday in order to prepare for the new season of the Spanish Women's Super League.

Unlike the men's La Liga, the Spanish Women's Super League only has 16 participating teams, so only thirty rounds are played in a season.

Their schedule is not intensive, and they do not have to start the game as early as mid-August.

This season’s Spanish Women’s Super League will kick off in early September.

It will be ten days before Li Qingqing comes back.

During this period, Hu Lai had to live alone.

This may be the biggest inconvenience of both being professional players.

But Hu Lai also understands.

He didn't even send a WeChat message to chat with Li Qingqing after he scored a hat trick, because he knew that Li Qingqing was already going to bed at this time and it was not appropriate to disturb her at this time.

So no matter how much I say, I have to wait until tomorrow.

After briefly washing himself, he lay down on the two-meter-wide bed to sleep.

He always fell asleep quickly when sleeping alone. After tossing and turning, he realized that he was no longer used to sleeping alone...

The long night is long, alone in an empty bed.

Damn the King of Madrid!

What kind of closed training camp must be held at this time...Why don't our Pirates' women's football team do this?

Hu Lai turned over, rolled towards the side where Li Qingqing usually slept, and then grabbed Li Qingqing's pillow.

Smelling the faint fragrance from Li Qingqing's hair on the pillow, he simply held the pillow in his arms as if he were his sweetheart.

Just like that...slowly falling asleep.

He had just scored three goals at Sevilla's Estadio Tempesta just hours earlier, and the storm he had set off was raging online.

But now, he himself was forced to enjoy tranquility and loneliness.

It was as if the hustle and bustle of the outside world had nothing to do with him.

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