Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 56 Maxi Carey’s Problem

"... In the third round of La Liga that ended last night, Madrid Pirates defeated Sebastian 2:1 in an away game and won three consecutive league victories. Hu scored twice in this game and scored against the Pirates All two goals were the main contributor to the team's ability to score three points in the away game... This shooter who cost the club 120 million euros is in great form and is killing it! Even the most picky Pirates fans , and will no longer question whether the club's spending so much money on Hu is worth it... Pirates fans already regard Hu as a future legend of the club..."

"With six goals in three games, Hu is making history in La Liga. He is not only the first player in the history of Madrid Pirates Club to score six goals in the first three games, but also the first player in the history of La Liga to score six goals in the first three games for a new team. The first person to score six goals... Although Hu has just started in La Liga, he has already become the focus of everyone's attention. From Madrid to Sevilla, from Barcelona to Valencia, the media and fans are discussing him ...If you ask me, Sevilla Navigator lost unjustly in the Europa League final. Who can stop such a killer?"

"It is said that there is a proverb in China called 'three fires for a new official to take office'. Hu vividly explained this proverb to us with his six goals in three games. Not only in Madrid Pirates, but also in Leeds City. He scored five goals in the first three games - he scored a total of 11 goals in the Premier League that season, and these first three games accounted for almost half... It is reported that "The Godfather of Champions" production company Sports The ranger is considering adjusting Hu’s adaptability to full value 20..."

"Although Sebastian defended Hu very tightly during the game, Hu still found two opportunities. With these two opportunities, he scored two goals. He only had four goals in this game. Three shots hit the goal frame, and he scored two goals. The efficiency was amazing... And judging from these three games, we were surprised to find that he seemed to have played with this team for the entire season. The ball is like that. If we don’t remind you, just looking at the game, we might think that he transferred to the team last season... Hu’s second goal in the game, Toni’s pass and Hu’s forward penetration The movement was just right and the two of them cooperated seamlessly. If Toni had passed the ball a little earlier, or if he had run a little earlier, the ball would have definitely been offside..."

"When Hu rejected the Madrid Kings, some Kings fans said that Hu would regret not choosing the Kings. So now I don't know whether Hu should regret it or the Kings should regret it? Melly has also scored in three league rounds so far. Four goals, if not for Hu's six goals, Melli should be at the top of the scorer list, but now all the limelight has been stolen by Hu... I think Kings fans will have this fantasy in their hearts: If Hu can join King, if he partners with Melli, then the King should be invincible in La Liga, right? Unfortunately, or fortunately, such a thing did not happen. The best thing to watch in La Liga is competing with each other, rather than teaming up to monopolize the championship... ...The Blue and White Munich have won six consecutive Bundesliga titles, what’s the point of such a league?”


"Honestly, after watching Hu's performance in these three games, I suddenly understood Tony Clark."

First assistant coach Jesus Valentin said this to head coach Ettore Parotti.

"I understand him too," Parotti said with a smile.

"We always felt that we saw Hu's limitations in Leeds City. If Hu was only allowed to be a point-grabbing shooter, Hu's progress would be limited and there wouldn't be much room for improvement. I still wonder how Clark could see such a simple thing. Not coming out? I now feel that Clark may not have noticed it, but that for his Leeds City, letting Hu concentrate on grabbing points is the best choice..." Valentine continued. "After all, when a player has such a terrible scoring ability, why is there any need to make changes?"

"Yeah, just these three games, I was almost shaken. For a few moments, I seriously considered whether to give up our new requirements for Hu and let him play in the way he is familiar with. ..." Parotti continued.

In the first round of the league, due to the short training time before the game, when Parotti replaced Hulay, he told him to play in the way he was familiar with.

In fact, the goal is to make Hulay a pure point-grabbing forward like he did in Leeds City.

Because of Hu Lai's superb ability to seize opportunities and efficiency in front of goal, this is the easiest way and does not require high tacit understanding.

But Parotti had no choice but to make a temporary move at the time, which does not mean that he will let Hulay follow the old path of Leeds City.

What he considered was to first let Hu Lai gain confidence by scoring goals, consolidate his position in the team, buy time, and then slowly adjust.

Who would have thought that Hu Lai was in such good shape in these three games.

Playing in the way he is accustomed to, scoring goals one after another, he can't stop at all. Madrid Pirates also won three consecutive victories at the beginning of the league.

On the contrary, Parotti was shocked and considered whether to let Hu Lai kick out like this.

Fortunately, he was determined... and did not give up his original plan.

He believes that if Hulay wants to develop higher and his Pirates want to achieve better results and hit the league championship and the Champions League, then Hulay must stick to the route he has set for him.

You need to integrate more into your own transmission and control system.

He must improve his passing ability and appear in more places in the frontcourt instead of just staying in the penalty area most of the time like before.

"But this is a good thing after all. These three games with six goals have bought us and Hu enough time. Even if his performance has ups and downs in the future, it will not form any bad public opinion. The environment..." Parotti said again. "Everyone will be more tolerant and patient with him. We can also implement the plan more calmly."

"Judging from the training during this period, he has improved very quickly. But there is a problem, Ettore." Valentin frowned, "Maxi did not have a wonderful chemical reaction with Hu as you imagined. He played a good half game in the first round and then sank again."

Parotti sighed: "Maybe I shouldn't have replaced him at halftime in the first round..."

"Since you want Hu to focus on grabbing points at that time, you can only replace him. Your decision is okay. After all, he and Hu couldn't cooperate at the time. After he gets the ball, he will choose to do it himself instead of passing the ball. But Di Kunzo is more suitable to cooperate with the point-grabbing Hu." Valentine shook his head.

After scoring a goal in the first round of the league, everyone thought Maxi Carey had finally overcome the physical and psychological torture caused to him by the damn injury.

As a result, in the second round of the league, Kaili and Hu Lai started as a starting partner, but their performance was not satisfactory. The two did not cooperate. Carey seemed eager to prove that he was no worse than Hu Lai, who scored a hat trick, by scoring his own goals.

In the game against Valero, there were several times when it was clear that Hulay had already run into the space, but Kyrie refused to pass the ball and insisted on doing it himself.

There was even one time when he was spiking the ball continuously in the ribs. Hu Lai stood in the middle and watched the show. He watched Kyrie dunk back and forth several times without passing the ball. In the end, he chose to force his kick and shoot over the crossbar.

So not long after the start of the second half, Parotti replaced Carey with Dikunzo.

Not long after Dikunzo came on the field, Hulay scored, and it was Dikunzo who assisted him. It can be said that the effect of this substitution was immediate.

In the third round of the league's away game against Sebastian, Carey was not included in the starting lineup at all.

He was not replaced until the 72nd minute of the game, and he was replaced by Hu Lai, who scored twice.

Because Hulay flew to London to attend the UEFA awards ceremony in mid-week, the training was inconsistent. Considering that he would have to fly back to distant China to participate in the national team game, Parotti replaced him early in order to prevent him from being too tired and injured during the national team game.

Kaili, who replaced Hu Lai, did not have the problem of not being able to cooperate with Hu Lai, but his performance still did not improve.

Even a fool can see that he is impatient, not patient and meticulous enough in handling the ball, and fails to seize opportunities when he encounters them.

"Maybe I should have a good talk with him..." Parotti pondered.

"It's not easy to convince him."

"It's not easy but it has to be done. I believe he can coexist with Hu," Parotti said. "Thinking about it now, that goal in the first round gave him confidence, but it may not be a good thing..."

Valentin agrees with Parotti's view.

The first goal of the Madrid Pirates this season was scored by Maxi Carey, which made him full of confidence, thinking that he had returned to his best condition and could completely suppress the opponent in the competition with Hulay.

Turns out his performance on that ball may have been short-lived.

"Wait until he comes back from playing for the national team. I will have a good chat with him then. I hope he can be calmer during this conversation..."

Parotti sighed.

For Maxi Carey, he was heartbroken.

If you want to lead the Madrid Pirates to surpass the results achieved during the Hantcek period, Maxi Carey is as important as Hulay.

Parotti believes that Carey's skills and experience can provide important support to the team.

The Madrid Pirates currently lack a player who can organize the offense. The two central midfielders among the four midfielders are basically engineers - Ramirez is a typical defensive midfielder, while Joaquin Vela is opposite Ramirez. More comprehensive, but also mediocre across the board, and offensive advancement can only rely on the wings.

In Parotti's vision, Carey can either attack in the forward position or drop back to become a free man in the frontcourt to help the team sort out the offense in the midfield and frontcourt. His skills, coupled with Hulay's scoring ability, can make the Madrid Pirates' offensive firepower even stronger.

Of course, the premise is that Kyrie has to change his previous playing habits, and it is not easy to convince him to do so.

Especially when he feels good about himself...

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