Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 71 A whip-like opponent

On the second day of the Champions League match, a video appeared on the Internet, which was a video clip of the Madrid Kings players training.

It was a normal training, nothing weird or special.

On the field, the Madrid Kings players wore training vests of different colors and were competing in groups.

However, at the ten second mark of the video, when the football flew outside the penalty area, Melli suddenly jumped into the air and attempted an overhead kick!

But his kick turned the football into an anti-aircraft gun and flew straight into the sky on the training ground.

The video ends abruptly here.

This video was shot with a mobile phone, and it can be seen that the picture is constantly shaking and unstable. It was clearly not the work of a journalist from the official media of the King of Madrid.

Even after many compressions, the picture is not very clear.

But the clarity is meaningless, because even with this quality, everyone can clearly see that it was Melli who kicked the ball into the sky with the barb.

This video was sent by a reporter, and this reporter... is usually relatively close to the Madrid Pirates.

So everyone knows the meaning of this video being released.

Sure enough, under this video, many Madrid Pirates fans flocked to taunt Melli:

"Ouch, are you trying to imitate Hu Ye's 35-meter barb?"

The distance between Hu Lai's barbs is actually 34.2 meters, but people usually don't state the number so accurately when talking, so they automatically make it 35 meters.

Now the fans are passing it around, Hu Lai's barb is already thirty-five meters away.

"Hu Shi scored with an overhead kick in the game, but Melli could only score with an overhead kick in training, but he couldn't score!"

"What do you think of Meili? If I were Meili, if I saw Hu landing a barb, I wouldn't use the barb for at least a month..."

"Meili's actual actions proved that he is indeed not as good as Hu! Hahaha!"


"The club is investigating who leaked the training video.

"Agent Alfonso Candela said, putting down his cell phone. He had just finished a phone call with the club.

On the phone, he was very angry that the video of the Kings internal training was leaked online and expressed his dissatisfaction to the Kings Club.

The Kings Club also promised that they would investigate the matter and if there was really an insider, they would give an explanation to Melli and the others no matter what.

This thing is really too bad.

It was originally just an ordinary attempted overhead kick in training. At any other time, it would not be a big deal.

But just after Hu Lai had just completed a shocking barb, this video was posted with some ulterior motives...

So Melly suddenly went from being the pride of heaven to being the clown that everyone ridiculed.

"How hateful! Taking an ordinary training video out of context and fanning the flames!" Candela was still very angry despite ending the call. "What does Barb have to do with Hu in your training?! It's simply disgusting..."

"It does matter."

Before Kendra could finish his words, he heard Merry next to him suddenly say this, choking the rest of his words in his throat.

He turned to look at Merry suspiciously.

The Argentine genius shook his head and said: "With this ball, I really want to see if I can score with an overhead kick from such a distance..."

He pointed at the video of his failed barb on the phone screen.

"That footballer has a lot of luck. Let alone you, if you ask him to try again under the same situation, there is 100% chance that he will not score!" Candela said quickly.

"Of course, luck. But he has scored after all. Whether it is luck or not, from now on, before it is broken, the record for the longest overhead kick in world football will belong to Hu. So what to say now There is no point in being unlucky. There is no need for us to be like those fans and worry about whether Hu is lucky or not. It is a fact that he scored a goal, and this goal is a fact..."

Hearing what Melly said, Candela was stunned and didn't know what to say.

Meili continued: "It turns out that Hu is a very strong opponent. In some places, I am indeed not as good as him."

Candela thought that Melli was a little frustrated, and quickly comforted him: "You and he are not players of the same style, Melli. You can't make such a simple comparison..."

Melly interrupted him with a smile: "Alfonso, you misunderstood. I said I was not as good as him, not because I was frustrated. But only in this way can I work harder."

"Better effort?"

"Yeah." Melly nodded, talking to his agent Alfonso Candela, who was very familiar with him.

"I know how the outside world evaluates me. They all say that I am a future superstar and a leader among young players in today's football. Whether it is Kabangka, Ricardo Barea of ​​Tramed, or There are no other people, they are not as good as me... After hearing it too much, I believe it myself."

Kandra heard Melly say this and did not interrupt him this time. Instead, she continued to listen very seriously and patiently.

Melly met him when he was very young. He had a keen eye for talents at that time. When Melly was signed to the Kings Youth Team, he signed a very generous agency contract with him. After so many years of cooperation between the two, their relationship has changed from what it used to be. It’s no longer just a business relationship of “you help me make money and I’ll pay you a share”.

Many times, their relationship is more like that of a family member.

Now hearing Melly suddenly say this, Candela realized that Melly was thinking about something seriously, and this thinking was beneficial to him.

Melli continued: "Yes, it sounds like they are right. I won the Champions League, twice. Honors in the club, league championship, Copa del Rey, Spanish Super Cup, European Super Cup , Club World Cup championship... I have won everything I can get. Apart from the national team, I seem to have nothing to pursue. And..."

At this point, he paused for a moment before continuing: "And, after Cerrados, I will definitely be the king's star player... It's perfect, isn't it, Alfonso?"

Candela nodded.

That's exactly what it is.

In today's football world, the original "Four Kings" are getting old and retired, and their influence is no longer what it used to be. Both the media and fans are more enthusiastic about chasing young players of Melli's age.

Among this new generation, Merry is the first, followed by the others.

Even Kabangka, who has always been regarded as the "double pride" of Melli, is not as good as Melli in terms of club honors, and his status and evaluation are naturally worse.

Melly's importance to the Kings has skyrocketed this season. The Kings Club seems to want to build Melli into the next generation's number one superstar.

Tactical configuration, media resources, etc. tend to favor Melly.

On this point, Alfonso Candela also agrees with the Kings Club. As Melli's agent, he is naturally happy to see the results.

Although Melli has not yet won the European Ballon d'Or or World Footballer, but if this trend continues, Candela believes that it won't be long before Melli will win these pinnacle honors that any professional player dreams of. Merry has the strength and the king has the resources. It's just a matter of course.

"But I always feel that something is not right..." Melly frowned and continued, "I just feel that everything comes too easily. Last year... last season, I even slacked off a little."

To say slackness is actually a bit harsh.

Because Melly scored a total of 38 goals in various club competitions last season, if this performance can be considered "slacking", there are not many professional enough players out there that day.

But on the other hand, Melly was right.

Because the Madrid Kings failed in the league and Champions League last season and only won a tasteless King's Cup championship.

The reasons for this are very complicated, but Melly feels that he has his own responsibility.

If his performance can be better, if he can not only score 38 goals...especially in a few key games, if he can show better performance and decide the outcome, then maybe it can Rewrite the final outcome.

Even if he can lead the Madrid Kings to win the Champions League again, then the European Ballon d'Or at the beginning of this season must belong to him...

Candela heard Melly say that his performance was slack last season, and wanted to retort and comfort him.

In his opinion, Melly's performance last season was not bad. Although the club's total number of goals is not as good as Hulay, Hulay is the core of the offense and the terminator in Leeds City.

Where's Melly?

The King's Terminator is more of Cerrados. It was only this season that Mellie began to be allowed more firing rights.

So being able to score 38 goals in the league, Copa del Rey and Champions League under such circumstances is already amazing.

This performance is fully worthy of the praise given to Melly by the outside world.

But Candela swallowed the words as soon as they came to her lips.

Because he realized that no matter what Melly's actual performance was last season, if he could not be satisfied with this performance and continue to work hard... why should he stop him from doing so?

Sure enough, Melly said next: "Fortunately, Hu came to Madrid at this time, and he and I became real opponents. I can get all his news and see his in the nearest place every week. Performance. He is like a whip, waking me up when I am slacking off. Let me understand..."

At this point, Melly raised his head and looked at Candela: "Let me understand that if I continue to slack off, I will be surpassed by him. Those things that everyone takes for granted will be far away from me. In fact, I am... nothing."

This time Candela did not try to find reasons to comfort Melly, but nodded and said solemnly:

"You're right, Mellie."

Melly smiled happily: "I'm so happy that you think so, Alfonso! I was afraid that you would think I was being pretentious."

Candela had a happy smile on her face as an elder sees a promising junior:

"How could it be? I have always believed that you will become the best player in the world. But if you want to be the best, you must always keep moving forward. There is a moment in your career that spurs your opponents on. Lucky thing. Just like the 'Four Kings', they constantly compete and make each other successful."

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