Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 77 Consecutive goals

"Hu Lai!! I knew it, ha! I knew it!"

Spanish TV commentator Alvarez Sanchez laughed in the live broadcast room.

When he said this, Hu Lai on the screen had just finished his signature celebration.

"Hu scored again! His goal helped Madrid Pirates lead Real Steele 2:0 in the away game! This is his fifth consecutive La Liga goal! Don't know if he has a chance to break Rivero's 2003-2004 The record for consecutive goals scored by the Madrid Pirates team during the season..."

Former Uruguayan striker Agustín Rivero played for Madrid Pirates at the turn of the century. He played for Madrid Pirates for a total of five seasons, helping the team score 128 goals in all competitions, ranking Madrid's top scorer. Tenth on the Pirates Club's all-time scorer list.

The record Sanchez mentioned was set by Rivero in the 2003-2004 season. He scored in eight consecutive league rounds that season and scored a total of 11 goals.

Of course, this is just the scoring streak within the Madrid Pirates team.

The record for consecutive goals in La Liga history belongs to the Madrid Pirates' rivals, the Kings of Madrid.

The creator is Alexandra Cerrados, the current captain of the Madrid Kings and one of the "Four Kings". He was created in the 2022-2023 season, scoring 25 goals in 17 consecutive league rounds.

Hulay has currently scored eight goals in five consecutive La Liga games.

It is not difficult to surpass Rivero as the record holder for consecutive goals scored by the Madrid Pirates.

But it will be very difficult to break Cerrados' record of 25 goals in 17 games.

Completing this record is a combination of strength and good luck.

As strong as Maxi Carey. At his peak, Rivero's record was not even broken. He scored ten goals in six consecutive games. His scoring efficiency was higher than Rivero's, but it did nothing to break the record. use.


With goals from Hulay and Tonini, Madrid Pirates finally defeated Real Steele 2-0 away from home.

They and Catalan United have maintained a complete victory in the league so far, with 15 points together. However, because the goal difference is not as much as Catalan United, they are temporarily ranked second.

Real Catharon, who was originally ranked third, tied with Samir Sports in this round of the league.

Defeated by Getafe 132 4:1 in this round. Melly scored twice and scored six goals in the league, chasing Hu Lai in the top scorer list.

The top three in La Liga are back to being dominated by the "three heroes of the Spanish Super League".

Saria, who has been in good form since the start of the new season, ranked fourth this time.

After a hard battle at home in this round of the league, they defeated Sporting Vizcaya 3:2.

Zhang Qinghuan did not score a goal in this round of the league, but he had one assist and performed quite well.

And it’s not just in the league that he performed well, he also performed well in the Europa League group stages that started last week.

In the first round of the Europa League group stage, Sarria's opponent was the Budapest Youth Team. In this game, Saria shook hands with its opponent 1:1 at home.

But if it weren't for Zhang Qinghuan's assist in the 78th minute of the game, Saria might have capsized at home.

Judging from the performance in the league and the Europa League, Saria's goal this season should be to pursue results in the league first, and the Europa League... Of course it would be good to achieve results, but if not, it doesn't matter, don't do it Force.

In fact, this is also the case. Before the start of the new season, the goal set by Sarria Club for the team is to qualify for the European Cup in the league, while the Europa League does not put forward specific requirements.

Obviously, after the team was relegated after playing in the Europa League, Saria's club leaders learned their lesson.

Knowing what is fundamental is of course league results.

It is true that you can make a lot of money by going further in the Europa League, but if you are relegated from the league, the economic loss will not be worth it even if you participate in two consecutive Europa Leagues.


After the game against Royal Steele, there will be another league game next Tuesday.

In this game, Parotti is preparing to rotate the team's lineup.

It's not that the team's physical fitness is not enough to cope with double matches a week. After all, the Madrid Pirates have just concluded their summer training camp, so there is no problem with being physically fit.

The main reason for the rotation is the seventh round of the league next Saturday.

It was the first Madrid derby of the season.

Madrid Pirates will challenge Madrid Kings away from home.

In order to play this game well, the main players must be fully rested.

After playing the city derby against the Kings of Madrid, the next step is the away challenge to Leeds City in the Champions League group stage.

The schedule is not only intensive, but also all important games.

Only in the game against Pamplona, ​​currently ranked 18th in the league, the Madrid Pirates can still rotate.

"But there's a question, Ettore," first assistant coach Jesus Valentin told Parotti. "Does Hu want to be rotated?"

When Parotti heard this question, he did not immediately give an answer, but fell into deep thought.

He knew why his assistant asked this question.

It stands to reason that Hu Lai, as the team's current leading scorer, is very important. It must be ensured that there will be no problems with his physical condition.

Therefore, it is normal to arrange for Hulay to rest during the game against Pamplona.

But this is a normal thing, but there are still differences among the coaching staff.

Some people worry that if Hulay is given a rest for a game, it will interrupt his current scoring momentum.

You must know that he has scored eight goals in five games now, scoring in every game. What if this rotation breaks and the scoring momentum stops during the derby with the Madrid Kings?

Some people are worried that if Hu Lai is allowed to rest at this time, Hu Lai himself will not do it.

Although I don’t know if Hulay will definitely be able to break Augustin Rivero’s consecutive scoring record, but with this momentum, wouldn’t asking him to rotate mean giving up the opportunity to break the record?

Will Hu Lai accept such an arrangement?

Since joining the team, Hu Lai has shown a personality that is easy to talk to and does not cause trouble. But who doesn’t have a temper?

You can't go and ask Hu Lai, "Do you care about the consecutive scoring record? If you don't care, just take a rest."

How is that possible!

Finally, Parotti turned his attention to the team's physical fitness coach Diego Morales: "Is the physical test report out?"

Before each game, a physical test will be conducted on the players to obtain their physical condition.

If you fail the physical test, you will not be able to participate in the competition. If your physical fitness has not fully recovered, you may be placed on the substitute list.

Morales nodded: "It's out. As before, Hu's physical fitness is 100% fine. It's like he has never played against Royal Steele..."

Others on the coaching staff couldn't help but gasp.

This was not the first time, but they still found it incredible when they saw Hu Lai's amazing physical recovery ability again.

In the physical tests before each game before this, Hu Lai's physical fitness was very good.

At that time, the physical fitness coach Morales noticed something and even talked to Hu Lai specifically. The latter told him that his physical recovery speed was different from ordinary people, and it could be regarded as a kind of talent.

However, at that time, there was only one game a week, and although Hu Lai's physical performance was good, it was not too exaggerated. Some players with good physical fitness can also do it.

But since returning to the club after participating in the national team game, the team has been playing double games in a row.

Under such circumstances, Hu Lai's physical fitness still ranks among the best in every physical test.

This has to surprise people. Is Hu Lai's physical fitness already so good?

There were only three or four days between each game, and there was traveling back and forth between the two ends of the Eurasian continent, but it did not affect his physical recovery...

Finally, Parotti made the decision: "Let him, but he must be replaced in advance."

Hearing this, Valentin wrote Hu Lai's name into the list.

There are not many names on this list, and the candidates for most positions have not yet been finalized and will be decided based on the training situation in the past two days.


"Hu Lai, if your head coach informs you to take a break against Pamplona, ​​what will you do?"

During dinner, Li Qingqing asked Hu Lai this question.

"I will talk to him alone and hope he changes his mind."

"I thought you would accept the head coach's would you care about what was said outside about breaking the record?" Li Qingqing looked at Hu Lai with wide eyes and asked.

"Of course, I want to break the record." Hu Lai nodded honestly. "If possible, I would also like to break the record of Cerrados. But what I want to break most at the moment is Rivero's record of eight consecutive goals. I feel that I have been in good form recently, and I want to be in this state Keep it going.”

In fact, there was another important reason why Hu Lai didn't tell Li Qingqing, because he couldn't say it.

That means he still has system tasks...

After he scored six goals in three games, he received a task issued by the system:

"Task: Please try to maintain the momentum of scoring goals in each round of the league, the longer the better. Mission reward: Determined based on final completion. Each extended round of league points will increase by 50,000, [Powerful Smart Potion] × 1. Current progress :6Unknown"

This is the first assignment he received after moving to Madrid Pirates.

Now Hu Lai is used to the elusive mission system, or he has nothing to do with it.

This task completely depends on the mood of the system. If you are in a good mood, it will issue a task to you. If you are in a bad mood, it may remain silent for several months.

Although with Hu Lai's current ability, the system only has a supporting role for him. When he just came to this world and was still a football rookie, the system was very important to him. At that time, without the help of the system, he would be unable to move forward.

But now, after all, he has received so many years of training in a professional team, so it is not like he has completely stopped without the system and his true colors have been exposed.

Currently, the most obvious things that the system allows him to perceive are [physical potions] and various training scrolls.

[Lover's Red String] has become a permanent item and is worn on his wrist. He does not need to spend 10,000 points to redeem it in every game.

Although props like [Broken Bear Shin Guards] and [Lingxi Card] are very useful, they are not needed in every game.

Despite this, Hu Lai still wants to complete the task and hopes to have more tasks.

Because he needs to accumulate enough points.

These points are mainly used in national team competitions, such as key matches in the World Cup qualifying matches, or simply the World Cup main matches.

Those are the places where he needs the system most.

Li Qingqing naturally wouldn't think about the system. She couldn't even imagine that her boyfriend was cheating, but she also understood Hu Lai's urgency.

Who would complain that there are too few goals?

Who would hesitate when it is possible to set a new record?

So she said: "After I finish reviewing, I will help you practice your left foot. You must be the target of public criticism now, and the opponent will definitely defend your right foot. If you shoot with your left foot as soon as possible at this time, you can Make it harder for your opponent to defend you."

Hu Lai nodded: "Then please, coach!"

The chapters of "Fox in the Forbidden Zone" will continue to be updated.

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