Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 82 Those grudges

Han Shuyu stood in front of his chair.

Her chair is in the north stand of the Crown, the area where Madrid's die-hard Kings fans hang out.

When she arrived, the home team fans had already hung a giant TIF on top of the North Stand.

On the TIF is the harvest goddess Sibeles wearing the red jersey of the Madrid Kings. Behind Sibeles are the star players of the Madrid Kings, including their captain Cerrados, number one genius Melli, and goalkeeper Buck. Er, midfielder Dudu Carlos...

Above these stars is one of the slogans of Kings of Madrid:

"Best players, best team!"

Opposite the North Stand across the stadium is the South Stand, where the visiting team Madrid Pirates fans dominate. They also prepared a giant TIF.

The TIF is still the harvest goddess Sibeleth. It's just that this goddess is wearing the blue jersey of Madrid Pirates.

Why can the same goddess, who is also a king, wear a Pirates jersey?

This is because both clubs regard Sibeles as their goddess of luck.

Whether it is the King of Madrid or the Pirates of Madrid, after they win the championship, they will choose to go to the Plaza de la Harvest to celebrate. Because this square is located in the center of Madrid, it is very convenient for people to gather.

Not only are the fans of these two clubs, even after the Spanish national team wins, the Plaza de la Harvest is also the designated celebration place. Last summer, after the Spanish national team won the World Cup in the United States and Canada, it was here that they returned with great honors and met tens of thousands of Spanish fans. The fans celebrated together.

In fact, it was the creativity of Madrid Pirates fans who first chose the Plaza de la Harvest to celebrate the championship. As early as the 1970s, after the team won the Europa League, a large number of Pirates fans gathered in the Plaza de la Harvest to celebrate. At that time, some Pirates fans climbed up the statue of the Harvest Goddess with the help of others, and then tied the Pirates' scarf and team flag around the goddess's neck.

This scene was photographed by a photographer, published in newspapers, and quickly spread throughout Madrid and Spain. Become a "famous scene".

Later, when the Madrid Kings won the championship, the Kings fans also chose to celebrate here. It was a bit disgusting to the Pirates fans. Your goddess is now wearing our King's scarf around her neck, and she is also wearing the Kings team flag!

So the fans of the two teams then launched a protracted "battle for the goddess."

and continues to this day.

Whoever can win the championship can possess the goddess, enjoy the right to ride in the elevator, and hang the team's scarf and flag around the goddess's neck.

From the mid-1980s to the late 1990s, it was the peak period of the Madrid Kings. In fifteen years, they won eight league championships, six Copa del Rey championships, and two Champions League championships.

It's a real win.

Kings fans also win.

Because they almost regarded the Plaza de la Harvest as their own backyard. The 20 years between the 1980s and 1990s were the lowest point for Madrid Pirates. They only won two Copa del Rey championships and not even a league championship.

The live broadcast of La Liga entered China in the mid-1990s. Why are there so many Kings of Madrid fans in China? Because when La Liga live broadcast was introduced into the country, it was the time when the Kings were at their most prosperous. Many fans fell in love with the Kings of Madrid in red and were impressed by their nobility and power.

Because at that time, you could often see in the news that after the Madrid King won the championship, the team and fans celebrated in the Harvest Goddess Square, which made many Chinese fans think that the Harvest Goddess Square was a place exclusively for the Madrid King to celebrate the victory.

Later in the new century, they were surprised to see the Madrid Pirates celebrating in the Plaza de la Harvest after winning the championship.

Of course, they all know it now. This is because both teams chose the same place to celebrate their championship.

There are situations in world football where two teams share a stadium and are mortal enemies of each other. But it’s really rare for sworn enemies to share a place to celebrate victory...

In the 1990s, fans of the Madrid Kings once asked Pirates fans to withdraw from the Plaza de la Harvest and find another place to celebrate the championship.

Their reason is that the King celebrates more often here, which has closely integrated the Plaza de la Harvest with the Madrid Kings Club. The whole world knows that this is the place where the King celebrates his championship. They no longer want to share this place with pirates, but want to legitimately dominate the Harvest Goddess.

Madrid Pirates fans certainly disagreed, and this arrogant statement greatly angered them. In order to prevent the King of Madrid from coming here to celebrate, the pirates worked very hard every time they met the king.

After understanding this period of history, you can know why the Madrid Pirates and Sevilla Navigators are also mortal enemies. When the Navigators lost to the Kings, it was not just as simple as allowing the Kings to win a league championship, but also started a 15-year history of the Kings. During the glorious period of 2000, they almost turned the Harvest Goddess Square into their own private property.

Pirates fans regard the Sevilla Navigators as accomplices of the King and are naturally unkind to them.

Until now, in the 1920s of the 21st century, the two teams continue to compete tit-for-tat for the Harvest Goddess.

On the giant TIF displayed by Madrid Pirates fans, in addition to the harvest goddess Sibeles wearing a Pirates jersey, there are also vertical images of all 25 players of the Madrid Pirates first team.

Unlike the Kings, who only put a few representative stars on the TIF, Pirates fans can’t miss anyone from the first team and put them all on the wall.

The Pirates, who have to go against the Kings in everything, do this because they hope to show their unity. The first team, regardless of their fame or worth, is a part of the team. In this case, it should be enjoyed by thousands of people at TIF.

So before the start of each season, Pirates fans are very busy. They need to re-create a huge TIF and update this giant "family portrait."

Above the family portrait is the slogan of the Pirates of Madrid:

"We represent Madrid!"

As a club with more fans in Madrid, they have nothing wrong with saying that. Although the Kings of Madrid are a top powerhouse, they are not as good at taking root in Madrid as their rivals, the Pirates.

Before the game even started, the fans of the two teams started fighting in this way.

The Kings fans around Han Shuyu were particularly excited, especially when the Pirates players came out to warm up. They raised their middle fingers at the opposing players and cursed loudly even though the Pirates players had not done anything yet.

It does not matter. Because even if nothing has been done in this game, something has been done in previous games. From the standpoint of a mortal enemy, how could the rival's players not do evil?

So, it’s okay to scold.

If it were Han Shuyu in the past, he would actually enjoy this kind of atmosphere.

It can even be said that the reason why she is willing to come to watch games such as Madrid Derby and El Clasico and spend so much money is just for the atmosphere of sharing the same hatred and the same enemy.

She had booked the tickets for this game ten days in advance, but not from the official website, but from a ticket seller...

As a Madrid Kings fan, she spent 40 euros to buy a Kings fan card when she came to study in Madrid, Spain. The guide she read at first said that with this card, she could buy tickets to Kings games two days earlier than ordinary tourists.


But after actually buying it, I realized that this card is actually useless.

If there is an important game, even members of the Madrid Kings may not be able to grab tickets, let alone this fan card.

For example, in today's local derby, she spent 500 euros to buy it from a ticket seller. The face value of the ticket was only seventy-five euros, but the ticket seller sold it to her for more than six times the price. She also had to learn a piece of trivia. In fact, the tickets for die-hard fans in the stands were actually lower, and there was no east or west side that was more suitable for watching football. Grandstand ticket prices are high.

My heart was bleeding when I transferred money to the ticket dealer.

Even with the video revenue at station B, this is still a huge expense of 500 euros, which is nearly 3,600 yuan!

However, in order to witness the local derby live and record her own VLG watching the game, she still gritted her teeth and paid.

It was only when Han Shuyu stood in front of the seats in the South Stand that she regretted that she should not have bought the ticket in the North Stand.

Because she was worried that if she couldn't help but cheer when Hu Lai scored, she would be beaten by the grumpy old guys around her...

Today's Madrid derby was a very novel experience for Han Shuyu.

Just like when she was interviewed by Wang Shanshan outside the stadium.

When Wang Shanshan asked her who she expected to win the game, her answer was: "I hope the Kings win, but Hu Lai scores..."

Like her outfit for this game, she wore a light gray sports coat from the Madrid Kings to show her identity as a Madrid Kings fan. But inside this coat, there is also a red... Chinese team's No. 14 jersey.

This is how she feels now:

Tangled, extremely tangled.

She looked at the other three stands and saw bright five-star red flags.

This made Han Shuyu envious: if she were not in the North Stand, she could show her identity as a Chinese fan unscrupulously. Especially in the south stand where the visiting team fans are, even the Spanish fans are holding Chinese flags!

They were cheering for Hu Lai.

But the Kings of Madrid do not have Chinese players, so there is not a red flag in the north stand. Instead, there are many white flags with the Kings of Madrid logo waving. The flag of the Kings of Madrid is different from the color of their home jersey. It is not red, but white. .


Hu Lai and his teammates finished their warm-up and returned to the locker room.

During the warm-up, he was booed by many Madrid Kings fans.

Based on what he had done to the King of Madrid, it was not unusual for him to be treated like this.

However, Hu Lai did not feel uneasy, on the contrary, he was quite excited.


This is a derby!

Even if you don't do anything, you will be booed and scolded just because of your status as a mortal enemy!

They say "there is no football without derby", so today his football career can be considered complete.

Head coach Parotti is using the last moment to give everyone instructions:

"What this game means to us, I don't need to tell you. The Kings are a very aggressive team. You must pay special attention during the game, control your emotions, keep your head clear, and don't be fooled by their actions. It makes me lose my mind... I know that derby can easily make people... get distracted."

The good old man smiled when he said this, as if he was talking about an ordinary game rather than a fierce city derby.

At this moment, Hu Lai was in the system space exchanging himself for [Broken Bear Leg Guards] and [Worn Bear Jersey], and then equipped them.

He didn't use [Lingxi Card] on his teammates. He felt it was unnecessary, and 300,000 points were too expensive...

The main reason for choosing [Broken Bear Leg Guards] is to protect yourself.

As we all know, although the King of Madrid bears the title of "King", his playing style is not "aristocratic" but "full of martial virtue".

They emphasize the game spirit of "never give up and fight to the end".

After all, Luis Cuellar, who broke other people's legs on the court and also broke his own leg, is a legend of the Madrid King. After his retirement, a life-size statue stood outside the Crown Stadium.

This man is the best interpretation of the spirit of the King of Madrid.

As the head coach of the Kings, Roy Wei once explained why this team is so "rough".

He said: "Our players are all knights under the king's command. Knights need to go to the battlefield, and there is no need for cowards on the battlefield."

At this moment, Royvi was roaring at his players in the locker room:

"...From the first minute of the game, we have to fight them hard! We compete for the ball in the center circle! We compete for the ball in the corner flag area! We compete for the ball outside the penalty arc, we compete for the ball in the penalty area... Fight for the ball with them in every corner of the court! Remember, the glory of the king is defended with guns and blood!"

The team's center back Peralta yelled: "Kill the Pirates bastards!"

There were roars in the locker room.

Although Merry did not follow his teammates and scream like a monkey, he clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and looked solemn.

For every Madrid Kings player, it seems that they are not playing a game, but are going to a battlefield where bullets and bullets rain and you will die.

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