Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 95 A wonderful day

"Don't pay too much attention, Merry. They are just a gust of wind. When this trend passes in two days, they will not discuss it."

So said the agent Alfonso Candela who welcomed Melly home.

Even before the game ended, there was a debate about Melly and Hulay on the Internet.

The debate intensified as the game ended.

Because the result of the game is obvious, the current public opinion on the Internet is generally unfavorable to Meili.

Most people still think Hu Lai's performance is better.

Candela worried that losing both the team and personally would hit Melli.

Unexpectedly, Melly's reaction was better than he expected.

"I don't care, Alfonso," Mellie said, leaving his backpack on the floor. "Since I chose Hu as my opponent, this is the inevitable result. If I win this game, then Hu will also suffer the same thing. I think he should also know this."

After hearing this, Candela finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Oh, it's great that you think so. As a consolation, I'll treat you to dinner."

"Not Violet." Merry shook his head.

"Of course I won't go. I'm afraid it's all dominated by Pirates players now..."

Because there are many players from both sides in the town of Herrera, as the highest-end restaurant in the town, it is naturally a place frequented by players from both sides.

It is not uncommon for Kings players to encounter rival players there.

But after a derby, the winning side will most likely go to this restaurant to celebrate. It was the same after winning the championship.

Under such circumstances, there is no need for the sworn enemy to seek trouble.

It's like the Harvest Goddess Square, except that the square is fought over by fans, and the Violet Restaurant is a place where players celebrate.

Generally speaking, before every derby, players from both sides will reserve a seat at the Violet Restaurant in advance.

Then after the game is over, the winning party goes to eat together, and the losing party cancels the reservation.

If it's a tie...someone will go,

If someone doesn’t go, it doesn’t matter.

The restaurant also understands this very well and has made preparations in advance to receive players from both sides.

Over the past ten years, this has almost become a small tradition at this restaurant.


As Mellie said, many Pirates players did show up at the Violet Restaurant after the game.

They gathered here to celebrate their victory in the Derby.

However, the important contributor to the team's victory did not appear here.

"It's such a shame, it would be great if Hu could come too..." someone sighed.

"I'm afraid it's hard for him to come. We all brought our families, how can he bring him? His girlfriend from the Kings Women's Football Team will come with us to celebrate the Pirates' victory over the Kings?" Joaquin Vela spread his hands. "If he was photographed then, it would obviously get his girlfriend into trouble and controversy."

Hu Lai indeed used this reason to refuse to attend everyone's victory dinner, and it was hard for everyone to say anything.

This is a very real problem.

Hu Lai and his girlfriend belong to two rival teams. Although the men's and women's football teams don't interact with each other most of the time, no one will take them seriously as long as they keep a low profile. But if the person involved insists on provocation in a high-profile manner, that's another matter.

After the King of Madrid just lost, it was a wise choice not to bring his girlfriend to the dinner party to avoid irritating the King of Madrid fans.

"Then he won't be able to attend our victory party in the future?" Toni asked.

Ion smiled and said: "Of course, as long as we stipulate in advance that next time we are not allowed to bring family members!"

Toni, whose wife was sitting next to him, pretended not to hear and did not answer his words.

"Let's not worry about Hu. I believe he must be happier than us now!" Ion held up the wine glass, "Come on, guys, let us celebrate today's victory! This is the first time in four seasons that we have The Kings overthrew them at home. Let us keep up the good work, and when this season is over, we will gather here again to celebrate the complete defeat of the Kings!"


"Isn't it a pity that I can't celebrate the victory with my teammates because of my fault?"

Sitting at the dining table, Li Qingqing raised her chin and asked Hu Lai opposite him.

Hu Lai shook his head like a rattle: "How can you be regretful? What's there to regret? Dining with a bunch of stinky men is not as good as eating the beef and potatoes you cooked at home?"

"Your desire to survive is a little too strong!" Li Qingqing smiled happily when he heard this, and then explained: "Hey, I'm worried about your popularity in the team..."

"My popularity is fine, don't worry." Hu Lai patted his chest. "Look at my celebration after scoring the first goal in the game. It was actually improvised by me. As a result, my teammates immediately understood what I meant and actively cooperated with me. Look at my popularity!"

"It was a last-minute idea?" Li Qingqing's eyes widened, "I thought you guys had discussed it."

"No. I just suddenly remembered and hoped to mislead my opponent again..."

Li Qingqing thought of what Hu Lai said in the post-match interview, just like this celebration. Obviously Hu Lai wanted to make everyone think that his left foot was weak.

So she had to point out: "I don't think your tricks can deceive many people. After all, two left-footed goals in one game are difficult to explain by 'luck'. If you really want to deceive people, , you should only score a goal with your left foot..."

Hu Lai didn't care very much: "It doesn't matter, anyway, I don't expect to deceive many people, and how long it can be deceived. If you can deceive one person, you can keep it hidden for as long as you can."

But in fact, Hu Lai didn't really think so. At least it wasn't his idea before he scored the first goal.

He originally planned to only score one goal with his left foot, and then use this to influence Peralta's judgment, increase the difficulty and cost of his defensive choices, and thereby reduce the defensive pressure on himself.

This way you will have more chances to score.

To put it bluntly, why do you have to improve your left-foot scoring ability? Isn’t it to make the opponent not know which foot to guard when defending him?

Although he still doesn't have the magic power of his left foot, he can use this left foot goal to mislead Peralta.

But just after he scored with his left foot, he found that the system had updated the series of tasks.

He was asked to score five goals in total with his left foot. The ball just now is not counted, and the count starts from zero now.

In addition to 50,000 points, the mission reward also includes a bottle of [Recovery Ointment]. At the same time, start the next phase of the task.

The rewards are still not huge.

But considering that he only needs to score five goals with his left foot, and there are follow-up tasks, Hu Lai will naturally not ignore it.

So he chose to use his right foot to complete the fake move in the subsequent game instead of trying to lure Peralta with his left foot.

Sure enough, the first left-footed goal completed this task.

The mission progress now shows "1/5", and there are still four balls left to complete the mission.

Of course, even if there are only four balls left, this task is not easy to complete.

Because Hu Lai's left foot ability is not good enough to hit wherever he points, the main scorer must be his right foot.

If he forces himself to use his left foot more in order to complete the task, it may affect his scoring efficiency. Then the gain outweighs the loss.

This task will be gradually completed as his left foot improves, and he will not deliberately pursue the number of goals with his left foot in future games.

Besides... after the game against the Kings of Madrid, it is estimated that in the next period of time, opponents will know to guard his left foot, and he will not get too many opportunities with his left foot.

At this time, we should continue to be, we should continue to develop in a low-key manner.

You still need to continue training your left foot, but don’t put too much hope in your current left foot.

In the next game, use whatever foot you want. He will not deliberately not use his left foot like before, because it is no longer necessary.

What he did before was just to taint the King of Madrid.

Now that the king has been successfully tricked, there is no need to continue doing this, as it would appear fake.

After all, from a normal person's point of view, he has already scored with his left foot in the game, but the biggest abnormality is that he does not use his left foot to shoot in the next game...

If there is a chance to shoot with his left foot, Hu Lai will not let it go.

In short, all behaviors must comply with normal logic.

It's just like his long shot.

He has the ability to score from long range, but he won't use it frequently. Take a kick when you have the chance, cheer and celebrate if you can score, and it doesn't matter if you can't.

"I don't think about the left foot now. There is one more important thing than the left foot." Hu Lai's face suddenly became solemn.

"Is there anything else important?" Li Qingqing opened his eyes slightly and asked doubtfully.

"I was thinking about how you would avenge the king tonight!"

Li Qingqing was stunned for a moment, then his whole face turned red instantly, and he spat: "Rogue!"

Hu Lai laughed heartily, not ashamed, but proud.

During the day, I won the game against my mortal enemy, and at night, I slept with my dear ones... What a wonderful day!

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