Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 98 HUUUUU Challenge

John's little daughter saw her father coming back from watching the game at Flanders Stadium with a sad expression on his face, so she asked strangely: "Didn't Leeds City win? Why don't you look very happy, Dad?"

"Win is a win, I'm just thinking about things that have nothing to do with the game..."

"Can you tell me what it is, dad?"

John glanced at his cute and well-behaved little daughter, and finally said what was bothering him.

Although he told David Miller all his plans during the game, it was just a very vague idea. What should be done specifically to have a big enough influence that Hu Lai could not ignore it? John had no concrete plans.

Or make a call on the fans forum like before the last Europa League final?

Of course he will do this, but John just feels that the influence of this is not big enough, and the effect may not meet his expectations. After all, there is not much time left for him, and it is a bit slow to do it in the traditional way...

After hearing her father's troubles, the little daughter laughed.

Things that her father found troublesome were nothing to her.

She laughed and said, "Why can't dad use TikTok to promote it?"


"Yes, in terms of speed of communication and influence, I think TikTok is much better than Twitter, Facebook, etc."

Of course John knows that young people prefer things like TikTok, and his youngest daughter is particularly addicted to it.

So he asked: "What exactly should we do?"

"I think Dad, you can start a 'Hu's celebration imitation show' on TikTok, and make the sound of 'HUUUUU' while doing the movements. But don't make this an event only for Leeds City fans, but We need to promote it as much as possible so that more people who are not Leeds City fans know about it and are willing to participate... I believe it will be successful."

The words of his youngest daughter opened the door to a new world for John.

His eyes gleamed when he heard it, and his intuition told him that his daughter's method was quite feasible.

“Of course you have to try your best to contact some Internet celebrities or people with enough influence.

Come and join this event. It's like pushing a snowball on the top of a hill. As long as you apply a force to the snowball at the beginning to make it move, the snowball will grow bigger and bigger. Are you still afraid that Hu won’t know when the time comes? "

John hugged his daughter: "Aha! This is such a good idea! I know what to do! Thank you, Chelsea!"


Matthew Miller was lying in bed scrolling through TikTok when he suddenly saw a familiar figure appear on the screen of his phone.

I saw this figure sprinting and jumping in his backyard, turning 180 degrees in the air, spreading his legs, waving his hands down, making Hu Lai's signature celebration!

As he landed, he shouted: "HUUUUU!!"

After shouting, he pointed to the camera and said: "Tuesday, September 28th, Flanders Stadium is waiting for you, Hu!"

The subtitles are shining on the screen:

"[HUUUUU] The challenge is waiting for you!"

Little Matthew stared at the screen dumbfounded for a while. After several seconds, he seemed to suddenly come to his senses. He jumped up from the bed, rushed out of the bedroom barefoot, and rushed downstairs.

"Dad! Dad! Look!"

David Miller, who was in the living room, was disturbed by his son's voice and asked impatiently: "What are you watching?"

The son raised the phone screen to his eyes and dialed it again.

"HUUUUU!! The Flanders Stadium is waiting for you on Tuesday, September 28th, Hu!"

David Miller's eyes widened: "John?!"

The man in the picture imitating Hulay's celebration is none other than his old buddy John Falkingham!

He swiped the phone screen with his hand and found that the next video had the same content: a person made a Hu Lai celebration and shouted "HUUUU" when he landed. At the end of the video, he pointed at the camera and repeated John What he said:

"Tuesday, September 28th, the Flanders Stadium is waiting for you, Hu!"

It's just that the person is not John Falkinghan, but another Leeds City fan Neil Mullin who they are all familiar with.

When he did this, he used the front of his big truck as the background.

Neil Mullin’s appeal among Leeds City fans is huge.

David Miller scrolled down and found many similar videos.

They should all be Leeds City fans, both male and female. They made the same actions and said the same words on different occasions.

The name is "HUUUUU Challenge", and it's also Solitaire.

Little Matthew looked at the video on the phone screen and said, "So this is what Uncle John said?"

David Miller came back to his senses and turned to look at his son: "Let's take pictures too!"

"Okay!" Little Matthew answered simply.

He thought it was quite fun.


"...Recently, a large number of videos imitating Hu's celebrations after scoring have appeared on the social platform TikTok. Compared with other players' celebrations, Hu's celebrations are indeed more distinctive and easier to imitate... This activity quickly caused a stir With the attention and interest of other netizens, more and more imitation videos have appeared on TikTok. Whether they are Leeds City fans or not, they are keen to imitate Hu..."

"The imitation show reached its climax with rumors that anyone who could accurately recreate Hu's celebrations at all McDonald's restaurants in Leeds would get a free meal. So the imitation show reached a climax. A large number of fans flocked to various McDonald's restaurants to make the same impression. All kinds of celebrations, trying to get rid of orders...Although McDonald's stores refuted the rumors and denied that they were conducting this activity, they still couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the fans..."

In the news footage, someone suddenly rushed to the McDonald's ordering counter, made a celebratory gesture, and then shouted "HUUUUU!!"

It attracted the attention of the people around him.

The person who shot the video can also be heard laughing from behind the frame.

"...Although McDonald's free order event is just a rumor, another famous British Chinese restaurant chain 'Red Chili' has announced that from now (September 26) to September 28, all All four Red Chili Peppers Chinese restaurants in the UK have launched a 50% discount. As long as you make a wild celebration in the restaurant, you can get a 50% discount on your order. This decision caused a sensation, and front reporters in London and Leeds I saw a long queue outside the Red Chili Pepper restaurant..."

"We interviewed several random partygoers and some of them were not even Leeds City fans, nor Hu fans. They had just heard that they could enjoy five meals a day at the famous chain Chinese restaurant just by imitating Hu's celebrations. Discount…”

"We contacted Mr. John Falkingham, the Leeds City fan who initiated this event. He said that he did not expect this matter to have such a big impact. His original intention was just to express Leeds in this way. City fans support and miss Hu..."

Then John appeared on the news screen, and he said directly to the camera: "...Uh, yes, this activity was originally initiated by me...I just, uh, hope that in this way, Hu will notice, because we I have a small voice in my heart that I want to tell him..."

The reporter who interviewed him was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he was just here to investigate an ordinary pop culture incident, but it would unfold like this.

"Ah? What kind of feelings do you want to tell Hu?"

"We hope that if Hu scores a goal in the next game against Leeds City... he will not refuse to celebrate, and he will still make his signature celebration at Flanders Stadium as he has done countless times before. !”

The reporter was stunned: "Why?!"

No matter how good the fans feel about the departing player, they don't want that player to celebrate after scoring a goal against their team.

On the contrary, if a player chooses not to celebrate against his old team, he will win applause from the fans.

This is an expression of affection and justice in football, and it is an unspoken rule.

As a reporter, he believed that it would be reasonable for Hulay not to celebrate after scoring in the next game against Leeds City.

If he does, Leeds City fans should be happy too.

But why... Leeds City fans hope that Hulay can celebrate after scoring against Leeds City?

"Because we want Hu to know how much Leeds City fans love him."


"Well done, John!" David Miller raised his glass and shouted to John Falkingham in the bar. "I believe that after the media reports, it will definitely attract Hu's attention! He must also know our good intentions!"

Others also raised their glasses to congratulate John.

John himself was not very happy. He did not respond to the enthusiasm of his companions, but shook his head slightly: "But I don't know if this is useful, guys."

David Miller patted him on the shoulder: "Hey! We have tried our best and done everything we can. The remaining things should not be considered by us. Leave them all to God and let him decide. Are our efforts effective?”

"Yes, David is right." Levin said next to him, "No matter what decision Hu makes, I support his decision."

"Well. Even if we don't have the chance to roar out that sound at the scene in the end, through this event, I believe many Spanish Pirates fans will also notice that sooner or later they will be like us!" David Miller raised his hand again Wine, "Let's drink to John and to Hu's return home!"



After Han Shuyu put the mobile phone clamped on the stand, he turned on the video recording function and then exited the shooting area.

With the sound of "HUUUUU!!", she jumped from outside the camera into the camera.

After finishing, she quickly ran to the phone and picked it up to see the shooting effect.

If you're not satisfied, put it back and try again.

To make sure she could jump into the middle of the shot, she even made a mark on the floor of her dormitory.

Just practice this over and over again.

The result of this shoot looks better than any previous one.

Han Shuyu considered whether to simply process the video and post it on Douyin to complete the "HUUUUU challenge."

At this moment, a new message popped up on her WeChat mobile phone.

Sender: Sister Shanshan

Content: Shuyu, are you interested in being a non-staff reporter for our sports channel?

Han Shuyu's eyes widened.

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